30,693 research outputs found

    Logics and Their Galaxies

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    This article introduces some concepts that help exploring the ontological import of universal logic. It studies the notions of an antilogic and counterlogic associated to each logic and shows some of their properties. It presents the notion of galaxy, as the class of possible worlds compatible with a given logic.We explore some consequences of these developments

    Automatic offensive language detection from Twitter data using machine learning and feature selection of metadata

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    The popularity of social networks has only increased in recent years. In theory, the use of social media was proposed so we could share our views online, keep in contact with loved ones or share good moments of life. However, the reality is not so perfect, so you have people sharing hate speech-related messages, or using it to bully specific individuals, for instance, or even creating robots where their only goal is to target specific situations or people. Identifying who wrote such text is not easy and there are several possible ways of doing it, such as using natural language processing or machine learning algorithms that can investigate and perform predictions using the metadata associated with it. In this work, we present an initial investigation of which are the best machine learning techniques to detect offensive language in tweets. After an analysis of the current trend in the literature about the recent text classification techniques, we have selected Linear SVM and Naive Bayes algorithms for our initial tests. For the preprocessing of data, we have used different techniques for attribute selection that will be justified in the literature section. After our experiments, we have obtained 92% of accuracy and 95% of recall to detect offensive language with Naive Bayes and 90% of accuracy and 92% of recall with Linear SVM. From our understanding, these results overcome our related literature and are a good indicative of the importance of the data description approach we have used


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    Este artigo visa compreender a articulação entre o tema da Educação Superior, Trabalho e Juventude no Brasil, tendo por referência o Programa Universidade para Todos (ProUni). O Programa foi instituído em 2005, e se constitui como uma política pública educacional que possibilita o acesso de jovens de baixa renda à Educação Superior privada, e que até o ano de 2012 já beneficiou mais de 1 milhão de jovens em todo o país. Partimos da seguinte reflexão: O ProUni, enquanto uma Política Pública de Acesso à Educação Superior, possibilitou melhores condições de inserção no mercado de trabalho, assim como melhorias na condição socioeconômica dos seus egressos? Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram jovens que concluíram a graduação pelo ProUni em Instituições de Educação Superior localizadas na capital de São Paulo. Para tanto, tivemos como referência a pesquisa qualitativa, e como instrumentos de coleta dos dados, a aplicação de questionários eletrônicos e entrevistas. Como hipótese inicial do estudo, partimos da premissa de que o acesso aos níveis educacionais, desde a educação fundamental até o nível superior, isoladamente, não são suficientes para garantir uma ascensão social, mas sem o acesso a educação, certamente torna-se mais difícil uma evolução desses jovens na escala social brasileira. Como resultados gerais, a partir das falas dos sujeitos, identificamos que para esses jovens cursar uma graduação representou novas perspectivas de ampliar o conhecimento, as relações sociais, as possibilidades de formação profissional, o acesso ao mercado de trabalho e uma mobilidade social

    Dinâmica da mortalidade e a proposta de idade mínima de aposentadoria: uma visão atuarial

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    This paper aimed to apply (dynamic and static) actuarial models to calculate the balanced contribution rates for the planned (at the minimum age) retirement benefit of the General Social Security System, based on the original and substitutive texts of the reform proposed by Michel Temer’s government. Even with the regular increases in life expectancy and the long-term nature of the analyses, national studies on social security are typically based on the static mortality hypothesis. The relevance of this study is evident due to the demographic changes, particularly the increase in life expectancy, experienced by the Brazilian population in recent decades and which put in question the sustainability of the national pension system. The use of dynamic actuarial models allows for more accurate discussions about the future of social security, besides contributing to the still scarce national literature. Static and dynamic actuarial models were applied to a representative individual, adjusting mortality tables from the United Nations covering 1950 to 2100. It was verified that the actuarially fair rates calculated by the dynamic actuarial model are typically higher than those obtained by the static model, especially for women. This difference is expected to increase as gains in life expectancy become more influenced by the reduction in mortality at more advanced ages. Moreover, if the social security reform is approved (in accordance with either the original or the substitutive text), there are indications from the dynamic model that the contributions rates currently charged would be excessive for men. In turn, these rates would be excessive for women considering the original text, and closer to the actuarially fair value considering the substitutive text. The development, disclosure, and regular updating of official dynamic tables (whether for mortality or other biometric assumptions) are also recommended.O estudo objetivou aplicar modelos atuariais (dinâmicos e estáticos) para calcular as alíquotas previdenciárias equilibradas para o benefício de aposentadoria programada (na idade mínima) para o Regime Geral de Previdência Social, tomando como base o texto original e o substitutivo da reforma proposta pelo Governo Michel Temer. Mesmo ante os aumentos regulares da expectativa de vida e o caráter de longo prazo das análises, os estudos nacionais sobre previdência tipicamente se apoiam na hipótese de mortalidade estática. A relevância deste estudo é evidenciada devido às mudanças demográficas, particularmente o aumento da expectativa de vida, vivenciadas pela população brasileira nas últimas décadas e que põem em dúvida a sustentabilidade do sistema previdenciário nacional. O uso de modelos atuariais dinâmicos possibilita discussões mais acuradas sobre o futuro da previdência, além de contribuir para uma literatura nacional ainda escassa. Foram aplicados modelos atuariais estáticos e dinâmicos para um indivíduo representativo, ajustando tábuas de mortalidade das Nações Unidas entre 1950 e 2100. Constatou-se que as alíquotas atuarialmente justas calculadas pelo modelo atuarial dinâmico são tipicamente maiores do que aquelas obtidas por meio do modelo estático, sobretudo para as mulheres. Espera-se que tal diferença aumente à medida que os ganhos na expectativa de vida passem a sofrer maior influência da redução da mortalidade nas idades mais avançadas. Adicionalmente, pelo modelo dinâmico, sendo aprovada a reforma da previdência (pelo texto original ou substitutivo), há indícios de que as alíquotas cobradas atualmente seriam demasiadas para os homens. Por sua vez, essas seriam demasiadas para as mulheres pelo texto original e mais próximas do valor atuarialmente justo pelo texto substitutivo. Recomenda-se, ainda, o desenvolvimento, a divulgação e a revisão regular de tábuas dinâmicas oficiais (seja para a mortalidade ou outras premissas biométricas)

    Tax Norm and Irrationality in the Decisions Federal Supreme Court (STF): Judges-Robots Solve?

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    Recently, decisions of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) in tax matters has been causing concerns in the legal community. Not infrequently, they reflect systemic irrationality and little case with the fundamental rights and guarantees of the taxpayer. In this context, this scientific article investigates whether the use of judges-robots in the Supreme Court can solve this problem or qualify the tax decisions made in it, or not. The approach is by phenomenological-hermeneutic method and the procedure adopted is the bibliographic and jurisprudential review restricted to the object of the proposed analysis. As conclusions surprise a nonnegligible numerical progress of inconsistencies in the decisions of tax disputes examined by the Supreme Court, without indications or possibilities of reversal in the panacea of judges-robots, predictive models or algorithms programmed by the human mind

    A phonological description of Pet Talk in Arara

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    The Arara people of Para, Brazil, as a whole, are remnants or survivors of some larger Cariban groups who descended from the headwaters of the upper Xingu to the mid and low areas of this river by the beginning of the nineteenth century. Now they live in three different villages: Maia, Cachoeira Seca and Laranjal. The present thesis aims to describe thirteen different ludlings or play languages that elderly Arara people from Laranjal know and sometimes use in talking to pets. Play languages are linguistic forms that are purposely manipulated at some level. The strategies which the Arara people use to manipulate the base language to form their ludlings are the addition of affixes and/or certain phonological modifications, such as copying vowels, nasalization, murmur, and lateralization of flaps. The addition of affixes may trigger some phonological processes, such as vowel deletion and haplology. In addition to the ludlings, an informal sketch of Arara phonology is presented as part of the background for the discussion of the language games , as well as a brief overview of Arara grammar

    Paradeduction in Axiomatic Formal Systems

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    The concept of paradeduction is presented in order to justify that we can overlook contradictory information taking into account only what is consistent. Besides that, paradeduction is used to show that there is a way to transform any logic, introduced as an axiomatic formal system, into a paraconsistent one