305 research outputs found

    Analysis of the carbon and nitrogen limitations to soybean yield

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    Soybeans are hypothesized to be “self-destructive” since they apparently need to translocate large amounts of nitrogen from vegetative tissues during seed-fill to sustain seed growth. To assess the possible limitations of this characteristic on soybean seed yield, a simple, dynamic simulation model is developed which accounts for the availability of nitrogen and photosynthate within the plant. The simulations show that the duration of seedfill and seed yield is clearly limited by the self-destructive characteristic. Increased availability of nitrogen within the plant is required for significant increases in soybean yields. Possible alterations of the model required to mimic actual soybean seed growth are presented

    Spontaneous Breaking of N=2 Global Supersymmetry

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    We study spontaneous supersymmetry breaking in N=2 globally supersymmetric theories describing a system of abelian vector multiplets. We find that the most general form of the action admits, in addition to the usual Fayet-Iliopoulos term, a magnetic Fayet-Iliopoulos term for the auxiliary components of dual vector multiplets. In a generic case, N=2 supersymmetry is broken down spontaneously to N=1. In some cases however, the scalar potential can drive the theory towards a N=2 supersymmetric ground state where massless dyons condense in the vacuum.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    Perturbative Prepotential and Monodromies in N=2 Heterotic Superstring

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    We discuss the prepotential describing the effective field theory of N=2 heterotic superstring models. At the one loop-level the prepotential develops logarithmic singularities due to the appearance of charged massless states at particular surfaces in the moduli space of vector multiplets. These singularities modify the classical duality symmetry group which now becomes a representation of the fundamental group of the moduli space minus the singular surfaces. For the simplest two-moduli case, this fundamental group turns out to be a certain braid group and we determine the resulting full duality transformations of the prepotential, which are exact in perturbation theory.Comment: 39 pages, LaTeX, no figures; section 6 expanded to include explicit construction of the monodromy group in a (4,0) orbifold exampl

    N=2 Heterotic Superstring and its Dual Theory in Five Dimensions

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    We study quantum effects in five dimensions in heterotic superstring theory compactified on K_3 x S_1 and analyze the conjecture that its dual effective theory is eleven-dimensional supergravity compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold. This theory is also equivalent to type II superstring theory compactified on the same Calabi-Yau manifold, in an appropriate large volume limit. In this limit the conifold singularity disappears and is replaced by a singularity associated to enhanced gauge symmetries, as naively expected from the heterotic description. Furthermore, we exhibit the existence of additional massless states which appear in the strong coupling regime of the heterotic theory and are related to a different type of singular points on Calabi-Yau threefolds.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    ‘It is not fashionable to suffer nowadays’: Community motivations to repeatedly participate in outreach HIV testing indicate UHC potential in Tanzania

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    OBJECTIVE: This study examined people’s motivations for (repeatedly) utilizing HIV testing services during community-based testing events in urban and rural Shinyanga, Tanzania and potential implications for Universal Health Coverage (UHC). METHODS: As part of a broader multidisciplinary study on the implementation of a HIV Test and Treat model in Shinyanga Region, Tanzania, this ethnographic study focused on community-based testing campaigns organised by the implementing partner. Between April 2018 and December 2019, we conducted structured observations (24), short questionnaires (42) and in-depth interviews with HIV-positive (23) and HIV-negative clients (8). Observations focused on motivations for (re-)testing, and the counselling and testing process. Thematic analysis based on inductive and deductive coding was completed using NVivo software. RESULTS: Regular HIV testing was encouraged by counsellors. Most participants in testing campaigns were HIV-negative; 51.1% had tested more than once over their lifetimes. Testing campaigns provided an accessible way to learn one’s HIV status. Motivations for repeat testing included: monitoring personal health to achieve (temporary) reassurance, having low levels of trust toward sexual partners, feeling at risk, seeking proof of (ill)-health, and acting responsibly. Repeat testers also associated testing with a desire to start treatment early to preserve a healthy-looking body, should they prove HIV positive. CONCLUSIONS: Community-based testing campaigns serve three valuable functions related to HIV prevention and treatment: 1) enable community members to check their HIV status regularly as part of a personalized prevention strategy that reinforces responsible behaviour; 2) identify recently sero-converted clients who would not otherwise be targeted; and 3) engage community with general prevention and care messaging and services. This model could be expanded to include routine management of other (chronic) diseases and provide an entry for scaling up UHC

    Topological Amplitudes in String Theory

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    We show that certain type II string amplitudes at genus gg are given by the topological partition function FgF_g discussed recently by Bershadsky, Cecotti, Ooguri and Vafa. These amplitudes give rise to a term in the four-dimensional effective action of the form ∑gFgW2g\sum_g F_g W^{2g}, where WW is the chiral superfield of N=2N=2 supergravitational multiplet. The holomorphic anomaly of FgF_g is related to non-localities of the effective action due to the propagation of massless states. This result generalizes the holomorphic anomaly of the one loop case which is known to lead to non-harmonic gravitational couplings.Comment: 31 pages (LATEX) + 2 figures (available upon request as PS file or hardcopy), NUB-3071 - IC/93/202 - CPTH-A258.079

    N=2 Type II- Heterotic duality and Higher derivative F-terms

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    We test the recently conjectured duality between N=2N=2 supersymmetric type II and heterotic string models by analysing a class of higher dimensional interactions in the respective low-energy Lagrangians. These are FF-terms of the form FgW2gF_g W^{2g} where WW is the gravitational superfield. On the type II side these terms are generated at the gg-loop level and in fact are given by topological partition functions of the twisted Calabi-Yau sigma model. We show that on the heterotic side these terms arise at the one-loop level. We study in detail a rank 3 example and show that the corresponding couplings FgF_g satisfy the same holomorphic anomaly equations as in the type II case. Moreover we study the leading singularities of FgF_g's on the heterotic side, near the enhanced symmetry point and show that they are universal poles of order 2g−22g{-}2 with coefficients that are given by the Euler number of the moduli space of genus-gg Riemann surfaces. This confirms a recent conjecture that the physics near conifold singularity is governed by c=1c{=}1 string theory at the self-dual point.Comment: 33 pages, latex, no figure

    On the Thermodynamic Geometry of BTZ Black Holes

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    We investigate the Ruppeiner geometry of the thermodynamic state space of a general class of BTZ black holes. It is shown that the thermodynamic geometry is flat for both the rotating BTZ and the BTZ Chern Simons black holes in the canonical ensemble. We further investigate the inclusion of thermal fluctuations to the canonical entropy of the BTZ Chern Simons black holes and show that the leading logartithmic correction due to Carlip is reproduced. We establish that the inclusion of thermal fluctuations induces a non zero scalar curvature to the thermodynamic geometry.Comment: 1+17 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figure
