15 research outputs found

    L'estructura de la façana oriental de la península de Cap Norfeu (Roses)

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    Els penya-segats orientals de Cap Norfeu presenten un aflorament molt excepcional que mostra plecs que afecten la seqüència calcarea-detrítica (metaconglomerats i marbres) atributs al Cambrià. L'analisi a partir de fotografies realitzades tant de detall com a distància, ha permès identificar la seva estructura geològica general i relativament detallada. Amb l'anàlisi de camp s'han acabat de completat les qüestions no resoltes a partir de l'anàlisi fotogràfica com són la identificació de les litologies o la presa de cabussaments. També s'han identificat estructures menors que il·lustren el paper de la reologia en la deformació de les roques. Amb aquesta informació s'ha plantejat l'evolució geològica que evidencia l'existència d'una tectònica polifàsica amb formes d'interferències de plecs. L'estructura resultant es correspon amb una disposició antiforme que no es correspon amb el sinclinal representat en el mapa geològic del ICC. Al estar Cap Norfeu considerat una zona de reserva integral i també un espai d'interès geològic, també s'ha posat èmfasi en els valors patrimonials de tipus paisatgístic, geomorfològic i de caràcter històric-cultural.The eastern slopes off the Cap Norfeu peninsula show a exceptional outcrops of folds affecting a calcareous-detrital sequence (metaconglomerates and marbles) of Cambrian age. Performed analysis using photo taken at variable distance enabled to identify the global and detailed structure. This study was completed with field work analysis for checking lithologies and taking structural measurements. Small sized structures were identified emphasizing the role of rheology in rock deformation. This information permitted to know the geological polyphasic evolution evidenced by the presence of fold interference patterns. This structure corresponds to an antiform and not to a synclinal as drawn in the geological map (ICC). Because of the fact that Cap Norfeu is a integral protected area and a geological site the presence of other heritage values (landscape, geomorphological and historical-cultural character) have been considered

    Analysing bus passengers' satisfaction in Dhaka using discrete choice models

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    The bus transport system in Dhaka is unsafe, unreliable and inefficient, and struggles to cope with the day-to-day mobility of its massive population. Consequently, measuring the performance of bus service quality (SQ) from the customers’ perspective is fundamental in planning a sustainable bus transport system for Dhaka, and in developing the associated policies and regulations. Although there are some studies addressing the performance of the public transport systems in Bangladesh, little research considers how SQ attributes affect passengers’ satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to examine a relationship between bus SQ and its influencing factors in Dhaka. Using a customer satisfaction survey with a sample size of 955, discrete choice models (e.g. multinomial logit and mixed logit) have been developed. The results indicate that the inhabitants, as expected, are dissatisfied with their bus services (less than 10% rated SQ as either excellent/good) and service attributes such as comfort level and driver skills were found to be the most important contributors towards the poor and very poor perceptions of SQ. Other influencing factors are punctuality, safety, entry and exit processes, waiting time and vehicle condition. One surprising finding was that the multinomial logit model provides better goodness-of-fit for the sample data relative to the mixed logit model implying that bus users in Dhaka may represent a homogeneous group as they do have access to other modes. Findings from this study can be utilised to develop policies and regulations to improve bus transport in Dhaka

    A bibliometric analysis of the Intelligent transportation systems based on science mapping

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    In this paper we highlight the conceptual structure of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) research field in the period 1992-2011. To do that, an automatic approach for detecting and visualizing hidden themes and their evolution across a consecutive span of years is applied. This automatic approach, based on co-word analysis, combines performance analysis and science mapping. To show the conceptual evolution of ITS, three consecutive periods have been defined: 1992-2001, 2002-2006, 2007-2011. We have identified that the ITS research has been focused on six main thematic areas: VEHICLE-AND-ROAD-TRACKING, DRIVER-BEHAVIORAND-SAFETY, SCENARIOS-SIMULATION, TRAFFIC-FLOWAND-TRAFFIC-MANAGEMENT, VEHICLE-CONTROL and VEHICLE-NAVIGATION

    Opiniones y experiencias de profesionales sanitarios en el manejo nutricional del paciente oncológico: estudio ONA.

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    Objectives: an inadequate approach to prevent malnutrition in cancer patients may worsen their quality of life and reduce their response to treatment. This study aims to describe the nutritional management of cancer patients in clinical practice, as well as the opinions of the healthcare professionals (HCPs) involved. Methods: this was an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study addressed to HCPs in the Spanish healthcare setting. The online questionnaire was designed based on a literature review, one focus group of patients (n = 6), and the experience of the multidisciplinary scientific committee (n = 5), and was distributed by the scientific societies endorsing the study. Results: a total of 461 HCPs answered the survey. Most of them considered that a nutrition expert (95.0 %) is essential for the nutritional management of patients. However, 22.8 % of HCPs did not have access to this expert, and only 49.0 % had received training. Nutritional screening or patient referral for screening was performed by 58.4 % of HCPs. Of the total of HCPs, 86.6 % stated that nutritional information is provided to patients and considered them moderately satisfied with the information received. In malnourished patients or in those at risk of malnutrition, a complete nutritional assessment was performed by HCPs (73.1 %). Most HCPs (87.4 %) reported prescribing or recommending nutritional support if needed, and assessing adherence (86.8 %). Conclusions: despite malnutrition being a common problem in cancer patients, almost half of professionals do not perform any nutritional screening. In addition, patient information and assessment of nutritional adherence appear to be suboptimal

    Effects of IFIH1 rs1990760 variants on systemic inflammation and outcome in critically ill COVID-19 patients in an observational translational study

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    Variants in IFIH1, a gene coding the cytoplasmatic RNA sensor MDA5, regulate the response to viral infections. We hypothesized that IFIH1 rs199076 variants would modulate host response and outcome after severe COVID-19. Patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) with confirmed COVID-19 were prospectively studied and rs1990760 variants determined. Peripheral blood gene expression, cell populations, and immune mediators were measured. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy volunteers were exposed to an MDA5 agonist and dexamethasone ex-vivo, and changes in gene expression assessed. ICU discharge and hospital death were modeled using rs1990760 variants and dexamethasone as factors in this cohort and in-silico clinical trials. About 227 patients were studied. Patients with the IFIH1 rs1990760 TT variant showed a lower expression of inflammation-related pathways, an anti-inflammatory cell profile, and lower concentrations of pro-inflammatory mediators. Cells with TT variant exposed to an MDA5 agonist showed an increase in IL6 expression after dexamethasone treatment. All patients with the TT variant not treated with steroids survived their ICU stay (hazard ratio [HR]: 2.49, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.29-4.79). Patients with a TT variant treated with dexamethasone showed an increased hospital mortality (HR: 2.19, 95% CI: 1.01-4.87) and serum IL-6. In-silico clinical trials supported these findings. COVID-19 patients with the IFIH1 rs1990760 TT variant show an attenuated inflammatory response and better outcomes. Dexamethasone may reverse this anti-inflammatory phenotype. Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CB17/06/00021), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI19/00184 and PI20/01360), and Fundació La Marató de TV3 (413/C/2021). Patients with severe COVID-19 often need mechanical ventilation to help them breathe and other types of intensive care. The outcome for many of these patients depends on how their immune system reacts to the infection. If the inflammatory response triggered by the immune system is too strong, this can cause further harm to the patient. One gene that plays an important role in inflammation is IFIH1 which encodes a protein that helps the body to recognize viruses. There are multiple versions of this gene which each produce a slightly different protein. It is possible that this variation impacts how the immune system responds to the virus that causes COVID-19. To investigate, Amado-Rodríguez, Salgado del Riego et al. analyzed the IFIH1 gene in 227 patients admitted to an intensive care unit in Spain for severe COVID-19 between March and December 2020. They found that patients with a specific version of the gene called TT experienced less inflammation and were more likely to survive the infection. Physicians typically treat patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 with corticosteroid drugs that reduce the inflammatory response. However, Amado-Rodríguez, Salgado del Riego et al. found that patients with the TT version of the IFIH1 gene were at greater risk of dying if they received corticosteroids. The team then applied the distribution of IFIH1 variants among different ethnic ancestries to data from a previous clinical trial, and simulated the effects of corticosteroid treatment. This 'mock' clinical trial supported their findings from the patient-derived data, which were also validated by laboratory experiments on immune cells from individuals with the TT gene. The work by Amado-Rodríguez, Salgado del Riego et al. suggests that while corticosteroids benefit some patients, they may cause harm to others. However, a real-world clinical trial is needed to determine whether patients with the TT version of the IFIH1 gene would do better without steroids

    EINA360 2020

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    Aquesta publicació és un recull del treball realitzat pels estudiants i exestudiants d’EINA. Mitjançant una selecció de projectes, es mostra el rigor acadèmic i la capacitat d’anàlisi i experimentació que tenen els alumnes del Grau de Disseny i dels diferents Màsters i Postgraus d’EINA. Aquesta filosofia, que fomenta el potencial innovador del disseny i l’art, també es recull en la praxis professional que duen a terme els nostres alumni. Tots els projectes publicats són una síntesi de l’aprenentatge enriquidor, obert a diferents sistemes de pensament i llenguatges, amb què EINA treballa des de la seva fundació el 1967. Una metodologia en constant evolució a d’avançar-se a les necessitats i exigències de la nostra societat canviant, per poder donar resposta als nous reptes i fer realitat nous productes, nous serveis i noves experiències. En definitiva, aquesta publicació és el testimoni de la trajectòria de l’escola com a plataforma de cultura i coneixement de generacions de professionals del disseny i l’art que participen activament en el desenvolupament d’una societat més sostenible, ètica, reflexiva i compromesa.Esta publicación es una recopilación del trabajo realizado por los estudiantes y exestudiantes de EINA. Mediante una selección de proyectos se muestra el rigor académico y la capacidad de análisis y experimentación que tienen los alumnos del Grado de Diseño y de los diferentes Másters y Postgrados de EINA. Esta filosofía, que fomenta el potencial innovador del diseño y el arte, también se recoge en la praxis profesional que llevan a cabo nuestro alumni. Todos los proyectos publicados son una síntesis del aprendizaje enriquecedor, abierto a diferentes sistemas de pensamiento y lenguajes, con que EINA trabaja desde su fundación en 1967. Una metodología en constante evolución con el fin de adelantarse a las necesidades y exigencias de nuestra sociedad cambiante, para poder dar respuesta a los nuevos retos y hacer realidad nuevos productos, nuevos servicios y nuevas experiencias. En definitiva, esta publicación es el testimonio de la trayectoria de la escuela como plataforma de cultura y conocimiento de generaciones de profesionales del diseño y el arte que participan activamente en el desarrollo de una sociedad más sostenible, ética, reflexiva y comprometida.This publication is a collection of the work of EINA’s students past and present, a selection of projects from the Degree in Design and the various Masters’ and Postgraduate programmes, chosen for their academic rigor and analytic and experimental capacity. This foundation, which fosters the innovative potential of design and art, is also reflected in the professional practice of our alumni. All of the published projects are a synthesis of the enriching learning style, open to different systems of thought and language, which EINA has prioritized since its founding in 1967. It is a methodology in constant evolution, whose aim is to advance to meet the needs and demands of our changing society, so as to be able to respond to new challenges and make new products, new services and new experiences a reality. In short, this publication is witness to the trajectory of the school as the platform for knowledge and culture behind generations of art and design professionals who actively participate in the development of a more sustainable, ethical, thoughtful and committed society