55 research outputs found

    Factors influencing mother-to-child transmission of HIV during pregnancy and breastfeeding in Mozambique

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    The World Health Organization recommends a comprehensive approach of prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV consisting of four prongs: prevention of primary infection among women in reproductive age; prevention of unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV; care and treatment of HIV positive pregnant women; family approach for HIV services. Mozambique, located in sub-Saharan Africa, has a high HIV burden with a national prevalence of 15.8% among pregnant women (2011). When the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) program initiated in 2002, a single dose nevirapine was used as prophylactic antiretroviral drug, while the current recommended regimen consists of lifelong antiretroviral treatment for all HIV positive diagnosed pregnant and breastfeeding women (Option B+). In the thesis, a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used to evaluate factors influencing processes of Mozambique’s PMTCT program both during the antenatal care period and the postpartum period. We investigated risk factors for HIV acquisition during pregnancy and breastfeeding period, and access to HIV prevention and care for HIV positive women and their HIV-exposed or infected infants. As described in articles 1 and 3 of this dissertation, the incidence of HIV remains high both during pregnancy and the postpartum period (3.2 and 4.3 per 100 women years, respectively), with a high burden on vertical transmission: one of eight infants infected with HIV is due to a postpartum maternal HIV infection. Risk factors for acquiring HIV during the postpartum period are young age, low parity, higher education of woman’s partner and having sex with someone other than one’s partner; during pregnancy, early sexual debut and living in Maputo province were also identified as risk factors. Strategies of primary prevention of HIV during pregnancy and the postpartum period should be tailored for them, with a special attention to young girls and women. A multi-sectoral approach including the Ministries of Health, Education and Youth is crucial, besides working with communities on awareness and education of the population. Access to HIV care for HIV positive pregnant women is influenced by many factors. Having diagnostic tests for CD4+ T-cell count closer to care showed to lead to earlier initiation of treatment of HIV positive eligible pregnant women. This is important as suppression of viral load of HIV among pregnant women as soon as possible after diagnosis is crucial to decrease risk of transmission to the infant. However, having the necessary tests at the clinic does not always result in a higher uptake of ART initiation, indicating that other contextual factors play a role in uptake of treatment. Article 2 showed that having POC testing at the clinic did not increase uptake of testing. However, it decreased time to antiretroviral treatment initiation for HIV positive eligible women. Contextual factors play a role in uptake of testing and treatment, and need to be taken into consideration when plans for roll-out of rapid diagnostics are discussed. Factors influencing retention in postpartum PMTCT services for HIV positive pregnant and postpartum women and their infants were investigated in article 4. Barriers are mainly individual-level barriers where stigma, preference of alternative care (outside the national health care services) and disbelief in the results are still important. What facilitates retention in services is having hope for a future for the child, presence of symptomatic illness and the belief that the health facility is the appropriate place for care. Male involvement in MCH and PMTCT care is important for prevention of infant HIV infection. This involvement starts with couple attendance at the first antenatal care visit and couple HIV testing. However, the study presented in article 1 showed that knowledge of male partner testing is low: 19% of the women reported that their partner had been tested for HIV. Factors hindering the uptake of male HIV testing are fear of stigma and discrimination, but also the preconception of clinics being places for women. Having men attend ANC may not be the best viable strategy and reaching couples outside of the clinic may be necessary. There is a need for stronger linkages with the community, where decision makers are involved in health promotion activities. Continuous education and awareness are necessary. At institutional level, novel technologies embedded in existing services, new or re-organized health care services (such as male friendly health units, or family clinics) and task-shifting need to be tested to increase uptake and retention of MCH/PMTCT services, aiming at a decreased vertical transmission of HIV

    Access to HIV prevention and care for HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children : a qualitative study in rural and urban Mozambique

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    Background: Follow-up of HIV-exposed children for the delivery of prevention of mother-to-child transmission services and for early diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection is critical to their survival. Despite efforts, uptake of postnatal care for these children remains low in many sub-Saharan African countries. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted in three provinces in Mozambique to identify motivators and barriers to improve uptake of and retention in HIV prevention, care and treatment services for HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children. Participant recommendations were also gathered. Individual interviews (n = 79) and focus group discussions (n = 32) were conducted with parents/caregivers, grandmothers, community leaders and health care workers. Using a socioecological framework, the main themes identified were organized into multiple spheres of influence, specifically at the individual, interpersonal, institutional, community and policy levels. Results: Study participants reported factors such as seeking care outside of the conventional health system and disbelief in test results as barriers to use of HIV services. Other key barriers included fear of disclosure at the interpersonal level and poor patient flow and long waiting time at the institutional level. Key facilitators for accessing care included having hope for children's future, symptomatic illness in children, and the belief that health facilities were the appropriate places to get care. Conclusions: The results suggest that individual-level factors are critical drivers that influence the health-seeking behavior of caregivers of HIV-exposed and HIV-infected children in Mozambique. Noted strategies are to provide more information and awareness on the benefits of early pediatric testing and treatment with positive messages that incorporate success stories, to reach more pregnant women and mother-child pairs postpartum, and to provide counseling during tracing visits. Increasing uptake and retention may be achieved by improving patient flow at the institutional level at health facilities, by addressing concerns with family decision makers, and by working with community leaders to support the uptake of services for HIV-exposed children for essential preventive care

    Implementation of Point-of-Care Diagnostics Leads to Variable Uptake of Syphilis, Anemia and CD4+ T-Cell Count Testing in Rural Maternal and Child Health Clinics.

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    INTRODUCTION: Anemia, syphilis and HIV are high burden diseases among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. A quasi-experimental study was conducted in four health facilities in Southern Mozambique to evaluate the effect of point-of-care technologies for hemoglobin quantification, syphilis testing and CD4+ T-cell enumeration performed within maternal and child health services on testing and treatment coverage, and assessing acceptability by health workers. METHODS: Demographic and testing data on women attending first antenatal care services were extracted from existing records, before (2011; n = 865) and after (2012; n = 808) introduction of point-of-care testing. Study outcomes per health facility were compared using z-tests (categorical variables) and Wilcoxon rank-sum test (continuous variables), while inverse variance weights were used to adjust for possible cluster effects in the pooled analysis. A structured acceptability-assessment interview was conducted with health workers before (n = 22) and after (n = 19). RESULTS: After implementation of point-of-care testing, there was no significant change in uptake of overall hemoglobin screening (67.9% to 83.0%; p = 0.229), syphilis screening (80.8% to 87.0%; p = 0.282) and CD4+ T-cell testing (84.9% to 83.5%; p = 0.930). Initiation of antiretroviral therapy for treatment eligible women was similar in the weighted analysis before and after, with variability among the sites. Time from HIV diagnosis to treatment initiation decreased (median of 44 days to 17 days; p CONCLUSIONS: Point-of-care CD4+ T-cell enumeration resulted in a decreased time to initiation of antiretroviral therapy among treatment eligible women, without significant increase in testing coverage. Overall hemoglobin and syphilis screening increased. Despite the perception that point-of-care technologies increase access to health services, the variability in results indicate the potential for detrimental effects in some settings. Local context needs to be considered and services restructured to accommodate innovative technologies in order to improve service delivery to expectant mothers

    Implementation of Point-of-Care Diagnostics Leads to Variable Uptake of Syphilis, Anemia and CD4+ T-Cell Count Testing in Rural Maternal and Child Health Clinics

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    Introduction: Anemia, syphilis and HIV are high burden diseases among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. A quasi-experimental study was conducted in four health facilities in Southern Mozambique to evaluate the effect of point-of-care technologies for hemoglobin quantification, syphilis testing and CD4+ T-cell enumeration performed within maternal and child health services on testing and treatment coverage, and assessing acceptability by health workers. Methods: Demographic and testing data on women attending first antenatal care services were extracted from existing records, before (2011; n = 865) and after (2012; n = 808) introduction of point-of-care testing. Study outcomes per health facility were compared using z-tests (categorical variables) and Wilcoxon rank-sum test (continuous variables), while inverse variance weights were used to adjust for possible cluster effects in the pooled analysis. A structured acceptability-assessment interview was conducted with health workers before (n = 22) and after (n = 19). Results: After implementation of point-of-care testing, there was no significant change in uptake of overall hemoglobin screening (67.9% to 83.0%; p = 0.229), syphilis screening (80.8% to 87.0%; p = 0.282) and CD4+ T-cell testing (84.9% to 83.5%; p = 0.930). Initiation of antiretroviral therapy for treatment eligible women was similar in the weighted analysis before and after, with variability among the sites. Time from HIV diagnosis to treatment initiation decreased (median of 44 days to 17 days; p\u3c0.0001). A generally good acceptability for point-of-care testing was seen among health workers. Conclusions: Point-of-care CD4+ T-cell enumeration resulted in a decreased time to initiation of antiretroviral therapy among treatment eligible women, without significant increase in testing coverage. Overall hemoglobin and syphilis screening increased. Despite the perception that point-of-care technologies increase access to health services, the variability in results indicate the potential for detrimental effects in some settings. Local context needs to be considered and services restructured to accommodate innovative technologies in order to improve service delivery to expectant mothers

    High HIV incidence in the postpartum period sustains vertical transmission in settings with generalized epidemics: A cohort study in Southern Mozambique

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    Introduction: Acute infection with HIV in the postpartum period results in a high risk of vertical transmission through breastfeeding. A study was done to determine the HIV incidence rate and associated risk factors among postpartum women in Southern Mozambique, where HIV prevalence among pregnant women is 21%. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted in six rural health facilities in Gaza and Maputo provinces from March 2008 to July 2011. A total of 1221 women who were HIV-negative on testing at delivery or within two months postpartum were recruited and followed until 18 months postpartum. HIV testing, collection of dried blood spot samples and administration of a structured questionnaire to women were performed every three months. Infant testing by DNA-PCR was done as soon as possible after identification of a new infection in women. HIV incidence was estimated, and potential risk factors at baseline were compared using Poisson regression. Results: Data from 957 women were analyzed with follow-up after the enrolment visit, with a median follow-up of 18.2 months. The HIV incidence in postpartum women is estimated at 3.20/100 women-years (95% CI: 2.30–4.46), with the highest rate among 18- to 19-year-olds (4.92 per 100 women-years; 95% CI: 2.65–9.15). Of the new infections, 14 (34%) were identified during the first six months postpartum, 11 (27%) between 6 and 12 months and 16 (39%) between 12 and 18 months postpartum. Risk factors for incident HIV infection include young age, low number of children, higher education level of the woman\u27s partner and having had sex with someone other than one\u27s partner. The vertical transmission was 21% (95% CI: 5–36) among newly infected women. Conclusions: Incidence of HIV is high among breastfeeding women in Southern Mozambique, contributing to increasing numbers of HIV-infected infants. Comprehensive primary prevention strategies targeting women of reproductive age, particularly pregnant and postpartum women and their partners, will be crucial for the elimination of paediatric AIDS in Africa

    Risk factors for incomplete vaccination and missed opportunity for immunization in rural Mozambique

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inadequate levels of immunization against childhood diseases remain a significant public health problem in resource-poor areas of the globe. Nonetheless, the reasons for incomplete vaccination and non-uptake of immunization services are poorly understood. This study aimed at finding out the reasons for non-vaccination and the magnitude of missed opportunities for vaccination in children less than two years of age in a rural area in southern Mozambique.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Mothers of children under two years of age (N = 668) were interviewed in a cross-sectional study. The Road-to-Health card was utilized to check for completeness and correctness of vaccination schedule as well as for identifying the appropriate use of all available opportunities for vaccination. The chi-square test and the logistic regression were used for statistical analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that 28.2% of the children had not completed the vaccination program by two years of age, 25.7% had experienced a missed opportunity for vaccination and 14.9% were incorrectly vaccinated. Reasons for incomplete vaccination were associated with accessibility to the vaccination sites, no schooling of mothers and children born at home or outside Mozambique.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Efforts to increase vaccination coverage should take into account factors that contribute to the incomplete vaccination status of children. Missed opportunities for vaccination and incorrect vaccination need to be avoided in order to increase the vaccine coverage for those clients that reach the health facility, specially in those countries where health services do not have 100% of coverage.</p

    Young at risk-people in Maputo City, Mozambique, present a high willingness to participate in HIV trials: Results from an HIV vaccine preparedness cohort study

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    Introduction: Vaccine efficacy testing requires engagement of willing volunteers with high disease incidence. We evaluated factors associated with willingness to participate in potential future HIV vaccine trials in Maputo, Mozambique. Methods: Adults aged 18–35 years without HIV and who reported at least two sexual partners in the 3 months prior to screening were enrolled into a 24-month observational study. They were asked at screening and exit if they would be willing to participate in a theoretical HIV vaccine study. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were done between willingness to participate, demographic, sexual behavior, and motivational factors for screening visit data. Logistic regression with generalized estimating equations (GEE) was used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for factors potentially associated with willingness to participate for data from both visits. Results: A total of 577 participants without HIV were eligible, including 275 (48%) women. The mean age was 22.2 (SD ± 3.9) years. At screening 529 (92%) expressed willingness to participate and the proportion remained stable at 378 (88%) of the 430 participants retained through the exit visit (p = 0.209). Helping the country (n = 556) and fear of needles (n = 26) were the top motive and barrier for willingness to participate, respectively. Results from the GEE binary logistic regression (screening visit and exit visit) showed that wanting to learn how to avoid risk behaviors (aOR 3.33, 95% CI: 1.61–6.86) and feeling protected against HIV infection (aOR 2.24, 95% CI: 1.07–4.7) were associated with willingness to participate in HIV vaccine studies. Conclusion: The majority of our study population in Mozambique expressed willingness to participate in a theoretical HIV vaccine trial. Participation in a HIV vaccine trial was seen as a way to contribute to the fight against HIV but was associated with some unrealistic expectations such as protection against HIV. This reinforces the need for continuous mobilization and awareness of potential participants to HIV vaccine trial

    Neural correlates of cue‐induced changes in decision‐making distinguish subjects with gambling disorder from healthy controls

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    In addiction, there are few human studies on the neural basis of cue-induced changes in value-based decision making (Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer, PIT). It is especially unclear whether neural alterations related to PIT are due to the physiological effects of substance abuse or rather related to learning processes and/or other etiological factors related to addiction. We have thus investigated whether neural activation patterns during a PIT task help to distinguish subjects with gambling disorder (GD), a nonsubstance-based addiction, from healthy controls (HCs). Thirty GD and 30 HC subjects completed an affective decision-making task in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner. Gambling-associated and other emotional cues were shown in the background during the task. Data collection and feature modeling focused on a network of nucleus accumbens (NAcc), amygdala, and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) (derived from PIT and substance use disorder [SUD] studies). We built and tested a linear classifier based on these multivariate neural PIT signatures. GD subjects showed stronger PIT than HC subjects. Classification based on neural PIT signatures yielded a significant area under the receiver operating curve (AUC-ROC) (0.70,p= 0.013). GD subjects showed stronger PIT-related functional connectivity between NAcc and amygdala elicited by gambling cues, as well as between amygdala and OFC elicited by negative and positive cues. HC and GD subjects were thus distinguishable by PIT-related neural signatures including amygdala-NAcc-OFC functional connectivity. Neural PIT alterations in addictive disorders might not depend on the physiological effect of a substance of abuse but on related learning processes or even innate neural traits

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals &lt;1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data