29 research outputs found

    Manejo De Miedo, Estrategias De Afrontamiento Y Cultura Ciudadana Para Prevenci贸n De La Violencia

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    In this study, an intervention program was designed and evaluated. This paper focuses on identifying beliefs, perceptions, and negative attitudes in the group, in order to continue with the promotion of positive socialemotional coping and the reduction of social fear. This, however, would help to elevate the behaviors of citizen participation and to inhibit antisocial behaviors. A sample of 47 women and 5 men, a total of 52 students from 17 to 21 years, were trained by means of didactic skill of cases and training in conflict management for a period of 11 weeks in a weekend modality. A quasiexperiment was designed using repeated measures, pretest-interventionpostest, and a control group. As a result, an increase in culture and citizen participation was found in the treatment group after 44 hours of intervention. Qualitative data indicate findings regarding group cognitive relations, assertive coping strategies in conflicting social situations, ability to analyze negative feelings, and a decrease in antisocial behavior

    Mental Health, Social Support and Fatalism in Victims of the 2008 Flood in Juarez City Mexico

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    This study analyzed symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD in flood victims from Juarez City Mexico. In July of 2008, heavy rain caused floods in several areas in Juarez, where hundreds of people experienced loss of their belongings and damage to their properties. A sample of 756 participants, interviewed in August and September of 2008, were used to compare flood victims and non-victims in levels of depression, anxiety and PTSD. The results indicated that flood victims had statistically significant higher levels in all or the variables mentioned above. In the 392 flood victims, levels of depression, anxiety, and PTSD were correlated with social support and fatalism related factors. It was found that social support and fatalism factors have a small or no relationship with mental health variables of flood victims

    Mental Health and Paranoid Thoughts in College Students from Juarez

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    Paranoid thoughts are a psychological consequence of the social violence lived by the people in Juarez, which in 2010 was the most violent city in the world. Most people in Juarez report some degree of paranoid thoughts and these thoughts have been related to mental health. This study analyzes the relationship between paranoid thoughts and mental health. The sample consisted of 315 college students with a mean age of 23.05 (SD = 0.59) years, 70.5% females and 29.5% males. Most of the sample was single (86.0%) and married (9.2%). The Paranoid Thoughts Scale and the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised were used to measure paranoid thoughts and mental health (e.g. depression, or anxiety), respectively. All of the mental health factors had statistically significant correlations with paranoid thoughts with correlations ranging from .38 to .57. The people that reported higher levels of paranoid thoughts also reported higher levels of psychological problems or distress. Paranoid thoughts can be considered a predictor of low mental health in people from Juarez

    Mental Health and Gratitude in a Community with Social Violence

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    In recent years, Mexico experienced the violence, fear and terror of a drug-war. Juarez, Mexico is a border town where the highest levels of violence were registered during this war. Violence in all its forms, has been related to poor physical and mental health, therefore some of its manifestations are anxiety, phobias, sadness, depression, hostility, paranoid ideation, among other mental disorders. Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that promotes better quality of life and prevention of metal illnesses through the enhancement of positive emotions and values. Studies have shown when people go through an adverse situation, they still experience positive emotions, such as gratitude. It was the goal of the study to understand psychological distress (such as paranoid ideation, depression, hostility among other psychological problems) and its relationship with gratitude. A group of 315 college students answered the SCL-90-R , a measure of psychological problems, and the Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6). Significant and negative correlations between each of the SCL-90-R subscales and gratitude were obtained, that is, as gratitude increases, psychological distress decreases. It can be concluded that positive emotions, particularly gratitude, might improve the way people cope in difficult situations

    Exposici贸n A La Violencia Y Su Relaci贸n Con La Salud Mental En Estudiantes De Educaci贸n Media Superior En Ciudad Ju谩rez, M茅xico

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    Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, received the classification of the most dangerous city in the world for their high rates of violence during the years 2007-2012; five years of intense stress, deterioration in confidence to the authorities and fears. Citizens during this period were acquaintances, friends, relatives, neighbors, someone violated, and in the worst cases victims of organized crime. Many people in Ciudad Juarez were victims or witnesses of communal violence. With violence experienced in Ciudad Juarez from 2007, we want to analyze the relationship between exposure of violence with symptoms of depression, post-traumatic stress and thoughts paranoid in young people attending high school. The objective was to analyze the relationship between the level of exposure to violence with symptoms of depression, posttraumatic stress and thoughts paranoid in students of middle school in Ju谩rez, Mexico City. Analyzed the relationships between exposure to violence with depression, post-traumatic stress and thoughts through Pearson correlations paranoid obtaining statistically significant correlations, so that greater exposure to violence were reported higher levels of depression, posttraumatic stress disorder and paranoid thoughts. It can be concluded, looking at the results, positive correlations indicate that greater exposure to community violence, greater is the presence of depressive symptoms, posttraumatic stress disorder and paranoid thoughts

    Criminality rates in those sentenced for femicide in Mexico

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    Introducci贸n: La violencia en contra de la mujer es un problema que afecta a la poblaci贸n mundial, teniendo su m谩xima expresi贸n a trav茅s del feminicidio. Debido a la reciente y desigual legislaci贸n de este fen贸meno, estudios al respecto son recientes y han girado en torno a determinar tipolog铆as de agresores donde la criminalidad juega un papel importante como factor de riesgo. As铆 mismo, existen muy pocos estudios directos con personas que han cometido feminicidio. Objetivo: Conocer el nivel de criminalidad en sentenciados por el delito de feminicidio. Materiales y m茅todos: A trav茅s de una lista con 20 dimensiones se evalu贸 a 62 personas privadas de su libertad por el delito de feminicidio. Resultados: Se encontraron cuatro niveles de criminalidad que van de baja a muy alta, los principales indicadores que marcan la diferencia entre estos niveles son los que se refieren a la violencia de pareja e historia de consumo de alcohol y drogas. Conclusi贸n: Los indicadores que marcan la diferencia entre los niveles de criminalidad, se encuentran una historia de violencia hacia la pareja como una forma de resolver conflictos, asociada al consumo de alcohol y sustancias psicoactivas

    An谩lisis Factorial Exploratorio de la Escala Para Sucesos Traum谩ticos Colectivos (TEPT), Para Juventudes en Escenarios Violentos

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    Una amplia serie de s铆ntomas en grupos de j贸venes, que pueden ser etiquetados como "rasgos colectivos", sugieren la necesidad de explorar y validar un instrumento de evaluaci贸n para j贸venes en vulnerabilidad social, con un alto nivel de ansiedad social y estr茅s postraum谩tico ante la exposici贸n directa e indirecta al delito. En un contexto de alto impacto, y afrontamiento f铆sico-afectivo asociado al trastorno de estr茅s postraum谩tico, las reacciones protot铆picas del trastorno al igual que particularidades sui generis de car谩cter contextual configuraron dichos rasgos en nuestra muestra. La validaci贸n se realiz贸 en las ciudades de Chihuahua y Cd Ju谩rez, Chihuahua, a una muestra de 396 j贸venes, 178 hombres y 218 mujeres, con edad media de 19.5 (DE=1.24), pertenecientes a instituciones universitarias p煤blicas y privadas, de las cuales 54.2% eran p煤blicas. Gracias al muestreo por conglomerados y la selecci贸n aleatoria, las mediciones se recabaron durante un periodo de cuatro meses. El 37.25% del total de la varianza, corresponde a s铆ntomas de: angustia-desesperanza. Un segundo factor explica el 10.42% del total de la varianza referente a sintomatolog铆a de reexperimentaci贸n-somatizaci贸n. Un 5.59% del total de varianza hace referencia a s铆ntomas de aislamiento social, y el cuarto factor explica el 5.30% de varianza total, que constata evitaci贸n en la muestra. Finalmente, un quinto factor explica el 4.44% del total de la varianza, referente a la hipervigilancia. La escala de estr茅s postraum谩tico colectivo para eventos traum谩ticos en su an谩lisis factorial exploratorio indica 铆ndices de confiabilidad que la convierten en un instrumento confiable en la medici贸n de rasgos traum谩ticos colectivos para j贸venes en situaci贸n de violencia. A wide range of symptoms found in youth groups, which can be labeled as "collective traits", suggest the need to explore and validate an assessment tool for these groups and those in social vulnerability. This is with high levels of social anxiety and posttraumatic stress in the face of direct and indirect exposure to crime. In the context of high-impact crimes and physioemotional coping associated with PTSD, the prototypical reactions of the disorder, coupled with sui generis contextual characteristic traits, configured our exploratory sample. Validation of the instrument was conducted in the cities of Chihuahua and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, on a sample of 396 young people (178 men and 218 women with a mean age of 19.5 (SD = 1.24)), belonging to public and private academic institutions, in which 54.2% belonged to public institutions. Cluster sampling, random selection, and measurements were collected during a period of four months. The 37.25% of the total variance corresponds to symptoms of anguish-despair. A second factor explained 10.42% of the total variance with five items with symptomatology of reexperimentation-somatization. A 5.59% of the total variance also includes symptoms of social isolation. The fourth factor explained 5.30% of variance, with items about avoidance. In addition, a fifth factor explained 4.44% of the total variance, referring to hypervigilance. The collective post-traumatic stress scale for traumatic events in this exploratory factor analysis indicated reliability indices that guarantee a reliable instrument in the measurement of collective traumatic traits for youths in situations of violence

    Cuestionario de ejercicio basado en el modelo transte贸rico de la conducta en una muestra mexicana

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    Se elabor贸 un cuestionario de ejercicio basado en el modelo transte贸rico de cambio de la conducta propuesto por Prochaska y DiClemente. Este cuestionario fue dise帽ado para medir los cinco factores del modelo: precontemplaci贸n, contempla ci贸n, preparaci贸n, acci贸n y mantenimiento. Primero se elaboraron los reactivos para cada uno de los factores y despu茅s se llev贸 a cabo un an谩lisis factorial exploratorio para analizar la estructura del cuestionario. La muestra fue de 951 participantes de cinco ciudades mexicanas, con una media de edad de 28.76 a帽os. El an谩lisis factorial exploratorio mostr贸 una estructura compuesta de los cinco factores con pesos factoriales variables. Este cuestionario puede ser 煤til para identificar la etapa en la que una persona se encuentra en relaci贸n con hacer ejercicio, y saber qu茅 t茅cnicas usar en las posibles intervenciones

    Predictores de la violencia en la pareja: comparaci贸n entre noviazgo/ matrimonio y uni贸n libre

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    El presente escrito describe los resulta颅dos preliminares de un estudio cuantitativo que analiza una serie de variables predictoras relacionadas con la violencia en el noviazgo.聽Indaga las posibles diferencias entre las personas que llevan una relaci贸n de noviazgo y aquellas que viven juntas ya sean casadas o en uni贸n libre.

    Mesa 1: v铆ctimas de violencia

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    En esta mesa se presentan a personas que estuvieron involucradas directamente con v铆ctimas de los hechos violentos presentados en a帽os pasados, quienes comparten su experiencia de c贸mo vivieron tales sucesos y c贸mo ha sido este proceso desde dichos eventos