19 research outputs found
Correction to: Consent requirements for research with human tissue: Swiss ethics committee members disagree.
It has come to our attention that in the original article [1] information regarding dates was omitted. The data in this study were obtained in Switzerland four years before the entering into force of the new Swiss Human Research Act in 2014, when the guidelines of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) ceased to apply. It is important for readers to know that at the time of the study there was no binding law in Switzerland, only the more open SAMS guidelines that have a different legal status. We would expect to find less variation of opinions among research ethics committee members if the study were repeated after the federal law came into force
La rétention urinaire du post partum traitée par l'acupuncture
Acupuncture obstétricaleLa rétention urinaire après un accouchement ou une césarienne est une situation de plus en plus fréquente. L’acupuncture peut être utile comme traitement, et permet d’éviter un geste invasif qu’est le sondage vésical. Ce mémoire est consacré à l’analyse de ce blocage, et à son traitement par l’acupunctur
Pigment Epithelial Detachment Response to Aflibercept in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Refractory to Ranibizumab: Time Course and Drug Effects
La dégénérescence maculaire liée à lâge (DMLA), dans sa forme sèche ou humide, est la première cause de malvoyance des pays industrialisés.
La mise sur le marché des traitements par injections intravitréennes d'anti-VEGF en 2006 a révolutionné la prise en charge des formes humides, permettant le maintien voire l'amélioration de la vision de la majorité des patients traités. Il existe toutefois des patients réfractaires au traitement. Certains phénotypes de la maladie sont également associés à un plus mauvais pronostic visuel, notamment ceux présentant un décollement de l'épithélium pigmentaire (DEP).
Une nouvelle molécule anti-VEGF, l'aflibercept, a été introduite en Suisse en 2012. Son profil d'activité est légèrement différent de celui du ranibizumab, la molécule jusqu'alors la plus fréquemment utilisée dans notre clinique. Suite à la publication dans la littérature internationale de cas de DMLA réfractaires présentant une bonne réponse à un changement de thérapie nous avons modifié le traitement d'une partie des patients de notre cohorte. Nous avons ensuite analysé rétrospectivement l'évolution de cette série de patients "switchés" du ranibizumab vers l'aflibercept, et parmi eux, ceux présentant un DEP, facteur de moins bon pronostic visuel.
Notre protocole d'étude a retenu les patients réfractaires switchés après au minimum 9 mois de traitement bien conduit par ranibizumab. Cela représente 60 yeux de 50 patients, étudiés rétrospectivement à 4 différents intervalles, 9 mois avant le changement de thérapie, au moment du changement, 3 et 9 mois après. Les critères d'analyses ont été, notamment, la meilleure acuité visuelle corrigée et la taille du DEP. Les différents intervalles d'évaluation ont permis d'établir une courbe représentant l'évolution de la taille du décollement de l'épithélium pigmentaire au cours du temps.
Il ressort de notre étude que le changement de molécule n'a pas eu de répercussion significative sur l'acuité visuelle. La petite taille de notre groupe peut être en cause, ne permettant pas de déceler de petits changements, de même que la longue durée de traitement avant le switch, en moyenne 3 ans, avec des atteintes de la fonction irréversibles.
Concernant l'anatomie, la taille du DEP a progressivement diminué, que ce soit sous un traitement par ranibizumab ou par aflibercept. La pente de la courbe a accéléré significativement dans les 3 mois suivant le changement de thérapie. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence que certains patients "très bons répondeurs" ont influencé ce résultat.
En conclusion, selon nos résultats, le changement de thérapie de ranibizumab à aflibercept chez des patients réfractaires présentant un DEP n'influence pas le pronostic visuel. Le DEP diminue continuellement de taille sous traitement. Certains patients "bons répondeurs" présentent après le changement de molécule une accéleration de la réduction de taille, voire parfois la résolution du DEP toutefois sans répercussion notable sur l'acuité visuelle.
Ce résultat encourage à davantage d'études longitudinales et comparatives afin de mieux comprendre le rôle des différentes molécules de traitement et mieux comprendre les différents phénotypes des patients, vers une personnalisation précoce des prises en charge.
Purpose: To investigate the time course of pigment epithelium detachment (PED) height, and its change after anti-VEGF switch from ranibizumab to aflibercept in neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD).
Methods: This retrospective study included 60 eyes of 50 consecutive patients with nAMD who showed refractory intra- or subretinal fluid (≥9 months) despite monthly ranibizumab treatment, and an associated PED (height ≥150 m). The treatment was switched to aflibercept, and patients were followed up for at least 9 months. Data on the height and type of PED, exudative fluid, and best-corrected visual acuity were collected at four different time points (two before, and two after the drug switch).
Results: The maximal PED height was significantly decreased over time, both under ranibizumab and aflibercept treatment. However, the reduction was significantly greater during the 3 months following the switch to aflibercept, due to two outliers. Visual acuity remained stable. Complete resolution of intra- or subretinal fluid was observed in 9 cases (15%) at 3 months after switch, allowing for treatment interval extension.
Conclusion: Maximal PED height continuously decreased over time. Switching the intravitreal anti-VEGF medication from ranibizumab to aflibercept had a significantly stronger short-term effect on PED height reduction, without changes in visual acuity
Beidseitige periphere Teleangiektasien bei Interferon-B1a-behandelten Multiple-Sklerose-Patienten [Peripheral Bilateral Telangiectasiae in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with Interferon B1a]
We describe the ophthalmic features of two patients diagnosed with quiescent relapsing-remitting MS previously treated with IB1a who both exhibited asymptomatic bilateral peripheral retinal telangiectasiae
Consent requirements for research with human tissue: Swiss ethics committee members disagree
In Switzerland, research with identifiable human tissue samples, and/or its accompanying data, must be approved by a research ethics committee (REC) before it can be allowed to take place. However, as the demand for such tissue has rapidly increased in recent years, and biobanks have been created to meet these needs, committees have had to deal with a growing number of such demands. Detailed instructions for evaluating every kind of tissue request are scarce. Committees charged with evaluating research protocols therefore sometimes face uncertainty in their decision-making.; We examine how a pool of Swiss REC members deal with a number of cases involving human tissue, in order to determine the standards they adhere to, and their understanding and implementation of existing laws and guidelines.; There is considerable divergence in the approaches and decisions of Swiss REC members regarding human tissue sample requests, particularly concerning the issue of informed consent. Despite recent trends towards less strict consent requirements for biosample research, many of our respondents continue to employ demanding standards for researchers. The question of informed consent, and the circumstances in which it is required, continues to result in differences of opinion.; While room for local and cultural interpretation is essential to the workings of an REC, misunderstanding of existing guidelines, or an absence of regulation in sensitive areas, will only lead to suboptimal functioning of the REC itself. Our data suggests that there is uncertainty and disagreement on the question of consent for human tissue sample, which existing laws and guidelines may not fully clarify. Methods to address these uncertainties should be implemented in order to ensure efficient and harmonious review of research protocols
Factors influencing macular atrophy growth rates in neovascular age-related macular degeneration treated with ranibizumab or aflibercept according to an observe-and-plan regimen.
To investigate the factors associated with macular atrophy (MA) growth rates in neovascular age-related macular degeneration treated with either ranibizumab or aflibercept.
We obtained data from two identical prospective studies using ranibizumab or aflibercept under observe-and-plan variable dosing regimens. We analysed eyes that presented MA within 2 years. After applying square root transformations to MA sizes, we calculated MA growth rate from baseline to the year 2 endpoint and used univariate and multivariate analyses to detect ocular and treatment factors associated with the MA growth rate.
Included were 109 eyes from 101 patients (mean age 80.6 years). The mean square-root-transformed MA growth rate was 0.54±0.34 mm/year. The univariate analyses revealed that MA growth rates were significantly associated with lower baseline visual acuities (p=0.001) and thicker subretinal tissue complexes (p=0.006) and near-significantly associated with the presence of pigment epithelium detachment (p=0.057) and choroidal neovascularisation subtypes (p=0.069). Our multivariate analysis confirmed the significance of lower baseline visual acuities (p=0.008) and pigment epithelium detachments higher than 200 µm (p=0.035). Furthermore, MA growth rates in neovascular eyes significantly correlated with MA growth rates in non-neovascular fellow eyes (n=61; p=0.003).
MA growth rates were associated with ocular factors in the study eyes and the fellow eyes but not with the drug or the number of injections within this variable dosing regimen
PURPOSE: To investigate the time course of pigment epithelium detachment (PED) height and its change after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor switch from ranibizumab to aflibercept in neovascular age-related macular degeneration.
METHODS: This retrospective study included 60 eyes of 50 consecutive patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration who showed refractory intraretinal or subretinal fluid (≥9 months) despite monthly ranibizumab treatment and an associated PED (height ≥150 μm). The treatment was switched to aflibercept, and patients were followed-up for at least 9 months. Data on the height and type of PED, exudative fluid, and best-corrected visual acuity were collected at four different time points (two before and two after the drug switch).
RESULTS: The maximal PED height was significantly decreased over time, both under ranibizumab and aflibercept treatment. However, the reduction was significantly greater during the 3 months after the switch to aflibercept, due to two outliers. Visual acuity remained stable. Complete resolution of intraretinal or subretinal fluid was observed in 9 cases (15%) at 3 months after switch, allowing for treatment interval extension.
CONCLUSION: Maximal PED height continuously decreased over time. Switching the intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor medication from ranibizumab to aflibercept had a significantly stronger short-term effect on PED height reduction, without changes in visual acuity
MACULAR ATROPHY INCIDENCE IN ANTI-VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR-TREATED NEOVASCULAR AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION: Risk Factor Evaluation for Individualized Treatment Need of Ranibizumab or Aflibercept According to an Observe-and-Plan Regimen.
To investigate factors associated with macular atrophy (MA) incidence in neovascular age-related macular degeneration treated with either ranibizumab or aflibercept in an Observe-and-Plan variable dosing regimen.
Information was obtained from two identical prospective treatment protocols using ranibizumab or aflibercept in a variable dosing regimen termed "Observe and Plan." Eyes without MA at baseline were included. New atrophy at the final 2-year visit was investigated with univariate and multivariate analysis to identify associated risk factors, focusing on treatment factors.
De novo MA developed in 63 (42%) of 149 eyes/patients (mean age 79.0 years), in 70 eyes treated using aflibercept and 79 eyes using ranibizumab. The univariate analysis showed multiple associations of MA with baseline factors, of which the following were confirmed as independent risk factors after multivariate stepwise logistic regression: lower number of anti-vascular endothelial growth factors injections (P = 0.011), depigmentation (P = 0.0004), reticular pseudodrusen (P = 0.0005), lower baseline visual acuity (P = 0.0006), and retinal angiomatous proliferation (P = 0.001). The drug type showed no significant association with MA incidence (P = 0.21).
Within the variable dosing regimen, MA incidence was higher when fewer injections were required. More injections, if required by disease activity, did not increase the risk for MA