754 research outputs found

    Un análisis cualitativo de las condiciones de salud y seguridad en el trabajo en pequeños proyectos de construcción en el sector de la construcción brasileña

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    The main objective of this study is to analyze the perception of Occupational Health and Safety in small construction projects in the Brazilian construction industry. The adopted approach is qualitative in nature and seeks to understand the character of the current practices through interviews held with ‘actors’ who are directly involved in small-scale building sites, as well as with others who are involved in large-scale work sites. In Brazil, there is a weakness in supervision at small construction projects. This is due to numerous factors, such as the low visibility of these types of works and short deadlines, as well as the lack of knowledge about Occupational Health and Safety. This study reinforces and illustrates the idea of the inherent dangers involved in the occupational health of workers in small construction projects. It also indicates that there is a need to put greater emphasis on compliance with Occupational Health and Safety principles, which are covered by the current Brazilian Legislation and Regulatory Standards. This should be undertaken in order to ensure that the work in small-scale building sites is more visible and, especially, to ensure acceptable health and safety conditions for construction workers.Este estudio analiza la percepción de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional en pequeños proyectos de construcción en la industria de la construcción brasileña. El enfoque adoptado es de naturaleza cualitativa y trata de comprender el carácter de las prácticas actuales a través de entrevistas. En Brasil, hay una debilidad en la supervisión en pequeños proyectos de construcción. Esto se debe a factores como la baja visibilidad de este tipo de obras, así como la falta de conocimiento sobre la Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional. Este estudio refuerza la idea de los peligros inherentes a la salud ocupacional de los trabajadores. Hay necesidad de poner énfasis en el cumplimiento de los principios de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional. Esto debe asegurar que el trabajo en las obras de construcción a pequeña escala sea más visible y para garantizar las condiciones de salud y seguridad aceptables para trabajadores de la construcción.The authors would like to thank to the Federal Center of Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET-RJ, Brazil), as well as the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES, Brazil), who have awarded this research study with a grant o: Case n. BEX 1651 /14-5

    Rhizosphere microbial community manipulation under salted soil by the inoculation of Pseudomonas sp CMAA 1215 in Zea mays.

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    Soil salinity reduces the soil organic carbon stock, the microbial biomass and activity and modifies the biogeochemical cycle and the microbial diversity. Osmotic stress caused by ethylene on plants can be reduced using 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) producers. Studies of PGPR and commercially strains are based only on the growth of the plant without concern about modification of the microbial community. This scenario has shown an increasing need to study the ecological functions of bacterial community on salted soil and to develop new technologies to reduce environmental impacts and waste of natural resources. Our aim was to study the influence of the Pseudomonas sp. CMAA1215, a known ACC deaminase on rhizosphere bacteria community of Zea mays under saline soil by sequencing the rhizosphere metagenome. The NMDS of the OTU table (ANOSIM p<0.01) discriminate all the treatments (with and without inoculation under salted and non-salted soils) indicating a modification of the bacteria community by inoculation or by soil salinization. The main groups of the rhizosphere that had the abundance increased by Pseudomonas inoculation were Acidobacteriales, Solibacteriales, Bacillales and Rhizobiales. The relative abundance of Rhodospirillales (Alphaproteobacteria) and Chthoniobacterales (Spartobacteria) was stimulated by the inoculation only under higher salinization. The inoculation can be important to stimulate other PGPR under saline soil or microbes that are not benefic to plants

    Características ampelográficas e ampelotaxonómicas no género Vitis L.

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