978 research outputs found

    The Potential for the United States Joining the Covenant Family

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    Sex Based Differences in Trust and Dissent: An Exploration of Leaders and Followers in Healthcare Management

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    This dissertation is a quantitative study which looks at the ways in which healthcare followers perceive their leaders regarding gender, over the concepts of trust and organizational dissent. The study was open to members of non-clinical healthcare associations, but clinicians were not specifically excluded. Inferential statistics were inconclusive, as they directly contradict literature that directly correlates trust and dissent in the general business world. Reading subtextual, the outcome indicates possible sublimated conflict between and among both genders, for both followers and leaders. Objectively, women showed more trust in their female leaders, but subjectively this was not true. Indicators in the subjective material suggest potential negative social capital use in the social network and potential gender solidarity bias. Further study and ramifications for covert behavior, relational aggression and healthcare conflict research are discussed

    International Competitiveness in Services in Some European Countries: Basic Facts and a Preliminary Attempt of Interpretation.

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    In spite of the increasing economic and social importance of services, the analysis of their international competitiveness is still in its very preliminary stages. The lack of adequate statistical information and theoretical background explains that backwardness. The aim of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of competitiveness in services activities of European countries. To carry out this task the investigation is divides into two parts: the first consists of the classification of the competitive position of the economies along 1990-2001 according to the competitiveness matrix developed by the UNO and the World Bank. Secondly, a first attempt of interpretation is made by exploring the factors which can explain the different behaviour of the countries, giving an especial importance to elements related to knowledge incorporation. In both cases, three sub-sectors are considered: transport and communication, travel and other business services. Finally, a number of recommendations as well as future research topics are included in the conclusions.A pesar de la creciente importancia económica y social de los servicios, el análisis de su competitividad internacional está todavía en sus fases preliminares, como consecuencia de las dificultades de información estadística existentes, así como por el escaso desarrollo de una teoría convincente. El propósito de este estudio es contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de la competitividad de los países europeos en los servicios. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea la investigación se divide en dos pare complementarias: la primera consiste en una clasificación de la posición competitiva de los países siguiendo la matrices de competitividad desarrolladas por la ONU y el Banco Mundial, la segunda incluye una primer intento de interpretación de aquellas posiciones y su evolución en el tiempo, dando especial importancia a factores relacionados con el conocimiento. En ambas fases el estudio se hace para tres sectores ampliamente representativos: transporte y comunicaciones, viajes y otros servicios a empresas. Por último, en las conclusiones se ofrecen algunas recomendaciones de actuación, así como futuras líneas de trabajo.Services, Competitiveness, Internationalisation, knowledge, Servicios, competitividad, internacionalización, conocimiento.

    On a Deformation of 3-Branes

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    We construct an explicit class of solutions of type IIB supergravity that is a smooth deformation of the 3-brane class of solutions. The solution is nonsupersymmetric and involves nontrivial dilaton and axion fields as well as the standard 5-form field strength. One of the main features of the solution is that for large values of the radius the deformation is small and it asymptotically approaches the undeformed 3-brane solution, signaling a restoration of conformal invariance in the UV for the dual gauge theory. We suggest that the supergravity deformation corresponds to a massive deformation on the dual gauge theory and consequently the deformed theory has the undeformed one as an ultraviolet fixed point. In cases where the original 3-brane solution preserves some amount of supersymmetry we suggest that the gauge theory interpretation is that of soft supersymmetry breaking. We discuss the deformation for D3-branes on the conifold and the generalized conifold explicitly. We show that the semiclassical behavior of the Wilson loop suggests that the corresponding gauge theory duals are confining.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, Late

    Reflexiones sobre política de ciencia e innovación y sus problemas: el estudio de la inversión en I+D+I en los presupuestos generales del Estado

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    En: Caro Muñoz, Ana I., Gómez Otero, Carlos (eds.) 2015, La reforma del régimen jurídico universitario: 245-294 (2015).El lector va a encontrarse en estas páginas la plasmación de lo que fueron las intervenciones y los debates del Curso que se organizó por la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, con sede en Galicia, y la Asociación para el Estudio del Derecho Universitario, cuyo leitmotiv se centró en un exhaustivo trabajo de análisis de cuál serían las necesidades de articulación jurídica para la determinación de las reformas pretendidas en el ámbito del Sistema Universitario Español. Así, se abordaron los que consideramos han de ser los elementos fundamentales en los que debe pivotar su transformación, y ello incidiendo en aspectos como la captación de talento en el ámbito del personal docente, investigador y de apoyo técnico, nuevas formas de vinculación jurídica del personal, redimensionamiento de los Campus y de las enseñanzas, sistemas de financiación alternativos, superación de fronteras en la enseñanza superior, etc. Debates que en ningún momento olvidaron la necesidad previa al dictado de una Ley, de generar experimentación y valoración, proponiendo adaptaciones, sugiriendo reestructuraciones y fomentando verdaderas políticas universitarias. Tomando en consideración, inevitablemente, que estamos condicionados por imperativos económicos, y que dependemos de obsoletas y rígidas formas de provisión de efectivos docentes e investigadores, bajo nuevas formas de interrelación y transmisión del conocimiento, más allá del aula presencial y el papel, con unos destinatarios de nuestros servicios más formados, exigentes, inmersos en un mundo globalizado, sin fronteras físicas, y con un reparto competencial en materia de educación, formación e investigación, que, en gran medida, no hace sino dar mayor complejidad a las propuestas y medidas a plantear.Peer reviewe

    La financiación de la Administración del Estado a la I+D+I: reflexiones sobre su racionalidad, los presupuestos del Estado y la actividad universitaria

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    [EN] The public finance is crucial to foster the scientific research and innovation in the modern societies. It is so not just to the generally accepted problem of the market fails, but also to the importance of public orientation for private investment in social and economic project of technological change. In Spain the historical backwardness of R&D&I is worsened by the rigorous restrictive policy in financing R&D, hence putting remarkable doubts on the future capabilities of competing and creating wealth by the Spanish economy. The aim of this work is to give an extensive analysis of this situation; moreover it aims to give a general framework of reflection on the possibilities for our universities and research centers after more than seven years of sever R&D&I financial cuts in Spain.[ES] La financiación pública es imprescindible para impulsar en las sociedades modernas la investigación científica y la innovación, no solo porque el mercado no produce señales fiables para la asignación de recursos a estos menesteres, sino porque los programas de I+D+I son fundamentales para la orientación de las inversiones privadas dentro de proyectos sociales y económicos de cambio tecnológico. En España, a su atraso relativo se ha añadido en los últimos años una política de recortes en los presupuestos de I+D+I que suponen un serio problema para el futuro de la capacidad de competir y generar riqueza de nuestra economía. El conocimiento detallado de esta situación es el objetivo de este trabajo que, además, ofrece un marco básico para comprender las restricciones con que las universidades y centros públicos de investigación se encuentran después de más de siete años de retroceso sin precedentes en la financiación pública de la ciencia y la tecnología en España. 80 pág. Incluye gráficas, figuras,Peer reviewe

    Turbulence and Chaos in Anti-de-Sitter Gravity

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    Due to the AdS/CFT correspondence the question of instability of Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes sits in the intersection of mathematical and numerical relativity, string theory, field theory and condensed matter physics. In this essay we revisit that important question emphasizing the power of spectral methods and highlighting the effectiveness of standard techniques for studying nonlinear dynamical systems. In particular we display explicitly how the problem can be modeled as a system on nonlinearly coupled harmonic oscillators. We highlight some of the many open questions that stem from this result and point out that a full understanding will necessarily required the interdisciplinary cooperation of various communities.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures. Essay awarded honorable mention in the Gravity Research Foundation essay competition 201

    Non-Singular String-Cosmologies From Exact Conformal Field Theories

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    Non-singular two and three dimensional string cosmologies are constructed using the exact conformal field theories corresponding to SO(2,1)/SO(1,1) and SO(2,2)/SO(2,1). {\it All} semi-classical curvature singularities are canceled in the exact theories for both of these cosets, but some new quantum curvature singularities emerge. However, considering different patches of the global manifolds, allows the construction of non-singular spacetimes with cosmological interpretation. In both two and three dimensions, we construct non-singular oscillating cosmologies, non-singular expanding and inflationary cosmologies including a de Sitter (exponential) stage with positive scalar curvature as well as non-singular contracting and deflationary cosmologies. Similarities between the two and three dimensional cases suggest a general picture for higher dimensional coset cosmologies: Anisotropy seems to be a generic unavoidable feature, cosmological singularities are generically avoided and it is possible to construct non-singular cosmologies where some spatial dimensions are experiencing inflation while the others experience deflation.Comment: Talk presented at the D.V. Volkov Memorial Conference "Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory" (25-29 July, 2000, Kharkov, Ukraine). Published in Nucl.Phys.B. (Proc. Suppl.) 102&103 (2001), p. 20

    Auditorías de conocimiento. Análisis de dominio en las bases de datos Scopus y WoK

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    This an approach to the visualization of the domain knowledge audits, based on an analysis of the scientific production of the database Scopus and Wok between the years 1994–2010. Productivity was studied for years, most productive authors, publications, levels of collaboration between authors of this domain were used and most cited themes. Computer tools such as the Excel, ToolInf and Ucinet. In the studied period were published: 63 articles and 30 procedings. 93 works under the signature of 232 authors, proceeding were published. The most productive magazine was Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and authors with a major contribution to this topic were Wing–Bun Lee, Chi Fai Cheung, Elissaveta Gourova and Baimin M. Suo. Finally the results are depicted in different graphs and maps for viewing