16 research outputs found

    Cerebral Candida albicans Infection in Two dogs

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    Background: Candida spp. are pleomorphic fungi that are commensal inhabitants of the oral, gastrointestinal, upper respiratory and urogenital mucosa of mammals. Candida albicans is described as the most important species. This opportunistic pathogen may produce local or systemic infections in dogs. Local infections have been reported in several tissues and systemic infection is rare in dogs with few reports in the literature describing this presentation. The aim of the present study was to report two cases of cerebral Candida albicans infection in dogs in Brazil.Case: Two cases of cerebral Candida albicans infection in dogs that showed nervous signs are described. In both cases, the brain showed marked asymmetry of the telencephalic hemispheres with multifocal to coalescing yellowish or reddish areas and a partial loss of distinction between gray and white matter. In Case 1, the mediastinal, tracheobronchial and mesenteric lymph nodes, as well as the right kidney and adrenal gland, showed altered architecture due to numerous whitish gray nodules. Histological lesions were characterized by granulomatous (case 1) or pyogranulomatous (case 2) necrotizing meningoencephalitis with intralesional fungal organisms. In case 1, similar granulomatous infiltrate with intralesional fungal organisms was also seen in the lymph nodes, kidney and adrenal gland. In case 2, there was evidence consistent with an underlying infection of canine distemper virus. Were observed lymphoplasmocytic interstitial pneumonia, lymphoid rarefaction in lymph nodes, and viral intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the epithelial cells of the stomach and vesical urothelium. In these two cases, the fungal organisms displayed three different morphological patterns. The first pattern was characterized by delicate tubular structures with thin parallel walls that were rarely septate and tended to undulate slightly, and measured approximately 4-20 µm (true hyphae). The second pattern was characterized by chains of elongated yeast, separated by constrictions at septal sites, and measured approximately 4-10 µm (pseudohyphae). The other morphological pattern, which was rarely observed, was characterized by round budding yeast cells that measured 3-4 µm in diameter and were often elongated by the germ tube. Sections were also stained using immunohistochemical antibodies against Candida albicans. The fungi revealed strong immunolabelling of the cytoplasm and wall for Candida albicans.Discussion: The diagnosis was based on the histomorphological and immunohistochemical characteristics of the agent, which were consistent with Candida albicans. In these two cases, immunocompromise appeared to have been an important factor in the progression of the infection. In case 1, the dog was senile and treated with corticosteroids, conditions that could effectively limit innate, humoral and cell-mediated immune response to infection. In case 2, the dog displayed cachexia and was infected by canine distemper virus, evidenced by the presence of viral inclusion bodies. The inflammatory reactions in both cases were characteristic of fungal infections, but were distinct due to differences in the infectious process. In case 1, there was a subacute to chronic progression; while in case 2 neutrophilic infiltrate predominated, suggesting an acute progression. The different morphological patterns of the fungi suggested a pleomorphic fungi and the immunohistochemistry allowed us to identify the infectious agent. In conclusion, opportunistic infections caused by Candida albicans should be considered when diagnosing diseases that affect the central nervous system of dogs, particularly in immunosuppressed animals

    Outbreak of Endoparasitosis in Free-Range Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) in Bahia, Brazil

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    Background: Free-range chickens are quite common in Brazil. In this alternative rearing system, the animals are rustic and raised in an extensive system. Free access to “bare soil” results in the increased occurrence of intestinal parasites since larvae and / or eggs of helminths and protozoa oocysts find favorable conditions for their survival and dissemination in the soil. Although the occurrence and importance of parasitic infections in free-range chickens is well known, the objective of this study is to report an outbreak of endoparasites in free-range chickens in the municipality of Barra - BA, in view of bird susceptibility associated with scarcity of studies in western Bahia.Cases: The chickens were kept free, in a bare soil yard in a household at the urban perimeter of the municipality of Barra - BA. Feeding consisted of whole corn grains, thrown directly in the soil. The drinking fountains were dirty and the animals had no history of vaccination or deworming. Symptoms Anorexia, difficulty in eating and in locomotion, presence of seromucous secretion in the oral cavity, emaciation and diarrhea were all observed symptoms. One of the birds presented excessive vocalization, drowsiness and flaccid paralysis of the neck. Necropsy was performed on 3 chickens: 2 females (cases 1 and 2) and 1 male (case 3). Macroscopic analysis revealed the presence of seromucous secretion in the upper respiratory tract of all animals. Specimens of Ascaridia galli were observed in cases 1 and 2, Heterakis gallinarum in cases 2 and 3, Raillietina sp. in cases 2 and 3 and Davainea proglottina in case 1. Microscopically, the animals had an inflammatory infiltrate in the liver and intestines. Some animals presented necrosis of the tracheal epithelial cells, as well as of the epithelial cells present at the apex of the villi. No significant results were found in the coproparasitological exam.Discussion: The diagnosis of endoparasitosis in this outbreak was based on epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings. The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis in free-range chickens is linked to factors such as age, high animal density, absence of sanitary hygienic measures, as well as environmental temperature and humidity. The appearance of injuries in the intestinal mucosa is influenced by characteristics such as parasitic load, concomitant infections, age and the host's immune status. During necropsy of the birds were found 2 helminths of the Nematoda class (Ascaridia galli and Heterakis gallinarum) and 2 of the Cestoda class (Davainea proglottina and Raillietina sp.). A. galli, seen in 2 cases, is considered low pathogenicity for adult chickens, however young birds are susceptible and can die due to intestinal obstruction and hemorrhages. H. gallinarum is responsible for causing typhlitis, with diarrhea and weight loss, this helminth was found in 2 animals in the present study, however only 1 had changes in the digestive tract. Davainea proglotina and Raillietina spp. might cause, respectively, severe hemorrhagic enteritis and nodule formation in the small intestine mucosa. In Brazil, even though it is notable that intestinal parasitism is one of the key problems in alternative poultry farming, there are few studies that evaluate the presence of endoparasites in chickens raised in alternative production systems, with animals being more frequently exposed to nematodes and cestodes. The multiparasitism observed in this study probably stems from flaws in the rearing system, mainly related to sanitary hygiene management. Therefore, the reduction in the occurrence of these helminths is closely related to the performance of basic prophylactic measures, such as offering good quality food and water in clean containers, separating lots by age, performing sanitary emptiness and deworming.Keywords: livelihood creation, nematode, cestode, multiparasitism, avian pathology.Surto de endoparasitose em galinhas caipiras (Gallus gallus domesticus) na Bahia, BrasilDescritores: criação de subsistência, nematoide, cestoide, multiparasitismo, patologia aviária

    Congenital Malformations in Sheep - Outbreak Caused by Mimosa tenuiflora

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    Background: Congenital malformations are anomalies, structural or functional, that occur during the embryonic or fetal phase. There are several causes, one of which is the ingestion of toxic plants.  Considering the importance of native toxic plants in the Central Backlands of Ceará state - Brazil, this paper reports cases of congenital malformations in sheep due to ingestion of Mimosa tenuiflora. Cases: Cases of abortion and malformations in sheep, were monitored in a rural property in the municipality of Piquet Carneiro with 20 ruminants (15 sheep and 5 cows) raised on a semi-intensive regime. The animals grazed during the day and were supplemented with corn, having unrestricted access to dam water. On its margins, there was a large amount of jurema preta (Mimosa tenuiflora), which the owner reported that the sheep consumed daily. The owner was unaware of the toxicity of M. tenuiflora but reported that cases of malformations had already occurred on his property some time ago. In an interval of approximately 12 days, 3 sheep miscarriage fetuses with multiple malformations. Malformed fetuses were referred for anatomopathological examination at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital of Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus Patos, Paraíba, Brazil. The fetuses were necropsied and tissue samples of the nervous system and organs from the thoracic and abdominal cavities were collected, fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, routinely processed for histopathology, included in paraffin, cut into 3 µm sections and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). At necropsies were observed permanent contracture of the thoracic limb joints (arthrogryposis), particularly at the radio-carpal joints; incomplete medial fusion of the palatal bone, with communication between the oral and nasal cavities (palatoschisis); hypoplasia of the mandibular bone (micrognathia); unilateral hypoplasia of the incisive bone with discontinuity of the upper lip (cheiloschisis); unilateral hypoplasia of the eyeball (microphthalmia); lateral curvature of the cervical spine (scoliosis); and chest deformity characterized by ventral protrusion of the sternum and ribs (Pectus carinatum). At the histopathological evaluation of the tissues, no alterations were observed. Discussion: The diagnosis was based on the epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological findings. The semi-intensive management system applied on the property predisposed the sheep to ingestion of M. tenuiflora, which grows abundantly on the property and throughout the Central Backlands of Ceará, Brazil, with a high rate of geographical coverage. Despite that, most rural producers, especially subsistence farmers, are unaware of the toxic and teratogenic properties of the plant. In the northeastern, where there are long periods of drought coupled with forage shortages, poisoning by M. tenuiflora is a common cause of malformation and mortality in lambs. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt preventive measures in herds, such as raising awareness among producers about the toxic potential of some native plants and the practice of producing and supplying silage to animals, so that native toxic plants are not the only food source during the scarcity period. Keywords: arthrogryposis, jurema preta, anomalies, cleft lip, toxic plants. Título: Malformações congênitas em ovinos - surto causado por Mimosa tenuiflora Descritores: artrogripose, jurema preta, anomalias, lábio leporino, plantas tóxicas

    Epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of infectious canine hepatitis : 15 cases

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    We described the main epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of canine infectious hepatitis diagnosed in the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of the Federal University of Campina Grande during the period from January 2003 to December 2016. Of the 1,640 necropsied dogs, 15 were diagnosed as infectious canine hepatitis (0.91%). Of the dogs affected nine were males and six females. The ages ranged from 45 days to seven years, being most of them young. Ten animals were mixed breed, four were Poodles and one Rottweiler. Most of the dogs do not received any vaccine protocol. The dogs came from the municipalities of Patos, São Mamede and Teixeira, from Paraiba, northeastern of Brazil. Most of the dogs presented clinical course varying from hyperacute to acute. The main clinical signs were seizure, apathy and hyporexia. At necropsy, the major alterations were observed in the liver, which was pale to orange and with irregular reddish areas on the capsular surface, besides accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema in the wall of the gallbladder. Hemorrhages were observed in several organs. In the histopathology there was centrolobular necrosis of hepatocytes associated with intranuclear viral inclusion bodies, hemorrhages and mixed inflammatory infiltrate. The diagnosis was established based on the characteristic histopathological lesions and was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Infectious canine hepatitis occurs occasionally in the Paraiba, affecting particularly young and unvaccinated dogs

    Enfermidades neurológicas de origem viral em bovinos no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil: estudo clínico e anatomopatológico

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    Os estudos relacionados as doenças neurológicas assumem grande importância na Medicina Veterinária, particularmente os que envolvem animais de produção como os bovinos, em virtude da grande importância sanitária e de saúde pública. Nesse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a frequência de ocorrência dos principais achados clínicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos dos bovinos diagnosticados com doenças neurológicas de origem viral. Realizou-se a triagem no livro de registro geral dos pacientes com enfermidades que cursaram com sintomatologia neurológica e que foram diagnosticados através de exame anatomopatológico e/ou complementares com enfermidades de origem viral, os quais deram entrada (vivos ou mortos) na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns-UFRPE no período de janeiro de 2009 a dezembro de 2019. As informações obtidas foram inseridas em um banco de dados elaborado no programa de computador Microsoft Excel 2010® distribuídas em dados clínicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos. Os achados clínicos das enfermidades neurológicas de etiologia viral foram muito variados e inespecíficos, sendo os achados anatomopatológicos, aliados aos métodos laboratoriais, de importância fundamental para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico. A elevada frequência dos casos de raiva neste estudo demonstra a importância sanitária desta enfermidade para a pecuária bovina, como também para a saúde pública. Ressalta-se a importância da inclusão da febre catarral maligna e da meningoencefalite herpética no diagnóstico diferencial das doenças neurológicas na região, assim como a adoção de medidas sanitárias. Palavras-chave: achados clínicos; raiva; meningoencefalite herpética; febre catarral maligna; achados anatomopatológicos

    Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Associated with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Dog

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    Background: Fungi of the genus Aspergillus are ubiquitous microorganisms of opportunistic character, of which animals and humans are continually exposed. Are described three main forms of aspergillosis in dogs: nasal, disseminated and bronchopulmonary. This form which is restricted to the lung parenchyma is considered rare in dogs. The aim of this paper is to report a case of pulmonary aspergillosis associated to acute myocardial infarction in a dog, focusing on epidemiological, clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical characteristics. Case: A male dog, 4-year-old, Pinscher, clinically presented dyspnea, anorexia, vomiting, concentrated urine and dark and mollifed faeces. On physical examination, there were congested oral and conjunctival mucosas, dehydration and petechiae in the outer ear. The animal died fve days after the clinical attendance and was sent for necropsy. The macroscopic lesions were restricted to the lung, heart and liver. There were multifocal areas of consolidation in the lung parenchyma and yellowish content in the trachea and bronchi lumen. The heart was rounded and with pale areas in the myocardium. Liver was discreet accentuation of the lobular pattern. Histologically the lesion was characterized by pyogranulomatous and necrotizing bronchopneumonia, multifocal to coalescing, moderate, associated with myriads of intralesional hyphae consistente with Aspergillus spp., associated with acute myocardial infarction. The hyphae weakly stained basophilic by hematoxylin and eosin were strongly impregnated by Grocott’s methenamine silver nitrate and showed strong immunolabelling of the cytoplasm, which were evidenced in brown. There were areas of acute myocardial infarction and hepatocellular degeneration and congestion in the liver, although fungal hyphae were not observed in these tissues. Discussion: The diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis was established based on the morphological and tinctorial characteristics of the agent and confrmed by immunohistochemistry. In this case, is not included in the clinical history any conditions that could promote immunosuppression, neither were observed morphological changes in the pathological examination which suggested other intercurrent diseases. It is likely that the dog has been exposed to the inhalation of large amounts of conidia for a long period of time, condition that favors the occurrence of the disease, even in immunocompetent animals. Probably were not evidenced severe respiratory clinical signs, that characterize the pulmonary impairment, due to the shortcourse of the disease. The pyogranulomatous and necrotizing inflammatory reaction is typical of fungal infection and was restricted to the lung parenchyma. The areas of coagulation necrosis observed in the myocardium are probably secondary to vascular injury caused by the fungi, with subsequent thromboembolism, ischemia and infarction. In Brazil, there are few reports of aspergillosis in dogs, have been reported the nasal and systemic forms. In the world literature, there are few reports about this bronchopulmonary form of the disease. Although uncommon, pulmonary aspergillosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the lower respiratory tract of dogs, as well as it’s systemic complications resulting from angioinvasive characteristic of the fungus, which in this case was determinant to the death of the animal. Keywords: Aspergillus, fungal disease, respiratory trac

    Mastitis by Pythium insidiosum in Mares

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    Background: Pythiosis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by the oomycete Pythium insidiosum. This disease has been reported in several species, but most cases occur in horses. In this species, the cutaneous form is more prevalent, with occasional involvement of adjacent lymph nodes and bone tissue. The involvement of the mammary glands was not properly characterized. Therefore, the aim of this study is to describe cases of pythiosis with the involvement of the mammary glands in mares.Case: A retrospective study of all biopsy samples and necropsy examinations of horses, performed at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande from January 2000 to December 2018, was carried out. During the study period, 142 cases of cutaneous pythiosis were identified. Of these, in three the lesions extended to the mammary glands. Mares with 3-, 7- and 12-year-old, mongrel, from the backlands of the Paraiba were affected. On physical examination, the mares presented swollen mammary glands and multifocal wounds, which discharge serosanguinolent secretion. Clinical evolution ranged from 15 to 30 days. The animals had been medicated, but the wounds did not heal and mastectomies were performed. Macroscopically, the mammary glands were enlarged and with multifocal areas of ulceration measuring 1 to 3.5 cm in diameter. At the cut surface, they exhibited fistulous tracts containing kunkers. In the histopathological evaluation, was observed diffuse and marked inflammatory infiltrate of eosinophils extending through the deep dermis and interlobular mammary stroma; and multifocal areas, sometimes focally extensive, of eosinophilic necrosis with intralesional negative images of hyphae. In histological sections stained by periodic acid–Schiff, the walls of the hyphae were weakly stained in blue; but when impregnated by Grocott methenamine silver, they were strongly marked in black and were characterized by semi-parallel walls, rare septations and branching, and a diameter varying from 3-8μm. At immunohistochemistry, the hyphae showed strong cytoplasmic and wall immunostaining for the anti-P. insidiosum antibody.Discussion: The diagnosis of mastitis by P. insidiosum was established based on the epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological and immunohistochemical findings. Lesions in horses are more frequently located at the extremities of the limbs and the ventral portion of the thoracoabdominal wall. In these cases, it is likely that the lesions have started on the skin adjacent to the udder and have extended to the mammary parenchyma. The intralesional structures known as kunkers have been described in horses, mules, donkeys, and camels, being absent in the other animal species affected. The kunkers are always present in equine pythiosis and allow the establishment of an accurate presumptive diagnosis. Clinically important findings include wounds that discharge serosanguineous secretions and do not heal through conventional treatments. Histological lesions characterized by areas of eosinophilic necrosis with intralesional hyphae, which are weakly stained by PAS and strongly impregnated by GMS, are highly suggestive of pythiosis. Pythiosis is relatively frequent in horses in the backlands of Paraiba, predominantly in the cutaneous form. The involvement of the mammary glands is an uncommon presentation that should be included as a differential diagnosis of mastitis in mares


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    Descreve-se um caso de eletrocussão em um equino no Sertão da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Foi solicitado um médico veterinário para a avaliação anatomopatológica do cadáver de um equino vítima de provável choque elétrico na zona rural do município de Olho D'Água. O cadáver foi encontrado em decúbito lateral esquerdo sobre o fio de alta tensão rompido, em uma área alagadiça. Constataram-se alguns anfíbios mortos também em contato com o fio. Na necropsia, observaram-se pulmões avermelhados e não colapsados, com hemorragias distribuídas aleatoriamente por todos os lobos. O coração apresentava-se mais flácido, com petequias na superfície epicárdica e miocárdio. Portanto, baseado em achados epidemiológicos e anatomopatológicos, o óbito do equino deu-se por eletrocussão, uma importante causa de morte súbita em animais de produção

    Melanoma digital em um cão

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    We described a case of melanoma located in the right phalanx in a dog. A defined bitch, 11 years old, was referred to the Medical Clinic of the UFCG Veterinary Hospital with a history of increased volume at the distal end of the right thoracic limb. After the clinical evaluation and surgical correction, the material was sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology (LPA), Veterinary Hospital (HV), Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) – PB. Macroscopically, the mass was nodular, skin-coated, measuring 10 x 7.0 x 6.5 cm and ulcerated central area 5 cm in diameter. When cutting, it exhibited a blackish, multilobular and firm surface. Microscopically, a thickly cellular, infiltrative and non-encapsulated tumor mass was observed in the epidermis. This paper reports a case of digital melanoma, diagnosed by histopathological examinationDescrevemos um caso de melanoma localizado na falange direita de um cão. Uma cadela definida, de 11 anos, foi encaminhada à Clínica Médica do Hospital Veterinário da UFCG com histórico de aumento de volume na extremidade distal do membro torácico direito. Após avaliação clínica e correção cirúrgica, o material foi encaminhado ao Laboratório de Patologia Animal (LPA) do Hospital Veterinário (HV) da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG) – PB. Macroscopicamente, a massa era nodular, revestida de pele, medindo 10 x 7,0 x 6,5 cm e área central ulcerada com 5 cm de diâmetro. Ao corte apresentou superfície enegrecida, multilobular e firme. Microscopicamente, observou-se na epiderme uma massa tumoral densamente celular, infiltrativa e não encapsulada. Este artigo relata um caso de melanoma digital, diagnosticado por exame histopatológico

    Epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of infectious canine hepatitis : 15 cases

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    We described the main epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of canine infectious hepatitis diagnosed in the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of the Federal University of Campina Grande during the period from January 2003 to December 2016. Of the 1,640 necropsied dogs, 15 were diagnosed as infectious canine hepatitis (0.91%). Of the dogs affected nine were males and six females. The ages ranged from 45 days to seven years, being most of them young. Ten animals were mixed breed, four were Poodles and one Rottweiler. Most of the dogs do not received any vaccine protocol. The dogs came from the municipalities of Patos, São Mamede and Teixeira, from Paraiba, northeastern of Brazil. Most of the dogs presented clinical course varying from hyperacute to acute. The main clinical signs were seizure, apathy and hyporexia. At necropsy, the major alterations were observed in the liver, which was pale to orange and with irregular reddish areas on the capsular surface, besides accentuation of the lobular pattern and edema in the wall of the gallbladder. Hemorrhages were observed in several organs. In the histopathology there was centrolobular necrosis of hepatocytes associated with intranuclear viral inclusion bodies, hemorrhages and mixed inflammatory infiltrate. The diagnosis was established based on the characteristic histopathological lesions and was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Infectious canine hepatitis occurs occasionally in the Paraiba, affecting particularly young and unvaccinated dogs