56 research outputs found

    Seeking the right balance: NATO and EU in Dutch Foreign and Defense Policy

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    No passado, a polĂ­tica externa holandesa foi caracterizada pela expressĂŁo “paz, ganhos e princĂ­pios”. Na verdade, a polĂ­tica externa holandesa tem caracterĂ­sticas semelhantes Ă  de outras potĂȘncias mĂ©dias com desenvolvimento elevado. Enquanto instrumento de polĂ­tica externa, o uso ofensivo das suas forças armadas nĂŁo Ă© a primeira escolha; muito pelo contrĂĄrio, o seu cerne estĂĄ no reforço do primado do Direito Internacional e nas instituiçÔes, com o objectivo de criar relaçÔes internacionais estĂĄveis e pacĂ­ficas. O que realmente distingue a Holanda Ă© a sua ĂȘnfase nas relaçÔes transatlĂąnticas como forma de manter a sua independĂȘncia relativamente aos restantes poderes continentais. Devido Ă s mudanças geoestratĂ©gicas dos anos 90, esta ĂȘnfase tem vindo a perder relevĂąncia. Dado que a Europa deixou de ser a prioridade estratĂ©gica dos EUA em matĂ©ria de segurança e defesa, a Holanda tenta encontrar um novo equilĂ­brio entre o tradicional transatlantismo, atravĂ©s da NATO, e a emergente PolĂ­tica Europeia de Segurança e Defesa (PESD) da UniĂŁo Europeia

    Somalia and the Pirates. ESF Working Paper No. 33, 18 December 2009

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    Piracy is defined by The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies as an "act of boarding or attempting to board any ship with the apparent intent to commit theft or any other crime and with the apparent intent or capability to use force in furtherance of that act." And it is estimated that from 1995 to 2009, around 730 persons were killed or are presumed dead, approximately 3,850 seafarers were held hostage, around 230 were kidnapped and ransomed, nearly 800 were seriously injured and hundreds more were threatened with guns and knives. (See paper by Rob de Wijk). In November 2009, CEPS held a European Security Forum seminar, in collaboration with the Institute for Strategic Studies, the Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, to focus on the issue of Somalia and the Pirates, chaired by Francois Heisbourg. Four eminent specialists in this field: David Anderson, Rob de Wijk, Steven Haines and Jonathon Stevenson looked at the links with Somalia, and the historical, legal, political and security dimensions of the troubling success of piracy in today’s world. Their conclusions and recommendations for future action are brought together in this ESF 33 Working Paper

    Políticas de segurança e defesa dos pequenos e médios estados europeus

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    SeminĂĄrio internacional aberto ao pĂșblico, realizado no dia 23 de Novembro de 2007, no Instituto da Defesa Nacional, organizado em parceria com a Representação da ComissĂŁo Europeia em Portugal. O 1Âș Painel incluiu a sessĂŁo de abertura, onde foram intervenientes Anibal Ferreira da Silva, director do Instituto da Defesa Nacional; Manuel Romano, representante da ComissĂŁo Europeia em Portugal; Isabel Ferreira Nunes, sub-directora do Instituto da Defesa Nacional; Miguel Freire, investigador associado do Instituto da Defesa Nacional; moderador Pedro Aires Oliveira. O 2Âș Painel incluiu intervençÔes de Miguel Monjardino, Universidade CatĂłlica Portuguesa, Lisboa; Carlos Gaspar, Instituto de RelaçÔes Internacionais; moderador JosĂ© Loureiro dos Santos. O 3Âș Painel incluiu intervençÔes Rob de Wijk, Centro de Estudos de Haia; Henrik Larsen, Universidade de Copenhaga; moderadora Isabel Ferreira Nunes. O 4Âș Painel incluiu intervençÔes de Sonja Kopf e Ben Tonra, Instituto Europeu de Dublin; Lisbeth Aggestam, Centre of International Studies, Universidade de Cambridge; moderadora Isabel Ferreira Nunes.N/

    Structure characterization of the central repetitive domain of high molecular weight gluten proteins. II. Characterization in solution and in the dry state

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    The structure of the central repetitive domain of high molecular weight (HMW) wheat gluten proteins was characterized in solution and in the dry state using HMW proteins Bx6 and Bx7 and a subcloned, bacterially expressed part of the repetitive domain of HMW Dx5. Model studies of the HMW consensus peptides PGQGQQ and GYYPTSPQQ formed the basis for the data analysis. In solution, the repetitive domain contained a continuous nonoverlapping series of both type I and type II ÎČ-turns at positions predicted from the model studies; type II ÎČ-turns occurred at QPGQ and QQGY sequences and type I ÎČ-turns at YPTS and SPQQ. The subcloned part of the HMW Dx5 repetitive domain sometimes migrated as two bands on SDS-PAGE; we present evidence that this may be caused by a single amino acid insertion that disturbs the regular structure of ÎČ-turns. The type I ÎČ-turns are lost when the protein is dried on a solid surface, probably by conversion to type II ÎČ-turns. The homogeneous type II ÎČ-turn distribution is compatible with the formation of a ÎČ-spiral structure, which provides the protein with elastic properties. The ÎČ-turns and thus the ÎČ-spiral are stabilized by hydrogen bonds within and between turns. Reformation of this hydrogen bonding network after, e.g., mechanical disruption may be important for the elastic properties of gluten proteins

    Compartmentalization and persistence of dominant (regulatory) T cell clones indicates antigen skewing in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Autoimmune inflammation is characterized by tissue infiltration and expansion of antigen-specific T cells. Although this inflammation is often limited to specific target tissues, it remains yet to be explored whether distinct affected sites are infiltrated with the same, persistent T cell clones. Here, we performed CyTOF analysis and T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing to study immune cell composition and (hyper-)expansion of circulating and joint-derived Tregs and non-Tregs in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). We studied different joints affected at the same time, as well as over the course of relapsing-remitting disease. We found that the composition and functional characteristics of immune infiltrates are strikingly similar between joints within one patient, and observed a strong overlap between dominant T cell clones, especially Treg, of which some could also be detected in circulation and persisted over the course of relapsing-remitting disease. Moreover, these T cell clones were characterized by a high degree of sequence similarity, indicating the presence of TCR clusters responding to the same antigens. These data suggest that in localized autoimmune disease, there is autoantigen-driven expansion of both Teffector and Treg clones that are highly persistent and are (re)circulating. These dominant clones might represent interesting therapeutic targets

    Compartmentalization and persistence of dominant (regulatory) T cell clones indicates antigen skewing in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Autoimmune inflammation is characterized by tissue infiltration and expansion of antigen-specific T cells. Although this inflammation is often limited to specific target tissues, it remains yet to be explored whether distinct affected sites are infiltrated with the same, persistent T cell clones. Here we performed CyTOF analysis and T cell receptor (TCR) sequencing to study immune cell composition and (hyper-)expansion of circulating and joint-derived Tregs and non-Tregs in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). We studied different joints affected at the same time, as well as over the course of relapsing-remitting disease. We found that the composition and functional characteristics of immune infiltrates are strikingly similar between joints within one patient, and observed a strong overlap between dominant T cell clones, especially Treg, of which some could also be detected in circulation and persisted over the course of relapsing remitting disease. Moreover, these T cell clones were characterized by a high degree of sequence similarity, indicating the presence of TCR clusters responding to the same antigens. These data suggest that in localized autoimmune disease there is auto-antigen driven expansion of both Teffector and Treg clones, that are highly persistent and are (re)circulating. These dominant clones might represent interesting therapeutic targets

    Can incontinence be cured? A systematic review of cure rates

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    Background Incontinence constitutes a major health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. The present study aims to assess cure rates from treating urinary (UI) or fecal incontinence (FI) and the number of people who may remain dependent on containment strategies. Methods Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), CINAHL, and PEDro were searched from January 2005 to June 2015. Supplementary searches included conference abstracts and trials registers (2013–2015). Included studies had patients ≄ 18 years with UI or FI, reported treatment cure or success rates, had ≄ 50 patients treated with any intervention recognized in international guideline algorithms, a follow-up ≄ 3 months, and were published from 2005 onwards. Title and abstract screening, full paper screening, data extraction and risk-of-bias assessment were performed independently by two reviewers. Disagreements were resolved through discussion or referral to a third reviewer where necessary. A narrative summary of included studies is presented. Results Most evidence was found for UI: Surgical interventions for stress UI showed a median cure rate of 82.3% (interquartile range (IQR), 72–89.5%); people with urgency UI were mostly treated using medications (median cure rate for antimuscarinics = 49%; IQR, 35.6–58%). Pelvic floor muscle training and bulking agents showed lower cure rates for UI. Sacral neuromodulation for FI had a median cure rate of 38.6% (IQR, 35.6–40.6%). Conclusions Many individuals were not cured and hence may continue to rely on containment. No studies were found assessing success of containment strategies. There was a lack of data in the disabled and in those with neurological diseases, in the elderly and those with cognitive impairment. Surgical interventions were effective for stress UI. Other interventions for UI and FI showed lower cure rates. Many individuals are likely to be reliant on containment strategies

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Between Suicide Bombings and Burning Banlieues: The Multiple Crises of Europe's Parallel Societies. CEPS ESF Working Papers No. 22, 23 June 2006

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    In addition to the regular "Chairman’s summing-up" by ESF Chairman François Heisbourg, this number in the ESF Working Paper series includes a contribution on "The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?" by Amel Boubekeur (CEPS) and Samir Amghar (EHESS, Paris); one entitled "The Multiple Crisis in Dutch Parallel Societies" by Rob de Wijk (Clingendael Institute, The Hague); and "Islam in Russia in 2020", by Alexey Malashenko (Carnegie Centre, Moscow)
