3,038 research outputs found

    Avaliação na estratégia saúde da família

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    Esta cartilha faz parte dos materiais didáticos dos cursos de especialização para trabalhadores vinculados à Atenção Básica ofertados pela UFPE. Espera-se, com esse material, que os estudantes percebam a importância da incorporação da Avaliação em Saúde à sua prática como instrumento permanente para tomadas de decisão e, por consequência, ampliação da sua capacidade de monitorar as ações, responder às necessidades locais em saúde; além de identificar e corrigir problemas de forma integral

    Using Dynamic Analysis to Adjust the Rheological Model of Three Parameters to the Eurocode Creep Criteria

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    A dynamic analysis of vibration for considering a three-parameter rheological model to fit the same results as predicted for creep by the Eurocode (EN 1992) criteria is performed based on the adjustment of its parameters. The use of a rheological model of three parameters as a valid alternative for real problems brings a huge facility for mathematical implementation and manipulation due the simplicity of the solution. For adjustment of the elastics and the viscous parameters, a numerical simulation to calculate the fundamental frequency of an actual reinforcement concrete pole is carried out in comparison with the standard Eurocode criteria. In this determination, the geometry variation, a concentrated force present at the free end of the structural element, and the self-weight of the structure are considered. The physical nonlinearity of the concrete due to the cracks is also considered by reducing of the flexural stiffness, and its viscoelastic behavior is included in the calculation through a temporal modulus of elasticity. In the analysis, the ground was modeled as a set of distributed springs along the foundation length. The frequency over time is then analytically calculated as the critical buckling load for different instants after the structure to be loaded

    Stratégies catalytiques alternatives pour la valorisation directe du CO2 des gaz d’échappement

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    Abstract: The increase on the world’s population and energy demand has led to significant climate change as a result of the large emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from an energy matrix heavily relied on fossil-based fuels. In 2021, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere reached 414.7 ppm, with up to 90% of anthropogenic CO2 coming from the burning of fossil fuels. In the context of the Paris Agreement 2015, Canada has committed to a GHG emissions reduction target of 40–45% below 2005 levels by 2030, but this ambitious target will only be achieved through the development of novel alternative technologies that allow the transition to a low-carbon energy matrix. Flue gases (FG) are gaseous products of combustion carrying significant amounts of CO2 and other GHG emissions, such as nitrogen (NOx) and sulfur (SO2) oxides. The valorization of FG is an interesting pathway towards GHG reduction, since the recovered CO2 can be used to produce low-carbon energy vectors of industrial interest, avoiding further fossil exploitation. However, the valorization of FG still requires several FG cleaning and CO2 purification steps, which increase the costs associated with the process. The present project proposed investigating the feasibility of alternative catalytic strategies for the direct valorization of real FG streams as an option to traditional carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies that require CO2 purification. In the first part of this work, the feasibility of direct FG conversion was investigated with classical alumina-supported catalysts to produce syngas, an industrially relevant building block. The operating conditions were optimized to validate the process. In the second part of this work, hydroxyapatite (HAP) was proposed as an alternative catalyst support for CO2 methanation process, as an alternative for classical metal oxides. The process operating conditions were optimized, and the performance of the HAP-supported catalyst was validated at semi-pilot scale. Finally, in the third part of this work, the optimized HAP-supported nickel catalyst was pelletized by extrusion process and validated for direct FG methanation on lab- and semi-pilot scale. Overall, the results presented in this work can pave the way for the development of an efficient process for direct upgrading flue gas streams into industrially relevant low-carbon energy vectors.L’augmentation de la population mondiale et de la demande énergétique a entraîné d’importants changements climatiques en raison des importantes émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) provenant d’une matrice énergétique basée fortement sur des combustibles fossiles. En 2021, la concentration de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) dans l’atmosphère a atteint 414,7 ppm, avec jusqu’à 90% du CO2 anthropique provenant de la combustion de combustibles fossiles. Dans le contexte de l’Accord de Paris de 2015, le Canada s’est engagé à atteindre un objectif de réduction des émissions de GES de 40 à 45 % par rapport aux niveaux de 2005 d’ici 2030. Par contre, cet objectif ambitieux ne sera atteint que par le développement de nouvelles technologies alternatives qui permettent de sécuriser la transition vers une matrice énergétique à faibles émissions de carbone. Les gaz d’échappement (FG) sont des produits gazeux de combustion transportant des quantités importantes de CO2 et d’autres GES, comme les oxydes d’azote (NOx) et de soufre (SO2). La valorisation du FG est une voie intéressante vers la réduction des émissions de GES, car le CO2 récupéré peut être utilisé pour produire des vecteurs énergétiques à faible intensité en carbone d’intérêt industriel, évitant ainsi une exploitation fossile ultérieure. Cependant, la valorisation du FG nécessite encore plusieurs étapes de nettoyage du FG et de purification du CO2, ce qui augmente les coûts associés au processus. Le présent projet propose d’étudier la faisabilité de stratégies catalytiques alternatives pour la valorisation directe des FG en tant qu’option aux technologies traditionnelles de captage et d’utilisation du carbone (CCU) qui nécessitent une purification du CO2. Dans la première partie de ce travail, la faisabilité d’une conversion directe en FG a été étudiée avec des catalyseurs classiques soutenus par l’alumine pour produire du gaz de synthèse, un élément constitutif pertinent sur le plan industriel. Les conditions de fonctionnement du procédé ont été optimisées pour valider le procédé. Dans la deuxième partie de ces travaux, l’hydroxyapatite (HAP) a été proposée comme catalyseur alternatif pour le procédé de méthanisation du CO2, comme alternative aux oxydes métalliques classiques. Les conditions de fonctionnement du procédé ont été optimisées et les performances du catalyseur à base d’HAP ont été validées à l’échelle semi-pilote. Enfin, dans la troisième partie de ces travaux, le catalyseur optimisé d’HAP dopé avec du nickel a été granulé par procédé d’extrusion et validé pour la méthanisation directe de FG à l’échelle du laboratoire et semi-pilote. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats présentés dans ce travail peuvent ouvrir la voie au développement d’un procédé efficace pour la valorisation directe des gaz d’échappement en vecteurs énergétiques à faible intensité en carbone pertinents sur le plan industriel

    Influence of OECD and RICYT manuals in scientific literature : contributions to the construction of science, technology and innovation indicators?

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    As atividades de ciência, tecnologia e inovação (CT&I) são vistas como fator importante para o desenvolvimento econômico e social de uma nação, o que faz surgir interesses de mensuração dessas atividades por meio de indicadores cada vez mais aprimorados. Os manuais metodológicos da OCDE e RICYT são referências nesta área e ajudam as nações no planejamento da mensuração das atividades de CT&I. Este estudo propõe-se a compreender a influência dos manuais da OCDE e RICYT na produção científica internacional, por intermédio de métodos e técnicas bibliométricas e cientométricas, especificamente às de citação e cocitação. O universo compreende artigos que citaram os manuais da OCDE e RICYT e estão indexados pela base de dados Scopus. As variáveis correspondem à data e país de publicação dos artigos, às áreas de conhecimento, às palavras chaves e trabalhos que citam simultaneamente os manuais. O recorte temporal compreende desde o início da cobertura da base (1954) até o ano 2016. Foram recuperados 1906 artigos que citam os manuais da OCDE e 12 os da RICYT. Verificou-se um aumento expressivo das citações aos manuais a partir dos anos 2000. As áreas com maior ocorrência de artigos que citaram os manuais foram Negócios, Gestão e Contabilidade; Ciências Sociais; Economia, Econometria e Finanças, que juntas acumulam mais de 60% da produção. Foram analisadas 7.836 palavras-chave e as mais utilizadas foram Inovação (5,41%); Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (1,86%); Indústria (0,79%); Europa (0,78%) e Patentes e Invenções (0,61%). Do total de artigos, 311 tiveram pelo menos 1 (uma) cocitação correspondendo a sua ocorrência em 16% dos artigos que citaram os manuais. Os dados mostram a influência dos manuais, sobretudo da OCDE na comunidade científica internacional, proporcionando subsídios a reflexões quanto a sua crescente importância para a construção de indicadores de CT&I e P&D na atualidade.The activities of science, technology and innovation (ST&I) are seen as an important factor for the economic and social development of a nation, which raises very interests on measuring these activities through increasingly improved indicators. The OECD and RICYT methodological handbooks are benchmarks in this area, helping nations to plan the measurement of ST&I activities. This study aim is to understand the influence of the OECD and RICYT manuals on international scientific production, through bibliometric and scientometric methods and techniques, more specifically citation and cocitation. The universe comprises articles that have cited the OECD and RICYT manuals and are indexed by the Scopus database. The variables are the date and country of publication of the papers, as well as areas of knowledge, keywords and studies that quote the manuals simultaneously. The time cut comprises from the beginning of the database’s coverage (1954) until 2016. It recovered 1906 articles that mention the manuals of the OECD and 12 of the RICYT. There was a significant increase in the manuals’ citations since the 2000s. The areas with the highest occurrence of articles that cited the manuals were Business, Management and Accounting; Social Sciences; Economics, Econometrics and Finance, which together accumulate more than 60% of the production. This study analyzed 7,836 keywords and verified that the most used ones were Innovation (5.41%); Research and Development (1.86%); Industry (0.79%); Europe (0.78%) and Patents and Inventions (0.61%). Of all papers, 311 had, at least, 1 (one) cocitation corresponding to their occurrence in 16% of the papers that cited the manuals. The data collected shows the influence of the manuals in the international scientific community (especially the OECD manual), which provides subsidies for considerations about its importance for the construction of ST&I and R&D indicators nowadays

    The Fate of Primary Health Care in Brazil

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    SUMMARY Primary health care programmes have only partially succeeded in redressing the health and health care inequalities suffered by the Brazilian population over the last few decades. In discussing a recent unsuccessful attempt to institute a national programme, the article suggests that vested interests in health care, technocratic disputes, and the lack of popular participation, have maintained the inequitable situation. RESUMEN El destino de la atención primaria de salud en Brasil Los programas de atención primaria de salud sólo han tenido un éxito parcial en remediar las desigualdades en la salud y la atención primaria de salud, sufridas por la población brasileña durante las últimas décadas. Después de analizar un reciente intento frustrado de instaurar un programa nacional, el artículo sugiere que esta situación se ha mantenido por la existencia de intereses creados en la atención primaria de salud, disputas tecnocráticas y ausencia de participación popular. RESUMES Le sort de l'assistance médicale primaire au Brésil Les programmes d'assistance médicale primaire n'ont réussi que partiellement à redresser les inégalités qu'a subies la population brésilienne durant les dernières décennies sur le plan de la santé et des soins médicaux. En évoquant un récent échec pour instituer un programme national l'article laisse entendre que des intérêts acquis dans l'assistance médicale, des disputes technocratiques et l'absence de participation publique ont maintenu une situation inéquitable

    Roça, corpo negro e escola na contemporaneidade: breve reflexão sobre a descolonização do pensamento

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    1º Congresso Internacional Epistemologias do Sul: perspectivas críticas - 7 a 9 de novembro de 2016, realizada pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA).Este trabalho propõe uma discussão sobre corpo negro rural e escola, e é resultante de pesquisas realizadas e pesquisas em andamento no Programa de Pós- graduação em Educação e Contemporaneidade. As leituras e debates no grupo de estudo Ruralidades e Espacialidades do Campus IV da Universidade do Estado da Bahia contribuíram também para a construção desse trabalho

    Conflict resolution abilities and normal disfluencies in normally developing children

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    OBJETIVOS: (1) Investigar as habilidades de resolução de conflito (RC) de crianças em idade escolar; (2) Verificar a relação entre a ocorrência de disfluências comuns (DC) e o desenvolvimento das habilidades de RC. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 20 crianças em desenvolvimento normal de linguagem, com idades entre sete e dez anos. As crianças foram submetidas a uma triagem, na qual foram realizadas as provas de Fonologia, Consciência Fonológica e Leitura e Escrita; aquelas que obtiveram desempenho esperado para sua faixa etária passaram por avaliação, sendo realizadas as provas de RC e de Fluência. Na prova de RC, as respostas foram categorizadas em 28 categorias, para então, serem pontuadas. Na prova de fluência, foi verificada a ocorrência de DC. RESULTADOS: Na prova de RC, as crianças obtiveram entre 5 e 14 pontos (M=10,7), porém não se observou correlação entre a pontuação total e a idade cronológica (p=0,361). Na prova de Fluência, a ocorrência de DC variou de 4 a 24 (M=10). Observou-se que não há correlação estatística significante entre a pontuação na prova de RC e a ocorrência de DC (p=0,899). CONCLUSÕES: Na prova de RC, as crianças utilizaram principalmente estratégias unilaterais para a resolução dos conflitos e as estratégias não se tornaram mais sofisticadas com o passar da idade. Ao comparar o desempenho das crianças na prova de RC à ocorrência de DC, não foi possível estabelecer relação direta entre as duas variáveis.PURPOSE: The aims of this study were: (1) to investigate conflict resolution (CR) abilities in normally developing school-aged children; (2) to verify whether there is a relationship between the occurrence of normal disfluencies (ND) and the development of conflict resolution abilities. METHODS: Twenty normally developing children, whose ages ranged between seven and ten, participated in this study. The participants underwent a language screening test, covering the following aspects: phonology, phonological awareness abilities, reading and writing skills. Those who performed within the expected for their chronological ages were assessed through a CR test and a fluency test. The answers given in the CR test were grouped into 28 categories and then scored. In the fluency test the occurrence of normal disfluencies (ND) was verified. RESULTS: The participants scored from 5 to 14 points (M=10,7) in the CR test, nevertheless it was not observed any correlation between final scores in that test and chronological age (p=0,361). In the fluency test, the occurrence of ND varied from 4 to 24 (M=10). It was not noticed any statistically significant correlation between the performance in the CR test and the occurrence of ND (p=0,899). CONCLUSIONS: In the CR test, in order to solve the conflict, children used mainly unilateral strategies. It was also observed that the strategies did not improve with age. Regarding the comparison between the performance in the CR test and the occurrence of ND, it was not possible to establish direct relationship between these variables

    Linguística sistêmico-funcional para a análise de discurso um panorama introdutório

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    This paper presents an overview of Systemic-Functional Linguistics of Halliday (1994) and Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), characterizing it as a social theory as it takes society and the situation of use for the study of language, and also as a semiotic theory due to its concern with every manifestation of language. It explains the three metafunctions that cover the three meanings that can be actualized by language, emphasizing the relationship there is between text and context. Each metafunction is then illustrated with papers that have analysed corpus of different contexts ofsituation.Este artigo apresenta um panorama da Lingüística Sistêmico-Funcional de Halliday (1994) e Halliday e Matthiessen (2004), explicando que é caracterizada como uma teoria social porque parte da sociedade e da situação de uso para o estudo da linguagem e também como uma teoria semiótica porque se preocupa com a linguagem em todas as suas manifestações. As três metafunções que abarcam os três significados realizados pela linguagem são explicados, enfatizando-se a relação que há entre texto e contexto. Cada metafunção é ilustrada com exemplos de trabalhos que analisaram corpus de diferentes contextos de situação
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