843 research outputs found

    Nuclear Polarizabilities and Logarithmic Sum Rules

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    The electric polarizability and logarithmic mean-excitation energy are calculated for the deuteron using techniques introduced in atomic physics. These results are then used to improve limits on the atomic-deuterium frequency shift due to nuclear polarization in the unretarded dipole limit, as well as confirming previous results.Comment: 7 pages, latex -- To appear in Phys. Rev. C -

    The Lambda-Lambda Interaction and ^{6}_{Lambda Lambda}He

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    An OBE potential model for the ^{1}S_0 S = -2 interaction is analyzed with emphasis on the role of coupling between the Lambda Lambda, N Xi, and Sigma Sigma channels. Singlet scalar exchange, an approximation to two-pion exchange, is significant in all channels; surprisingly, the one-pion exchange component is almost negligible. The size of the channel coupling as a function of the overall strength of the OBE model potential is examined. Implications of the analysis for the binding energy of ^{6}_{Lambda Lambda}He are considered; the new experimental datum may suggest a consistency between the extracted Lambda Lambda matrix element and the relation implied by SU(3) among OBE baryon-baryon interactions. \\Comment: 4 pages brief report to Physical Review

    Comment on piNN Coupling from High Precision np Charge Exchange at 162 MeV

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    In this updated and expanded version of our delayed Comment we show that the np backward cross section, as presented by the Uppsala group, is seriously flawed (more than 25 sd.). The main reason is the incorrect normalization of the data. We show also that their extrapolation method, used to determine the charged piNN coupling constant, is a factor of about 10 less accurate than claimed by Ericson et al. The large extrapolation error makes the determination of the coupling constant by the Uppsala group totally uninteresting.Comment: 5 pages, latex2e with a4wide.sty. This is an updated and extended version of the Comment published in Phys. Rev. Letters 81, 5253 (1998

    Semiclassical quantization of SU(3) skyrmions

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    Semiclassical quantization of the SU(3)-skyrmions is performed by means of the collective coordinate method. The quantization condition known for the SU(2)-solitons quantized with SU(3) collective coordinates is generalized for the SU(3) skyrmions with strangeness content different from zero. Quantization of the dipole-type configuration with large strangeness content found recently is considered as an example, the spectrum and the mass splitting of the quantized states are estimated. The energy and baryon number density of SU(3) skyrmions are presented in the form emphasizing their symmetry in different SU(2) subgroups of SU(3), and the lower boundary for the static energy of SU(3) skyrmions is derived.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures (available upon request). Submitted to JETP on May 6, 1997; in print. A preliminary short version of this paper is hep-th/960916

    Soft-core hyperon-nucleon potentials

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    A new Nijmegen soft-core OBE potential model is presented for the low-energy YN interactions. Besides the results for the fit to the scattering data, which largely defines the model, we also present some applications to hypernuclear systems using the G-matrix method. An important innovation with respect to the original soft-core potential is the assignment of the cut-off masses for the baryon-baryon-meson (BBM) vertices in accordance with broken SU(3)F_F, which serves to connect the NN and the YN channels. As a novel feature, we allow for medium strong breaking of the coupling constants, using the 3P0^3P_0 model with a Gell-Mann--Okubo hypercharge breaking for the BBM coupling. We present six hyperon-nucleon potentials which describe the available YN cross section data equally well, but which exhibit some differences on a more detailed level. The differences are constructed such that the models encompass a range of scattering lengths in the ΣN\Sigma N and ΛN\Lambda N channels. For the scalar-meson mixing angle we obtained values ξS=37\theta_S=37 to 40 degrees, which points to almost ideal mixing angles for the scalar qqˉq\bar{q} states. The G-matrix results indicate that the remarkably different spin-spin terms of the six potentials appear specifically in the energy spectra of Λ\Lambda hypernuclei.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figure

    Nuclear Sizes and the Isotope Shift

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    Darwin-Foldy nuclear-size corrections in electronic atoms and nuclear radii are discussed from the nuclear-physics perspective. Interpretation of precise isotope-shift measurements is formalism dependent, and care must be exercised in interpreting these results and those obtained from relativistic electron scattering from nuclei. We strongly advocate that the entire nuclear-charge operator be used in calculating nuclear-size corrections in atoms, rather than relegating portions of it to the non-radiative recoil corrections. A preliminary examination of the intrinsic deuteron radius obtained from isotope-shift measurements suggests the presence of small meson-exchange currents (exotic binding contributions of relativistic order) in the nuclear charge operator, which contribute approximately 1/2%.Comment: 17 pages, latex, 1 figure -- Submitted to Phys. Rev. A -- epsfig.sty require

    Kaon photoproduction: background contributions, form factors and missing resonances

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    The photoproduction p(gamma, K+)Lambda process is studied within a field-theoretic approach. It is shown that the background contributions constitute an important part of the reaction dynamics. We compare predictions obtained with three plausible techniques for dealing with these background contributions. It appears that the extracted resonance parameters drastically depend on the applied technique. We investigate the implications of the corrections to the functional form of the hadronic form factor in the contact term, recently suggested by Davidson and Workman (Phys. Rev. C 63, 025210). The role of background contributions and hadronic form factors for the identification of the quantum numbers of ``missing'' resonances is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 7 eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Loosely bound hyperons in the SU(3) Skyrme model

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    Hyperon pairs bound in deuteron like states are obtained within the SU(3) Skyrme model in agreement with general expectations from boson exchange models. The central binding from the flavor symmetry breaking terms increases with the strangeness contents of the interacting baryons whereas the kinetic non-linear σ\sigma-model term fixes the spin and isospin of the bound pair. We give a complete account of the interactions of octet baryons within the product approximation to baryon number B=2B=2 configurations.Comment: 35 pages REVTEX including 2 figs, with 3 further figs available on request from [email protected] or from [email protected] SI-94-TP3S2; STPHY-Th/94-

    The nucleon-nucleon interaction

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    We review the major progress of the past decade concerning our understanding of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. The focus is on the low-energy region (below pion production threshold), but a brief outlook towards higher energies is also given. The items discussed include charge-dependence, the precise value of the πNN\pi NN coupling constant, phase shift analysis and high-precision NN data and potentials. We also address the issue of a proper theory of nuclear forces. Finally, we summarize the essential open questions that future research should be devoted to.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, iopart.cls style; Topical Review prepared for J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy
