3 research outputs found

    Quality evaluation of minoxidil topical solutions obtained from magistral pharmacies

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate quality parameters of magistral topical solutions containing minoxidil (A, B and C), comparing the results with the ones obtained for the industrial formulation. Organoleptic tests, evaluation of the pH and density, centrifuge test, drug content determination, comparison of indicated dosages and in vitro follicular penetration of minoxidil were performed. Regarding the organoleptic properties, differences in color and viscosity were observed between the magistral (composed of minoxidil sulfate) and the industrial formulations (composed of minoxidil base). For pH values, the magistral solutions presented considerably more acidic pH, compared to the industrial sample. For the density test, the samples with the highest ethanol percentages (B and C) presented lower density. In the centrifuge test, none of the samples showed changes. Considering the drug content test, only the industrial sample and the magistral sample C showed drug percentage within the expected (90-110%), indicating lack of correction factor determination by the magistral pharmacies. Furthermore, it was observed that the dosage indicated by the magistral pharmacies do not correspond to the dose indicated by the industry, being significantly lower. All topical solutions tested presented hair follicle penetration of minoxildil, without statistical difference. The results indicate that there is a failure in the magistral pharmacies regarding the production and the indication of dosage of minoxidil topical solutions

    Evaluation of the satisfaction level of patients attended by a pharmaceutical care program in a private communitarian pharmacy in Vitória (ES, Brazil)

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    The present study was designed to evaluate the satisfaction of users of a Pharmaceutical Care (PC) service in a private communitarian pharmacy in Vitória (ES, Brazil). In this transversal observational study, patient interviews were performed by an experimenter that had no relationship with the establishments evaluated. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire used a five point Likert scale, in which smaller numbers represented lower levels of satisfaction. For comparison, user satisfaction was also evaluated for two pharmaceutical establishments that do not have standardized PC services. In these cases, age-matched patients were selected randomly. A higher level of satisfaction was reported by users of the PC service, with values between three and five. The higher averages for the establishment with PC service were the result of greater perceived pharmacist interest in the patient's health. As the same results were not obtained by the services without PC, it was concluded that this practice is very important to the satisfaction level of users of pharmacy services.<br>O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a satisfação de usuários de um serviço de atenção farmacêutica, implantado em uma farmácia comunitária privada no município de Vitória - ES. Trata-se de um estudo observacional de corte transversal, cuja coleta dos dados se deu por meio da aplicação de um questionário de satisfação. O instrumento foi aplicado por indivíduo treinado e sem vínculo com os estabelecimentos avaliados. Foi utilizada uma escala de intensidade de cinco pontos do tipo Likert, cujo menor número representa a opção "ruim" e o maior à opção "excelente". Também foi avaliado, para efeito de comparação, o nível de satisfação de usuários de dois outros estabelecimentos farmacêuticos que não possuíam esta prática implantada. Neste caso, os pacientes foram selecionados de forma aleatória, porém pareados pela idade. Foi obtido um alto nível de satisfação dos usuários do serviço de atenção farmacêutica. Os valores obtidos estavam entre 3 e 5, numa escala que varia de 1 a 5 pontos, sendo que as médias mais altas se referiam ao interesse do farmacêutico pela saúde do paciente. Como nos demais estabelecimentos o nível de satisfação foi inferior, foi possível concluir que o serviço de atenção farmacêutica foi o responsável pelo excelente resultado obtido