798 research outputs found

    Using family focused-care solutions to improve child’s quality of life

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    Chronic illness in children impacts not only themselves but their families too. Everyone in the family supports each other and provides each other with pretty much all our physiological needs including our emotional needs. Parents/caregivers are the role models for their young children and really shape the person they become because basic values and their early relationships are formed. A family provides that consistent balance in our life that is the center of our life at a young age. When children are diagnosed with a chronic illness, parents may feel responsible, ashamed, guilty, or angry. Families may turn on each other and that consistent balance is lost which causes a huge change for the family. Each family member reacts differently to their child’s illness. Every family member is important so it is very important as nurses to provide our full support to each individual family member. As nurses it is our job to provide any education they may need, be a person they can talk to and provide the necessary resources they may need to help them cope. This thesis will provide a review of the recent research literature and offer a study proposal for further investigation of this important topic

    Connection between type B (or C) and F factorizations and construction of algebras

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    In a recent paper (Del Sol Mesa A and Quesne C 2000 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33 4059), we started a systematic study of the connections among different factorization types, suggested by Infeld and Hull, and of their consequences for the construction of algebras. We devised a general procedure for constructing satellite algebras for all the Hamiltonians admitting a type E factorization by using the relationship between type A and E factorizations. Here we complete our analysis by showing that for Hamiltonians admitting a type F factorization, a similar method, starting from either type B or type C ones, leads to other types of algebras. We therefore conclude that the existence of satellite algebras is a characteristic property of type E factorizable Hamiltonians. Our results are illustrated with the detailed discussion of the Coulomb problem.Comment: minor changes, 1 additional reference, final form to be published in JP

    Overview of nuclear bodies and their classification in the Terminologia Histologica

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    Background: Nuclear bodies (NB) are membrane-less subnuclear organelles that perform important functions in the cell, such as transcription, RNA splicing, processing and transport of ribosomal pre-RNA, epigenetic regulation, and others. The aim of the work was to analyse the classification of NB in the Terminologia Histologica (TH) and biological and bibliographical databases. Materials and methods: The semantic structure of the Nucleoplasm section in the TH was analysed and unsystematic bibliographical search was made in the PubMed, SciELO, EMBASE databases and European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) biology database to identify which structures are classified as NB. Results: It was found that the terms Corpusculum convolutum, Macula interchromatinea and Corpusculum PML are not correctly classified in the TH, since they are subordinated under the term Chromatinum and not under Corpusculum nucleare. The bibliography consulted showed that 100%, 92.6% and 81.5% of articles mentioned Corpusculum convolutum, Macula interchromatinea and Corpusculum PML, respectively as nuclear bodies. Conclusions: It is suggested to relocate the terms Corpusculum convolutum, Macula interchromatinea and Corpusculum PML with the name of Corpusculum nucleare and the incorporation of two new entities to the Histological Terminology according to the information collected: paraspeckles and histone locus body

    Las Arterias Circunflejas Femorales en el Triángulo Femoral

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    Galdames, IS (Suazo Galdames, Ivan). Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Salud, Talca, ChileIt is important to identify the origin and distribution of the circumflex femoral arteries (CFA) at the time of vascular reconstructive surgery. The femoral triangle contents in 92 lower extremities of formolized adult male cadavers of different ethnic groups, were dissected uncovering the femoral artery (FA) and its branches originating at the level of the femoral triangle. The origin of each CFA was identified determining the origin type and location. The medial circumflex femoral artery (MCFA) originated from the FA in 43 cases (46.7%); from the profunda femoris artery (PFA) in 41 cases (44.6%); from a common trunk formed by the PFA and CFA in 7 cases (7.6%), and in one case (1.1%) from the lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA). In 75 cases (81.5%) the MCFA was most proximal than the LCFA, and in 9 cases (9.8%) it originated at the same level. The LCFA originated at the PFA in 68 cases (73.9%); from the FA in 17 cases (18.5%); from a common trunk formed by the PFA and CFA in 7 cases (7.6%). The origin of the LCFA was considered regardless, whether the descending branch originated therein or from the FA. Considering the presence of a number of important elements it is essential to identify the precise origin of the arteries and its eventual variations in procedures carried out in that area

    Características Estereológicas del Hígado de Rata (Rattus norvergicus) sometidas a Menopausia Inducida por Ovariectomía

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    Trujillo, E (reprint author), Univ Talca, Univ La Frontera, Lircay S-N, Talca, Chile.During menopause, hormonal changes such as decreased estradiol and increased follicle stimulating and luteinizing hormones occur. In premenopausal women fibrosis and hepatic steatosis is less than in postmenopausal women and improves when hormone replacement therapy is administered. The aim of this study was to determine quantitative aspects of the liver of rats undergoing an experimental model of ovariectomy-induced menopause. We used 10 Sprague-Dawley (Rattus norvergicus) healthy adults. The rats were weighed and divided into two groups (bilateral oophorectomy = Group Ovx and control = Group Sham). The animals were sacrificed at 60 days and the liver removed, obtaining a piece of each liver. Five cuts were made of 4 microns and stained with HE. We analyzed five fields per slide. M42 test was used. Stereo logical parameters considered were as follows: Nv, Vv, Sv and total number (Tn) of hepatocytes and sinusoids. The average weight of Ovx and Sham group was 300.8 g and 285.8 g, respectively. The Nv of hepatocytes of rats subjected to sham surgery (CS) and Ovx (CO) was 6.89 and 7.70 x 10(5)/mm(3) x 10(5)/mm(3), respectively. The Vv of CS and CO hepatocytes was 71.92% and 80.48%, respectively. SV and CO, CS hepatocytes was 260.61mm(2)/mm(3) and 273.64 mm(2)/mm(3), respectively. The average volume of CS livers was 8.40 mm(3) and hepatocyte Tn averaged 5.79 x 10(6). The average volume was 9.28 mm(3) CO livers and Tn of 7.15 x 10(6). Regarding the sinusoids, the Nv in the liver CS and CO was 2.81 x 10(5)/mm(3) and 2.64 x 10(5)/mm(3), respectively. The Vv of sinusoids in CS and CO was 16.74% and 16.46%, respectively. The sinusoids in rats Sv CS and CO was 49.40 mm(2)/mm(3) and 45.21 mm(2)/mm(3), respectively. The sinusoids Tn CS and CO averaged 2.37 x 10(6) and 2.45 x 10(6), respectively. The lack of estrogen can cause fibrosis and hepatic steatosis as noted by other authors, but also changes in the organization and the proportion of the components of the liver, factors to consider during diagnosis and prognosis of liver disorders

    Communicating Arteries of the Cerebral Arterial Circle: Biometric Features and their Relation with the Cephalic Index

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    Indexación: ScieloLa clínica neuroquirúrgica tiene la necesidad de un acabado conocimiento anatómico de las arterias comunicantes como integrantes del círculo arterial del cerebro, por su variabilidad morfológica, su relación compleja con las estructuras adyacentes y por la alta frecuencia observada en la conformación de aneurismas. Debido a la importancia de estos vasos, efectuamos un estudio biométrico de los mismas, relacionando datos de calibre y longitud con índice cefálico. En el sexo masculino, el calibre promedio de la ACoP fue de 1,07 mm en el lado derecho y de 1,06 mm en el izquierdo; en el sexo femenino fue de 1,12 mm en el lado derecho y de 1,14 mm en el izquierdo. En el grupo de individuos con índice braquicéfalo, el calibre de la ACoP fue de 1,15 mm y en el grupo dolicomesocéfalo fue de 1,05 mm. Su longitud fue de 18,65 mm en los braquicéfalos y de 16,44 mm en los dolicomesocéfalos.El calibre de la ACoA fue de 1,53 mm en el sexo masculino y de 1,05 mm en el femenino, mientras que su longitud fue de 2,81 mm en el sexo masculino y de 2,33 mm en el femenino.La descripción biométrica y bioantropológica muestra parámetros importantes a considerar en la clínica quirúrgica. PALABRAS CLAVE : Anatomía; Biometría; Círculo arterial cerebral; Arterias comunicantes; Indice cefálico. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESUMEN: The neurosurgical clinic needs extensive and thorough anatomical knowledge of the communicating arteries as part of the cerebral arterial circle for their morphological variability, their complex relation as adjacent structures, and for the frequency observed in the formation of aneurisms. Considering the importance of these vessels, we conducted a biometric study of these, relating caliber and longitude information to the cephalic index. In the male, the mean caliber of the PCoA <p was of 1.07 mm on the right side and 1.06 mm on the left; in the female it was of 1.12 mm on the right side and of 1.14 mm on the left. In the group of individuals with brachiocephalic index, the caliber of the ACoP was of 1.15 mm and in the dolichomesocephalic groups was 1.05 mm. Its longitude was 18.65 mm in the brachiocephalous and of 16.44 mm in the dolichomesochephalic. The caliber of the ACoA was of 1.53 mm in the male and 1.05 mm in the female, while its longitude was of 2.81 mm in the male and 2.33 mm in the female. The biometric and bioanthropologic description shows important parameters to be considered in clinical surgery. KEY WORDS : Anatomy; Biometry; Cerebral arterial circle; Communicating arteries; Cephalic index

    Tool-path effect on the geometric deviations in the machining of UNS A92024 aeronautic skins

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    Traditionally, aeronautics skins are being machined by chemical milling, a high-pollutant process. An efficient alternative to this technology is conventional machining. However, to ensure the parts machined with this process keeps the industrial quality controls, the effect of tool-path might be characterized, specially analyzing final thickness and roughness. In this paper, five different tool-paths have been applied under the same machining parameters in the dry milling of Al-Cu UNS A92024 thin plates. Machining time, final thickness and roughness have been evaluated. Most roughness and thickness results are under the industrial quality limits stablished for this type of parts.This work has received financial support from Spanish Goverment (Project DPI2015-71448-R), TECNALIA Research & Innovation and the University of Cadiz (University training plan UCA/REC01VI/2016)

    Biometrics of the Posterior Communicating Artery and the Posterior Cerebral Artery in its Precommunicating Segment (P1) of the Arterial Circle of Brain (Willis)

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    Indexación: ScieloEl conocimiento anatómico y clínico preciso del círculo arterial del cerebro, se hace cada vez más necesario, por la compleja relación neural que presentan las diversas arterias que entran en su formación y además por su gran variabilidad. Utilizamos 36 encéfalos humanos frescos, provenientes de especímenes autopsiados adultos, cuyos datos bioantropológicos fueron previamente registrados. El calibre de las aa. comunicantes posteriores fue, en promedio, de 1,08 mm (DE 0,45 ) en ambos lados y su longitud de 17,51 mm( DE 7,9) en el lado derecho y de 16,9 mm (DE 8,0 ) en el lado izquierdo. La ACP en el segmento P1 presentó un calibre de 2,56 mm (DE 077) en el lado derecho y de 2,32 mm (DE 0,64) en el lado izquierdo. La longitud de estas arterias correspondió a 9,43 mm (DE 8,92) en el lado derecho y de 8,82 mm (DE 7,33 ) en el lado izquierdo. Las dimensiones observadas demuestran variabilidad que consideramos interesante de considerar en la anatomía quirúrgica.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022006000500015&lang=p

    Signaling-Dependent Control of Apical Membrane Size and Self-Renewal in Rosette-Stage Human Neuroepithelial Stem Cells

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    In the developing nervous system, neural stem cells are polarized and maintain an apical domain facing a central lumen. The presence of apical membrane is thought to have a profound influence on maintaining the stem cell state. With the onset of neurogenesis, cells lose their polarization, and the concomitant loss of the apical domain coincides with a loss of the stem cell identity. Little is known about the molecular signals controlling apical membrane size. Here, we use two neuroepithelial cell systems, one derived from regenerating axolotl spinal cord and the other from human embryonic stem cells, to identify a molecular signaling pathway initiated by lysophosphatidic acid that controls apical membrane size and consequently controls and maintains epithelial organization and lumen size in neuroepithelial rosettes. This apical domain size increase occurs independently of effects on proliferation and involves a serum response factor-dependent transcriptional induction of junctional and apical membrane components. Medelnik and colleagues identify lysophosphatidic acid as a serum factor that has a major effect on the expansion of the apical domain of human ESC-derived neural progenitor cells, resulting in the formation of very large neural rosette-like structures that can be maintained for many passages in the absence of neuronal and glial differentiation if constantly supplied with LPA.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Connection Between Type A and E Factorizations and Construction of Satellite Algebras

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    Recently, we introduced a new class of symmetry algebras, called satellite algebras, which connect with one another wavefunctions belonging to different potentials of a given family, and corresponding to different energy eigenvalues. Here the role of the factorization method in the construction of such algebras is investigated. A general procedure for determining an so(2,2) or so(2,1) satellite algebra for all the Hamiltonians that admit a type E factorization is proposed. Such a procedure is based on the known relationship between type A and E factorizations, combined with an algebraization similar to that used in the construction of potential algebras. It is illustrated with the examples of the generalized Morse potential, the Rosen-Morse potential, the Kepler problem in a space of constant negative curvature, and, in each case, the conserved quantity is identified. It should be stressed that the method proposed is fairly general since the other factorization types may be considered as limiting cases of type A or E factorizations.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, no figure, to be published in J. Phys.
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