63 research outputs found

    Permanecer na Universidade: Sentidos Atribuídos ao Trabalho por Docentes Aposentados

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    Atualmente, é perceptível a centralidade do trabalho na vida do indivíduo, do mesmo modo que encontramos trabalhadores mais velhos nas organizações. Assim, o estudo buscou compreender os sentidos atribuídos ao trabalho pelos docentes aposentados que permanecem com atividades numa universidade pública federal, sob a luz da psicodinâmica do trabalho. O estudo foi qualitativo e com o método de histórias de vida, através de 11 entrevistas episódicas com docentes aposentados, trabalhando voluntariamente, nos programas de mestrado e doutorado, tendo como foco suas trajetórias profissionais. A análise de conteúdo temática revelou que os docentes atribuem sentido ao trabalho por apreciarem sua profissão e contribuírem para o desenvolvimento da instituição e da sociedade. As vivências de prazer residem no reconhecimento do trabalho e desenvolvimento dos alunos. O sofrimento expressa-se nas dificuldades com as condições de trabalho e os conflitos entre trabalho prescrito e real. Estratégias de defesa emergiram nos depoimentos e a maioria dos participantes relatou enfrentar as dificuldades que surgem no trabalho

    GEMAS: CNS concentrations and C/N ratios in European agricultural soil

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    A reliable overview of measured concentrations of TC, TN and TS, TOC/TN ratios, and their regional distribution patterns in agricultural soil at the continental scale and based on measured data has been missing – despite much previous work on local and the European scales. Detection and mapping of natural (ambient) background element concentrations and variability in Europe was the focus of this work. While total C and S data had been presented in the GEMAS atlas already, this work delivers more precise (lower limit of determination) and fully quantitative data, and for the first time high-quality TN data


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    Este estudo teve por objetivo descrever a utilização das tecnologias educacionais como estratégia para a Educação Permanente das Comissões de Revisão de Óbito. Trata-se de um estudo de intervenção educativa realizado em 2020 pela equipe da Gerência de Informação e Análise da Situação em Saúde (GIASS) da Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal, realizado em 2020 e que envolveu três etapas: identificação dos problemas, uso das Tecnologias Educacionais e avaliação do processo. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de frequência relativa e absoluta e apresentadas em forma de tabelas e gráficos. Há aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa para esse estudo. Em 2019, houve baixo percentual dos registros (16%) dos óbitos no FormSUS, indicando que as Comissões ainda não estavam estruturadas para execução da investigação da causa básica de óbito. Desse modo, as tecnologias educacionais foram úteis para aprimorar o processo de trabalho das Comissões. A partir dessa experiência foi possível ter uma devolutiva das informações em tempo oportuno, com maior adesão ao FormSUS em 2020 (36%), pelas Comissões. A intervenção possibilitou melhoria no registro dos dados disponibilizados pelas comissões por meio do FormSUS e consequentemente viabilizou a qualificação do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade de forma rápida e eficaz.This study aimed to describe the use of educational technologies as a strategy for the permanent education of death review commissions. This is an educational intervention study carried out in 2020 by the Federal District Department of Health investigative team and which involved three stages: identification of problems, use of educational technologies, and process evaluation. Data analysis was performed using relative and absolute frequencies and presented in the form of tables and graphs. Approval was granted by the Research Ethics Committee for this study. In 2019, there was a low percentage of records (16%) of deaths on FormSUS, indicating that death review commissions were not yet structured to properly carry out investigations concerning the basic cause of death. Educational technologies were useful for improving the work process of death review commissions. Based on this experience, it was possible to guarantee the information was returned in a timely manner and with greater adhesion to FormSUS in 2020 (36%), on the part of death review commissions. The intervention made it possible to improve the registration of data made available by the commissions through the FormSUS and, consequently, enabled to qualify the Mortality Information System quickly and effectively.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir el uso de tecnologías educativas como estrategia para la educación permanente de las comisiones de revisión de la muerte. Se trata de un estudio de intervención educativa realizado en 2020 por el equipo investigador del Departamento de Salud del Distrito Federal y que involucró tres etapas: identificación de problemas, uso de tecnologías educativas y evaluación de procesos. El análisis de los datos se realizó utilizando frecuencias relativas y absolutas y se presentó en forma de tablas y gráficos. La aprobación fue otorgada por el Comité de Ética en Investigación para este estudio. En 2019, hubo un bajo porcentaje de registros (16%) de muertes en FormSUS, lo que indica que las comisiones de revisión de muertes aún no estaban estructuradas para llevar a cabo adecuadamente las investigaciones sobre la causa básica de muerte. Las tecnologías educativas fueron útiles para mejorar el proceso de trabajo de las comisiones de revisión de defunciones. Con base en esta experiencia, fue posible garantizar que la información fuera devuelta en tiempo y forma y con mayor adhesión a FormSUS en 2020 (36%), por parte de las comisiones de revisión de defunciones. La intervención permitió mejorar el registro de los datos puestos a disposición por las comisiones a través del FormSUS y, en consecuencia, permitió calificar el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad de manera rápida y efectiva

    Bioestimulantes aplicados em sementes e plantas de milho doces sob condições de estresse abiótico / Bioestimulants applied to seeds and sweet corn plants under abiotic stress conditions

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    No intuito de melhorar a qualidade de sementes de milho super doce, novas tecnologias vêm sendo incorporadas aos sistemas de produção. Dentre elas, a utilização de bioestimulantes são consideradas estratégias agronômicas promissoras para o incremento da produtividade. Objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade das sementes de milho super doce sob condições de estresse hídrico com a utilização de bioestimulantes. As sementes dos híbridos (BRS Vivi, Tropical Plus) foram submetidas ao tratamento com os produtos Booster®, Vitakelp® e Stimulate®. Após os tratamentos a qualidade fisiológica das sementes foram avaliadas pelo teste de primeira contagem de germinação, germinação final, emergência de plântulas, índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE) e teste frio. Adotou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições em esquema fatorial, sendo 4x4x2para germinação, sendo três bioestimulantes mais a testemunha, quatros potenciais osmóticos (0 -0,3, -0,6, -0,9 Mpa) e 2 temperaturas (25 e 30°C). Enquanto para os demais testes foi utilizado o esquema fatorial 4x4 (três bioestimulantes mais a testemunha e 4 condições de déficit hídrico). O bioestimulante Booster® é mais eficiente para o tratamento das sementes de milho super doce. Existem diferenças das respostas das cultivares em relação aos bioestimulantes. Sob condições de estresse, os bioestimulantes têm efeito positivo no estabelecimento das plântulas

    Citizen Science Data on Urban Forageable Plants:A Case Study in Brazil

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    This paper presents two key data sets derived from the Pomar Urbano project. The first data set is a comprehensive catalog of edible fruit-bearing plant species, native or introduced in Brazil. The second data set, sourced from the iNaturalist platform, tracks the distribution and monitoring of these plants within urban landscapes across Brazil. The study encompasses data from all 27 Brazilian state capitals, focusing on the ten cities that contributed the most observations as of August 2023. The research emphasizes the significance of citizen science in urban biodiversity monitoring and its potential to contribute to various fields, including food and nutrition, creative industry, study of plant phenology, and machine learning applications. We expect the data sets to serve as a resource for further studies in urban foraging, food security, cultural ecosystem services, and environmental sustainability

    Optimizing the Monitoring of Urban Fruit-Bearing Flora with Citizen Science:An Overview of the Pomar Urbano Initiative

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    The "Pomar Urbano" (Urban Orchard) project focuses on the collaborative monitoring of fruit-bearing plant species in urban areas throughout Brazil.The project collected a list of 411 fruit-bearing plant species (Soares et al. 2023), both native and exotic varieties found in Brazil. This list was selected from two main sources: the book Brazilian Fruits and Cultivated Exotics (Lorenzi et al. 2006) and the book series Plants for the Future, which includes volumes specifically dedicated to species of economic value in different regions of Brazil, namely the South (Coradin et al. 2011), Midwest (Vieira et al. 2016), Northeast (Coradin et al. 2018) and North (Coradin et al. 2022). To ensure broad geographic coverage, the project spans all 27 state capitals of Brazil. The data collection process relies on the iNaturalist Umbrella and Collection projects. Each state capital has a single collection project, including the fruit-bearing plant species list, and the locality restriction to that specific city. For example, the collection project Pomar Paulistano gathers data from the city of São Paulo. The Umbrella Project Urban Orchard was set to track data from all 27 collection projects.We firmly believe that these fruit-bearing plant species possess multifaceted value that extends beyond mere consumption. As such, we have assembled a dynamic and multidisciplinary team comprising professionals from various institutions across Brazil in a collaborative effort that encompasses different dimensions of biodiversity value exploration and monitoring, especially phenological data.One facet of our team is focused on creating products inspired by the diverse array of Brazilian fruit-bearing plants. Their work spans across sectors of the creative industry, including fashion, painting, and graphic design to infuse these natural elements into innovative and sustainable designs (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).A group of nutrition and health scientists in conjunction with communication and marketing professionals is working to produce engaging media content centered around food recipes that incorporate Brazilian fruits (Fig. 3). These recipes primarily feature the fruit-bearing plants most frequently observed on iNaturalist in the city of São Paulo, allowing us to showcase the local biodiversity while promoting culinary diversity. Some of these recipes are based on the book Brazilian Biodiversity: Flavors and Aromas (Santiago and Coradin 2018). This book is an extensive compendium of food recipes that use fruits derived from native Brazilian species

    Leveraging citizen science for monitoring urban forageable plants

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    Urbanization brings forth social challenges in emerging countries such as Brazil, encompassing food scarcity, health deterioration, air pollution, and biodiversity loss. Despite this, urban areas like the city of São Paulo still boast ample green spaces, offering opportunities for nature appreciation and conservation, enhancing city resilience and livability. Citizen science is a collaborative endeavor between professional scientists and nonprofessional scientists in scientific research that may help to understand the dynamics of urban ecosystems. We believe citizen science has the potential to promote human and nature connection in urban areas and provide useful data on urban biodiversity

    Citizen science data on urban forageable plants:a case study in Brazil

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    This paper presents two key data sets derived from the Pomar Urbano project. The first data set is a comprehensive catalog of edible fruit-bearing plant species, native or introduced to Brazil. The second data set, sourced from the iNaturalist platform, tracks the distribution and monitoring of these plants within urban landscapes across Brazil. The study includes data from the capitals of all 27 federative units of Brazil, focusing on the ten cities that contributed the most observations as of August 2023. The research emphasizes the significance of citizen science in urban biodiversity monitoring and its potential to contribute to various fields, including food and nutrition, creative industry, study of plant phenology, and machine learning applications. We expect the data sets presented in this paper to serve as resources for further studies in urban foraging, food security, cultural ecosystem services, and environmental sustainability