1,872 research outputs found

    Early responses to chemotherapy detected by pulse cytophotometry.

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    DNA/cell distributions were recorded by automated cytofluorometry (=pulse cytophotometry) in bone-marrow aspirates of leukaemia and lymphosarcoma patients subjected to chemotherapy. In most cases, early perturbations in DNA/cell histographs were observed, characteristically reflecting the known mode of action of the drugs. These changes in general preceded the clinical observation of drug response. In a series of 23 measurements in 19 patients, a positive correlation between early cytophotometric changes and clinical effects of chemotherapy was observed in 17 patients. Five patients were negative for both cytophotometric and clinical reactions and one patient was probably false-positive. The validity of the assay for early detection of drug resistance in acute leukaemia and related diseases is discussed

    Научно-технический прогресс или безопасность человечества

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    Постепенное развитие общественного производства, его постоянное совершенствование являются фундаментальными закономерностями экономической жизни человечества. Они основываются на прогрессе науки и техники. Научно-технический прогресс за тысячелетия человеческой цивилизации прошел сложный и противоречивый путь развития. Это было вызвано тем, что именно технический прогресс, который осуществлялся на первых этапах развития общества, осуществлялся отдельно от научного прогресса до конца XVIII - начала XIX в. И только в период промышленной революции началось быстрое сближение научного и технического прогресса и возник целостный научно-технический прогресс.Gradual development of social production, its constant improvement of the fundamental laws of the economic life of mankind. They are based on the progress of science and technology. Scientific and technological progress for the millennium of human civilization has passed a complex and contradictory path of development. This was due to the fact that it was the technical progress that was carried out at the first stages of the development of society that was carried out separately from scientific progress until the end of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. And only in the period of the industrial revolution did the rapid rapprochement of scientific and technological progress and the emergence of integral scientific and technological progress began

    Toshisada Nishida (1941–2011): Chimpanzee Rapport

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    Frans de Waal pays tribute to pioneering primatologist Toshisada Nishida, who transformed our understanding of chimpanzee behavior and culture and galvanized efforts to ensure their conservation

    Additive technology of obtaining products from ceramics

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    Created an original design of the device, which lets you create samples of thermoplastic ceramic slurry, which after sintering, are obtained ceramics with high strength and hardness parameters

    Post-Conflict Affiliation by Chimpanzees with Aggressors: Other-Oriented versus Selfish Political Strategy

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    Consolation, i.e., post-conflict affiliation directed from bystanders to recent victims of aggression, has recently acquired an important role in the debate about empathy in great apes. Although similar contacts have been also described for aggressors, i.e., appeasement, they have received far less attention and their function and underlying mechanisms remain largely unknown. An exceptionally large database of spontaneous conflict and post-conflict interactions in two outdoor-housed groups of chimpanzees lends support to the notion that affiliation toward aggressors reduces the latter's aggressive tendencies in that further aggression was less frequent after the occurrence of the affiliation. However, bystander affiliation toward aggressors occurred disproportionally between individuals that were socially close (i.e., affiliation partners) which suggest that it did not function to protect the actor itself against redirected aggression. Contrary to consolation behavior, it was provided most often by adult males and directed toward high ranking males, whereas females engaged less often in this behavior both as actors and recipients, suggesting that affiliation with aggressors is unlikely to be a reaction to the distress of others. We propose that bystander affiliation toward aggressors may function to strengthen bonds between valuable partners, probably as part of political strategies. Our findings also suggest that this post-conflict behavior may act as an alternative to reconciliation, i.e., post-conflict affiliation between opponents, in that it is more common when opponents fail to reconcile

    Seasonal diet changes in elephant and impala in mopane woodland

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    Elephant and impala as intermediate feeders, having a mixed diet of grass and browse, respond to seasonal fluctuations of forage quality by changing their diet composition. We tested the hypotheses that (1) the decrease in forage quality is accompanied by a change in diet from more monocots in the wet season to more dicots in the dry season and that that change is more pronounced and faster in impala than in elephant; (2) mopane (Colophospermum mopane), the most abundant dicot species, is the most important species in the elephant diet in mopane woodland, whereas impala feed relatively less on mopane due to the high condensed tannin concentration; and (3) impala on nutrient-rich soils have a diet consisting of more grass and change later to diet of more browse than impala on nutrient-poor soils. The phosphorus content and in vitro digestibility of monocots decreased and the NDF content increased significantly towards the end of the wet season, whereas in dicots no significant trend could be detected. We argue that this decreasing monocot quality caused elephant and impala to consume more dicots in the dry season. Elephant changed their diet gradually over a 16-week period from 70% to 25% monocots, whereas impala changed diets rapidly (2-4 weeks) from 95% to 70% monocots. For both elephants and impala, there was a positive correlation between percentage of monocots and dicots in the diet and the in vitro digestibility of these forage items. Mopane was the most important dicot species in the elephant diet and its contribution to the diet increased significantly in the dry season, whereas impala selected other dicot species. On nutrient-rich gabbroic soils, impala ate significantly more monocots than impala from nutrient-poor granitic soils, which was related to the higher in vitro digestibility of the monocots on gabbroic soil. Digestibility of food items appears to be an important determinant of diet change from the wet to the dry season in impala and elephants

    In vitro drug sensitivity of normal peripheral blood lymphocytes and childhood leukaemic cells from bone marrow and peripheral blood.

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    In vitro drug sensitivity of leukaemic cells might be influenced by the contamination of such a sample with non-malignant cells and the sample source. To study this, sensitivity of normal peripheral blood (PB) lymphocytes to a number of cytostatic drugs was assessed with the MTT assay. We compared this sensitivity with the drug sensitivity of leukaemic cells of 38 children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. We also studied a possible differential sensitivity of leukaemic cells from bone marrow (BM) and PB. The following drugs were used: Prednisolone, dexamethasone, 6-mercaptopurine, 6-thioguanine, cytosine arabinoside, vincristine, vindesine, daunorubicin, doxorubicin, mafosfamide (Maf), 4-hydroperoxy-ifosfamide, teniposide, mitoxantrone, L-asparaginase, methotrexate and mustine. Normal PB lymphocytes were significantly more resistant to all drugs tested, except to Maf. Leukaemic BM and PB cells from 38 patients (unpaired samples) showed no significant differences in sensitivity to any of the drugs. Moreover, in 11 of 12 children with acute leukaemia of whom we investigated simultaneously obtained BM and PB (paired samples), their leukaemic BM and PB cells showed comparable drug sensitivity profiles. In one patient the BM cells were more sensitive to most drugs than those from the PB, but the actual differences in sensitivity were small. We conclude that the contamination of a leukaemic sample with normal PB lymphocytes will influence the results of the MTT assay. The source of the leukaemic sample, BM or PB, does not significantly influence the assay results

    Non-surgical peri-implantitis treatment using a pocket irrigator device; clinical, microbiological, radiographical and patient-centred outcomes-A pilot study

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    Aim: The aim of this prospective cohort study was to assess the effect of a pocket irrigator/evacuator device (IED) in the non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis. Material and Methods: In total 24 patients having 38 implants diagnosed with peri-implantitis were included in this study. Peri-implant pockets were irrigated six times in three consecutive weeks. The primary outcome was bleeding on probing (BoP). Secondary outcome parameters included plaque index (Pl), suppuration on probing (SoP), probing pocket depth (PPD), marginal bone loss (MBL), presence and numbers of periodontal pathogens. Parameters were assessed at baseline and 3 months after the last treatment. Treatment pain perception was scored using the visual analog scale (VAS) after the first and last treatment. Results: At 3 months, IED treatment revealed significant reduction of peri-implant BoP (71% [±20] vs 57% [±28] [P =.014]) and peri-implant plaque scores (10 [±14] to 5 [±9] [P =.039] [T0 vs T3 respectively]). Significant reduction in mean peri-implant PPD from 4.92 mm (SD ± 1.28) to 4.66 mm (SD ± 1.35) (P =.041) was observed. In addition, a reduction in VAS pain score between the first and the last (6th) treatment was found (P =.039). No reduction in SoP (P =.088) was found. No changes in mean periodontal full mouth plaque, BOP, SOP and PPD levels, MBL and microbiological outcomes were found. Conclusion: Beneficial clinical effects in terms of BoP, PPD and PI were found at 3 months after IED treatment. However, the IED does not seem to effectively treat peri-implantitis in terms of disease resolution


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    telekomunikasi sebagaimana dilakukan oleh IM2. IM2 telah menyalahgunakan pita frekuensi 2.1 Ghz, dan secara melawan hukum beroperasi pada jaringan tersebut sehingga menimbulkan kerugian negara. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penulis tertarik meneliti, bagaimana Undang-Undang Telekomunikasi jo Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika dan Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi mengatur mekanisme pemanfaatan aset negara berupa jaringan satelit, mengapa aset negara berupa jaringan satelit kerap kali disalahgunakan didalam pemanfaatannya oleh korporasi, serta bagaimana upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melindungi aset negara dalam bentuk jaringan satelit terhadap penyalahgunaan yang dilakukan oleh korporasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan spesifikasi penelitian yang bersifat deskriftif analitis dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dibantu yuridis empiris, data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis data berupa yuridis kualitatif. Pemanfaatan aset negara berupa jaringan satelit melalui pita frekuensi merupakan salah satu hak yang dalam pemanfaatannya diatur oleh peraturan perundang-undangan agar tercipta keadilan, kepastian dan ketertiban, keamanan, keseimbangan, perlindungan dan pemeliharaan dalam pemanfataannya. Jaringan satelit yang merupakan jaringan satelit aset negara pemanfaatannya mensyaratkan izin dan pembayaran tarif tertentu, sehingga konsekuensinya ketika terjadi penyalahgunaan pemanfaatan jaringan satelit, negara akan mengalami kerugian. Aset negara berupa jaringan satelit kerap kali disalahgunakan didalam pemanfaatannya oleh korporasi disebabkan beberapa faktor diantaranya faktor hukum itu sendiri dalam hal ini peraturan perundang-undangannya, faktor penegak hukum, faktor sarana atau fasilitas yang mendukung pengawasan dan penegakan hukum itu sendiri, faktor masyarakat, yakni lingkungan dimana hukum tersebut berlaku atau diterapkan, dalam hal ini yaitu lingkungan korporasi, faktor kebudayaan yakni kurangnya kesadaran hukum korporasi dalam upaya pemanfaatan aset negara secara berkeadilan dan tertib sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, dimana pemanfaatan yang tidak secara berkeadilan akan membawa negara menuju kepada kehancuran. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk melindungi aset negara dalam bentuk jaringan satelit terhadap penyalahgunaan yang dilakukan oleh korporasi harus berangkat dari beberapa faktor yang menjadi penyebab penyalahgunaan pemanfaatan jaringan satelit diantaranya yaitu melalui upaya preventif berupa revisi perunang-undangan, pengawasan, sosialisasi sert upaya represif berupa penegakan hukum. Penegakan hukum harus dilaksanakan tanpa pandang bulu, sebagai bentuk keyakinan atas doktrin hukum, bahwa setiap orang mempunyai kedudukan yang sama di depan hukum. Kata Kunci: Penyalahgunaan Aset Negara, Jaringan Sateli