176 research outputs found

    Análise espacial de condições de estresse em galpão de frango de corte usando ventilação tipo túnel

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    Broiler building typology associated with the local characteristics (climate, topography and surrounding vegetation) and handling systems (stocking density, curtains, equipment and nutrition) influence the inside environment. A spatial distribution analysis of these conditions may indicate stress zones in the house. The aim of this research was to apply spatial analysis of thermal, aerial and acoustic environmental conditions inside a tunnel ventilated broiler housing, with a stocking density of 18 birds m-2. This study was carried out in Rio Claro, SP, Brazil, in a 12 m × 115 m house divided into three equal sections (East, center and West), East-West oriented, and virtually divided on 132 cells, each one measuring 3.0 m × 3.5 m. At the geometric center of each cell the following variables were monitored: dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, noise level and light intensity. Average broiler mortality was recorded in each of the three sections. Data collection was made systematically from West to East, opposite to the air flow produced by the tunnel ventilation system, during the warmest period of the day. Measurements took place during the sixth week of production. A geostatistics software tool was used to build spatial distribution maps of the recorded variables in order to infer intermediate stress conditions. It was concluded that the stress zones were located at both ends of the house and the highest mortality index was found at the West sector where the exhaust fans were placed.A tipologia de edificações para abrigo de frangos de corte associada a características do local (clima, topografia e vegetação dos arredores) e os sistemas de manejo (densidade de aves, cortinas, equipamentos e nutrição) influencia as condições internas. A distribuição espacial destas variáveis pode indicar zona de estresse dentro do galpão. O objetivo da pesquisa foi aplicar a análise espacial das condições do ambiente térmico, aéreo e acústico dentro de galpão de produção de frango de corte, usando sistema de ventilação tipo túnel e densidade de 18 aves m-2. O estudo foi conduzido em Rio Claro, SP, em uma edificação com 12 m × 115 m, dividida em três setores (leste, centro e oeste), orientada leste-oeste, contendo virtualmente 132 células, cada uma medindo 3,0 m × 3,5 m. No centro geométrico de cada célula as seguintes variáveis foram medidas instantaneamente: temperatura de bulbo seco, umidade relativa, velocidade do ar, nível de ruído e intensidade de luz. Os dados foram coletados sistematicamente a partir do lado oeste para o lado leste, em direção oposta ao fluxo de ar produzido pela ventilação tipo túnel, no período mais crítico do dia. As medidas foram tomadas quando as aves estavam na sexta semana de produção. A mortalidade média dos frangos foi registrada nos três setores. A ferramenta geostatística foi usada para construir mapas de distribuição espacial das variáveis resultantes de maneira a possibilitar a inferência de posições intermediárias. Concluiu-se que as zonas de estresse estão localizadas nos extremos do galpão e o maior índice de mortalidade foi encontrado no setor oeste, onde estavam os exaustores

    HDAC1 inhibition by MS-275 in mesothelial cells limits cellular invasion and promotes MMT reversal

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    Peritoneal fibrosis is a pathological alteration of the peritoneal membrane occurring in a variety of conditions including peritoneal dialysis (PD), post-surgery adhesions and peritoneal metastases. The acquisition of invasive and pro-fibrotic abilities by mesothelial cells (MCs) through induction of MMT, a cell-specific form of EMT, plays a main role in this process. Aim of this study was to evaluate possible effects of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, key components of the epigenetic machinery, in counteracting MMT observed in MCs isolated from effluent of PD patients. HDAC inhibitors with different class/isoform selectivity have been used for pharmacological inhibition. While the effect of other inhibitors was limited to a partial E-cadherin re-expression, MS-275, a HDAC1-3 inhibitor, promoted: (i) downregulation of mesenchymal markers (MMP2, Col1A1, PAI-1, TGFβ1, TGFβRI) (ii) upregulation of epithelial markers (E-cadherin, Occludin), (iii) reacquisition of an epithelial-like morphology and (iv) marked reduction of cellular invasiveness. Results were confirmed by HDAC1 genetic silencing. Mechanistically, MS-275 causes: (i) increase of nuclear histone H3 acetylation (ii) rescue of the acetylation profile on E-cadherin promoter, (iii) Snail functional impairment. Overall, our study, pinpointing a role for HDAC1, revealed a new player in the regulation of peritoneal fibrosis, providing the rationale for future therapeutic opportunities

    Dynamic of land use/cover change processes of the Environmental Protection Area Cuesta – Botucatu Perimeter-SP, between 2000 and 2016

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    Esta pesquisa analisou a dinâmica do uso da terra na Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) Corumbataí-Botucatu-Tejupá (Perímetro Botucatu), conhecida como APA “Cuesta” ou APA Botucatu, dos anos de 2000, 2005, 2010 e 2016 por meio de matrizes de transição. Em todo o período estudado as culturas anuais e silvicultura cresceram de forma contínua, enquanto a pastagem manteve-se como ocupação majoritária, porém, decrescendo continuamente, havendo forte transição entre ambientes pastoris e florestais. A área de preservação ambiental (APP) em 2016 apresentou predomínio de floresta (71,43%) e pastagem (26,57%). Evidencia-se a necessidade de ações de gestão ambiental como recuperação da mata ciliar e acompanhamento do avanço de ocupações produtivas sobre recursos naturais para assegurar a sustentabilidade da APA e a segurança hídrica e ambiental da região.This research analyzed the dynamics of land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) on the Corumbataí-Botucatu-Tejupá (Botucatu Perimeter) Environmental Protection Area (EPA), so-called EPA Cuesta or EPA Botucatu, by the years of 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2016 through transition matrices. During the studied period annual crops and silviculture grew continuously, while pasture remained as the major occupation, despite a continuous decreasing, with a strong transition between pastoral and forest environments. The New Forest Code reduced the advance of pasture in the permanent preservation area (PPA), occurring between 2010 and 2016 the conversion of pasture into forest. There is evidence of the need for environmental management actions such as recovery of riparian forest and monitoring the opening of agricultural frontiers over natural resources to ensure the sustainability of the EPA and the water and environmental security of that region

    Monitoramento de padrões da qualidade da água na microbacia do Córrego Fundo, Ourinhos/SP e os efeitos do plano estadual de microbacias hidrográficas

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    Hydrographic basins are territory portions where it is possible to establish the interfaces of constituent elements of landscape (climate, vegetation, soils) and how anthropic intervention modifies the environment. The water quality in hydrographic basins is intimately connected to the usage of soil and type of handling to which the cultures are subjected to. The present study aimed to quantify the water quality of the micro basin of Córrego Fundo, Ourinhos (SP), which went through interventions during the Hydrographic Micro Basin State Program (PEMBH). Through parameters such as pH, electric conductivity, temperature, turbidity and dissolved oxygen, we compared the water quality in the beginning of the program in 2008, and four years later, in 2012. The results presented differences, mostly regarding dissolved oxygen quantity in the water. Problems such as the lack of riparian forest on the surroundings of watersheds and the presence of intensive cultivation, like sugarcane and maize, potentiated the entrainment of sediment and nutrients inside the drainage channel. This ends up favoring the growth of aquatic plants, which consume most of the dissolved oxygen in the water, and consequently decreases the downstream water quality.Bacias hidrográficas são porções do território onde é possível estabelecer as interfaces dos elementos constituintes da paisagem (clima, vegetação, solos) e de como a intervenção antrópica modifica o meio ambiente. A qualidade da água em bacias hidrográficas está intimamente ligada ao uso do solo e tipo de manejo a que as culturas são submetidas. O presente trabalho objetivou quantificar a qualidade das águas da microbacia do Córrego Fundo, Ourinhos (SP), que passou por intervenções durante o Programa Estadual de Microbacias Hidrográficas (PEMBH). Através de parâmetros como pH, condutividade elétrica, temperatura, turbidez e oxigênio dissolvido, comparou-se a qualidade das águas no início do programa em 2008 e quatro anos depois em 2012. Os resultados apresentaram diferenças principalmente quanto à quantidade de oxigênio dissolvido na água. Problemas como a falta de mata ciliar no entorno de mananciais e a presença de cultivos intensivos como a cana-de-açúcar e milho, potencializam o carreamento de sedimentos e nutrientes para dentro do canal de drenagem. Isso acaba favorecendo o crescimento de plantas aquáticas que consomem boa parte do oxigênio dissolvido na água e consequentemente diminuindo a qualidade das águas a jusante.Las zonas de captación son porciones del territorio donde es posible establecer las interfaces entre los elementos constitutivos del paisaje (clima, vegetación, suelos) y cómo la intervención humana cambia el medio ambiente. La calidad del agua en las cuencas hidrográficas está estrechamente relacionada con el uso del suelo y el tipo de gestión a que las culturas son sometidas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la calidad de las aguas de la cuenca del Córrego Fondo, Ourinhos (SP), que pasó por intervenciones durante el Programa Estatal de las cuencas hidrográficas (PEMBH). Por parámetros como pH, conductividad eléctrica, temperatura, turbidez y oxígeno disuelto, se comparó la calidad del agua en el inicio del programa en 2008 y cuatro años más tarde en 2012. Los resultados mostraron diferencias sobre todo cuanto a la cantidad de oxígeno disuelto en el agua. Problemas como la falta de vegetación ciliar alrededor de los manantiales y la presencia de cultivos intensivos como la caña de azúcar y el maíz, potencian el arrastre de sedimentos y nutrientes par dentro del canal de drenaje. Esto termina favoreciendo el crecimiento de las plantas acuáticas que consumen gran parte del oxígeno disuelto en el agua y por consecuencia la disminución de la calidad del agua río abajo

    Bacterial and Viral Infection and Sepsis in Kidney Transplanted Patients

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    Kidney transplanted patients are a unique population with intrinsic susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections, mainly (but not exclusively) due to continuous immunosuppression. In this setting, infectious episodes remain among the most important causes of death, with different risks according to the degree of immunosuppression, time after transplantation, type of infection, and patient conditions. Prevention, early diagnosis, and appropriate therapy are the goals of infective management, taking into account that some specific characteristics of transplanted patients may cause a delay (the absence of fever or inflammatory symptoms, the negativity of serological tests commonly adopted for the general population, or the atypical anatomical presentation depending on the surgical site and graft implantation). This review considers the recent available findings of the most common viral and bacterial infection in kidney transplanted patients and explores risk factors and outcomes in septic evolution

    Tutorial do pacote Agriwater para modelagem espacial da evapotranspiração no software R.

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    Este trabalho apresenta: 1) o pacote Agriwater em ambiente R, implementado para automatizar a utilização de imagens Sentinel-2, Landsat-8 e sensor Modis com o algoritmo Safer, e 2) a primeira aplicação do Safer a imagens Sentinel-2, em uma área do Semiárido nordestino, a imagens Modis, na região do afloramento do Aquífero Guarani no estado de São Paulo, e a imagens Landsat-8 na região central do estado de São Paulo. Também é apresentado um procedimento de conversão de imagens do satélite Sentinel-2 no software QGIS, para adequar os arquivos ao formato pedido pelo pacote Agriwater, que pode ser aplicado aos outros sensores. O enfoque do presente trabalho é a apresentação de um passo a passo compreensível sobre o uso do pacote Agriwater. Uma discussão aprofundada dos resultados obtidos pela modelagem da primeira aplicação está disponível em Silva et al. (2019a), da segunda aplicação, em Silva et al. (2018) e da terceira aplicação, em Silva et al. (2019b).bitstream/item/207129/1/5165.pd

    Meio ambiente, urbanização e assentamentos precários: desafios para os projetos urbanos contemporâneos no Brasil

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    Este artigo é um breve relato de pesquisa em andamento que busca identificar as principais características dos processos de projetos de urbanização de assentamentos precários, localizados em áreas de preservação permanente, implementados sob a responsabilidade de distintos municípios da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Parte-se do pressuposto que urbanizar um assentamento precário é, na atualidade, um desafio às políticas públicas urbanas. Em áreas preservadas ambientalmente o desafio é redobrado: a preservação ambiental e o direito à moradia devem ser garantidos. Os projetos escolhidos tratam de forma inovadora o tema, combinando ações diversas a um olhar urbano e ambiental: 1) São Paulo: Cantinho do Céu, Zona Sul, junto à Represa Billings; 2) São Paulo: Parque Tiquatira, Zona Leste, e 3) Osasco: Favela Colinas D’Oeste. A análise das experiências apresentadas em quadros analíticos permitiu evidenciar os obstáculos e potencialidades dos projetos, elencando aquelas que possam ser referência no enfrentamento da questão.This article is a brief research report in progress that aims to identify the main characteristics of slum upgrading projects processes, located in areas of permanent preservation, implemented under the responsibility of different municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil. This is on the assumption that urbanize a precarious settlement is, today, a challenge to urban public policies. In areas environmentally preserved the challenge is redoubled: environmental preservation and the right to housing must be guaranteed. The chosen projects address the issue innovatively combining multiple actions to an urban and environmental perspective: 1) São Paulo: Cantinho do Céu, Zona Sul, junto à Represa Billings; 2) São Paulo: Parque Tiquatira, Zona Leste, e 3) Osasco: Favela Colinas D’Oeste. The analysis of the experiments presented in summary tables has highlighted the obstacles and potential of projects, listing those that may be standard in combating the issue

    “Randomised, open-label, phase II trial of paclitaxel, gemcitabine and cisplatin versus gemcitabine and cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy in advanced transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium”

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the antitumor activity and the safety of paclitaxel combined with gemcitabine and cisplatin in patients affected by advanced transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelium (TCC). Eighty-five patients affected by advanced TCC and measurable disease were randomized to receive either paclitaxel at dosage of 70 mg/m2, gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 and cisplatin 35 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks (GCP) or gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 on days 1, 8, 15 and cisplatin 70 mg/m2 on day 2 every 4 weeks (GC). All enrolled patients were considered evaluable for response and toxicity (intention to treat). The observed response rate was 43% for GCP and 44% for GC combination, respectively. Median time to treatment failure was 32 weeks for GCP and 26 weeks for GC and overall survival 61 vs 49 weeks, respectively (p-value not significant). Grade 3-4 neutropenia was observed in 49% of patients treated with GCP vs 35% of those treated with GC (P=0.05) and grade 3-4 thrombocytopenia was observed in 36% of GCP treated patients as compared to 21% of those treated with GC (P=0.01). Seven patients over 70 years old or with poor PS were removed from the study: 6 patients from GCP group (2 toxic deaths, 2 grade 4 myelotoxicity and 2 grade 3 asthenia) and 1 from GC group was lost to follow-up after the first cycle. The combination of paclitaxel, gemcitabine and cisplatin is effective in the treatment of TCC. However, the addition of paclitaxel to the combination of gemcitabine plus cisplatin seems to increase toxicity, therefore it seems not suitable for poor PS patients and those over 70 years old. Larger and more powered studies are needed to exactly define the role of paclitaxel in this combination

    \u201cA randomised factorial trial of sequential doxorubicin and CMF vs CMF and chemotherapy alone vs chemotherapy followed by goserelin plus tamoxifen as adjuvant treatment of node-positive breast cancer\u201d

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    The sequential doxorubicin \u2192 CMF (CMF = cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil) regimen has never been compared to CMF in a randomised trial. The role of adding goserelin and tamoxifen after chemotherapy is unclear. In all, 466 premenopausal node-positive patients were randomised to: (a) CMF 7 6 cycles (CMF); (b) doxorubicin 7 4 cycles followed by CMF 7 6 cycles (A \u2192 CMF); (c) CMF 7 6 cycles followed by goserelin plus tamoxifen 7 2 years (CMF \u2192 GT); and (d) doxorubicin 7 4 cycles followed by CMF 7 6 cycles followed by goserelin plus tamoxifen 7 2 years (A \u2192 CMF \u2192 GT). The study used a 2 7 2 factorial experimental design to assess: (1) the effect of the chemotherapy regimens (CMF vs A 7 CMF or arms a + c vs b + d) and (2) the effect of adding GT after chemotherapy (arms a + b vs c + d). At a median follow-up of 72 months, A \u2192 CMF as compared to CMF significantly improved disease-free survival (DFS) with a multivariate hazard ratio (HR) = 0.740 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.556-0.986; P = 0.040) and produced a nonsignificant improvement of overall survival (OS) (HR = 0.764; 95% CI: 0.489-1.193). The addition of GT after chemotherapy significantly improved DFS (HR = 0.74; 95% CI: 0.555-0.987; P = 0.040), with a nonsignificant improvement of OS (HR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.54-1.32). A \u2192 CMF is superior to CMF. Adding GT after chemotherapy is beneficial for premenopausal node-positive patients. \ua9 2005 Cancer Research UK