52 research outputs found

    Perspectiva escolar acerca da diversidade sexual : um estudo de caso

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Sociologia, 2015.Nesse trabalho apresento a discussão feita por alguns sociólogos sobre o processo de socialização, relações de gênero e diversidade sexual. O habitus de gênero é resultado da incorporação de padrões masculinos e femininos estereotipados. A escola é uma Instituição que valoriza o capital cultural da elite dominante, articulando assim a reprodução de representações patriarcais. Dessa forma, é necessário colocar nas pautas das escolas debates sobre gênero e diversidade sexual. Com base em dados provenientes do Disque 100 analiso o aumento de denúncias feitas acerca de violações contra pessoas LGBTTT, e como a homofobia é um problema letal na sociedade brasileira. Dentro das escolas, esse preconceito é traduzido através de ações violentas, como o bullying. Através de um estudo de caso realizado no Centro Educacional Darcy Ribeiro busco compreender as estratégias que os professores utilizam para combater esse tipo de comportamento.In this paper I present the argument made by some sociologists about the process of socialization, gender relations and sexual diversity. The gender habitus is a result of the merger of male and female patterns stereotyped. The school is an institution that values the cultural capital of the ruling elite, thus articulating playing patriarchal representations. Thus, it is necessary to put on the agendas of schools debates on gender and sexual diversity. Based on data from the Dial 100 I make an analysis about the increase of complaints made about violations against LGBTTT people, and how homophobia is a deadly problem in Brazilian society. Within schools, this prejudice is translated through violent actions such as bullying. Through a case study in Educational Center Darcy Ribeiro I seek to understand the strategies that teachers use to combat this type of behavior

    Planejamento ambiental e desenvolvimento do ecoturismo

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    The ecological tourism has been indicated as one of the most important alternatives to explore conserved ecossistems. The growing demand for "ecological" activities, based on the close contact with natural areas and the consequet knowledge acquisition, has shown the lack of a technical and political planning, seeking an optimun economical performance with national and regional policies, integrated with their development.O ecoturismo vem sendo apontado como uma das alternativas econômicas mais importantes para exploração de ecossistemas a serem conservados. Porém, a crescente demanda por atividades "ecológicas", tendo como base o contado direto com ambientes naturais, e como pressuposto a aquisição de conhecimento sobre o meio, tem evidenciado a carência de um planejamento técnico-político para o setor, buscando alcançar, na integração com as políticas nacional e estaduais de meio ambiente, e com o desenvolvimento regional e local. um eficaz desempenho econômico

    A new displacement-based approach to calculate stress intensity factors with the boundary element method

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    The analysis of cracked brittle mechanical components considering linear elastic fracture mechanics is usually reduced to the evaluation of stress intensity factors (SIFs). The SIF calculation can be carried out experimentally, theoretically or numerically. Each methodology has its own advantages but the use of numerical methods has be-come very popular. Several schemes for numerical SIF calculations have been developed, the J-integral method being one of the most widely used because of its energy-like formulation. Additionally, some variations of the J-integral method, such as displacement-based methods, are also becoming popular due to their simplicity. In this work, a simple displacement-based scheme is proposed to calculate SIFs, and its performance is compared with contour integrals. These schemes are all implemented with the Boundary Element Method (BEM) in order to exploit its advantages in crack growth modelling. Some simple examples are solved with the BEM and the calculated SIF values are compared against available solutions, showing good agreement between the different schemes

    Phylogenetic analysis of Hylesia Hübner, 1820 (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae, Hemileucinae)

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    O gênero Hylesia é o segundo mais diverso de Hemileucini, com 283 espécies. A distribuição geográfica vai desde o norte do México até a Argentina. Entre as principais características do gênero, destacam-se: antena da fêmea estreita e bidentada, mais larga perto da base; epífise presente na fêmea; mesoscuto sem anel médio-dorsal e M1 com origem no ângulo apical da célula discal da asa posterior. O gênero é atualmente dividido em uma série de subgrupos com base em morfologia e no gene COI. No entanto, até o momento não foi dedicado um esforço para reconstruir as hipóteses de relacionamento entre as espécies. Nosso objetivo foi realizar análise filogenética com pelo menos um terminal representante dos 36 subgrupos já estabelecidos na literatura. Ao todo 191 caracteres de morfologia externa e genitália foram levantados, sendo: 0-20 = cabeça, 21- 24 = coloração do tórax, 25-119 = asas, 129-182 = genitália masculina, 183-190 = genitália feminina). Os 103 táxons terminais do grupo interno e quatro para o grupo externo foram submetidos à Análise de Máxima Parcimônia usando o programa TNT com os parâmetros gerais de busca: New Technology Search, sem pesagem implícita e best score mínimo de 100 vezes. A análise resultou em uma única topologia, que se apresentou bem resolvida e repleta de homoplasias. A monofilia do gênero foi recuperada, assim como a de um subgênero, porém os inúmeros subgrupos tiveram posicionamento diversificado. As exceções são os seis subgrupos lineata, umbrata, annulata, ebalus, melanostigma e cottica que foram recuperados na análise cladística. Os índices de consistência reescalonado, suporte de Bremer relativo e mapeamento dos caracteres são apresentados.The genus Hylesia is the second most diverse of Hemileucini, with 283 species. The geographical distribution ranges from northern Mexico to Argentina. Among the main characteristics of the genus, the following stand out: the female\'s antenna is narrow and bidentate, wider near the base; epiphysis present in the female; mesoscutum without a mid-dorsal ring and M1 originating from the apical angle of the discal cell of the hind wing. The genus is currently divided into a number of subgroups based on morphology and the COI gene. However, so far, no effort has been devoted to rebuilding hypotheses of relationships between species. Our objective was to perform a phylogenetic analysis with at least one terminal representative of the 36 subgroups already established in the literature. A total of 191 characters of external morphology and genitalia were surveyed, as follows: 0-20 = head, 21-24 = thorax coloration, 25-119 = wings, 129-182 = male genitalia and 183-190 = female genitalia). The 103 terminal taxa from the inner group and four from the outer group were submitted to Maximum Parsimony Analysis using the TNT program with the general search parameters: New Technology Search, without implicit weighting and minimum best score hit 100 times. The analysis resulted in a single topology, which was well resolved and a lot of homoplasies. The monophyly of the genus was recovered, as well as that of a subgenus, but the numerous subgroups had diversified positioning. The exceptions are the six subgroups lineata, umbrata, annulata, ebalus, melanostigma and cottica that were recovered in the cladistic analysis. The rescaled consistency indices, relative Bremer support and character mapping are presented

    Solving parity games via priority promotion

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    We consider parity games, a special form of two-player infinite-duration games on numerically labelled graphs, whose winning condition requires that the maximal value of a label occurring infinitely often during a play be of some specific parity. The problem has a rather intriguing status from a complexity theoretic viewpoint, since it belongs to the class UPTime ∩ CoUPTime, and still open is the question whether it can be solved in polynomial time. Parity games also have great practical interest, as they arise in many fields of theoretical computer science, most notably logic, automata theory, and formal verification. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for the solution of the problem, based on the idea of promoting vertices to higher priorities during the search for winning regions. The proposed approach has nice computational properties, exhibiting the best space complexity among the currently known solutions. Experimental results on both random games and benchmark families show that the technique is also very effective in practice

    Solving parity games via priority promotion

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    We consider parity games, a special form of two-player infinite-duration games on numerically labelled graphs, whose winning condition requires that the maximal value of a label occurring infinitely often during a play be of some specific parity. The problem has a rather intriguing status from a complexity theoretic viewpoint, since it belongs to the class UPTime ∩ CoUPTime, and still open is the question whether it can be solved in polynomial time. Parity games also have great practical interest, as they arise in many fields of theoretical computer science, most notably logic, automata theory, and formal verification. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for the solution of the problem, based on the idea of promoting vertices to higher priorities during the search for winning regions. The proposed approach has nice computational properties, exhibiting the best space complexity among the currently known solutions. Experimental results on both random games and benchmark families show that the technique is also very effective in practice
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