4,103 research outputs found

    O imaginário feminino na Virtuosa Benfeitoria e sua mediação entre o Homem e o Paraíso

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    Pretendemos, com esta investigação, estudar o imaginário feminino presente na obra medieval Virtuosa Benfeitoria, da autoria do Infante D. Pedro e baseada no livro De Beneficiis, de Séneca. Neste texto, surgem várias ideias sobre a condição da mulher, transmitidas por intermédio de dez figuras, divididas em três grupos: as Graças, as seis donzelas e a Virgem Maria. Dada a religiosidade própria da época, a esta última é dado um papel de grande destaque (apesar das influências mitológicas das três Graças e da alegoria das seis donzelas): ela é o exemplo máximo de perfeição e cabe-lhe o importante papel de mediação entre o Homem e o Paraíso.The main goal of this research is to study the female imagery in the medieval work Virtuosa Benfeitoria, written by Infante D. Pedro and based on Seneca's book De Beneficiis. In this text, there are various ideas about the status of women, conveyed by three specific groups: the Graces, the six maidens and the Virgin Mary. Given the religiosity of Middle Ages, the latter is given a leading role (despite the mythological influences of the three Graces and the allegory of the six maidens): she is the epitome of perfection and is responsible for an important role of mediation between Man and Heaven

    Evaluation of Workload in High Complexity Work Place: an Experiment During a Real Situation

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    Some workplace have been widely changed with regard to their automation process, which has promoted a more complex environment concerning the task performance, demanding to the operator the introducing of new abilities. In the aeronautic activity the workload also has been diversified, as the mental demand has been enhanced. The needs of determining the impact of the workload on the operator due to such work place, evidencing a more complex nature, shows to be more important, mainly when looking at the certification requirements for new aircraft development. Such certification process is responsible for determining the minimum aircrew necessary, based on the distribution of the cabin workload, as well as keeping the situation awareness during the different phases of the flight. This study uses psychological and physiological methods of measurements to evaluate the workload in real situation during the end of the certification process of an aircraft, aiming at to identify potential methods to be implemented during the whole certification process. A protocol of workload evaluation was implemented based on the use of interview, NASA-TLX scale, heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV). Two pilots participated in the study. The measurements and interviews were conducted during flights performed in the final certification process of an aircraft produced in Brazil. A total of six take-off and six landings performed during three consecutive days were evaluated. Each route was previously determined, which involved some abnormal situations according to an established program for the evaluation of the aircraft in terms of human factor requirements. The data analysis was performed in a descriptive and qualitative basis due to the peculiarity of each task. Preliminary results indicate the landing to be more stressful than take-off, and for such situations, the pilot flying (PF) had the more workload during the tasks than the pilot monitoring (PM). When comparing all flights and their tasks, no important difference between the HR and HRV was observed, but, again, the landing showed a little higher stressful than take-off for the PF, as evidenced by the HR. However, the general results, including those from NASA-TLX, suggested a low workload for all tasks. With regards to the interviews, the more pronounced mental demands reported by the pilots in managing any fault of the aircraft were in those tasks that required anticipation, attention and monitoring procedures. Future studies should be conducted with the whole certification process and other scenarios in order to test the applicability of the methodology employed in the present study

    Estudiantes universitarios: la influencia de las variables socio-económicas y culturales en la carrera

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    Este estudo descreve o perfil de concluintes dos cursos de graduação Química, Ciências Biológicas e Psicologia de uma universidade pública e busca compreender influências das variáveis sociodemográficas e acadêmicas em suas trajetórias de carreira. Os 140 participantes responderam a um questionário com variáveis sociodemográficas: escolaridade dos pais, renda familiar, nível socioeconômico e procedência do Ensino Fundamental e Médio (público ou particular). As variáveis acadêmicas (notas) foram obtidas nos prontuários arquivados na seção de Graduação. As informações sobre as trajetórias de carreira (estudo de caso) foram obtidas por meio de entrevistas com seis participantes. Os dados foram analisados quantitativamente, segundo modelo univariado - Testes do Qui-Quadrado, Não-Paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis e de Mann-Whitney, e qualitativamente, segundo Bardin (1977). Referenciais teóricos nacionais e internacionais subsidiaram as discussões. Verificou-se que a escolaridade dos pais, nível socioeconômico e natureza do ensino cursado estão proporcionalmente relacionados ao sucesso no vestibular e à escolha da carreira.In this paper we describe the profile of senior undergraduates attending courses in Chemistry, Biological Sciences and Psychology in a Brazilian public university. We propose to study the influence of socio-demographic and academic variables () on their career. The 140 participants answered a questionnaire on socio-demographic variables: parental education, family income, social-economical level and type of Elementary and High School (public or private) they attend. The academic variables (marks) were obtained from the university files. The data about career paths were obtained from interviews with six participants. The data were analyzed both quantitatively, according to unvaried models - the Square Q Test, the non-parametrical test: Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney and qualitatively, according to Bardin (1977). Both national and international theoretical frameworks underpinned the discussion. The study reveals that parental education, socio-economical level and type of Elementary and High School attended are directly related to their success in the university entrance tests and career choice.Este estudio describe el perfil de egresados de los cursos de pre-grado: Química, Ciencias Biológicas y Psicología de una universidad pública y busca comprender influencias de las variables socio-demográficas y académicas en sus trayectorias de carrera. Los 140 participantes respondieron a un cuestionario con variables socio-demográficas: escolaridad de los padres, ingresos familiares, nivel socio-económico y procedencia de Enseñanza Primaria y Secundaria (pública o particular). Las variables académicas (notas) se obtuvieron en los archivos en la sección de pregrado. Las informaciones sobre las trayectorias de carrera (estudio de caso) se obtuvieron por medio de entrevistas con seis participantes. Los datos se analisaron cuantitativamente, según modelo univariado - Testes do Chi-Cuadrado, No-Paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis y de Mann-Whitney y cualitativamente según Bardin (1977). Referenciales teóricos nacionales e internacionales subsidiaron las discusiones. Se verificó que la escolaridad de los padres, nivel socio-económico y naturaleza de la enseñanza cursada están proporcionalmente relacionados al éxito en la prueba de ingreso de la universidad y a la elección de la carrera

    Criação de um plano de marketing para empresas empreendedoras de crescimento rápido: Caso Science4you

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    Existem várias empresas jovens no mercado, que, por razões estratégias, falta de conhecimento ou falta de budget disponível, não criam desde início, um plano de marketing que suporte o seu crescimento. Com esta ausência de planeamento estratégico, as empresas crescem a pulso e com decisões baseadas em apenas tentativas-erro, que podem ser acertadas durante um certo período de tempo. No entanto, o ambiente empresarial que rodeia as marcas não permanece estagnado para sempre e, com alterações no setor, mercado, concorrência ou até internas, a empresa ressente-se, começando a perder em todos os vetores: investimento, clientes, quota de mercado e notoriedade, perdendo totalmente a relevância no meio onde estão inseridas. Será esta a temática analisada neste caso pedagógico, utilizando para isso o exemplo concreto da empresa Science4you, que teve crescimentos de 100% durante os seus primeiros oito anos de vida, mas começado a perder terreno e gás em 2018. Para o desenvolvimento do tema, será analisada a situação real da Science4you até 2018, mostrando de seguida qual a estratégia de comunicação e marketing desenvolvida durante 2019, assente em quatro pilares: brand awareness; produto e preço; comunicação em lojas próprias; redes sociais e e-Commerce. Assim, o presente caso procura tirar conclusões concluir sobre o sucesso desta estratégia alargada no contexto macroeconómico, setor e concorrentes onde a Science4you se insere. Finalmente, é importante refletir sobre esta estratégia da marca, que ilações são possíveis de retirar para a gestão e se existirá possibilidade de outras empresas poderem avançar no futuro com estratégias semelhantes.There are several young companies in the market, that, because of strategic reasons, lack of knowledge, or lack of available budget, don’t create since day one a marketing plan that sustains its growth. With this absence of strategic planning, companies grow with difficulties and with decisions made only by attempt-error, that can only be right for a short period of time. However, the entrepreneur environment that surrounds brands does not stay the same forever and with changes in sector, market, competition and even intern ones, the company feels belittled, and starts to lose in every aspect: investment, clients, market share and awareness, losing relevance. This will be the analyzed theme in this pedagogic case, using the concrete example of Science4you company, that had 100% growth rates for its first years of living, but started to lose traction in 2018. To develop this theme, it will be demonstrated which was the real situation of Science4you until 2018, showing next what will be the communication and marketing strategy that this company had developed in 2019, based in four pillars: brand awareness; product and price; own stores communication; social media and e-Commerce. This means that this case is looking to conclude about what was right and what was wrong in this strategy, regarding the macroeconomic context, the sector and the Science4you competition. Finally, it is really important to reflect about this brand strategy, what can we retrieve for management and if it is possible to other companies use this case for similar purposes

    Smart Cities Initiative: how to foster a quick transition towards local sustainable energy systems

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    The European Commission has recently launched the Smart Cities Initiative to demonstrate and disseminate how to foster a quick transition towards local sustainable energy systems. Within this initiative, the three main challenges faced by pioneering cities, are to reduce or modify the demand for energy services, to improve the uptake of energy efficient technologies and to improve the uptake of renewables in the urban environment. We find that enough resources will need to be provided to a significant number of pioneering cities, and propose that the initiative would allocate these resources through project competition, rewarding innovation, ambition and performance, which have been ingredients of success at Member State level.Smart Cities; sustainable local energy systems; city authority incentives; EU energy policy

    Concepções parentais sobre emoções e o desenvolvimento emocional de crianças

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    Mothers’ and fathers’ conceptualizations of joy, sadness, anger, fear, pride and shame were assessed. Their beliefs regarding the importance of children’s manifestation of those emotions and the connection with the profiles of autonomy, relatedness and related-autonomy were also assessed. Sixty mother- father dyads with children up to three years old participated in the study. Questionnaires of parents’ conceptualizations of emotions were used. Most participants considered joy an important emotion to be manifested by children of their kids’ age (with an individual character motivation). However, anger, pride and shame were associated with older children. Mothers’ and fathers’ conceptualizations and beliefs were not divergent. The autonomous-related self model correlated positively with the importance mothers and parents attributed to all studied emotions.Foram analisadas concepções de mães e pais sobre alegria, tristeza, raiva, medo, orgulho e vergonha, bem como suas crenças quanto à importância da manifestação dessas emoções por crianças, além da articulação com perfis de autonomia, relação e autonomia-relacionada. Participaram 60 duplas mãe-pai de filhos com até três anos de idade. Aplicado o questionário sobre concepções parentais de emoções, a alegria foi considerada pela maioria dos participantes como manifestada por crianças na idade de seus filhos e importante (com motivação de caráter individual), mas a raiva, o orgulho e a vergonha foram mais consideradas para crianças maiores. Não houve divergência nas concepções e crenças entre mães e pais. O modelo de self autônomo-relacionado correlacionou-se positivamente com a importância que mães e pais atribuíram a todas as emoções estudadas

    An evaluation of board practices in Brazil

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    We survey board practices in Brazil. Brazilian companies are commonly controlled by family groups or through shareholders agreements. Controlling shareholders hold a very large portion of voting shares, much more than the minimum necessary to retain control. There is widespread evidence of shareholder expropriation, legal protection is week, and stock issuance has been halted by low valuations and tax avoidance. Half of the boards are either too small or too big. Board committees are ineffective. Board procedures are rarely formalized and board members and CEOs are not evaluated in most cases. Most board members are not shareholders. No more than 21% of board members are independent and only 2% of them are elected by independent shareholder groups. It is likely the improvements in board structure and procedures be restricted to large public corporations with foreign stock ownership while most companies avoid going public.Indisponível

    A presença de fatores sociais nas decisões dos magistrados. Considerações a partir do Realismo Jurídico

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    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar a importância da perceção de fatores sociais nas decisões jurídicas. O realismo jurídico norte-amaricano foi a corrente teórica escolhida, por se preocupar com a análise dos meios e caminhos que os juízes utilizam na tomada de decisão jurídica, para atender à realidade social. A corrente formalista, que se havia consolidado sob uma perspetiva liberal durante o séc. XIX, mostrava-se ineficiente para atender às novas demandas da sociedade. Serão estudados autores norte-americanos do realismo jurídico e da jurisprudência sociológica, a fim de auxiliar na compreensão que, para uma decisão ser justa, é preciso que o magistrado se preocupe mais com a realidade social e o atendimento à ordem jurídica fundamentada no bem-estar social do que com a letra fria da lei..

    O uso das redes sociais no futebol profissional português - um estudo exploratório

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    Este estudo tem em vista a caracterização do uso das redes sociais por parte das organizações desportivas de futebol profissional. Mais específicamente este estudo pretende identificar e caracterizar o trabalho desenvolvido pelos gestores, os seus intuitos, as ferramentas utilizadas, o feedback que advém das redes sociais, a influência da vertente desportiva e as receitas adicionais geradas através destas plataformas. As entrevistas semi-estrururadas a 16 gestores responsáveis pelas redes sociais nas diversas organizações. resultaram foram analisadas recorrendo ao software MAXQDA 2018. Os resultados do trabalho caracterizam a forma de utilização e as estratégias das organizações desportivas nas redes sociais, as ferramentas que utilizam para mensurar o retorno de investimento, a analise do feedback, o impacto da vertente desportiva nesta atividade, além do papel das redes sociais na comunicação social e das receitas adicionais que podem gerar. Conclui-se que as organizações desportivas em Portugal não exploram todo o potencial dessas ferramentas. Recomenda-se que os gestores utilizem métodos eficientes para análise qualitativa e quantitativa.This study aims to characterize the use of social networks by professional sports organizations. More specifically, it intends to identify and characterize the work developed by the managers, their intentions, the tools used, the social medi networks' feedback, the sports influence and the additional revenues generated through these platforms. The semi-structured interviews with 16 managers responsible for social networks in the various organizations were analyzed using the MAXQDA 2018 software. The study's results characterize the usage and strategies of sports organizations in social networks, the tools they use to measure return on investment, feedback analysis, and the impact of sports in this activity, as well as the role of social networks in the media and the additional revenues they may generate. It concludes that sports organizations in Portugal do not explore the full potential of these tools and that managers use efficient methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis.KEYWORDS
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