5,335 research outputs found

    Polarization in social movements on Twitter

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    Online social networks have become a parallel universe of socialization from which interactive dynamics are generated until recently unknown. From this framework of online communication, different social movements have reached a greater boom and spread. On Twitter these social movements have as a characteristic feature a hashtag (#) that allows cross-cutting the conversation. Although it has become an instrument that makes it possible to agglutinate the conversation in a massive way, we are also emerging voices that warn of the growing manipulation around these forms of socialization. Social workers must pay attention and investigate these means of digital activism in order to understand and avoid these possible manipulations. In this communication we analyze in a longitudinal way different social movements on Twitter. To this end, social movements that have emerged during the last year about phenomena related to the empowerment of women (#metoo, #yositecreo, etc ...), cooperation against natural disasters (#mallorca) and social demands (# pensions). To identify leaderships, detect communities and measure social distances, social network analysis has been used as well as certain algorithms. For the analysis of the conversations, language analysis techniques have been used to optimize the combination of the most common words, giving rise to conversation patterns around certain force ideas. The results achieved show a high level of emotivity in the way of interacting and a significant pattern of polarization in conversations about these movements that is the seed of conflicts and radicalization. The key lies in the way we congregate and converse in networks around those with whom we share our perspectives and opinions about the world. This tendency towards homophily provokes a biased and monolithic vision of reality. In order to counteract these conflicts we must raise the level of self-awareness on the level of homophilia in the way we congregate and converse on online social networks and intervene to increase tolerance for diversity.Online social networks have become a parallel universe of socialization from which interactive dynamics are generated until recently unknown. From this framework of online communication, different social movements have reached a greater boom and spread. On Twitter these social movements have as a characteristic feature a hashtag (#) that allows cross-cutting the conversation. Although it has become an instrument that makes it possible to agglutinate the conversation in a massive way, we are also emerging voices that warn of the growing manipulation around these forms of socialization. Social workers must pay attention and investigate these means of digital activism in order to understand and avoid these possible manipulations. In this communication we analyze in a longitudinal way different social movements on Twitter. To this end, social movements that have emerged during the last year about phenomena related to the empowerment of women (#metoo, #yositecreo, etc ...), cooperation against natural disasters (#mallorca) and social demands (# pensions). To identify leaderships, detect communities and measure social distances, social network analysis has been used as well as certain algorithms. For the analysis of the conversations, language analysis techniques have been used to optimize the combination of the most common words, giving rise to conversation patterns around certain force ideas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Big social data to organize the mobilization of citizenship

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    The cities around the world are concentrating the social life around the world. Nowadays our manner of socialization is changing. The emergence of social networking sites, have enabled greater social connectivity, which in turn has allowed the distances between people to be reduced and interactive dynamics to be generated until recently unpublished. This social phenomenon generates large amounts of data, attracting the interest of researchers and academics and is called Big Social Data. Access to these massive amounts of data makes it possible to detect patterns of behavior that are not visible to the naked eye, simply because they can radiate unknown connections to the naked eye. In addition, it is a type of data that, being more or less accessible, in front of others, does not bother the citizens because they are captured without people feeling observed, granting a very important spontaneity in the collection of data. Despite the many expectations it generates, we must qualify that Big Data does not explain things by itself. The voices that warn that Big Data has a lack have been intensified: explain why, the reasons why users of services do what they do, the emotions, feelings and realities that determine their behaviors and attitudes. To cover this gap, Thick Data is needed, that is, the "dense description" of information as a method to analyze phenomena, cultures and relationships between people. In short, it is about understanding that Thick Data and Big Data are complementary tools that have to be used in a balanced way. In the present communication we will show different examples of research with Big Social Data made so far. In that sense, we have investigated the capacity of organization and mobilization that can help to face social emergencies as disasters and catastrophes. As example we will demonstrate how people organized to find victims facing a terrorism attack happened at Strasbourg (France).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Asset Ownership and Investment Incentives Revisited.

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    Previous work on the property rights theory of the firm suggests that in the presence of outside options, asset ownership may demotivate managers. This paper shows that this conclusion relies on the assumption that a manager's outside option only depends on her own investment.PROPERTY RIGHTS ; MANAGEMENT ; INVESTMENTS

    Characteristics of and determinants of the density of contributions in a Private Social Security System

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    This paper investigates previously unresearched issues pertaining to the well-known Chilean innovations in Social Security. Previous empirical studies of the Chilean system used aggregate and macro data, without attention to individual heterogeneity. This study uses new household survey data, linked with Social Security records for over 20 years, to analyze selected reform issues related to social security coverage and the density and continuity of contributions to the social security system. The results lead to a better understanding of the participation determinants and the distributional aspects of the Chilean system, lay the groundwork for policy changes, and illuminate implications of the system reforms for other countries.

    The competitiveness of Spanish tomato export in the European Union

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    This paper examines the export performance of Spanish tomatoes in the European Union (EU). The origins and destinations of Spanish tomato exports are examined: Almeria is the main exporting province and Germany the biggest client. The performance of Spain’s North African competitors in the tomato market (mainly Morocco) is also examined, and the structural competitiveness of the countries that export tomatoes to the EU is analysed. Spain has the greatest advantage in this respect, and the largest inter-industry trade. An export model is developed. This model shows that the export of tomatoes from Almeria is not much influenced by shipments from Morocco.trade, price, competition, cointegration, Almería, strategy

    Downsizing the United States Air Force Security Forces: A Phenomenological Investigation

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    The United States Air Force (USAF) has downsized an average of 10,000 active duty personnel each year from 1990 to 2010. Despite this downsizing, the mission remains the same, which increases the workload on the remaining airmen, lowers morale, decreases specialization, changes the mindset/culture, accelerates promotion rates, and shifts the dependence on technology in the Security Forces career field. The USAF needs adequately sized and proficient members to meet its mission. This phenomenological study examined the effects of USAF downsizing on the USAF Security Forces career field. The great man theory, social learning theory, theory of expertise, and Maslow\u27s hierarchy of needs provided the conceptual framework. Semistructured interviews were gathered with a purposeful sample of 24 retired Security Forces members, near Air Combat Command bases; data were then analyzed through the Moustaukas modified van Kaam technique. The themes from this study were the cycle of downsizing; increased workload despite decreased number of personnel, also known as more with less ; an accelerated promotion rate; and dependence on technology. The primary finding suggested the need for specialization and consistency of technology used. Further research on downsizing based on budgetary constraints, awareness of the loss of specializations after downsizing, and communication while downsizing could expand the findings of this study. The results of this study can be used by all leadership facing budgetary constraints and technology upgrades. Social change could ensue if leadership observes the cultural changes that occur when choosing to downsize and merge

    Doña Marina, again. The contradictions of the proposal of Inés M. Stranger in Malinche

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    La obra Malinche, de Inés M. Stranger, configura una propuesta de reescritura de la Malinche como figura mítica incorporada al imaginario cultural hispanoamericano, que perdura hasta la actualidad. Es común el empleo de esta figura en diversos autores contemporáneos que abordan cuestiones relativas a las identidades nacionales latinoamericanas en sus textos. Algunas autoras han utilizado, además, este personaje para elaborar una reescritura del mito con perspectiva crítica, en relación al modo en que este califica a un modelo de mujer indígena con toda una serie de significados negativos. La obra de Inés M. Stranger a la que se dedica el presente trabajo tiene unos presupuestos similares. El objetivo del estudio será el análisis crítico de esta obra, con el fin de dilucidar hasta qué punto la propuesta contiene una subversión crítica del personaje y en qué medida participa de otros discursos anteriores que privilegian la mirada occidental sobre la cultura indígena.Inés M. Stranger’s Malinche makes up a rewriting proposal of Malinche, as it’s a mythical figure that has been incorporated to latin american cultural imaginary. The use of this character is common in several contemporary authors who tackle, through their texts, matters relating to latin american national identities. As well, some other authors have used Malinche in order to make a critical rewriting, since this myth has become a negative model of indigenous women. Inés M. Stranger’s narrative, to which this work refers, is locating within this set of ideas. The objective of this study is to critically analyse this narrative with a view to identify to what extent it makes a critical subversion of the character or if, in some sense, it participates in other old discourses that privilege West’s look to indigenous culture

    La innovación social en las redes por el empleo

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    Esto supone considerar el uso aplicado de las redes sociales virtuales a la intervención social como una innovación desde la cual poder observar sus pautas de adopción y difusión. Antes de comenzar la exposición, conviene aclarar la estructura de este trabajo de investigación. Tras este resumen se pone en situación al lector explicando, a través del marco teórico, los argumentos clave en los que se fundamenta esta investigación. En primer lugar, se analizan y contrastan modelos teóricos relacionados con el capital social y su deriva al universo online. A continuación se analiza cómo la aparición de la tecnología social propone nuevas formas de socialización desde los que se configuran relaciones entre profesionales y organizaciones que permiten la trasmisión de información y conocimiento así como la posibilidad de adopción de innovación en este contexto. Posteriormente se describe la red interorganizacional desde la que se aborda la investigación y se indaga si esta configuración planteada de forma virtual puede complementar y proponer nuevas formas de relación y de intercambio de información y conocimiento. A partir de esta coalición, se reflexiona cómo se vienen aplicando metodologías que puedan analizar y medir esta red de manera adecuada. La investigación, centrada en el marco de servicios para la inclusión social activa en un contexto online, también incide en la dicotomía proactiva-paliativa de la intervención social. Se aborda la necesidad de dar relevancia a la fase de inclusión social activa (inserción sociolaboral) como una fase más de la intervención social. Finalmente se describen los resultados alcanzados y se discuten los aspectos más destacados de la aplicación de las redes sociales virtuales al ámbito de la intervención social.Desde la aparición de internet, la metáfora de las redes ha inundado cualquier espacio de la realidad, ya sea offline u online. El sistema social online propone nuevas posibilidades relacionales en torno a cualquier actividad, ya sea entre cualquier grupo de personas u organizaciones. En la actual etapa de consolidación de internet han surgido servicios de redes sociales virtuales que posibilitan nuevas maneras de relación entre las personas. Estos servicios proporcionan posibles oportunidades para cualquier actividad que tenga que ver con la comunicación y el intercambio de información. Compartir, cooperar, coordinarse e intercambiar información y recursos, son acciones colectivas que se facilitan debido a la existencia de las herramientas y servicios que proporcionan los nuevos medios tecnológicos. Es más fácil estar conectados, comunicarse e intercambiar información y ello supone una evolución en la manera de estar juntos y relacionarse. El presente proyecto de tesis nace con la pretensión de conocer cómo se está haciendo uso de estos servicios de redes sociales virtuales en el ámbito profesional, quiénes los usan y para qué. Se trata de observar posibles entornos de relación profesional construidos estratégicamente con esta tecnología social para saber qué tipo de actividad se puede estar dando en ellos y averiguar si en estos nuevos medios de socialización se pueden estar reproduciendo pautas de conectividad que sean un reflejo de la conectividad en la realidad offline. Para ello la investigación se focaliza en un caso concreto que analiza cómo se están aplicando los servicios de redes sociales virtuales en el ámbito profesional, concretamente en la intervención social. Se trata de indagar si las organizaciones y los profesionales de la intervención social están adoptando estas nuevas formas de relación para integrarlas en su labor cotidiana, convirtiéndolas en nuevas soluciones para la comunicación, cooperación y coordinación