168 research outputs found

    Energia hidrelétrica: projeções em um clima em mudança e impactos desta fonte

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    INTRODUCTION: Hydropower is an extensively used renewable source; in 2016, 159 countries reported benefiting; currently, there are around 9,000 projects in operation due to the competitive cost of generating a similar cost such as thermal energy such as coal, oil, or gas in the range of USD 4 - 5 cents US dollars per kilowatt-hour. OBJECTIVE: Investigate the results of hydroelectric development in the face of the changing climate and the generated impacts, making hydropower a subsector of special attention to discussing the global projection. METHOD: Bibliographic review to reflect on the global context of hydroelectricity based on scientific studies. RESULTS: Hydropower projects a 6% decrease for Europe by 2070, from 20% to 50% throughout the Mediterranean, and a reduction in usable capacity in most hydroelectric plants between 61% for the 2040 scenario– 2069 globally. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Globally, hydropower presents a broad vision of the advantages, and little said about the disadvantages and problems, and only there are specific studies that shown various project studied in a general way. It is shown that hydroelectric production has several implications in the face of the changing climate and impacts generated in ecosystems by the deployment of large infrastructures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An approach of the hydropower: advantages and impacts. A review

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    The present review shows a perspective of hydropower development, a renewable source that has a global installed capacity of 1308 GW with 9000 stations around the world. The document showed the advantages and the impacts around the different author’s perspectives. The review method consisted of defining a criterial find of articles, thesis and scientific material to consolidate the knowledge and give a viewpoint of this renewable source. The results show extensible affectations from hydropower expansion and this renewable energy source that requires analysis and study to delineate development sustainable with multidisciplinary areas of reflection. Moreover, the investigated results worldwide show that hydropower is not a pollution source; however, it has environmental impacts, social and cultural; such facilities may affect land, homes, and natural habitats. It concludes that the development of hydroelectric projects brings benefits but entails unavoidable impacts; therefore, it recommends that these affections must evaluate with detailed studies based on sustainability criteria.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The American continent hydropower development and the sustainability: a review

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    The present review compares and takes the main ideas around hydropower development in eight countries of the American continent, identifying its advantages and disadvantages, showing a vision concerning sustainability. It is conclusive that there are impacts for each megawatt produced with hydropower, and the generation structure that uses the water resource of natural currents is not highly clean. Moreover, there is the mistaken criterion for developing a renewable hydropower project related to sustainability, a wrong approach, as demonstrated with the review. The examination in the eight countries of America some analyzes and the most concludes that, before considering a construction with thousands of dollars of investment and water contained in dams, the social and environmental analysis must respond to the restrictions on building new hydropower projects, promoting other unconventional renewable energy sources development. It is recommended to determine an objective quantitative approach of hydropower combining hydrology, energy efficiency, and interaction scenarios of future climate change to know the best energy grids diversifying balanced renewable and no renewable sources for each country.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Enhancing adolescent reasoning skills through a video game program

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    Much research has been done on the benefits of video games in a physical education context (Camunas-Vega & Alcaide-Risoto, 2020; Fang et al., 2020). However, little attention has so far been paid to the effectiveness of commercial video games combined with actual basketball practice in helping students improve their reasoning skills (Chuang et al., 2021; Rogers et al., 2020). The study presents a quasiexperimental pre-post design with a control group in order to evaluate the impact of a specific training program in reasoning with the video game NBA 2K16. A convenience sample of 215 high school students participated in the study. Three reasoning subscales of the Evalua-9 psycho-pedagogical test (inductive alfa=0.88; deductive alfa=0.85; spatial alfa=0.89) were used for data collection. Our findings show a significant moderate effect in the students who participated in the training program. An additional outcome was that sex differences in spatial and deductive reasoning in the pre-test disappeared in the post-test. We discuss the educational implications of the use of the video game as the main learning tool to enhance the reasoning process of Secondary Education students in Physical Education

    Costo comparativo por kilovatio de los últimos proyectos hidroeléctricos en Ecuador

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    La hidroelectricidad es la mayor fuente renovable globalmente utilizada, para el 2020 ésta constituye el 77% de la matriz energética en Ecuador, pero los costos con los cuales se desarrollan estos proyectos generan el cuestionamiento entre el costo y beneficio de dichas inversiones debido a los impactos sociales, ambientales y culturales que se crean. Mediante una metodología cuantitativa en base a términos de inclusión y exclusión se encontró que las ultimas cinco centrales hidroeléctricas del Ecuador inauguradas en el período 2015 – 2019 contienen costos más altos del promedio global en comparación con el cálculo de la Agencia Internacional de las Energías Renovables, específicamente, para Coca Codo Sinclair se tiene un 79% de incremento, 34% para Sopladora, 21% para Minas San Francisco, 12% para Delsintagua y 119% para la central Manduriacu. Además, el costo promedio globalmente calculado por IRENA en el 2020 fue 1,472 USD/kWh, en el caso promedio de 499 MW del Ecuador se tiene un costo de 2,018 USD/kWh, valor 37% adicional a manera comparativa. Las decisiones de inversión en nuevos proyectos hidroeléctricos deben mejorarse con base en los datos de las plantas existentes, buscando mitigar los impactos, generando un análisis crítico y definiendo las metas del país con las poblaciones involucradas.Postprint (published version

    Los beneficios de los videojuegos interactivos: una aproximación educativa y una revisión sistemática de la actividad física

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    This article sets out to conduct a systematic review of the current literature on active video games as potential educational tools for physical education or physical activity. To begin with, research on active video games for educational and physical purposes has been examined with the purpose of verifying improvement of attitudes, intellectual skills, knowledge, motor skills and physical properties associated with physical activity and physical education. A second aim will be to determine the effectiveness of active video games compared with traditional approaches to physical activity. From this perspective, a systematic literature search from relevant international databases was conducted from January to July 2015 in order to find papers published in journals or conference proceedings from January 2010 onwards. Then, 2648 references were identified in database searches and 100 of these papers met the inclusion criteria. Two main conclusions are to be drawn from this research. Firstly, controlled studies demonstrate that active video games increase capacities in relation to physical activity and education. Secondly, Research also shows that physical activity interventions designed and measured using behavioural theories are more likely to be successful in comparison with traditional exercise activities.Este artículo se propone realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura actual sobre los videojuegos como herramientas educativas potenciales para la Educación Física o para la actividad física. La investigación sobre los videojuegos interactivos para propósitos educativos y físicos se ha realizado con el fin de verificar la mejora de las actitudes y habilidades intelectuales, conocimientos, habilidades motoras y las propiedades físicas asociadas con la actividad física y con la educación física. Un segundo objetivo será determinar la eficacia de los videojuegos interactivos en comparación con los enfoques tradicionales de la actividad física. Para ello, se llevó a cabo una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en las pertinentes bases de datos internacionales, entre enero y julio de 2015, para analizar artículos publicados en revistas o actas de congresos desde de enero de 2010 en adelante. Posteriormente se identificaron 2648 referencias en las búsquedas de bases de datos y se comprobó que 100 de estos documentos cumplían los criterios de inclusión. A partir de esta investigación se desprenden dos conclusiones relevantes. En primer lugar, los estudios realizados demuestran que los videojuegos interactivos aumentan las capacidades en relación con la actividad física y la educación física. En segundo lugar, la investigación también muestra que las intervenciones y medidas diseñadas en Educación Física, usando las teorías de comportamiento, tienen más probabilidades de tener éxito en comparación con las actividades físicas tradicionales

    El uso de aplicaciones móviles en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas: una revisión sistemática

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    El uso de aplicaciones móviles educativas en las aulas se proyecta como una herramienta para mejorar el rendimiento en matemáticas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática centrada en los beneficios que su uso puede aportar en la adquisición de la competencia matemática temprana. Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada en bases de datos nacionales e internacionales, desde enero 2015. Los datos se han clasificado dando lugar a una descripción de estas aplicaciones móviles. Los resultados iniciales facilitaron 1329 referencias, identificando únicamente 25 de estos estudios dentro de los criterios de inclusión prefijados. La mayoría de las evidencias informan de un impacto positivo tras el uso de las aplicaciones móviles educativas en el aula, tanto en el rendimiento y la motivación como en las actitudes de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en el área de matemática

    El uso de aplicaciones móviles en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas: una revisión sistemática: The use of mobile applications in mathematics education: a systematic review

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    The use of mobile applications in the classroom is considered a powerful educational tool for improving learning processes. This article sets out to conduct a systematic review of the current literature on the benefits of mobile applications as potential educational tools in the acquisition of early mathematical competence. From this perspective, a systematic literature search from relevant international databases was conducted in order to find papers published in journals or conference proceedings from January 2015 onwards. These data have been classified to obtain a description of the characteristics and the results of mobile applications. 1329 references were identified in database searches and 25 of these papers met the inclusion criteria. The main conclusion shows how, the use of mobile applications in the mathematics classroom has positive effects on students’ performance, motivation and learning results, at both early childhood and primary levels.Resumen: El uso de aplicaciones móviles educativas en las aulas se proyecta como una herramienta para mejorar el rendimiento en matemáticas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática centrada en los beneficios que su uso puede aportar en la adquisición de la competencia matemática temprana. Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada en bases de datos nacionales e internacionales, desde enero 2015. Los datos se han clasificado dando lugar a una descripción de estas aplicaciones móviles. Los resultados iniciales facilitaron 1329 referencias, identificando únicamente 25 de estos estudios dentro de los criterios de inclusión prefijados. La mayoría de las evidencias informan de un impacto positivo tras el uso de las aplicaciones móviles educativas en el aula, tanto en el rendimiento y la motivación como en las actitudes de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en el área de matemáticas. Palabras clave: aplicación móvil; dispositivo móvil; enseñanza multimedia; enseñanza de las matemáticas; aprendizaje electrónico.   Abstract: The use of mobile applications in the classroom is considered a powerful educational tool for improving learning processes. This article sets out to conduct a systematic review of the current literature on the benefits of mobile applications as potential educational tools in the acquisition of early mathematical competence. From this perspective, a systematic literature search from relevant international databases was conducted in order to find papers published in journals or conference proceedings from January 2015 onwards. These data have been classified to obtain a description of the characteristics and the results of mobile applications. 1329 references were initially identified in database searches and 25 of these papers met the inclusion criteria. The main conclusion shows how, the use of mobile applications in the mathematics classroom has positive effects on students’ performance, motivation and learning results, at both early childhood and primary levels. Keywords: Mobile applications; mobile devices; M-learning; mathematics education

    Analysis of water characteristics by the hydropower use (up-stream and downstream): a case of study at Ecuador, Argentina, and Uruguay

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    This study aims to evaluate the water use characteristics of five hydropower stations in Ecuador, Uruguay, and Argentina to verify if the resource will change by their use on energy production, mainly to natural dam flow. The methodology is quantitative by taking water before inlet of the generation turbines (up-stream) and outlet of discharge after the process (downstream), there are ten samples to study for each one, at eleven physical-chemical parameters (three physical and eight chemical). This study found that hydropower projects analyzed present changes between inlet dammed water and outlet water from the turbine after generating electricity. The measured parameters are variables, some ranges demonstrate large deviations, for example, total dissolved solids with 100 mg/l, total solids 93 mg/l, and hardness 46 mg/l. There are differences between upstream and downstream water quality because the projects with dams stagnate the source of increasing development of the solids, verifying that the expansion of the extensive infrastructures, such as dams, generates the suspended matter presence, compared to outlet water at the discharge stage, these materials are clay, silt, organic material, vegetation decomposition, and living bodies such as algae, snails, and floating plants that produce opacity, which is the reason for the color difference in the samples. It recommends monthly sustainability plans for all hydropower projects to check the water conditions and ecosystems, monitoring climate behavior to issue improvements or fixes continuously.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version