49 research outputs found

    Sub-kiloparsec empirical relations and excitation conditions of HCN and HCO+ J=3-2 in nearby star-forming galaxies

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    We present new HCN and HCO+ (J = 3–2) images of the nearby star-forming galaxies (SFGs) NGC 3351, NGC 3627, and NGC 4321. The observations, obtained with the Morita ALMA Compact Array, have a spatial resolution of ∼290–440 pc and resolve the inner Rgal ≲ 0.6–1 kpc of the targets, as well as the southern bar end of NGC 3627. We complement this data set with publicly available images of lower excitation lines of HCN, HCO+, and CO and analyse the behaviour of a representative set of line ratios: HCN(3–2)/HCN(1–0), HCN(3–2)/HCO+(3–2), HCN(1–0)/CO(2–1), and HCN(3–2)/CO(2–1). Most of these ratios peak at the galaxy centres and decrease outwards. We compare the HCN and HCO+ observations with a grid of one-phase, non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) radiative transfer models and find them compatible with models that predict subthermally excited and optically thick lines. We study the systematic variations of the line ratios across the targets as a function of the stellar surface density (Σstar), the intensity-weighted CO(2–1) (⟨ICO⟩), and the star formation rate surface density (ΣSFR). We find no apparent correlation with ΣSFR, but positive correlations with the other two parameters, which are stronger in the case of ⟨ICO⟩. The HCN/CO–⟨ICO⟩ relations show ≲0.3 dex galaxy-to-galaxy offsets, with HCN(3–2)/CO(2–1)–⟨ICO⟩ being ∼2 times steeper than HCN(1–0)/CO(2–1). In contrast, the HCN(3–2)/HCN(1–0)–⟨ICO⟩ relation exhibits a tighter alignment between galaxies. We conclude that the overall behaviour of the line ratios cannot be ascribed to variations in a single excitation parameter (e.g., density or temperature)

    BASS. XXXIV. A Catalog of the Nuclear Millimeter-wave Continuum Emission Properties of AGNs Constrained on Scales ≤ 100-200 pc

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    We present a catalog of the millimeter-wave (mm-wave) continuum properties of 98 nearby (z < 0.05) active galactic nuclei (AGNs) selected from the 70 month Swift/BAT hard-X-ray catalog that have precisely determined X-ray spectral properties and subarcsecond-resolution Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Band 6 (211-275 GHz) observations as of 2021 April. Due to the hard-X-ray (>10 keV) selection, the sample is nearly unbiased for obscured systems at least up to Compton-thick-level obscuration, and provides the largest number of AGNs with high-physical-resolution mm-wave data (less than or similar to 100-200 pc). Our catalog reports emission peak coordinates, spectral indices, and peak fluxes and luminosities at 1.3 mm (230 GHz). Additionally, high-resolution mm-wave images are provided. Using the images and creating radial surface brightness profiles of mm-wave emission, we identify emission extending from the central sources and isolated blob-like emission. Flags indicating the presence of these emission features are tabulated. Among 90 AGNs with significant detections of nuclear emission, 37 AGNs (approximate to 41%) appear to have both or one of extended or blob-like components. We, in particular, investigate AGNs that show well-resolved mm-wave components and find that these seem to have a variety of origins (i.e., a jet, radio lobes, a secondary AGN, stellar clusters, a narrow-line region, galaxy disk, active star formation regions, or AGN-driven outflows), and some components have currently unclear origins

    PHANGS-JWST first results: stellar-feedback-driven excitation and dissociation of molecular gas in the Starburst Ring of NGC 1365?

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    We compare embedded young massive star clusters (YMCs) to (sub-)millimeter line observations tracing the excitation and dissociation of molecular gas in the starburst ring of NGC 1365. This galaxy hosts one of the strongest nuclear starbursts and richest populations of YMCs within 20 Mpc. Here we combine near-/mid-IR PHANGS–JWST imaging with new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array multi-J CO (1–0, 2–1 and 4–3) and [C i] (1–0) mapping, which we use to trace CO excitation via R42 = ICO(4−3)/ICO(2−1) and R21 = ICO(2−1)/ICO(1−0) and dissociation via RCICO = I[CI](1−0)/ICO(2−1) at 330 pc resolution. We find that the gas flowing into the starburst ring from northeast to southwest appears strongly affected by stellar feedback, showing decreased excitation (lower R42) and increased signatures of dissociation (higher RCICO) in the downstream regions. There, radiative-transfer modeling suggests that the molecular gas density decreases and temperature and [CI/CO] abundance ratio increase. We compare R42 and RCICO with local conditions across the regions and find that both correlate with near-IR 2 μm emission tracing the YMCs and with both polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (11.3 μm) and dust continuum (21 μm) emission. In general, RCICO exhibits ∼0.1 dex tighter correlations than R42, suggesting C i to be a more sensitive tracer of changing physical conditions in the NGC 1365 starburst than CO (4–3). Our results are consistent with a scenario where gas flows into the two arm regions along the bar, becomes condensed/shocked, forms YMCs, and then these YMCs heat and dissociate the gas

    PHANGS-JWST First Results: A Global and Moderately Resolved View of Mid-infrared and CO Line Emission from Galaxies at the Start of the JWST Era

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    We explore the relationship between mid-infrared (mid-IR) and CO rotational line emission from massive star-forming galaxies, which is one of the tightest scalings in the local universe. We assemble a large set of unresolved and moderately (∼1 kpc) spatially resolved measurements of CO (1-0) and CO (2-1) intensity, I CO, and mid-IR intensity, I MIR, at 8, 12, 22, and 24 μm. The I CO versus I MIR relationship is reasonably described by a power law with slopes 0.7-1.2 and normalization I CO ∼ 1 K km s−1 at I MIR ∼ 1 MJy sr−1. Both the slopes and intercepts vary systematically with choice of line and band. The comparison between the relations measured for CO (1-0) and CO (2-1) allow us to infer that R 21 ∝ I MIR 0.2 , in good agreement with other work. The 8 μm and 12 μm bands, with strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features, show steeper CO versus mid-IR slopes than the 22 and 24 μm, consistent with PAH emission arising not just from CO-bright gas but also from atomic or CO-dark gas. The CO-to-mid-IR ratio correlates with global galaxy stellar mass (M ⋆) and anticorrelates with star formation rate/M ⋆. At ∼1 kpc resolution, the first four PHANGS-JWST targets show CO-to-mid-IR relationships that are quantitatively similar to our larger literature sample, including showing the steep CO-to-mid-IR slopes for the JWST PAH-tracing bands, although we caution that these initial data have a small sample size and span a limited range of intensities

    PHANGS-JWST First Results: Stellar-feedback-driven Excitation and Dissociation of Molecular Gas in the Starburst Ring of NGC 1365?

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    We compare embedded young massive star clusters (YMCs) to (sub-)millimeter line observations tracing the excitation and dissociation of molecular gas in the starburst ring of NGC 1365. This galaxy hosts one of the strongest nuclear starbursts and richest populations of YMCs within 20 Mpc. Here we combine near-/mid-IR PHANGS-JWST imaging with new Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array multi-J CO (1-0, 2-1 and 4-3) and [C i] (1-0) mapping, which we use to trace CO excitation via R 42 = I CO(4−3)/I CO(2−1) and R 21 = I CO(2−1)/I CO(1−0) and dissociation via R CICO = I [CI](1−0)/I CO(2−1) at 330 pc resolution. We find that the gas flowing into the starburst ring from northeast to southwest appears strongly affected by stellar feedback, showing decreased excitation (lower R 42) and increased signatures of dissociation (higher R CICO) in the downstream regions. There, radiative-transfer modeling suggests that the molecular gas density decreases and temperature and [CI/CO] abundance ratio increase. We compare R 42 and R CICO with local conditions across the regions and find that both correlate with near-IR 2 μm emission tracing the YMCs and with both polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (11.3 μm) and dust continuum (21 μm) emission. In general, R CICO exhibits ∼0.1 dex tighter correlations than R 42, suggesting C i to be a more sensitive tracer of changing physical conditions in the NGC 1365 starburst than CO (4-3). Our results are consistent with a scenario where gas flows into the two arm regions along the bar, becomes condensed/shocked, forms YMCs, and then these YMCs heat and dissociate the gas

    PHANGS-JWST First Results: A Global and Moderately Resolved View of Mid-infrared and CO Line Emission from Galaxies at the Start of the JWST Era

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    We explore the relationship between mid-infrared (mid-IR) and CO rotational line emission from massive star-forming galaxies, which is one of the tightest scalings in the local universe. We assemble a large set of unresolved and moderately (∼1 kpc) spatially resolved measurements of CO (1-0) and CO (2-1) intensity, I CO, and mid-IR intensity, I MIR, at 8, 12, 22, and 24 μm. The I CO versus I MIR relationship is reasonably described by a power law with slopes 0.7-1.2 and normalization I CO ∼ 1 K km s−1 at I MIR ∼ 1 MJy sr−1. Both the slopes and intercepts vary systematically with choice of line and band. The comparison between the relations measured for CO (1-0) and CO (2-1) allow us to infer that R 21 ∝ I MIR 0.2 , in good agreement with other work. The 8 μm and 12 μm bands, with strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features, show steeper CO versus mid-IR slopes than the 22 and 24 μm, consistent with PAH emission arising not just from CO-bright gas but also from atomic or CO-dark gas. The CO-to-mid-IR ratio correlates with global galaxy stellar mass (M ⋆) and anticorrelates with star formation rate/M ⋆. At ∼1 kpc resolution, the first four PHANGS-JWST targets show CO-to-mid-IR relationships that are quantitatively similar to our larger literature sample, including showing the steep CO-to-mid-IR slopes for the JWST PAH-tracing bands, although we caution that these initial data have a small sample size and span a limited range of intensities

    A validation of the questionnaire on teacher interaction in Italian secondary school students: Effect of positive relations on motivation and academic achievement

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    The Model for Interpersonal Teacher Behavior, mapping the various teachers\u2019 interpersonal behaviors, has been applied for research in many countries. In order to measure the students\u2019 perceptions regarding the interaction with their teachers, the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) has been developed. The QTI has been shown to be a valid and reliable instrument in all the different language versions in which it was adapted. Translated and validated in many countries, the QTI has not yet received a validation in Italy. The present study was conducted on a population of Italian secondary school students with the aim to examine the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the QTI in its 64-item version. Results show that individual and class-mean reliabilities and the values related to the scales\u2019 ability to differentiate between classrooms are in line with those of the original research and of the other validation studies. Moreover, the circumplex nature of the octagonal model of the QTI is confirmed by the interscale correlations. Finally, results show that the more positive are the QTI dimensions of affiliation and control, the more positive are students\u2019 academic achievement and learning motivation

    BASS. XXVI. DR2 Host Galaxy Stellar Velocity Dispersions

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    We present new central stellar velocity dispersions for 484 Sy 1.9 and Sy 2 from the second data release of the Swift/BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS DR2). This constitutes the largest study of velocity dispersion measurements in X-ray-selected obscured active galactic nuclei (AGN) with 956 independent measurements of the Ca ii H and K lambda 3969, 3934 and Mg I lambda 5175 region (3880-5550 angstrom) and the calcium triplet region (8350-8730 angstrom) from 642 spectra mainly from VLT/X-Shooter or Palomar/DoubleSpec. Our sample spans velocity dispersions of 40-360 km s(1), corresponding to 4-5 orders of magnitude in black hole mass (M (BH) = 10(5.5-9.6) M (circle dot)), bolometric luminosity (L (bol) similar to 10(42-46) erg s(-1)), and Eddington ratio (L/L (Edd) similar to 10(-5) to 2). For 281 AGN, our data and analysis provide the first published central velocity dispersions, including six AGN with low-mass black holes (M (BH) = 10(5.5-6.5) M (circle dot)), discovered thanks to high spectral resolution observations (sigma (inst) similar to 25 km s(-1)). The survey represents a significant advance with a nearly complete census of velocity dispersions of hard X-ray-selected obscured AGN with measurements for 99% of nearby AGN (z < 0.1) outside the Galactic plane ( divide b divide > 10 degrees). The BASS AGN have much higher velocity dispersions than the more numerous optically selected narrow-line AGN (i.e., similar to 150 versus similar to 100 km s(-1)) but are not biased toward the highest velocity dispersions of massive ellipticals (i.e., >250 km s(-1)). Despite sufficient spectral resolution to resolve the velocity dispersions associated with the bulges of small black holes (similar to 10(4-5) M (circle dot)), we do not find a significant population of super-Eddington AGN. Using estimates of the black hole sphere of influence from velocity dispersion, direct stellar and gas black hole mass measurements could be obtained with existing facilities for more than similar to 100 BASS AGN