3,547 research outputs found

    Grazing in silvopastoral systems: multiple solutions for diversified benefits

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    Abstract Silvopastoral systems are multifunctional systems that combine herbage, shrub and tree layers with grazing animals in a single site. The multiple possible combinations of components within these systems creates different options that have in common the capacity to deliver positive outcomes related to land productivity and environmental and climatic benefits. This editorial provides a perspective of the diversity of ancient and more recent silvopastoral systems and their main benefits. The major challenges for both systems are different. Ancient silvopastoral systems, which originated on cultural grounds, deal mostly with conservation issues, while intensive silvopastoral systems, founded on technological changes of the grazing livestock production model, are more production driven but also concerned with climatic changes. Both types of system share similar benefits, and in this special issue we look at positive outcomes in the perspective of grazing animals, highlighting production and welfare. The purpose of this special issue is to contribute to gathering and sharing the knowledge emerging from grazing on different silvopastoral systems, promoting a common ground for future integrative research approaches

    Pastor.i: a smartphone application to facilitate grazing management

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    Grazing in extensive beef farming systems is often manage in an empirical way based on past experience and on the visual appreciation of animal behavior and forage potential. Records of entrances and exits of the animals in the paddocks are rare. However, knowing the occupation period and the animal density, when coupled with biomass defines the grazing pressure. This knowledge is essential for planning and making informed decisions, that influence the profitability of the farm. Moreover, adequate grazing pressure is crucial for the sustainability of many SSPs where system maintenance is dependent on the balance between grazing pressure and regeneration or maintenance of trees and shrubs. Pastor.i is a smartphone application (APP) designed to allow pasture data logging to be very simple. The application is synchronized with the website and allows the producer to have in his pocket all the farm, being possible to identify the paddock, calculate the area, record the movements of the animals and consult the occupation history of the paddock. The application calculates the actual stocking rate, that can be associated with the location of the animals, obtained if the animals are using collars with GPS, which allows to know the areas of the paddock that are most grazed, visualized through heat maps. The information enables localized actions, such as fertilizing or sowing, to improve areas that are not grazed. The application also allows you to save photos of the sward. This temporal photographic record provides information on the condition of trees, the botanical composition and on the tendency of grazing to improve or to worsen coverage. The APP is available for download, is compatible with Android and is being tested with focus groups

    The intensest rendez-vous : o mundo, a poesia e a arte de viver : uma leitura de Selected Poems de Wallace Stevens

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    O presente trabalho visa o estudo dos traços mais característicos da poesia de Walllace Stevens a partir da obra Selected Poems na qual se pretende salientar a questão da relação dialéctica entre a imaginação e a realidade e o modo como a linguagem representa o diálogo permanente entre o pensamento e a fluidez do mundo. O trabalho está dividido em três capítulos. No primeiro, são abordados alguns conceitos comuns entre a literatura e a arquitectura modernistas; no segundo, é feita a análise dos poemas de Selected Poems com incidência na temática da mutabilidade do real e sua representação, ao mesmo tempo que se apresentam alguns pontos de convergência entre o pensamento de Wallace Stevens e o de Maurice Merleau-Ponty; finalmente, o último capítulo é dedicado à apresentação da poesia como construção de espaço(s) de reflexão criado(s) na linguagem e pela linguage

    Gramática na escola: caminhos e descaminhos

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    Este trabalho apresenta pesquisa bibliográfica na obra de vários lingüistas brasileiros, tendo como objetivo esclarecer a pouca utilidade que o uso da gramática tradicional tem no trabalho docente em turmas de 3ª e 4ª séries do Ensino Fundamental e sugere novas práticas para as aulas de Língua Portuguesa que prestigiem a gramática descritiva e internalizada, respaldadas no PCN. Através de pesquisa a instrumentos de avaliação de aprendizagem e questionário respondido por professores das séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental da Rede Pública do DF e análise crítica dos resultados, demonstra-se a ineficácia do ensino gramatical classificatório. Propomos a exclusão do ensino gramaticalista em séries iniciais, praticada pela pedagogia tradicional, pelo fato de sua aplicação não surtir efeitos práticos no desempenho do desenvolvimento da língua padrão

    Result-based payments as a tool to preserve the High Nature Value of complex silvo-pastoral systems: progress towards farm-based indicators

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    s shown by the Green Deal's ambition, the European Commission is progressively pushing for an environmental shiftand climate action in Europe. For the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), this involves a stronger focus on greening policy objectives.For agri-environmental schemes, this entails changes toward performance-based payments, partially replacing traditional activity-basedpayments. The CAP foresees greater flexibility in national programs and tailor-made solutions centered on results (i.e. environmentaloutcomes), benefiting farmers who go beyond the minimum environmental performance required. The environmental outcomes offarm practices must be assessed so that changes can be monitored over time and linked to payment delivery. This requires stakeholdersto collaborate with researchers to identify farm-based indicators that are easily applicable, to achieve environmental results that aredependent on farm practices, and to assess and monitor changes in outcomes over time. The analysis in this paper is based on atransdisciplinary process that began in 2017 in a Natura 2000 site and its surroundings in Southern Portugal, to identify result-basedmeasures for the Montado silvo-pastoral system. Farmers' understanding of how to adapt their practices to reach better environmentalresults was combined with scientific knowledge of the relevant environmental outcomes and how these can be assessed with indicators.Ten field-based visual indicators were defined, which farmers applied in the field, and validated by technical staff. These indicators arerelated to several aspects of the silvo-pastoral system: soil quality, pasture diversity, tree renewal, tree health, singular landscape elements,and biodiversity. The approach used in this process was innovative. We describe each step and present its advantages and drawbacksfor designing and implementing result-based payments. Ultimately, their implementation is expected to lead to higher sustainability inthe Montado. (PDF) Result-based payments as a tool to preserve the High Nature Value of complex silvo-pastoral systems: progress toward farm-based indicators. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/359442049_Result-based_payments_as_a_tool_to_preserve_the_High_Nature_Value_of_complex_silvo-pastoral_systems_progress_toward_farm-based_indicators#fullTextFileContent [accessed Feb 03 2023]

    Overgrazing in the Montado? The need for monitoring grazing pressure at paddock scale

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    Montados are presently facing the threat of either abandonment or intensification, and livestock overgrazing has been suspected of contributing to reduced natural regeneration and biodiversity. However, reliable data are to our knowledge, lacking. To avoid potential risks of overgrazing, an adaptive and efficient management is essential. In the present paper we review the main sources of complexity for grazing management linked with interactions among pasture, livestock and human decisions. We describe the overgrazing risk in montados and favour grazing pressure over stocking rate, as a key indicator for monitoring changes and support management decisions. We suggest the use of presently available imaging and communication technologies for assessing pasture dynamics and livestock spatial location. This simple and effective tools used for monitoring the grazing pressure, could provide an efficient day-to-day aid for farm managers’ operational use and also for rangeland research through data collection and analysis

    Suplementação de colina para poedeiras comerciais Hisex Brown e hisex White. 2. Deposição de gordura hepática e níveis de lipídeos plasmáticos

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    64 sixty four week-old Hisex Brown and 64 sixty three week-old Hisex White were fed 4 experimental diets containing 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg of choline/kg. the methionine level was 0.253% for all the experimental diets, equivalent to 80% of the National Research Council requirements. Although the liver weight (g) values were significantly higher for the Hisex Brown strain, liver weight (% BW), liver lipid, plasma estradiol, total plama lipids, plasma triglycerides and plasma total cholesterol did not differ significantly between strains. Plasma GOT and plasma HDL-cholesterol were significantly hogher for the Hisex Brown birds. The choline supplementation at the levels of 1500 and 2000 mg/kg determined a significant reduction of the liver lipid deposition. It was found a significant negative correlation between dietetic levels of choline and total plasma lipids (r = -0,287).  64 galinhas da linhagem Hisex Brown e 64 da linhagem Hisex White, apresentando respectivamente, 63 e 64 semanas de idade, foram alimentadas com rações à base de milho e farelo de soja contendo suplementação de 500, 1000, 1500 e 2000 mg de colina por quilo e nível constante de 0,253% de metionina para todas as dietas experimentais, correspondendo a 80% das necessidades estabelecidas pelo National Research Council. Embora as galinhas Hisex Brown tivessem apresentado peso do fígado (g) significativamente maior que as Hisex White, não foram consignadas diferenças entre as linhagens estudadas no relativo à gordura hepática, níveis plasmáticos de estradiol, lipídeos totais, triglicérides e colesterol total. Os valores de TGO e colesterol HDL no plasma, mostraram-se significativamente mãos elevados nas aves da linhagem Hisex Brown. A adição de colina à dieta, em níveis de 1500 e 2000 mg/kg, determinou redução significativa entre os valores de colina suplementar na dieta e dos lipídeos totais no plasma (r = - 0,287)

    Office paper decorated with silver nanostars-an alternative cost effective platform for trace analyte detection by SERS

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    FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) under the project DISERTOX number PTDC/CTM-NAN/2912/2014 and CENIMAT/i3N by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT under the project number POCI-01-0145-FEDER- 007688, Reference UID/CTM/50025/2013. Unidade de Ciencias Biomoleculares Aplicadas-UCIBIO was financed by Portuguese national funds from FCT/MEC (UID/Multi/04378/2013) and co-financed by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007728). LAQV-Laboratorio associado para a Quimica Verde was partly financed by the European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and National Funds (FCT, Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia), under the Partnership Agreement PT2020 through project UID/QUI/50006/2013-POCI/01/0145/FEDER/007265 (LAQV/REQUIMTE) and Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON. 2), under the Quadro de Referencia Estrategico Nacional (QREN) and funded by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (Feder) NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000011. A Araujo was funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT-MCTES) through grant SFRH/BD/85587/2012. M Almeida was funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT-MCTES) through grant SFRH/BD/95983/2013 in program POCH. The authors thank the Conservation and Restoration Department, FCT/UNL and LAQV, REQUIMTE for the use of the Raman spectrometer.For analytical applications in portable sensors to be used in the point-of-need, low-cost SERS substrates using paper as a base, are an alternative. In this work, SERS substrates were produced on two different types of paper: A high porosity paper (Whatman no. 1); and a low porosity paper (commercially available office paper, Portucel Soporcel). Solutions containing spherical silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and silver nanostars (AgNSs) were separately drop-casted on hydrophilic wells patterned on the papers. The porosity of the paper was found to play a determinant role on the AgNP and AgNS distribution along the paper fibres, with most of the nanoparticles being retained at the illuminated surface of the office paper substrate. The highest SERS enhancements were obtained for the office paper substrate, with deposited AgNSs. A limit of detection for rhodamine-6G as low as 11.4 ± 0.2 pg could be achieved, with an analytical enhancement factor of â ‰107 for this specific analyte. The well patterning technique allowed good signal uniformity (RSD of 1.7%). Besides, these SERS substrates remained stable after 5 weeks of storage (RSD of 7.3%). Paper-induced aggregation of AgNPs was found to be a viable alternative to the classical salt-induced aggregation, to obtain a highly sensitive SERS substrates.publishersversionpublishe

    Evolução do estado nutricional de grávidas atendidas na rede básica de saúde, Santo André, Brasil

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    Nutritional conditions in the pre-gestacional period and during pregnancy were evaluated in 372 pregnant women based on the body mass index and Rosso's Graph. Approximately half (51%) the pregnant women presented normal pre-gestacional weight; however, 17.7% were underweight and 31.3% overweight. In the third trimester, 18.8% were underweight and 28.2% overweight. The weight at birth increased as nutritional conditions during pregnancy improved. These results show the importance of appropriate anthropometric control in order to prevent a bad neonatal prognosis and reaffirms the importance of such activity during the whole routine of pre-natal control.El estado nutricional pregestacional y durante el embarazo fue evaluado en 372 gestantes, a través del indice de masa corporal y la Gráfica de Rosso, prospectivamente. Mitad de las mujeres presentó peso pregestacional normal, aún así 17,7% tenía bajo peso y 31,3% sobrepeso. En el tercer trimestre, 18,8% tenía bajo peso y 28,2% sobrepeso. El peso al nacer aumentó conforme la gestante fue nutricionalmente mejor natada. Estos resultados señalan que un control antropométrico adecuado posibilita monitorear nutricionalmente las embarazadas, preveniendo y/o controlando la ocurrencia de condiciones materno-fetales indeseables, hecho que reafirma la importancia de la ejecución de esta actividad como rutina en todo el control prenatal.O estado nutricional antes e durante a gestação foi avaliado prospectivamente em 372 gestantes através do índice de massa corporal e ou gráfico de Rosso. Metade das mulheres apresentou peso pré-gestacional normal, porém 17,7% estava abaixo e 31,3% acima do peso normal. No terceiro trimestre, 18,8% tinha peso abaixo e 28,2% acima do normal. O peso ao nascer aumentou de acordo com o melhor provimento nutricional da gestante. Estes resultados indicam que um controle antropométrico adequado permite monitorar nutricialmente as gestantes, prevenindo e/ou controlando a ocorrência de condições materno-fetais indesejáveis, fato que reafirma a importância da execução desta atividade como rotina no controle pré-natal