298 research outputs found

    Castro de Vila Nova de S. Pedro

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    The Ottoman empire in early modern Austrian history : assessment and perspectives

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    This paper discusses the over-focalisation on the Mediterranean area of historians of the early modern Euro-Ottoman relationship and it offers a critical assessment of the numerous studies conducted by historians of the Habsburg Monarchy over thirty years. It shows that the histories of the Austrian monarchy and of the Ottoman Empire were interdependent and that war is a marginal element in their relationship. This paper emphasises the political use of the Ottoman history by Austrian scholars from Hammer-Purgstall’s essential enterprise to the violent contestation of Samuel Huntington and his civilizational pattern. Cultural history, trade and diplomacy appear as the three ways of the Austrian historiographical shift, which nevertheless calls nowadays for a more pragmatic approach

    As organizações não governamentais de ambiente (ONGA's) em Portugal

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    Como resultado do aumento das preocupações com o ambiente, a uma escala global, e das inúmeras campanhas levadas a cabo pelos meios de comunicação a denunciar catástrofes ambientais, tem-se verificado um aumento e uma proliferação de grupos ambientalistas. Estes grupos começaram a organizar-se constituindo as designadas Organizações Não Governamentais de Ambiente (ONGA’s). Em Portugal merecem destaque a LPN (Liga para a Protecção da Natureza), a GEOTA (Grupo de Estudos de Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente) e a Quercus (Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza). É precisamente o caso da Quercus que servirá para ilustrar a importância da comunicação para as ONGA’s “atingirem” os seus públicos alvoOrganização Não Governamental de Ambiente (ONGA), Marketing Ambiental

    Aptidão física e composição corporal : estudo em raparigas dos 11 aos 15, praticantes e não praticantes de futsal

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    O presente estudo tem como objectivo principal conhecer e avaliar a Aptidão Física e a Composição Corporal de raparigas em idade escolar praticantes de Futsal do Desporto Escolar, comparando-as com um grupo que não pratica nenhuma actividade desportiva de forma regular e sistemática, a não ser as aulas de Educação Física. Os resultados foram ainda comparados com os valores de referência estabelecidos pelo Fitnessgram. Foram seleccionadas 80 raparigas da Escola E.B. 2, 3 Professor Carlos Teixeira, sendo 40 Praticantes Futsal de Desporto Escolar e 40 Não Praticantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e os 15 anos de idade. O grupo de Praticantes de Futsal de Desporto Escolar foi constituído por raparigas que praticassem Futsal pelo menos desde o início do ano lectivo, com dois treinos por semana com a duração de 90 minutos e jogo ao fim-de-semana de 60 minutos, além das aulas de Educação Física (90 minutos + 45 minutos). O grupo de Não Praticantes foi constituído pelas raparigas cuja actividade física/desportiva se reportasse exclusivamente às aulas de Educação Física (90 minutos + 45 minutos). Para a avaliação da actividade física foi aplicado o questionário Internacional de Actividade Física (Heyward, 1997). As raparigas em estudo realizaram a bateria de testes do Fitnessgram, para avaliar a Aptidão Física (Corrida da Milha; Abdominais; Extensão dos Braços; Extensão do Tronco e Senta e Alcança) e a Composição Corporal (Estatura; Peso; Medição das Pregas adiposas; Índice de Massa Corporal e % de Massa Gorda). Quanto ao tratamento estatístico dos dados, foram calculados as médias, o desvio padrão, a amplitude de variação e foi usado o teste "t" de Student para medidas independentes, cujo nível de significância estatística foi mantido em 5%. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizado o software Microsoft Excel. As principais conclusões obtidas nesta pesquisa foram as seguintes: há diferenças significativas entre as Praticantes de Futsal e as Não Praticantes, no que diz respeito a peso, IMC, % Massa gorda, pregas tricipital e geminal, capacidade aeróbia, força média, extensão do tronco e senta e alcança. Relativamente à idade, estatura e força superior não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Relativamente aos valores critérios do Fitnessgram verificou-se que, em relação ao total da amostra, na Composição Corporal a maior percentagem de raparigas encontram-se dentro da Zona Saudável, com 87,5% na %Massa Gorda e 82,5% no IMC. No que diz respeito à Aptidão Física constatou-se que no teste da milha (capacidade aeróbica), na força média e na extensão do tronco estas alunas encontram-se dentro do intervalo de Zona Saudável, mas na força superior e na flexibilidade encontram-se fora desse intervalo, estando no intervalo Abaixo da Zona Saudável. Em relação aos resultados das raparigas Praticantes de Futsal e das Não Praticantes, através dos valores estabelecidos pelo Fitnessgram, verificou-se que na Composição Corporal, tanto o grupo das Praticantes como o grupo das Não Praticantes apresentam a maior percentagem dentro do intervalo da Zona Saudável. No que concerne à Aptidão Física as Praticantes apresentaram maiores percentagens dentro do intervalo da Zona Saudável para todos os testes realizados, com a excepção da Força Superior, onde obtiveram maiores percentagens no intervalo abaixo da Zona Saudável. As Não Praticantes apenas obtiveram percentagens no intervalo da Zona Saudável nos testes de Capacidade Aeróbica e de Extensão do Tronco. Através desta análise, podemos concluir que as Praticantes obtiveram, em todos os testes de Fitnessgram realizados, valores superiores, no intervalo de Zona Saudável, aos valores alcançados pelas Não Praticantes.The purpose of this study is to investigate and evaluate the Physical fitness and body composition of school girls aged 11-15, practising Footsal, comparing them to the ones who are physically inactive, except for the Physical Education classes. The results were also compared to the standard levels established by the Fitnessgram. The subjects of the study consisted of 80 girls - aged 11-15. Forty of them practise Footsal, and the other forty do not. The Footsal group is formed by girls who practise it at least since the beginning of the school year. Besides the Physical Education classes (90minutes + 45 minutes), they practise Footsal twice a week for 90 minutes, and play a 60 minutes match on the weekends. The group of girls who do not practise Footsal was formed by physically inactive girls, except for the Physical Education classes (90minutes + 45 minutes). The physical activity of the sample was accessed with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (Heyward, 1997). Their physical ability was measured according to the recommendations of the Fitnessgram assessment, by evaluating their Aerobic Capacity (Mile Walk), Muscle Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility – abdominal (curl-up), trunk extension (trunk lift), upper body (push-up) and Flexibility (back-saver Sit and Reach) -, and their body composition (Percent Body Fat - calculated from triceps and calf skinfold measurements - and Body Mass Index - calculated from height and weight). Microsoft Excel was used to calculate and analyse the data; the t-test was used to test independent measurements and its statistical significance was set at 5%. We conclude that, considering weight, Body Mass Index, Percent Body Fat, aerobic capacity, muscle strength, trunk extension and flexibility (back-saver Sit and Reach), there are significant differences between the girls who practise Footsal and the ones who do not. In what concerns to age, physical structure and upper body strength, there were not significant differences. We also found that, according to the health fitness standards, established by Fitnessgram, the majority of girls is in the Healthy Fitness Zone, with 87,5% of percent Body Fat, and 82,5% of Body Mass Index. In what concerns to Physical Ability, we reached the conclusion that in the Aerobic Capacity test (Mile Walk), Muscle Strength and trunk extension these students are also in the Healthy Fitness Zone, but concerning the upper body and Flexibility, they are out of this zone. Considering the results of the girls who practise Footsal and the results of the girls who do not practise any other physical activity besides their Physical Education classes, we conclude that in the tests of body composition both of the groups present a higher percentage of girls in the Healthy Fitness Zone. However, the group that practises Footsal presents a higher percentage in the Healthy Fitness Zone in all the other tests, except for upper body (push-up) test, in which they got a result under the Healthy Fitness Zone. The girls of the group who do not practises Footsal only achieved percentages in the Healthy Fitness Zone in the Aerobic Capacity (Mile Walk) and trunk extension (trunk lift). Therefore, we conclude that, in every test made, all the girls who practise Footsal achieved higher levels in the Healthy Fitness Zone than the girls who do not practise Footsal or any other physical activity, except for their Physical Education classes

    Data Science Methods Applied to the Study of The Signature of Regulatory CD4 T Cells in the Human Thymus and its Modulation by the Chromatin Landscape

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data Science.This work was supported by: GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Lisboa Por tugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Portugal Regional Opera tional Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agree ment, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).Thymic-derived Regulatory T cells (tTregs) play a central role in maintaining im mune homeostasis by suppressing pro-inflammatory activity of conventional T cells (tTconvs). Disruption of tTreg development and/or function is at the origin of many pathologies, from allergies and autoimmunity to chronic inflammation and cancer. To understand tTreg development it is necessary to characterise tTreg genes and uncover the regulation of their expression. This dissertation aims to contribute to the characterisation of regulatory CD4 T cells in the human thymus and the regulation of their development by exploring the relationship between differences in transcription factor binding to chormatin and changes in gene ex pression (differential gene expression). To do this, I analysed vast amounts of epigenomic and transcriptomic data produced by Next-Generation Sequencing, respectively, ATAC-seq and RNA-seq, generated from human tTregs and tTconvs using computational biology and data science methodologies. In this dissertation I will discuss 3 steps of this project where Data Science played an important role: The discovery of a linear relationship between transcription factor ac cessibility to chromatin and associated gene expression in tTregs; the systematization and standardization of a gene set enrichment analysis protocol (GSEA) to detect signatures of activated biological pathways in ranked datasets of differential gene expression; and the de velopment of systematised k-means clustering of Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS), with heatmap visualisation, to discover relationships between the TFBS landscape and gene expression profile of tTregs.GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Lisboa Por tugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Portugal Regional Opera tional Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agree ment, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)

    Jóias pré-históricas de Montes Claros de Baixo, Vimieiro, Arraiolos.

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    76 (1-2) Jan.-Jun. 1966, p. 157-163

    Un Orient négocié

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    Les relations entre la Maison d’Autriche et l’Orient ne peuvent plus se réduire à un conflit politique, culturel et religieux. Les gazettes attestent de la convergence d’intérêts économiques et militaires entre Joseph II et Sidi Mohammed. Cependant, le voyage à Vienne de Mohamed ben Abdel Malek marque aussi l’intérêt de la Cour pour l’Orient, laquelle le crée autant qu’elle se l’accapare et l’utilise comme outil de son prestige. Enfin, la relecture des grandes gazettes européennes nous donne aussi accès à un processus de négociation culturelle entre l’Europe et l’Orient. En effet, les Orientaux ne sont pas passifs dans la construction de leur identité par les Européens. L’ambassadeur marocain en a ici conscience, aussi peut-il jouer, et donc manipuler les regards qui se portent sur lui. La relecture anthropo-linguisitque des gazettes nous invite alors à rouvrir le débat de l’orientalisme.Relations between the House of Austria and the Orient cannot consist merely any more of a political, cultural and religious conflict. Gazettes certify the concourse of economic and military interests between Joseph II and Sidi Mohamed. However, the trip in Vienna of Mohamed ben Abdel Malek also marks the interest of the Court for the Orient, which creates it as much as it hoard it and uses it as tool of its prestige. Finally, the rereading of the great Europeans gazettes also leads to us a process of cultural negotiation between, Europe and Orient. Indeed, Orientals are not passive in the building of their identity by Europeans. Here, the Moroccan ambassador has an aware of it; also he can play with it and therefore manipulate looks carried on him. Then, the anthropo-linguistic rereading of gazettes invites us open again the debate of orientalism

    Un Orient négocié

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    Les relations entre la Maison d’Autriche et l’Orient ne peuvent plus se réduire à un conflit politique, culturel et religieux. Les gazettes attestent de la convergence d’intérêts économiques et militaires entre Joseph II et Sidi Mohammed. Cependant, le voyage à Vienne de Mohamed ben Abdel Malek marque aussi l’intérêt de la Cour pour l’Orient, laquelle le crée autant qu’elle se l’accapare et l’utilise comme outil de son prestige. Enfin, la relecture des grandes gazettes européennes nous donne aussi accès à un processus de négociation culturelle entre l’Europe et l’Orient. En effet, les Orientaux ne sont pas passifs dans la construction de leur identité par les Européens. L’ambassadeur marocain en a ici conscience, aussi peut-il jouer, et donc manipuler les regards qui se portent sur lui. La relecture anthropo-linguisitque des gazettes nous invite alors à rouvrir le débat de l’orientalisme.Relations between the House of Austria and the Orient cannot consist merely any more of a political, cultural and religious conflict. Gazettes certify the concourse of economic and military interests between Joseph II and Sidi Mohamed. However, the trip in Vienna of Mohamed ben Abdel Malek also marks the interest of the Court for the Orient, which creates it as much as it hoard it and uses it as tool of its prestige. Finally, the rereading of the great Europeans gazettes also leads to us a process of cultural negotiation between, Europe and Orient. Indeed, Orientals are not passive in the building of their identity by Europeans. Here, the Moroccan ambassador has an aware of it; also he can play with it and therefore manipulate looks carried on him. Then, the anthropo-linguistic rereading of gazettes invites us open again the debate of orientalism

    La place de l’Empire ottoman au sein de l’administration joséphiste. Remarques sur la correspondance privée de Philipp Cobenzl et Peter Herbert entre Vienne et Istanbul (1779-1792)

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    Au XVIIIe siècle, l’absolutisme est la concentration des pouvoirs entre les mains d’une seule autorité politique. L’histoire de sa construction est celle d’un conflit entre le prince et les corps constitués qu’ils soient villes, États, Églises ou congrégations. Vu d’Allemagne, l’absolutisme recouvre une réalité multiple que le modèle prussien ne saurait éclipser ou épuiser. En ce sens, l’historiographie autrichienne a longtemps mis en avant le joséphisme comme un mouvement politique, social e..

    Une collaboration économique et sociale : consuls et protecteurs des marchands ottomans à Vienne et à Trieste au xviiie siècle

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    Cet article propose une histoire comparée de la création du consulat général des Ottomans de Vienne et du consul des nations grecque et ottomane à Trieste au dix-huitième siècle. Dans le cadre d’une monarchie composite comme celle des Habsbourg d’Autriche, le consulat relève de la collaboration d’un marchand, d’une famille, d’une nation ou d’un corps constitué au gouvernement exercé par le prince. Le consulat permet de sécuriser des sources de revenu d’un marchand, d’institutionnaliser une position de domination sociale ou de récompenser sous la forme d’une rente un serviteur ou une famille zélée. Les avantages que représente le consulat sont disputés entre les marchands et les corps constitués ; le service de la monarchie est en conséquence attractif. Le consulat n’est par ailleurs ici qu’une modalité parmi d’autres d’association des marchands ottomans au commerce de la monarchie autrichienne.This paper applies a comparative approach to the establishment of the General Consulate of the Ottomans in Vienna and to that of a consulate of the Greek and Ottoman nations in Trieste in the eighteenth century. In a composite monarchy such as that of the Habsburgs of Austria, the consular mission was based on the economic and social collaboration between a merchant, a family, a nation or a corporate body and the reigning household. Holding a consular position meant securing a stable income to a merchant, institutionalising a position of social domination, or being able to reward a loyal servant or family by granting them an annuity. Merchants and corporate bodies competed to access such advantages, and the service of the Austrian monarchy was consequently attractive. However, a consular position was only one among several possible forms through which Ottoman merchants participated to the growth of Austrian trade
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