70 research outputs found

    Tales of reverence and powers : Ibn Ḥajar’s narratives of religious charismatic authority

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    This article examines the ways in which Shihāb al-Dīn Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī, the well-known ninth/fifteenth-century muḥaddith and chief Shafiʿi qadi of Cairo, organized the writing of his main historiographical work, the Inbāʾ al-ghumr bi-abnāʾ al-ʿumr, an annalistic chronicle covering a period between the years 773/1372 and 850/1446. It considers the Inbāʾ al-ghumr as a deliberately constructed set of narratives displaying various layers of meaning, going well beyond the mere description and documentation of Ibn Ḥajar’s own times. I will particularly focus here on the crafting of what will be called the religious and charismatic layer of the socio-political order that is presented in the Inbāʾ al-ghumr, anchored in the display of religious charismatic authority and leadership, namely—following Katherine Jansen and Miri Rubin—a layer which demonstrates authority by “preaching, creating and demanding new obligations, while at the same time evoking and associating with the sacred symbols of the shared religious culture.

    Las Negociaciones Comerciales del Acuerdo de Asociación Interregional Unión Europea-Mercosur. Análisis del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio desde la perspectiva del sector agrícola europeo

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    Màster Oficial d'Internacionalització, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: Josep Lladós MasllorensEl acuerdo de libre comercio entre la UE y el Mercosur firmado el pasado mes de julio forma parte de la política comercial exterior global de los últimos años de acuerdos ambiciosos y multidimensionales de nueva generación. En un clima político mundial tumultuoso y cada vez más reticente al multilateralismo, las negociaciones de este acuerdo han sido especialmente controvertidas, sobre todo en torno a la cuestión de la liberalización del sector agrícola. Nuestro enfoque consiste en estudiar este acuerdo de libre comercio, desde sus negociaciones hasta su conclusión, incluyendo la relación comercial y política en la que se inscribe, desde el punto de vista del sector agrícola europeo. Se trata de un hilo conductor que permitirá mostrar lo que significa este instrumento político y comercial para un sector tan sensible a nivel europeo como el agrícola y ver realmente su recepción y su impacto a nivel sectorial y los actores que puede involucrar a diferentes escalas. Nuestro análisis ha ignorado todas las demás dimensiones y medidas que atraviesan el pilar comercial de este acuerdo interregional y se ha centrado, con un sesgo necesariamente simplista pero asumido, en las dimensiones y medidas que afectan al sector agrícola europeo

    La sexualité post-partum dans les fora internet

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    La période post-partum constitue un moment de changements majeurs dans la vie sexuelle d’un couple. Face à ces préoccupations, peu discutées publiquement et parmi les intervenants en santé à cause des tabous entourant cette phase, les parents se tournent vers de nouvelles sources d’information, parmi lesquelles internet et ses fora de discussion prennent une place importante. Afin de mieux saisir la dynamique de ce nouveau processus de transmission des savoirs sur cette thématique, des fora du site ont été analysés, à l’aide du logiciel Sémato. Les principaux thèmes de discussion dégagés portent sur les préoccupations entourant le désir sexuel, la reprise des activités sexuelles et les modifications physiques. Les informations sont surtout transmises par le biais de témoignages d’ordre expérientiel. Cette recherche permet de documenter les nouveaux modes de transmission de savoirs sexuels dans lesquels internet et les fora s’inscrivent.Post-partum is a period which provokes major changes in the sexual lives of couples. These preoccupations are rarely discussed in the public sphere or among health professionals because of the taboos involved. In this context, parents rely on new sources of information such as internet and its discussion forums which are more and more developed. In order to better understand the dynamics of this new process of knowledge transmission, forums from , a french web site, have been analysed with the software Sémato. The main themes of discussion were related to sexual desire, resumption of sexual activities and physical changes, and used testimonies based on personal experiences. This research helps to understand the new modes of transmission of sexual knowledge developed on the web and its forums

    AMRI Nelly, 2019, Croire au Maghreb médiéval. La sainteté en question (xive-xve siècle)

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    Dans le prolongement de ses nombreux travaux sur le soufisme et le culte des saints en Islam, Nelly Amri présente ici une réflexion foisonnante sur la sainteté et son dispositif de croyance dans le Maghreb médiéval tardif (viiie-ixe/xive-xve siècle), à partir de l’étude de la figure du « ravi en Dieu » (majdhūb, pl. majādhib). Type spirituel majeur dans l’élaboration doctrinale de la sainteté à l’époque médiévale, le ravi, « désiré par Dieu » (murād), personnage extatique, excentrique et tran..

    Post-partum et sexualité : ethnographie virtuelle exploratoire de fora de discussion

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    La période du post-partum constitue un moment de changements majeurs influençant la vie sexuelle et relationnelle des parents. Face à ces préoccupations, peu discutées dans l'espace public et par les intervenants en santé à cause des tabous entourant cette phase, les nouveaux parents se tournent vers de nouvelles sources de référence parmi lesquelles Internet prend une place importante. En quête d'informations et de soutien auprès d'un groupe de pairs avec qui partager leurs préoccupations, les nouveaux parents peuvent se tourner vers les fora de discussion virtuels. Afin de mieux saisir les enjeux de cette thématique et la dynamique des échanges sur le sujet, ainsi que d'illustrer le processus de constitution de communautés virtuelles post-natale, une analyse des communications menées sur les fora abordant la sexualité post-partum de \ud « Doctissimo.fr »a été effectuée. Un logiciel d'assistance sémantique à la catégorisation et à l'exploration des données textuelles, Sémato, a été utilisé pour dégager les problématiques principales qui ont ensuite codifiées plus précisément pour mettre en relief les modalités des échanges, leur contenu (type de savoirs et de savoir-faire transmis), leurs objectifs (informations, témoignages, conseils, support, etc.) et les stratégies de constitution d'une communauté virtuelle. Composée de deux articles principaux, cette recherche permet de mieux comprendre et de documenter à la fois les enjeux sexuels et les nouveaux modes de socialisation sexuelle des nouveaux parents consultant les fora de Doctissimo sur la sexualité post-partum. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Internet, Forum de discussion, Sexualité, Post-partum, Socialisation, Communauté virtuelle

    Oversexualisation, romantic attachment, and intimacy

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    Abstract : The present study examined romantic attachment and intimacy as correlates of oversexualized behaviours and attitudes among emerging adults. A sample of 587 participants (494 women, 93 men) aged between 18 and 29 completed a series of online questionnaires assessing oversexualisation, romantic attachment, and intimacy. Hierarchical regression analyses were performed to explore the associations between these variables and examine the moderating role of sex. Results revealed that attachment-related anxiety was associated with overinvestment in sexual appearance, sexual objectification, and performance-based sexuality. This last association was stronger for men than for women. Attachment-related avoidance was associated with seduction and lower meaningfulness of sexuality. In addition, while sexualized language was related to a better perception of emotional, social, sexual, and recreational intimacy, meaningfulness of sexuality was positively related to all dimensions of intimacy. Conversely, sexual objectification was related to lower recreational intimacy, seductive attitude was related to lower emotional intimacy, and overinvestment in one’s sexualized appearance was related to lower sexual intimacy. For men only, overinvestment in sexualized appearance was also related to higher perceived social intimacy Theoretical and clinical implications of these results are discussed

    Sexual activity based fears during pregnancy, sexual function and dyadic adjustment in couples who are expecting their first child

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    Sexual activity based fears during pregnancy are common, but very few studies have examined their association with relationshipvariables.Secondary analysis ofassociationsbetween thesefears during pregnancy and bothpartners’ sexual function and dyadic adjustmentwere conducted. A sample of 67 French-Canadian first-timeparentingcouplesliving in Ontariocompleted online questionnaires on sexual activity based fears, sexual function,and dyadic adjustment as experienced during pregnancy. While one-third of participants reported no fears, other couples experienced one to six fears, the two most common fears among partners being inducing labor and causing a miscarriage. Dyadic path analyses supportedindirect associations between sexual activity based fears and lower dyadic adjustment via poorersexual function.During pregnancy, thesefears in womenand menare associated with poorer dyadicadjustment in both partnersthrough the women’spoorersexual function.These findings suggest includingprenatal sexual activity based fears inperinatal sexuality counseling, education,and interventions

    Testing an online training session on couples' perinatal sexual changes among health care professionals and paraprofessionals

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    Introduction: During and after pregnancy, coupleshave to adapt to sexual changes. While many coupleshave questions and preoccupations regarding those changes, theyarerarely addressed by professionals and paraprofessionals in perinatal healthcare, mainly because of lack of knowledge and training. An onlinetraining session that addressedcouples’ perinatal sexualchangestailored for healthcare perinatal professionals (nurses and midwives) and paraprofessionals (doulas)was developed, implemented, and evaluated.Methods: Participants completed foursteps: 1) a baseline (T1) online questionnaire assessing training needsand measures onknowledge, attitudes, and perceived counsellingskillsregarding couples’ perinatal sexualchanges; 2) a two-houronline training sessionon the topic with theoretical and practical content; 3) an onlinepost-trainingsatisfactionquestionnaire; and 4) a one-month follow-up (T2) assessment usingthe same measures as in T1.Results: Of the 74 participants (20 nurses, 20 midwives, 34 doulas) who completed the study, 37.8% had previous training in sexualityand 18.9%inperinatal sexuality. Results showed pre-to post-training significant increasesin knowledge and attitudes towards couples’ perinatal sexualchanges, characterized by more positivity, flexibility, openness, and sense of competenceregarding the topic.Therewere also significant pre-to post-training increasesinperceived utility, comfort, intention, and sense of self-efficacyrelated tocounselling skills regarding couples’ perinatal sexualchanges. After training, more participants discussed couples’ sexualchangeswith couplesduring and after pregnancy. After training, significantlyfewerparticipants reported lack of knowledge, lack of training, and lack of discomfort as barriers to discussions on couples’ perinatal sexualchanges, 4while more reported lack of time as a barrier. Global satisfaction towardsthe training was high. Discussion: This training can help foster more discussions on the topic from perinatal professionals and paraprofessionals to better meetcouples’needs for information and support

    How to deal with sexual changes during and after pregnancy

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    After documenting parenting couples’ needs regarding perinatal sexuality, this study developed and evaluated a brief psycho-educational workshop on perinatal sexuality. Participants(16 future and 17 new parents) completed five steps: 1)online questionnaire (T1) assessing needs toward the workshop and sexoperinatal knowledge, attitudes,and perceptions; 2)two-hour online workshopon perinatal sexuality; 3) post-workshop satisfaction questionnaire; 4) one-month (T2) and 5)two-month (T3) post-workshop questionnaires with the same measures as in T1. One month after the workshop, knowledge, attitudes,and perceptions towards perinatal sexuality increased significantly. Sexoperinatal interventions from healthcare workers are still uncommon, although there is a need forinformation and support. This brief online workshop is promising forbetter educationand empowerment ofparenting couplesregarding perinatal sexuality