63 research outputs found

    Genome-wide epigenetic cross-talk between DNA methylation and H3K27me3 in zebrafish embryos

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    AbstractDNA methylation and histone modifications are epigenetic marks implicated in the complex regulation of vertebrate embryogenesis. The cross-talk between DNA methylation and Polycomb-dependent H3K27me3 histone mark has been reported in a number of organisms [1-7] and both marks are known to be required for proper developmental progression. Here we provide genome-wide DNA methylation (MethylCap-seq) and H3K27me3 (ChIP-seq) maps for three stages (dome, 24hpf and 48hpf) of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryogenesis, as well as all analytical and methodological details associated with the generation of this dataset. We observe a strong antagonism between the two epigenetic marks present in CpG islands and their compatibility throughout the bulk of the genome, as previously reported in mammalian ESC lines (Brinkman et al., 2012). Next generation sequencing data linked to this project have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database under accession numbers GSE35050 and GSE70847

    A polymorphic enhancer near GREM1 influences bowel cancer risk through differential CDX2 and TCF7L2 binding

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    Under a Creative Commons license.-- et al.A rare germline duplication upstream of the bone morphogenetic protein antagonist GREM1 causes aMendelian-dominant predisposition to colorectal cancer (CRC). The underlying disease mechanism is strong, ectopic GREM1 overexpression in the intestinal epithelium. Here, we confirm that a common GREM1 polymorphism, rs16969681, is also associated with CRC susceptibility, conferring ~20% differential risk in the general population. We hypothesized the underlying cause to be moderate differences inGREM1 expression. We showed that rs16969681 lies in a region of active chromatin with allele- and tissue-specific enhancer activity. The CRC high-risk allele was associated with stronger gene expression, and higher Grem1 mRNA levels increased the intestinal tumor burden in ApcMin mice. The intestine-specific transcription factor CDX2 and Wnt effector TCF7L2 bound near rs16969681, with significantly higher affinity for the risk allele, and CDX2 overexpression in CDX2/GREM1-negative cells caused re-expression of GREM1. rs16969681 influences CRC risk through effects on Wnt-driven GREM1 expression in colorectal tumors. © 2014 The Authors.Funding was provided from Cancer Research UK grant A/16459, an EU FP7 SYSCOL Consortium grant, and the EU COST colorectal cancer initiative. Core funding to the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics was provided from the Wellcome Trust (090532/Z/09/Z). J.L.G.-S. and J.J.C. were supported by the Spanish/FEDER government grants BFU2010-14839 and BFU2011-2292.Open Access funded by Wellcome Trust.Peer Reviewe

    Extensive conservation of ancient microsynteny across metazoans due to cis-regulatory constraints

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    This article is distributed exclusively by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the first six months after the full-issue publication date; after six months, it is available under a Creative Commons License.-- et al.The order of genes in eukaryotic genomes has generally been assumed to be neutral, since gene order is largely scrambled over evolutionary time. Only a handful of exceptional examples are known, typically involving deeply conserved clusters of tandemly duplicated genes (e.g., Hox genes and histones). Here we report the first systematic survey of microsynteny conservation across metazoans, utilizing 17 genome sequences. We identified nearly 600 pairs of unrelated genes that have remained tightly physically linked in diverse lineages across over 600 million years of evolution. Integrating sequence conservation, gene expression data, gene function, epigenetic marks, and other genomic features, we provide extensive evidence that many conserved ancient linkages involve (1) the coordinated transcription of neighboring genes, or (2) genomic regulatory blocks (GRBs) in which transcriptional enhancers controlling developmental genes are contained within nearby bystander genes. In addition, we generated ChIP-seq data for key histone modifications in zebrafish embryos, which provided further evidence of putative GRBs in embryonic development. Finally, using chromosome conformation capture (3C) assays and stable transgenic experiments, we demonstrate that enhancers within bystander genes drive the expression of genes such as Otx and Islet, critical regulators of central nervous system development across bilaterians. These results suggest that ancient genomic functional associations are far more common than previously thought—involving ∼12% of the ancestral bilaterian genome—and that cis-regulatory constraints are crucial in determining metazoan genome architecture.M.I., M.S.A., S.W.R., and H.B.F. were funded by NIH grant 1R21HG005240-01A1. H.B.F. is an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow and Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences. J.J.T., A.F-M., O.B., E.C-M., and J.L.G-S. were funded by grants BFU2010-14839, CSD2007-00008, and Proyecto de Excelencia CVI-3488.Peer reviewe

    Dynamics of enhancer chromatin signatures mark the transition from pluripotency to cell specification during embryogenesis

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    This article is distributed exclusively by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press for the first six months after the full-issue publication date; after six months, it is available under a Creative Commons License.-- et al.The generation of distinctive cell types that form different tissues and organs requires precise, temporal and spatial control of gene expression. This depends on specific cis-regulatory elements distributed in the noncoding DNA surrounding their target genes. Studies performed on mammalian embryonic stem cells and Drosophila embryos suggest that active enhancers form part of a defined chromatin landscape marked by histone H3 lysine 4 mono-methylation (H3K4me1) and histone H3 lysine 27 acetylation (H3K27ac). Nevertheless, little is known about the dynamics and the potential roles of these marks during vertebrate embryogenesis. Here, we provide genomic maps of H3K4me1/me3 and H3K27ac at four developmental time-points of zebrafish embryogenesis and analyze embryonic enhancer activity. We find that (1) changes in H3K27ac enrichment at enhancers accompany the shift from pluripotency to tissue-specific gene expression, (2) in early embryos, the peaks of H3K27ac enrichment are bound by pluripotent factors such as Nanog, and (3) the degree of evolutionary conservation is higher for enhancers that become marked by H3K27ac at the end of gastrulation, suggesting their implication in the establishment of the most conserved (phylotypic) transcriptome that is known to occur later at the pharyngula stage.We thank the Spanish and Andalusian Governments for grants (BFU2010-14839, CSD2007-00008, and Proyecto de Excelencia CVI-3488) for funding this study.Peer reviewe

    A conserved Shh cis-regulatory module highlights a common developmental origin of unpaired and paired fins

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    Despite their evolutionary, developmental, and functional importance the origin of vertebrate paired appendages remains uncertain. In mice, a single enhancer termed ZRS is solely responsible for Shh expression in limbs. Here, zebrafish and mouse transgenic assays trace the functional equivalence of ZRS across the gnathostome phylogeny. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion of the medaka-ZRS and enhancer assays reveal the existence of ZRS shadow enhancers in both teleost and human genomes. Deletion of both ZRS and shadow ZRS abolish shh expression and completely truncate pectoral fin formation. Strikingly, deletion of ZRS results in an almost complete ablation of the dorsal fin. This finding indicates that a ZRS-Shh regulatory module is shared by paired and median fins, and that paired fins likely emerged by the co‐option of developmental programs established in the median fins of stem gnathostomes. Shh function was later reinforced in pectoral fin development with the recruitment of shadow enhancers, conferring additional robustness

    The role of Cis-Regulatory elements in morphological adaptation to cave environment in Astyanax mexicanus

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    Trabajo presentado en EMBO Workshop Enhanceropathies: Understanding enhancer function to understand human disease, celebrado en Santander (España) del 06 al 09 de octubre de 2021

    Genome evolution in morphological adaptation to cave environment in Astyanax mexicanus

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    Trabajo presentado en el EMBO Workshop The evolution of animal genomes, celebrado en modalidad virtual del 13 al 17 de septiembre de 2021

    Multiple enhancers located in a 1-Mb region upstream of POU3F4 promote expression during inner ear development and may be required for hearing

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    POU3F4 encodes a POU-domain transcription factor required for inner ear development. Defects in POU3F4 function are associated with X-linked deafness type 3 (DFN3). Multiple deletions affecting up to ~900-kb upstream of POU3F4 are found in DFN3 patients, suggesting the presence of essential POU3F4 enhancers in this region. Recently, an inner ear enhancer was reported that is absent in most DFN3 patients with upstream deletions. However, two indications suggest that additional enhancers in the POU3F4 upstream region are required for POU3F4 function during inner ear development. First, there is at least one DFN3 deletion that does not eliminate the reported enhancer. Second, the expression pattern driven by this enhancer does not fully recapitulate Pou3f4 expression in the inner ear. Here, we screened a 1-Mb region upstream of the POU3F4 gene for additional cis-regulatory elements and searched for novel DFN3 mutations in the identified POU3F4 enhancers. We found several novel enhancers for otic vesicle expression. Some of these also drive expression in kidney, pancreas and brain, tissues that are known to express Pou3f4. In addition, we report a new and smallest deletion identified so far in a DFN3 family which eliminates 3.9 kb, comprising almost exclusively the previous reported inner ear enhancer. We suggest that multiple enhancers control the expression of Pou3f4 in the inner ear and these may contribute to the phenotype observed in DFN3 patients. In addition, the novel deletion demonstrates that the previous reported enhancer, although not sufficient, is essential for POU3F4 function during inner ear development

    Evolutionary comparison reveals that diverging CTCF sites are signatures of ancestral topological associating domains borders

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    Increasing evidence in the last years indicates that the vast amount of regulatory information contained in mammalian genomes is organized in precise 3D chromatin structures. However, the impact of this spatial chromatin organization on gene expression and its degree of evolutionary conservation is still poorly understood. The Six homeobox genes are essential developmental regulators organized in gene clusters conserved during evolution. Here, we reveal that the Six clusters share a deeply evolutionarily conserved 3D chromatin organization that predates the Cambrian explosion. This chromatin architecture generates two largely independent regulatory landscapes (RLs) contained in two adjacent topological associating domains (TADs). By disrupting the conserved TAD border in one of the zebrafish Six clusters, we demonstrate that this border is critical for preventing competition between promoters and enhancers located in separated RLs, thereby generating different expression patterns in genes located in close genomic proximity. Moreover, evolutionary comparison of Six-associated TAD borders reveals the presence of CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) sites with diverging orientations in all studied deuterostomes. Genome-wide examination of mammalian HiC data reveals that this conserved CTCF configuration is a general signature of TAD borders, underscoring that common organizational principles underlie TAD compartmentalization in deuterostome evolution

    The emergence of the brain non-CpG methylation system in vertebrates

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    Mammalian brains feature exceptionally high levels of non-CpG DNA methylation alongside the canonical form of CpG methylation. Non-CpG methylation plays a critical regulatory role in cognitive function, which is mediated by the binding of MeCP2, the transcriptional regulator that when mutated causes Rett syndrome. However, it is unclear whether the non-CpG neural methylation system is restricted to mammalian species with complex cognitive abilities or has deeper evolutionary origins. To test this, we investigated brain DNA methylation across 12 distantly related animal lineages, revealing that non-CpG methylation is restricted to vertebrates. We discovered that in vertebrates, non-CpG methylation is enriched within a highly conserved set of developmental genes transcriptionally repressed in adult brains, indicating that it demarcates a deeply conserved regulatory program. We also found that the writer of non-CpG methylation, DNMT3A, and the reader, MeCP2, originated at the onset of vertebrates as a result of the ancestral vertebrate whole-genome duplication. Together, we demonstrate how this novel layer of epigenetic information assembled at the root of vertebrates and gained new regulatory roles independent of the ancestral form of the canonical CpG methylation. This suggests that the emergence of non-CpG methylation may have fostered the evolution of sophisticated cognitive abilities found in the vertebrate lineage.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence programme in Plant Energy Biology (grant no. CE140100008). R.L. was supported by a Sylvia and Charles Viertel Senior Medical Research Fellowship, ARC Future Fellowship (no. FT120100862) and Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholarship. A.d.M. was funded by an EMBO long-term fellowship (no. ALTF 144-2014). J.L.G.-S. was supported by the Spanish government (grant no. BFU2016- 74961-P) and the institutional grant Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu (no. MDM-2016-0687). B.V. was supported by the Biomedical Research Council of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research of Singapore. F.G. was supported by an ARC Future Fellowship (no. FT160100267). C.W.R. was supported by an NSF grant (no. IOS-1354898). J.R.E. is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Genomic data was generated at the Australian Cancer Research Foundation Centre for Advanced Cancer Genomics