978 research outputs found

    La laicidad `a la francesa´, modelo o excepción

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    El devaluado derecho de propiedad privada

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    Lipoma intraóseo en fémur proximal.

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    Se presenta un caso de una mujer de 74 años de edad con antecedente doloroso de la cadera izquierda de una año de evolución. En el estudio radiológico se aprecia una lesión quística en zona proximal del fémur del lado izquierdo asociada a signos de coxartrosis. Se decide legrar la lesión e implantar una prótesis total de cadera cementada, en el estudio histológico se encuentra un lipoma intraóseo sin signos de malignidad. A los dos años de evolución la paciente se encuentra asintomática y sin reaparición de la lesión ósea. Se presenta el caso, se establece un diagnóstico diferencial y se revisa la bibliografía dada la influencia de aparición de esta patología tumoral ósea.We presented a case of a patient seventy and four years old with a painful left hip during the last 12 months. On the x-ray exploration, appear a quistic lesion, localizated on the proximal femur and with arthrosis signs of the coxofemo- ral joint. We indicated a total hip arthroplasty, cemented, du- ring the surgery the lesion is legrated, and the histologic study reveal a intraosseus lipoma, without maling signs. At two ye- ars, the patient is asintomatic, and no indicius of the femoral tumor. We presented this case, the intraosseus lipoma, ma- king the diferential diagnosis and revised the bibliografy of this rare osseous tumor

    La técnica de Spaso para reducción de la luxación anterior de hombro.

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    Hemos revisado retrospectivamente los pacientes con luxación anterior de hombro que hemos tratado con la maniobra de reducción conocida como la técnica de Spaso. Hemos evaluado a 23 pacientes con luxación glenohumeral antero-inferior. En diecinueve casos era el primer episodio de luxación, mientras que cuatro casos correspondían a luxación recidivante. En todos los pacientes, menos en dos casos, se pudo conseguir la reducción de manera sencilla e indolora sin necesidad de medicación. La técnica consiste en disponer al paciente en decúbito supino, se coloca el miembro superior afectado, en extensión completa del codo y dirigido al cenit, se realiza tracción suave mientras se realiza una rotación externa del miembro. Presentamos esta técnica dada su sencillez, su fiabilidad, su reproducibilidad y su baja tasa de complicaciones.We have reviewed retrospectively a group of patients with previous traumatic dislocation of shoulder trea- ted with of Spaso maneuver. We have evaluated 23 patients with antero-inferior glenohumeral dislocation. In nineteen cases it was the first episode of dislocation, whereas four cases refered recurrent instability. In all patients, except in two cases, the reduction was simple and painless with no need of medication. The Spaso technique consists of arran- ging the patient in supine position, with the affected superior member, in complete extension of elbow, to the cenit, while traction is exerced, with mild external rotation of the arm. We presented this technique that we consider simple, safe and reproductible with a low rate of complications

    Malware propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks: global models vs Individual-based models

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    The main goal of this work is to propose a new framework to design a novel family of mathematical models to simulate malware spreading in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). An analysis of the proposed models in the scientific literature reveals that the great majority are global models based on systems of ordinary differential equations such that they do not consider the individual characteristics of the sensors and their local interactions. This is a major drawback when WSNs are considered. Taking into account the main characteristics of WSNs (elements and topologies of network, life cycle of the nodes, etc.) it is shown that individual-based models are more suitable for this purpose than global ones. The main features of this new type of malware propagation models for WSNs are stated

    Effect of acid treatment on the structure of sepiolite.

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    An ab initio determination of the structure of sepiolite after acid treatment (HCl 0.5 N for 24 h) was carried out using X-ray powder diffraction data. After acid treatment, the sections normal to the a and c axes presented discontinuities, ~2.25 Å wide, parallel to the (010) plane, with no electronic density maxima, thus suggesting that adjacent planes are joined by van der Waals-like residual links. Partial dissolution was detected on both octahedral and tetrahedral sheets, beginning by breaking the ribbons not along the edges, but in the centre, thus creating a 5.20x6.79 Å tunnel along the a axis. By interrupting the tetrahedral sheet, this mechanism changes the phyllosilicate-like nature of the sepiolite to an inosilicate-like structure.Peer reviewe

    Bubble concentration on spheres for supercritical elliptic problems

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    We consider the supercritical Lane-Emden problem (P_\eps)\qquad -\Delta v= |v|^{p_\eps-1} v \ \hbox{in}\ \mathcal{A} ,\quad u=0\ \hbox{on}\ \partial\mathcal{A} where A\mathcal A is an annulus in \rr^{2m}, m2m\ge2 and p_\eps={(m+1)+2\over(m+1)-2}-\eps, \eps>0. We prove the existence of positive and sign changing solutions of (P_\eps) concentrating and blowing-up, as \eps\to0, on (m1)(m-1)-dimensional spheres. Using a reduction method (see Ruf-Srikanth (2010) J. Eur. Math. Soc. and Pacella-Srikanth (2012) arXiv:1210.0782)we transform problem (P_\eps) into a nonhomogeneous problem in an annulus \mathcal D\subset \rr^{m+1} which can be solved by a Ljapunov-Schmidt finite dimensional reduction

    Goitre and Iodine Deficiency in Europe

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    The prevalence of endemic iodine-deficiency goitre in Europe has been reduced in many areas by the introduction of iodination programmes. Recent reports, however, show that goitre remains a significant problem and that its prevalence has not decreased in a number of European countries. Hetzel1 has pointed out that the high global prevalence of iodine-deficiency disorders could be eradicated within 5-10 years by introduction of an iodised salt programme. The current World Health Organisation recommendations for iodine intake are between 150 and 300 μg/da