1,645 research outputs found

    Bounded elements of C*-inductive locally convex spaces

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    The notion of bounded element of C*-inductive locally convex spaces (or C*-inductive partial *-algebras) is introduced and discussed in two ways: the first one takes into account the inductive structure provided by certain families of C*-algebras; the second one is linked to natural order of these spaces. A particular attention is devoted to the relevant instance provided by the space of continuous linear maps acting in a rigged Hilbert space

    Is Intermittent Hypoxia A Cause of Aging

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    Insufficient tissue oxygenation occurs in a wide range of physiological and pathological conditions. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are physiological products of aerobic life and their accumulation affects aging. Chronic intermittent hypoxia can lead to oxidative stress that could predispose the organism to cumulative acceleration of the aging process

    La crítica como búsqueda cooperativa de la verdad : El argumento del tercer hombre en el Sobre las Ideas de Aristóteles

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    La versión más precisa del argumento "del tercer hombre" es la proporcionada por Aristóteles en el tratado Sobre las ideas. En este trabajo ofreceré, en primer lugar, un análisis del argumento, estableciendo sus presupuestos que lo tornan una crítica válida. En segundo lugar, me detendré en la posible respuesta platónica a la objeción con el propósito de mostrar que Aristóteles descubre una dificultad genuina en la posición platónica: la separación entre Ideas y particulares conlleva el problema de la homonimia. Creemos que una reflexión profunda en torno al argumento condujo a Aristóteles a establecer la importante distinción entre predicación esencial y predicación accidental así como a sostener que existe una relación de sinonimia entre el sujeto y su esencia. En tal sentido, el examen de este argumento ilustra el modo en que para Aristóteles la crítica es un procedimiento válido y habitual en la búsqueda cooperativa de la verdadThe most accurate version of the "third man" argument was provided by Aristotle in a lost work, On Ideas. In this paper, I will offer an analysis of the argument, establishing the premises that turn it into a valid criticism. Then, I will consider Plato?s possible response to the objection in order to show that Aristotle discovers a genuine difficulty in platonic doctrine: the separation between Ideas and particulars involves the problem of homonymy. We believe that a careful reflexion about the argument led Aristotle to establish the important distinction between essential and accidental predication as well as to hold that a relation of sinonymy exists between subject and essence. In this regard, the consideration of this argument illustrates why for Aristotle the critique is a valid and habitual procedure in the cooperative search for truthFil: Di Camillo, Silvana Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina

    National Security Strategies: The Italian Case

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    Italy does not have a National Security Strategy (NSS) in the strict sense of the word, ie, a single governmental document for the medium-to-long term identifying the main security threats and response guidelines at a strategic level. Instead, it has several documents on the institutional responsibilities for the external (military) and internal (civil) dimensions of security

    Near-field electrospinning of conjugated polymer light-emitting nanofibers

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    The authors report on the realization of ordered arrays of light-emitting conjugated polymer nanofibers by near-field electrospinning. The fibers, made by poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene], have diameters of few hundreds of nanometers and emission peaked at 560 nm. The observed blue-shift compared to the emission from reference films is attributed to different polymer packing in the nanostructures. Optical confinement in the fibers is also analyzed through self-waveguided emission. These results open interesting perspectives for realizing complex and ordered architectures by light-emitting nanofibers, such as photonic circuits, and for the precise positioning and integration of conjugated polymer fibers into light-emitting devices.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures Nanoscale, 201

    Graduates’ employment and employability after the “Bologna Process” reform. Evidence from the Italian experience and methodological issues

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    In a phase of depression and systemic crisis investments are essential assets in organizing the recovery, and the more so when innovation is relevant. This is why universities, companies, households and graduates implement strategies for overcoming the present crisis, leading to structural changes and competition both at the local and international level. In this framework, tracer studies on graduates transition to the labour markets provides fundamental insights and information not only to the organizations responsible for their training, but also to the economic system as a whole. Moreover, any such study is all the more useful when it can draw upon reliable and up-to-date information. This paper emphasizes three main points. First we present the results achieved by the AL model in tracing the transition path of graduates from the time they enrolled at the university until a few years after earning the degree. The survey is carried out every year by the AL and makes it possible to analyze the most recent labour market trends through the scrutiny of the career opportunities available for the graduates after 1, 3 and 5 years on from graduation. More specifically, we will present the results of the 2008 survey. This survey involved also all first and second level graduates from the 2007 vintage. Second, we examine the revision in our survey method, adopted in order to face the need to monitor a much higher number of post-reform graduates (more than 140 thousand overall) and the call of the Ministry and the universities to keep the information as much detailed as possible in assessing the employment outcomes for each single degree course, without losing feasibility in terms of costs and data collection time. In fact, we resorted to a mixed method: the computer assisted web interviewing (CAWI) and the computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). This is why it became necessary to measure and assess the effect of this approach on the answers given by interviewed graduates. In third place, we outline the results of some preliminary experiments carried on in order to allow for specific and recurrent comparisons between the results achieved with the AL model and other similar models dealing with the employment conditions of Italian graduates.Graduates’ employment; Graduates’ employability; Bologna Process; University reform; University governance; Assessment of the higher education system; CAWI and CATI survey techniques; Propensity score matching; Data quality control; Counter factual analysis; Labour supply, Human capital.

    Protezione del traffico aereo civile dalla minaccia cibernetica

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    L’impiego dell’Ict ha caratterizzato in maniera crescente l’evoluzione dell’aviazione civile. La digitalizzazione e la messa in rete di strumenti tecnologici complessi implicano delle problematiche rilevanti per la sicurezza cibernetica del settore. Il Government Accountability Office ha recentemente sottolineato come alcune vulnerabilità riscontrate nei sistemi statunitensi di gestione e controllo del traffico aereo civile possano, se sfruttate, avere serie conseguenze per la sicurezza. Da tali considerazioni scaturiscono una serie di domande sul caso italiano: su quali tecnologie si basano i nostri sistemi di gestione e controllo del traffico aereo civile? Qual è il loro livello di vulnerabilità? Quali attori possono minacciare tali sistemi? E questi attori hanno le capacità tecnologiche per condurre attacchi cibernetici tali da compromettere queste infrastrutture critiche? Le limitate risorse tecniche e i diversi obiettivi degli attori non statali esaminati in questo studio, le misure messe in campo da Enav e la funzione di prevenzione delle autorità italiane consentono di affermare che il livello di rischio a cui sono esposti nel breve periodo i sistemi Atc italiani è relativamente basso. È tuttavia necessario sottolineare la necessità di mantenere un livello di attenzione alto.The use of ICT in civil aviation has increased exponentially in the last years. Digitalisation and the technological tools and systems often connected to the internet constitute serious risks for aviation cyber security. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has recently stated that air traffic management and control (ATM/ATC) vulnerabilities could be used to undermine national security. Against this backdrop, several related questions arise: what technologies do air traffic management and control systems rely on? Are these systems vulnerable? Which actors could pose a threat to these systems? Do they have the technological skills to conduct attacks that could compromise them? The low technical skills of the non-state actors analysed in this research, the cyber security countermeasures adopted by ENAV and the preventive activities conducted by Italian authorities make the risk for Italian ATM/ATC systems low. However, it is necessary to keep a high level of attention and awareness on possible future developments of the cyber threat