70 research outputs found

    Assessing disability weights based on the responses of 30,660 people from four European countries

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    Background: In calculations of burden of disease using disability-adjusted life years, disability weights are needed to quantify health losses relating to non-fatal outcomes, expressed as years lived with disability. In 2012 a new set of global disability weights was published for the Global Burden of Disease 2010 (GBD 2010) study. That study suggested that comparative assessments of different health outcomes are broadly similar across settings, but the significance of this conclusion has been debated. The aim of the present study was to estimate disability weights for Europe for a set of 255 health states, including 43 new health states, by replicating the GBD 2010 Disability Weights Measurement study among representative population samples from four European countries. Methods: For the assessment of disability weights for Europe we applied the GBD 2010 disability weights measurement approach in web-based sample surveys in Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, and Sweden. The survey included paired comparisons (PC) and population health equivalence questions (PHE) formulated as discrete choices. Probit regression analysis was used to estimate cardinal values from PC responses. To locate results onto the 0-to-1 disability weight scale, we assessed the feasibility of using the GBD 2010 scaling approach based on PHE questions, as well as an alternative approach using non-parametric regression. Results: In total, 30,660 respondents participated in the survey. Comparison of the probit regression results from the PC responses for each country indicated high linear correlations between countries. The PHE data had high levels of measurement error in these general population samples, which compromises the ability to infer ratio-scaled values from discrete choice responses. Using the non-parametric regression approach as an alternative rescaling procedure, the set of disability weights were bounded by distance vision mild impairment and anemia with the lowest weight (0.004) and severe multiple sclerosis with the highest weight (0.677). Conclusions: PC assessments of health outcomes in this study resulted in estimates that were highly correlated across four European countries. Assessment of the feasibility of rescaling based on a discrete choice formulation of the PHE question indicated that this approach may not be suitable for use in a web-based survey of the general population. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12963-015-0042-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The USP7-TRIM27 axis mediates non-canonical PRC1.1 function and is a druggable target in leukemia

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    In an attempt to unravel functionality of the non-canonical PRC1.1 Polycomb complex in human leukemogenesis, we show that USP7 and TRIM27 are integral components of PRC1.1. USP7 interactome analyses show that PRC1.1 is the predominant Polycomb complex co-precipitating with USP7. USP7 inhibition results in PRC1.1 disassembly and loss of chromatin binding, coinciding with reduced H2AK119ub and H3K27ac levels and diminished gene transcription of active PRC1.1-controlled loci, whereas H2AK119ub marks are also lost at PRC1 loci. TRIM27 and USP7 are reciprocally required for incorporation into PRC1.1, and TRIM27 knockdown partially rescues USP7 inhibitor sensitivity. USP7 inhibitors effectively impair proliferation in AML cells in vitro, also independent of the USP7-MDM2-TP53 axis, and MLL-AF9-induced leukemia is delayed in vivo in human leukemia xenografts. We propose a model where USP7 counteracts TRIM27 E3 ligase activity, thereby maintaining PRC1.1 integrity and function. Moreover, USP7 inhibition may be a promising new strategy to treat AML patients

    Markers of epidemiological success of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates in European populations

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    Objectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections impose a considerable burden on health systems, yet there is remarkable variation in the global incidence and epidemiology of MRSA. The MACOTRA consortium aimed to identify bacterial markers of epidemic success of MRSA isolates in Europe using a representative MRSA collection originating from France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Methods: Operational definitions of success were defined in consortium meetings to compose a balanced strain collection of successful and sporadic MRSA isolates. Isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing and whole-genome sequencing; genes were identified and phylogenetic trees constructed. Markers of epidemiological success were identified using genome-based time-scaled haplotypic density analysis and linear regression. Antimicrobial usage data from ESAC-Net was compared with national MRSA incidence data. Results: Heterogeneity of MRSA isolate collections across countries hampered the use of a unified operational definition of success; therefore, country-specific approaches were used to establish the MACOTRA strain collection. Phenotypic antimicrobial resistance varied within related MRSA populations and across countries. In time-scaled haplotypic density analysis, fluoroquinolone, macrolide and mupirocin resistance were associated with MRSA success, whereas gentamicin, rifampicin and trimethoprim resistance were associated with sporadicity. Usage of antimicrobials across 29 European countries varied substantially, and β-lactam, fluoroquinolone, macrolide and aminoglycoside use correlated with MRSA incidence. Discussion: Our results are the strongest yet to associate MRSA antibiotic resistance profiles and antibiotic usage with the incidence of infection and successful clonal spread, which varied by country. Harmonized isolate collection, typing, resistance profiling and alignment with antimicrobial usage over time will aid comparisons and further support country-specific interventions to reduce MRSA burden

    Health-related quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic: The impact of restrictive measures using data from two Dutch population-based cohort studies

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    Objectives We describe health-related quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic in the general Dutch population and correlations with restrictive measures. Methods Data were obtained from 18–85 year-old participants of two population-based cohort studies (February 2021-July 2022): PIENTER Corona (n = 8,019) and VASCO (n = 45,413). Per cohort, mean scores of mental and physical health and health utility from the SF-12 were calculated by age group, sex and presence of a medical risk condition. Spearman correlations with stringency of measures were calculated. Results Both cohorts showed comparable results. Participants <30 years had lowest health utility and mental health score, and highest physical health score. Health utility and mental health score increased with age (up to 79 years), while physical health score decreased with age. Women and participants with a medical risk condition scored lower than their counterparts. Fluctuations were small over time but most pronounced among participants <60 years, and correlated weakly, but mostly positively with measure stringency. Conclusions During the Dutch COVID-19 epidemic, health utility and mental health scores were lower and fluctuated strongest among young adults compared to older adults. In our study population, age, sex and presence of a medical risk condition seemed to have more impact on health scores than stringency of COVID-19 non-pharmaceutical interventions

    Evaluation of a patient decision aid for BRCA1/2 pathogenic variant carriers choosing an ovarian cancer prevention strategy

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    OBJECTIVE: Risk-reducing surgery is advised to BRCA1/2 pathogenic variant (PV) carriers around the age of 40 years to reduce ovarian cancer risk. In the TUBA-study, a multicenter preference study (NCT02321228), BRCA1/2-PV carriers are offered a choice: the standard strategy of risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy or the novel strategy of risk-reducing salpingectomy with delayed oophorectomy. We evaluated feasibility and effectiveness of a patient decision aid for this choice. METHODS: Premenopausal BRCA1/2-PV carriers were counselled for risk-reducing surgical options in the TUBA-study; the first cohort was counselled without and the second cohort with decision aid. Evaluation was performed using digital questionnaires for participating women and their healthcare professionals. Outcome measures included actual choice, feasibility (usage and experiences) and effectiveness (knowledge, cancer worry, decisional conflict, decisional regret and self-estimated influence on decision). RESULTS: 283 women were counselled without and 282 women with decision aid. The novel strategy was chosen less frequently in women without compared with women with decision aid (67% vs 78%, p = 0.004). The decision aid was graded with an 8 out of 10 by both women and professionals, and 78% of the women would recommend this decision aid to others. Users of the decision aid reported increased knowledge about the options and increased insight in personal values. Knowledge on cancer risk, decisional conflict, decisional regret and cancer worry were similar in both cohorts. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the patient decision aid for risk-reducing surgery is feasible, effective and highly appreciated among BRCA1/2-PV carriers facing the decision between salpingo-oophorectomy or salpingectomy with delayed oophorectomy

    Lifestyle Factors and Breast Cancer in Females with PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (PHTS)

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    Simple Summary: Females with PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (PHTS) have very high hereditary breast cancer risks up to 76%. The aim of this European cohort study was to the describe the lifestyle in PHTS patients and to assess associations between physical activity, alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, BMI and breast cancer in female adult PHTS patients. It was observed that of 125 patients who completed the questionnaire, 81% were >= 2 times/week physically active, 86% consumed on average = 2 times (ORtotal-adj = 0.9 (95%CI 0.3-2.6); consumed daily about 1.2-1.8 times more often >= 1 than 0-1 glasses of alcohol (ORtotal-adj = 1.2 (95%CI 0.4-4.0); ORnon-breastcancer-index-adj = 1.8 (95%CI 0.4-6.9); were about 1.04-1.3 times more often smokers than non-smokers (ORtotal-adj = 1.04 (95%CI 0.4-2.8); ORnon-breastcancer-index-adj = 1.3 (95%CI 0.4-4.2)); and overweight or obesity (72%) was about 1.02-1.3 times less common (ORtotal-adj = 0.98 (95%CI 0.4-2.6); ORnon-breastcancer-index-adj = 0.8 (95%CI 0.3-2.7)). Similar associations between lifestyle and breast cancer are suggested for PHTS and the general population. Despite not being statistically significant, results are clinically relevant and suggest that awareness of the effects of lifestyle on patients' breast cancer risk is important

    'Be active, eat right', evaluation of an overweight prevention protocol among 5-year-old children: design of a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children has at least doubled in the past 25 years with a major impact on health. In 2005 a prevention protocol was developed applicable within Youth Health Care. This study aims to assess the effects of this protocol on prevalence of overweight and health behaviour among children. METHODS AND DESIGN: A cluster randomised controlled trial is conducted among 5-year-old children included by 44 Youth Health Care teams randomised within 9 Municipal Health Services. The teams are randomly allocated to the intervention or control group. The teams measure the weight and height of all children. When a child in the intervention group is detected with overweight according to the international age and gender specific cut-off points of BMI, the prevention protocol is applied. According to this protocol parents of overweight children are invited for up to three counselling sessions during which they receive personal advice about a healthy lifestyle, and are motivated for and assisted in behavioural change.The primary outcome measures are Body Mass Index and waist circumference of the children. Parents will complete questionnaires to assess secondary outcome measures: levels of overweight inducing/reducing behaviours (i.e. being physically active, having breakfast, drinking sweet beverages and watching television/playing computer games), parenting styles, parenting practices, and attitudes of parents regarding these behaviours, health-related quality of life of the children, and possible negative side effects of the prevention protocol. Data will be collected at baseline (when the children are aged 5 years), and after 12 and 24 months of follow-up. Additionally, a process and a cost-effectiveness evaluation will be conducted. DISCUSSION: In this study called 'Be active, eat right' we evaluate an overweight prevention protocol for use in the setting of Youth Health Care. It is hypothesized that the use of this protocol will result in a healthier lifestyle of the children and an improved BMI and waist circumference. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN04965410

    Nationwide comprehensive gastro-intestinal cancer cohorts: the 3P initiative

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    Background: The increasing sub-classification of cancer patients due to more detailed molecular classification of tumors, and limitations of current trial designs, require innovative research designs. We present the design, governance and current standing of three comprehensive nationwide cohorts including pancreatic, esophageal/gastric, and colorectal cancer patients (NCT02070146). Multidisciplinary collection of clinical data, tumor tissue, blood samples, and patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures with a nationwide coverage, provides the infrastructure for future and novel trial designs and facilitates research to improve outcomes of gastrointestinal cancer patients. Material and methods: All patients aged ≥18 years with pancreatic, esophageal/gastric or colorectal cancer are eligible. Patients provide informed consent for: (1) reuse of clinical data; (2) biobanking of primary tumor tissue; (3) collection of blood samples; (4) to be informed about relevant newly identified genomic aberrations; (5) collection of longitudinal PROs; and (6) to receive information on new interventional studies and possible participation in cohort multiple randomized controlled trials (cmRCT) in the future. Results: In 2015, clinical data of 21,758 newly diagnosed patients were collected in the Netherlands Cancer Registry. Additional clinical data on the surgical procedures were registered in surgical audits for 13,845 patients. Within the first two years, tumor tissue and blood samples were obtained from 1507 patients; during this period, 1180 patients were included in the PRO registry. Response rate for PROs was 90%. The consent rate to receive information on new interventional studies and possible participation in cmRCTs in the future was >85%. The number of hospitals participating in the cohorts is steadily increasing. Conclusion: A comprehensive nationwide multidisciplinary gastrointestinal cancer cohort is feasible and surpasses the limitations of classical study designs. With this initiative, novel and innovative studies can be performed in an efficient, safe, and comprehensive setting

    Mitochondrial genetic diversity, selection and recombination in a canine transmissible cancer.

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    Canine transmissible venereal tumour (CTVT) is a clonally transmissible cancer that originated approximately 11,000 years ago and affects dogs worldwide. Despite the clonal origin of the CTVT nuclear genome, CTVT mitochondrial genomes (mtDNAs) have been acquired by periodic capture from transient hosts. We sequenced 449 complete mtDNAs from a global population of CTVTs, and show that mtDNA horizontal transfer has occurred at least five times, delineating five tumour clades whose distributions track two millennia of dog global migration. Negative selection has operated to prevent accumulation of deleterious mutations in captured mtDNA, and recombination has caused occasional mtDNA re-assortment. These findings implicate functional mtDNA as a driver of CTVT global metastatic spread, further highlighting the important role of mtDNA in cancer evolution.Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, 102942/Z/13/A Elizabeth P Murchison Leverhulme Trust Philip Leverhulme Prize Elizabeth P Murchison Royal Society Research Grant, RG130615 Elizabeth P Murchiso
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