1,570 research outputs found

    I‑European research, the cradle of the discovery of the antidiabetic hormone: the pioneer roles and the relevance of Oskar Minkowski and Eugène Gley

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICUTP en procés de revisióAims: The introduction of hormonal treatment in severe diabetes in 1922 represented a clinical and social impact similar to that of antibiotic therapy. In October 1923, the Assembly of the Karolinska Institute decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to the Canadian Frederick Grant Banting and the Scottish John James Rickard Macleod, researchers at the University of Toronto (UT), for "the discovery of insulin a year before". A few weeks later, European and American researchers protested the decision. The controversy remains to this day. Methods: We have conducted a comprehensive review of primary and critical sources focused on theorganotherapy of animal and human diabetes mellitus since 1889, when Oskar Minkowski demonstrated the induction of experimental diabetes by total pancreatectomy in the dog, until the spring of 1923, when the Nobel Foundation had already received all the nominations for the award in Physiology or Medicine. Results: The in-depth analysis of all these sources revealed that Europe was the cradle of the discovery of the antidiabetic hormone. The discovery involved multiple research steps headed by a long list of key investigators, mainly European. Conclusion: Marcel Eugène Émile Gley was the frst to demonstrate the presence of the "antidiabetic principle" in extracts from "sclerosed" pancreas. The French physiologist pioneered the successful reduction of glycosuria and diabetic symptoms by the parenteral administration of pancreatic extracts to depancreatized dogs in experiments developed between 1890 and 1905, antedating insulin in two decades

    Los expedientes de depuración del franquismo en el Hospital de Sant Pau

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    El 26 de gener de 1939 la ciutat de Barcelona va caure en poder de les tropes franquistes. Les noves autoritats no van perdre el temps i el 9 de febrer de 1939 van signar la Llei de Responsabilitats polítiques. Al dia següent, 10 de febrer, van proclamar la Llei de Depuració de Funcionaris Públics. Aquest treball es basa en l’estudi dels 252 Expedients de Depuració als quals van ser sotmesos els metges de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau.El 26 de enero de 1939 la ciudad de Barcelona cayó en poder de las tropas franquistas . Las nuevas autoridades no perdieron el tiempo y el 9 de febrero de 1939 se firmó la Ley de Responsabilidades políticas y el día siguiente, el 10 de febrero, la Ley de Depuración de Funcionarios Públicos . Este trabajo se basa en el estudio de los 252 Expedientes de Depuración a los que tuvieron que someterse los médicos del Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau

    Russia is back: análisis de la evolución de la política exterior rusa en la “era Putin”

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    This article analyses the Russian’s Foreign Policy from the arrival of Vladimir Putin to office in 2000, and the various processes of internal reform implemented since then, stating as main hypothesis that these reforms are in direct relation with one of the main objectives of his administration, the international objective of repositioning Russia in the regional and global structure of power. Since his arrival to office, Vladimir Putin began an accelerated process of power capabilities strengthening, especially in the economic and military fields, which, once consolidated, has permitted Russia to adopt an active and assertive foreign policy, process that is analysed in three moments.El presente artículo analiza la política exterior de Rusia desde la llegada de Vladimir Putin al poder, en el año 2000, considerando los diversos procesos de reformas internas llevados a cabo desde entonces, sosteniendo como hipótesis central que dichas reformas se relacionan, de forma directa, con uno de los principales objetivos de su administración: la búsqueda de reposicionamiento de Rusia en la estructura regional y global de poder. Desde su llegada al Kremlin, Vladimir Putin inició un proceso acelerado de reforzamiento de las capacidades de poder del país, especialmente en los ámbitos económico y militar, el que una vez consolidado le permitió adoptar una política exterior activa y asertiva, analizada en una evolución de tres momentos

    Discurso histórico-panegírico de Santa Teresa de Jesús : en la inaguración de su primer convento en Ávila verificada en el día 24 de Agosto de 1562

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Las colonias del área Chaqueña

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    Nonlinear superconformal symmetry of a fermion in the field of a Dirac monopole

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    We study a longstanding problem of identification of the fermion-monopole symmetries. We show that the integrals of motion of the system generate a nonlinear classical Z_2-graded Poisson, or quantum super- algebra, which may be treated as a nonlinear generalization of the osp(22)su(2)osp(2|2)\oplus su(2). In the nonlinear superalgebra, the shifted square of the full angular momentum plays the role of the central charge. Its square root is the even osp(2|2) spin generating the u(1) rotations of the supercharges. Classically, the central charge's square root has an odd counterpart whose quantum analog is, in fact, the same osp(2|2) spin operator. As an odd integral, the osp(2|2) spin generates a nonlinear supersymmetry of De Jonghe, Macfarlane, Peeters and van Holten, and may be identified as a grading operator of the nonlinear superconformal algebra.Comment: 13 pages; comments and ref added; V.3: misprints corrected, journal versio

    Analysis of the Utilization of Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag as Industrial Waste Aggregates in Self-Compacting Concrete

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    In this work, the effects of replacing the aggregates of self-compacting concrete by air-cooled blast furnace slag have been analysed. Different mixes have been manufactured by substituting the fine and coarse natural aggregates by air-cooled blast furnace slag. The fracture energy and the tensile and compressive strength have been determined for each mix. The self-compacting properties of the mixes, or the absence of them, have been observed. The main goals of this research are the decrease of the price of aggregates, reduction of the industrial waste, and attenuation the rate of consumption of natural resources. The results show that the self-compactability of the concrete is gradually lost as the slag content is increased, thus, when the ratio of replacement is low, the concrete keeps the self-compacting properties. Nevertheless, the loss of self-compaction affects the mechanical properties by increasing its strength. An air-cooled blast furnace slag did not present problems of heavy metals leaching.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIA2016-75431-RUniversidad de Sevilla VI Plan Propio de Investigació

    The intercultural pedagogical development in an international cooperation project

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    Desde 2015, en el que si firmó el convenio de colaboración interinstitucional entre la Universidad de Málaga (España) y la Universidad Estatal Amazónica(Ecuador), las ideas y proyectos educativos implementados no han dejado de sucederse. Todos ellos basados en el motivo conductor de la educación intercultural, como propuesta pedagógica para favorecer el empoderamiento y la resiliencia de los jóvenes y docentes de la ciudad de Puyo, en la provincia de Pastaza (Ecuador). El trabajo de análisis de las prácticas en las unidades educativas bilingües e interculturales, así como la puesta en práctica de dinámicas pedagógicas en torno a las ruedas vinculantes noshan permitido enriquecer y revitalizar la concepción intercultural, especialmente gracias al conocimiento y práctica de la terapia comunitaria integrativa (TCI) y la interculturalidad en un proyecto de cooperación internacional. De la misma forma, en estetrabajo exponemos algunos de los hallazgos más significativos en el intercambio producido a través del empleo reflexivo y crítico de una red social (Facebook) donde estudiantes universitarios aprenden y se enriquecen en sus relaciones digiculturales conociendo e intercambiando experiencias comunitarias y emocionales sobre diversidad cultural e interculturalidad. Se desprende la necesidad de proseguir en la promoción activa de las relaciones pedagógicas a través del uso inclusivo de las redes sociales, fomentando la participación crítica del alumnado universitario y la adquisición de competencias interculturalesFrom 2015, that it signed the agreement for inter-agency collaboration between the University of Malaga (Spain) and Amazon State University (Ecuador), ideas and implemented educational projects not been occur. All based on the driver source of intercultural education as a pedagogical proposal to promote empowerment and the resilience of young people and teachers from the city of Puyo, Pastaza province (Ecuador). The work of analysis of practices on bilingual and intercultural educational units, as well as theimplementation of pedagogical Dynamics around the binding wheels have allowed us enrich and revitalize the intercultural concept, especially thanks to the knowledge and practice of the integrative community therapy (TCI) and interculturality in a cooperation international project. In the same way, in this paper we present some of the most significant findings in the exchange produced through the reflective and critical use of a social network (Facebook) where students learn and enrich themselves in their digicultural relations meeting and sharing community and emotional experiences on cultural diversity and interculturality. It is clear the need to continue in the active promotion of pedagogical relationships through the inclusive use of social networks, promoting the critical participation of university students and the acquisition of intercultural skills