136 research outputs found

    La cerámica para el vino

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    Oficio artesano: la elaboración de la pasa

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    En número dedicado a: La provincia de Alicant

    Monitorización ambulatoria de la presión arterial en una situación de estrés: la guardia médica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leida en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 30-6-199

    Muricidae breakage-patterns at the Roman high imperial period purple dye workshop from isla de Lobos (Fuerteventura, islas canarias), a characterisation proposal

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    The discovery of a Roman workshop of a purple workshop dating from the High Imperial Roman period in Isla de Lobos (Fuerteventura) has allowed us to initiate research into the purple extraction processes. Written sources from ancient times pointed out that the modus operandi is different due to the size of the taxa to be processed. Historiography often reflects the reference to the observation of patterns of breakage in the remains of archaeological sites, although neither typification nor quantification is carried out. We approach a methodological proposal for the systematic analysis of these failure patterns, taking into account their morphological variety and the size of the specimens and that could evaluate operating models associated with specific actions by taxon or individualized work systems of the Lobos factory and confront it with other workshops to propose hypotheses about the globality of gestures in the purple-dye production system or its specificity by cultural periods-traditions, chronological stages or regional areas

    Rol de los profesionales de enfermería en el sistema de salud colombiano

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    Introduction: The nursing professional is able to provide care to people and communities from the different roles he or she assumes in the health system and that affect the quality of life of society. Objective: To identify in the scientific evidence published between 2011 and 2017 the role of nursing in the health system. Materials and methods: The bibliographic search was carried out in the data bases SciELO, PubMed, LILACS and Science Direct. Complete articles were selected in Spanish and English that presented in their titles the descriptors: nursing, role of nursing, health systems, advanced professional practice. Results: Fifty published studies were selected, which studied the health systems in Latin America, seeking to orient the role of nursing between 2011 and 2017. Three categories of interest could be found: Internships in the field of hospitality, community-based practices and teaching and research management. Conclusion: Despite the importance of the role played by nursing professionals in Colombia, there is no differentiation of profiles and functions within the health team; therefore, it is necessary to delimit some functions, to recover fields of action, strengthen leadership, autonomy and humanization in the provision of services

    Cooking ceramic among the murileguli of High Imperial Period Purple Dye Workshop from Lobos (Fuerteventura, Canary Islands). Preliminary results

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    The location of a Purple Dye Workshop of Roman high imperial period in Lobos Island (Fuerteventura) has allowed to consolidate the presence of Roman people in the Canary Islands. This activity would occur at a stage in which there is already a population in some of them.The found ceramic material shows forms corresponding exclusively to lathe productions and belonging to Roman time period, without, for the time being, any discovery that can be attributed to the Canarian indigenous cultures.Due to the characterization of the space, as an industrial type, a purple dye workshop, the localization of kitchen and table ceramics comes as a surprise.We study here the forms of cooking, which show us how the people, who arrive to Lobos, murileguli and piscatores, have been supplied with a varied specialized household in domestic life, as a complementary strategy to the development of the economic enterprise

    Shearwater Eggs in Lobos 3, a Holocene Site of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands)

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    Two eggs (L29 and N28) were recovered in the Holocene site of Lobos 3, (Islote de Lobos, north Fuerteventura, Canary Islands), the site has been interpreted as a purple dye workshop from the Early Roman Empire Epoch. For the first time, eggs from a Holocene deposit of the Canary Islands have been analyzed in terms of size, shape, and biomineral structure, and studied on the basis of several thin sections and SEM analysis. The analysis of the remains allowed the assignation of both eggs to Procellariidae birds, thanks to the relative proportion of the eggshell layers and the vesiculation patterns. The size of the eggs allowed the assignation of L29 to cf. Calonectris/Puffinus, and to cf. Puffinus for N28. The absence of more structural analysis on Procellariiformes eggshells prevent a more specific assignation. The accumulation pattern of the eggs is compatible with a seasonal occupation pattern of the Roman site

    Digital Social Networks (DSN) and schools: systematic review of the scientific literature (2017-2022)

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    RESUMEN: Se presenta una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica internacional relacionando las Redes Sociales Digitales con los centros educativos. Basada en 28 artículos de Web of Science, publicados seis años atrás, analizados según cuatro indicadores bibliométricos (territorio, modelo de investigación, técnicas de recogida de información y muestra) y ocho variables. Los resultados muestran que los estudios sobre las Redes Sociales Digitales predominan en la Educación Secundaria, inciden en los usos personales del alumnado, con un rol pasivo de los centros.ABSTRACT: A systematic review of the international scientific literature relating Digital Social Networks to educational centres is presented. Based on 28 articles from Web of Science, published six years ago, analysed according to four bibliometric indicators (territory, research model, data collection techniques and sample) and eight variables. The results show that studies on Digital Social Networks predominate in Secondary Education, focusing on students' personal uses, with a passive role for schools

    La arqueología en Canarias durante el Régimen franquista: el tema del primitivo poblamiento de las islas como paradigma (1939-1969)

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    In the present article, we analyze the contributions of the authors linked to the Provincial Commissary for Archaeological Excavations in the Canaries. Their studies led to the development of a nationalist prehistory of these islands. Developed during Franco’s regime, this prehistory was directly influenced by the theoretical, practical and ideological guidelines that gave meaning to the studies of peninsular prehistory at this time. An approach to the topic of the original colonization of the Canary Islands, allows us to highlight the relationship that existed between politics and archaeology, and therefore, between the power and the generation of the scientific knowledge.Durante el franquismo, la aportación de los distintos autores vinculados con las Comisarías Provinciales de Excavaciones Arqueológicas de Canarias daría pie al desarrollo de una lectura nacionalista de la prehistoria canaria, directamente influenciada por las directrices teóricas, prácticas e ideológicas que por entonces daban sentido a la prehistoria peninsular. Una aproximación al estudio del primitivo poblamiento de las Islas Canarias durante este período nos ha permitido sacar a relucir la estrecha relación que existió entre la política y la arqueología y, por ende, entre el poder y la generación del conocimiento científico

    La leyenda del poblamiento de Canarias por africanos de lenguas cortadas: génesis, contextualización e inviabilidad arqueológica de un relato ideado en la segunda mitad del siglo XIV

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    La leyenda de las lenguas cortadas, presente en las obras de diversos cronistas, relatores y etnohistoriadores que escribieron sobre las Islas Canarias a partir del siglo XIV, se ha querido utilizar como un relato verídico para explicar el primer poblamiento humano de Canarias. Una nueva relectura e interpretación de las fuentes escritas y de los datos arqueológicos nos permite ofrecer una nueva visión de la referida leyenda, desechando su pretendido carácter empírico y reflejando que estamos ante un relato inventado que hunde sus raíces en la cosmovisión judeo-cristiana, imperante hasta bien entrado el siglo XIX.The legend of the cut tongues, present in the works of diverse tellers and ethnohistoricians that wrote about the Canary Islands from the 14th century on, has wanted to be used as a truthful story to explain the first human colonization of the islands. A new vision and interpretation of the written sources and of the archaeological data allow us to offer a new vision of the referred legend, discarding their sought empiric character and reflecting that we are in front of an invented story that sinks its roots in the Jewish and Christian cosmovision, which prevails until well entered the 19th century