527 research outputs found

    First Results of the LUX Dark Matter Experiment

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    LUX (Large Underground Xenon) is a dark matter direct detection experiment deployed at the 4850' level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, SD, operating a 370 kg dual-phase xenon TPC. Results of the first WIMP search run were presented in late 2013, for the analysis of 85.3 live-days with a fiducial volume of 118 kg, taken during the period of April to August 2013. The experiment exhibited a sensitivity to spin-independent WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering with a minimum upper limit on the cross section of 7.6×10−46cm2 at a WIMP mass of 33 GeV/c 2 , becoming the world's leading WIMP search result, in conflict with several previous claimed hints of discovery.Peer Reviewe

    FPGA-based Trigger System for the LUX Dark Matter Experiment

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    LUX is a two-phase (liquid/gas) xenon time projection chamber designed to detect nuclear recoils resulting from interactions with dark matter particles. Signals from the detector are processed with an FPGA-based digital trigger system that analyzes the incoming data in real-time, with just a few microsecond latency. The system enables first pass selection of events of interest based on their pulse shape characteristics and 3D localization of the interactions. It has been shown to be >99% efficient in triggering on S2 signals induced by only few extracted liquid electrons. It is continuously and reliably operating since its full underground deployment in early 2013. This document is an overview of the systems capabilities, its inner workings, and its performance.Peer Reviewe

    The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) Experiment

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    The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) collaboration has designed and constructed a dual-phase xenon detector, in order to conduct a search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles(WIMPs), a leading dark matter candidate. The goal of the LUX detector is to clearly detect (or exclude) WIMPS with a spin independent cross section per nucleon of 2×10462\times 10^{-46} cm2^{2}, equivalent to \sim1 event/100 kg/month in the inner 100-kg fiducial volume (FV) of the 370-kg detector. The overall background goals are set to have <<1 background events characterized as possible WIMPs in the FV in 300 days of running. This paper describes the design and construction of the LUX detector.Peer Reviewe

    Technical Results from the Surface Run of the LUX Dark Matter Experiment

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    We present the results of the three-month above-ground commissioning run of the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment at the Sanford Underground Research Facility located in Lead, South Dakota, USA. LUX is a 370 kg liquid xenon detector that will search for cold dark matter in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). The commissioning run, conducted with the detector immersed in a water tank, validated the integration of the various sub-systems in preparation of the underground deployment. Using the data collected, we report excellent light collection properties, achieving 8.4 photoelectrons per keV for 662 keV electron recoils without an applied electric field, measured in the center of the WIMP target. We also find good energy and position resolution in relatively high-energy interactions from a variety of internal and external sources. Finally, we have used the commissioning data to tune the optical properties of our simulation and report updated sensitivity projections for spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering.Peer Reviewe

    First results from the LUX dark matter experiment at the Sanford Underground Research Facility

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    The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment, a dual-phase xenon time-projection chamber operating at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (Lead, South Dakota), was cooled and filled in February 2013. We report results of the first WIMP search dataset, taken during the period April to August 2013, presenting the analysis of 85.3 live-days of data with a fiducial volume of 118 kg. A profile-likelihood analysis technique shows our data to be consistent with the background-only hypothesis, allowing 90% confidence limits to be set on spin-independent WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering with a minimum upper limit on the cross section of 7.6×10467.6 \times 10^{-46} cm2^{2} at a WIMP mass of 33 GeV/c2^2. We find that the LUX data are in strong disagreement with low-mass WIMP signal interpretations of the results from several recent direct detection experiments.Peer Reviewe

    Vingança e temporalidade: os Tupinambás

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    Dóceis, os Tupinambás3 convertiam-se à fé dos jesuítas. Dóceis, decerto, mas inconstantes, queixavam-se os padres: “ lo que yo tengo por maior obstáculo para la gente de todas estas naciones es su propia condición, que ninguna cosa sienten mucho, ni pérdida espiritual ni temporal suya, de ninguna cosa tienen sentimiento mui sensible, ni que les dure; y así sus contricciones, sus deseos de seren buenos, todo es tan remiso, que no se puede hombre certificar de él” (Pe. Luís da Grã a Pe. Inácio de Loyola. Piratininga, 8 de junho de 1556, CPJB 11:294). Uma mesma inconstância não os incitava a resistir à conversão, mas tampouco a perseverar: “com hum anzol que lhea dê, os converterei a todos, e com outro os tornarei a desconverter” ... (Diálogo da Conversão do Gentio, CPJB II: 320)

    Radiogenic and Muon-Induced Backgrounds in the LUX Dark Matter Detector

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    The Large Underground Xenon (LUX) dark matter experiment aims to detect rare low-energy interactions from Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). The radiogenic backgrounds in the LUX detector have been measured and compared with Monte Carlo simulation. Measurements of LUX high-energy data have provided direct constraints on all background sources contributing to the background model. The expected background rate from the background model for the 85.3 day WIMP search run is (2.6±0.2stat±0.4sys)×103(2.6\pm0.2_{\textrm{stat}}\pm0.4_{\textrm{sys}})\times10^{-3}~events~keVee1_{ee}^{-1}~kg1^{-1}~day1^{-1} in a 118~kg fiducial volume. The observed background rate is (3.6±0.4stat)×103(3.6\pm0.4_{\textrm{stat}})\times10^{-3}~events~keVee1_{ee}^{-1}~kg1^{-1}~day1^{-1}, consistent with model projections. The expectation for the radiogenic background in a subsequent one-year run is presented.Peer Reviewe

    Radon-related Backgrounds in the LUX Dark Matter Search

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    The LUX detector is currently in operation at the Davis Campus at the 4850’ level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, SD to directly search for WIMP dark matter. Knowing the type and rate of backgrounds is critical in a rare, low energy event search, and LUX was designed, constructed, and deployed to mitigate backgrounds, both internal and external. An important internal background are decays of radon and its daughters. These consist of alpha decays, which are easily tagged and are a tracer of certain backgrounds, and beta decays, some of which are not as readily tagged and present a background for the WIMP search. We report on studies of alpha decay and discuss implications for the WIMP search.Peer Reviewe

    The LUX Experiment

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    We present the status and prospects of the LUX experiment, which employs approximately 300 kg of two-phase xenon to search for WIMP dark matter interactions. The LUX detector was commissioned at the surface laboratory of the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, SD, between December 2011 and February 2012 and the detector has been operating underground since January, 2013. These proceedings review the results of the commissioning run as well as the status of underground data-taking through the summer of 2013.Peer Reviewe