5,109 research outputs found

    PIBID música e prática pedagógico-musical: experiências de ensino envolvendo cotidiano e prática musical

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O trabalho apresenta a experiência de atuação no subprojeto de Música do PIBID da Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, realizado em uma escola da rede pública de ensino do município, e tem como principal objetivo discutir duas atividades realizadas, sendo uma sobre ‘Rock e os elementos formais do som’ e a outra referente a uma experiência de prática musical com os alunos, que integrava canto, violão, percussão e flauta. Foi possível avaliar que a maioria dos alunos conseguiu assimilar o conteúdo mais efetivamente por ter sido trabalhado com recursos que fazem parte do seu cotidiano e por ser um contexto mais próximo da sua realidade auditiva. Os momentos de prática musical proporcionaram reflexões sobre a importância do planejamento no momento da realização das atividades e a necessidade deste ser flexível e estar elaborado detalhadament

    The Rockefeller Foundation and the Training of Agricultural Specialists for Latin America: a Profile of Scholars from Latin American Scholarship Program in Agriculture (1951-1962)

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    Between 1951 and 1962, the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) maintained a scholarship program, the Latin American Scholarships program in agriculture (LAS), which financed the training of 226 Latin American students and researchers who, together, received 297 scholarships for short study periods at leading research centers in countries in the region. These centers were, above all, structures linked to the Office of Special Studies (OSS), a partnership between the Rockefeller Foundation and the Mexican government, and North American universities. The LAS provided the training and circulation of Latin American scholars in a period of great technological advancement in agricultural research and sought to give continental scope to RF’s main and most successful laboratory in the area: Mexico. The profile analysis of 226 LAS scholars is made from a database of 9057 minibiographies of scholars available in the Directory of Fellowships and Scholarships published by the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1970s.Between 1951 and 1962, the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) maintained a scholarship program, the Latin American Scholarships program in agriculture (LAS), which financed the training of 226 Latin American students and researchers who, together, received 297 scholarships for short study periods at leading research centers in countries in the region. These centers were, above all, structures linked to the Office of Special Studies (OSS), a partnership between the Rockefeller Foundation and the Mexican government, and North American universities. The LAS provided the training and circulation of Latin American scholars in a period of great technological advancement in agricultural research and sought to give continental scope to RF’s main and most successful laboratory in the area: Mexico. The profile analysis of 226 LAS scholars is made from a database of 9057 minibiographies of scholars available in the Directory of Fellowships and Scholarships published by the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1970s.Between 1951 and 1962, the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) maintained a scholarship program, the Latin American Scholarships program in agriculture (LAS), which financed the training of 226 Latin American students and researchers who, together, received 297 scholarships for short study periods at leading research centers in countries in the region. These centers were, above all, structures linked to the Office of Special Studies (OSS), a partnership between the Rockefeller Foundation and the Mexican government, and North American universities. The LAS provided the training and circulation of Latin American scholars in a period of great technological advancement in agricultural research and sought to give continental scope to RF’s main and most successful laboratory in the area: Mexico. The profile analysis of 226 LAS scholars is made from a database of 9057 minibiographies of scholars available in the Directory of Fellowships and Scholarships published by the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1970s

    An enzymatic route to a benzocarbazole framework using bacterial CotA laccase

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    The CotA laccase-catalysed oxidation of the meta, para-disubstituted arylamine 2,4-diaminophenyldiamine delivers, under mild reaction conditions, a benzocarbazole derivative (1) (74% yield), a key structural motif of a diverse range of applications. This work extends the scope of aromatic frameworks obtained using these enzymes and represents a new efficient and clean method to construct in one step C-C and C-N bonds

    Potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico em recém-nascido: influência do sexo e da relação peso e idade gestacional

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    OBJECTIVE:To investigate the influence of gender and weight/gestational age ratio on the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) in preterm (PT) and term (T) newborns.METHODS:176 newborns were evaluated by ABR; 88 were preterm infants - 44 females (22 small and 22 appropriate for gestational age) and 44 males (22 small and 22 appropriate for gestational age). The preterm infants were compared to 88 term infants - 44 females (22 small and 22 appropriate for gestational age) and 44 males (22 small and 22 appropriate for gestational age). All newborns had bilateral presence of transient otoacoustic emissions and type A tympanometry.RESULTS:No interaural differences were found. ABR response did not differentiate newborns regarding weight/gestational age in males and females. Term newborn females showed statistically shorter absolute latencies (except on wave I) than males. This finding did not occur in preterm infants, who had longer latencies than term newborns, regardless of gender.CONCLUSIONS:Gender and gestational age influence term infants' ABR, with lower responses in females. The weight/gestational age ratio did not influence ABR response in either groups.OBJETIVO:Verificar las influencias del sexo y la relación peso/edad gestacional en las respuestas del Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) en recién nacidos pretérmino (PT) y a término (T).MÉTODOS:Se evaluaron a 176 recién nacidos por medio del PEATE, siendo 88 prematuros - 44 femeninos (22 pequeños y 22 adecuados para la edad gestacional) y 44 masculinos (22 pequeños y 22 adecuados para la edad gestacional). Se compararon los prematuros con 88 recién nacidos a término, 44 del sexo femenino (22 pequeños y 22 adecuados) y 44 del sexo masculino (22 pequeños y 22 adecuados). Todos los recién nacidos presentaron emisiones otoacústicas bilateralmente, por estímulo transiente y timpanometría tipo A.RESULTADOS:No se encontraron diferencias interaurales y en el desempeño de los recién nacidos en las respuestas del PEATE respecto a la clasificación peso/edad gestacional, en ambos sexos. Los recién nacidos a término del sexo femenino mostraron latencias absolutas estadísticamente más cortas (excepto onda I) que las del sexo masculino; lo mismo no pasó con los prematuros. Los neonatos pretérmino presentaron latencias más prolongadas que las de los recién nacidos a término, independiente del sexo.CONCLUSIONES:El sexo y la edad gestacional ejercen influencia relevante en el PEATE de recién nacidos a término, con respuestas menores en el sexo femenino, debiendo considerárselas en el análisis clínico. La relación peso/edad gestacional, en contrario, no interfiere en las respuestas de ese potencial.OBJETIVO:Verificar as influências do sexo e a relação peso/idade gestacional nas respostas do Potencial Evocado Auditivo de Tronco Encefálico (PEATE) em recém-nascidos pré-termo (PT) e a termo (T).MÉTODOS:Avaliaram-se 176 recém-nascidos por meio do PEATE, sendo 88 prematuros - 44 femininos (22 pequenos e 22 adequados para a idade gestacional) e 44 masculinos (22 pequenos e 22 adequados para a idade gestacional). Compararam-se os prematuros a 88 recém-nascidos a termo, 44 do sexo feminino (22 pequenos e 22 adequados) e 44 do sexo masculino (22 pequenos e 22 adequados). Todos os recém-nascidos apresentaram emissões otoacústicas bilateralmente, por estímulo transiente e timpanometria tipo A.RESULTADOS:Não se encontraram diferenças interaurais e no desempenho dos recém-nascidos nas respostas do PEATE quanto à classificação peso/idade gestacional, em ambos os sexos. Os recém-nascidos a termo do sexo feminino mostraram latências absolutas estatisticamente mais curtas (exceto onda I) do que os do masculino; o mesmo não ocorreu nos prematuros. Os neonatos pré-termo apresentaram latências mais prolongadas que as dos recém-nascidos a termo, independentemente do sexo.CONCLUSÕES O sexo e a idade gestacional exercem influência relevante no PEATE de recém-nascidos a termo, com respostas menores no sexo feminino. A relação peso/idade gestacional, ao contrário, não interfere nas respostas desse potencial.UNIFESP Hospital São PauloUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)UNIFESP, Hospital São PauloUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Desenvolvimento, meio ambiente e divisão internacional do trabalho: análise empírica para uma região de concentração de indústrias sujas e intensivas em recursos naturais no estado de Minas Gerais

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    The State of Minas Gerais - and more particularly our study-region - specialized, since the 1970s, in attracting natural resources intensive dirty industries. That type of regional industrial growth is linked to Brazil's - and Minas Gerais's in particular - insertion within the New International Division of Labor in which peripheral countries become attractive to industries with high environmental impacts, with obvious consequences upon local environmental and life quality.In this paper we characterize economic development in the Piracicaba River Basin's municipalities, their capacity to attract highly polluting and environmental degrading industries, and the environmental implications of that industrialization model. We proceed onto a double analytical approach that combines a political economic critique of the structural causes determining the region's development and the empirical statistical analysis of economic and environmental indicators. Using data from municipalities in the Piracicaba River Basin we sought to investigate the correlations between economic and environmental indicators as well as the structural reasons for those relations in the face of the specific insertion of the study-region into the international division of labor with consequent specialization in resource and energy intensive intermediary goods industries.environment; local development; international division of labor; life quality; Brazil