1,730 research outputs found

    Normal traces and applications to continuity equations on bounded domains

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    In this work, we study several properties of the normal Lebesgue trace of vector fields introduced by the second and third author in [18] in the context of the energy conservation for the Euler equations in Onsager-critical classes. Among several properties, we prove that the normal Lebesgue trace satisfies the Gauss-Green identity and, by providing explicit counterexamples, that it is a notion sitting strictly between the distributional one for measure-divergence vector fields and the strong one for BVBV functions. These results are then applied to the study of the uniqueness of weak solutions for continuity equations on bounded domains, allowing to remove the assumption in [15] of global BVBV regularity up to the boundary, at least around the portion of the boundary where the characteristics exit the domain or are tangent. The proof relies on an explicit renormalization formula completely characterized by the boundary datum and the positive part of the normal Lebesgue trace. In the case when the characteristics enter the domain, a counterexample shows that achieving the normal trace in the Lebesgue sense is not enough to prevent non-uniqueness, and thus a BVBV assumption seems to be necessary for the uniqueness of weak solutions

    High-resolution structure of an atypical α-phosphoglucomutase related to eukaryotic phosphomannomutases

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    The first structure of a bacterial α-phosphoglucomutase with an overall fold similar to eukaryotic phosphomannomutases is reported. Unlike most α-phosphoglucomutases within the α-D-phosphohexomutase superfamily, it belongs to subclass IIb of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily (HADSF). It catalyzes the reversible conversion of α-glucose 1-phosphate to glucose 6-phosphate. The crystal structure of α-phosphoglucomutase from Lactococcus lactis (APGM) was determined at 1.5 Å resolution and contains a sulfate and a glycerol bound at the enzyme active site that partially mimic the substrate. A dimeric form of APGM is present in the crystal and in solution, an arrangement that may be functionally relevant. The catalytic mechanism of APGM and its strict specificity towards α-glucose 1-phosphate are discussed.Diamond Light Source

    Human parvovirus PARV4 DNA in tissues from adult individuals: a comparison with human parvovirus B19 (B19V)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>PARV4 is a new member of the Parvoviridae family not closely related to any of the known human parvoviruses. Viremia seems to be a hallmark of PARV4 infection and viral DNA persistence has been demonstrated in a few tissues. Till now, PARV4 has not been associated with any disease and its prevalence in human population has not been clearly established. This study was aimed to assess the tissue distribution and the ability to persist of PARV4 in comparison to parvovirus B19 (B19V).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PARV4 and B19V DNA detection was carried out in various tissues of individuals without suspect of acute viral infection, by a real time PCR and a nested PCR, targeting the ORF2 and the ORF1 respectively. Low amount of PARV4 DNA was found frequently (>40%) in heart and liver of adults individuals, less frequently in lungs and kidneys (23,5 and 18% respectively) and was rare in bone marrow, skin and synovium samples (5,5%, 4% and 5%, respectively). By comparison, B19V DNA sequences were present in the same tissues with a higher frequency (significantly higher in myocardium, skin and bone marrow) except than in liver where the frequency was the same of PARV4 DNA and in plasma samples where B19V frequency was significantly lower than that of PARV4</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The particular tropism of PARV4 for liver and heart, here emerged, suggests to focus further studies on these tissues as possible target for viral replication and on the possible role of PARV4 infection in liver and heart diseases. Neither bone marrow nor kidney seem to be a common target of viral replication.</p

    Pesquisa e ensino do portuguĂȘs no Ăąmbito acadĂȘmico italiano

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    Nesse nĂșmero temĂĄtico da Revista L&amp;L, destacam-se dezoito artigos que rearticulam dois binĂŽmios conceituais interligados e em combinaçÔes muitas vezes originais e de forma alguma tidas como certas, demonstrando ainda mais nĂŁo apenas o inesgotĂĄvel potencial de linhas analĂ­ticas ligadas tanto Ă  pesquisa linguĂ­stica aplicada ao ensino da lĂ­ngua portuguesa, quanto Ă  pesquisa ligada Ă  didĂĄtica. De fato, essas contribuiçÔes evidenciam a fĂ©rtil e reconhecida capacidade dos autores deste volume em conseguir conjugar a tradição com a inovação e a tentativa de rever, revolucionar visĂ”es e conceitos difusos e aceitos atravĂ©s de pesquisas inovadoras que nos levam a refletir muito sobre o objeto lĂ­ngua portuguesa. No entanto, gostarĂ­amos de agradecer a todos aqueles que o tornaram possĂ­vel, participando com suas contribuiçÔes e, em particular, os keynote speakers do IV Congresso Internacional “O ensino do portuguĂȘs brasileiro na universidade italiana” e do I e do II Congresso Internacional “Dia Mundial da lĂ­ngua portuguesa”: Dinah Callou, professora emĂ©rita da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Maria EugĂȘnia Lamoglia Duarte, professora titular da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, e o professor Carlos Alberto Faraco, professor emĂ©rito da Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ. Por fim, gostarĂ­amos de dedicar esse nĂșmero especial a um amigo, a um irmĂŁo, a um estudioso excelente, Salvador Pippa, que nos deixou cedo demais, mas que continua presente nas nossas lembranças com o seu sorriso e a sua alma gentil
