299 research outputs found

    Національні тенденції розвитку університетської освіти

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    В сучасному динамічно змінюваному світі університет - це перш за все вищий навчальний заклад, який є індикатором цивілізаційності регіону та держави. Проте у наші дні класичні університети постали перед серйозними викликами часу.В современном динамически изменяющемся мире университет - это прежде всего высшее учебное заведение, которое является индикатором цивилизационности региона и государства. Однако в наши дни классические университеты встали перед серьезными вызовами времени

    Photo-nuclear cross sections on 197^{197}Au

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    A method was developed for measuring photonuclear reactions concurrently at several discrete photon beam energies on a stack of different target materials via a single irradiation. Concentric ring targets of the materials (in order from front to back targets: Au, TiO2_2, Zn, Os, and Au) were irradiated at the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIγ\gammaS). As a proof of principle, we report the result of the cross section measurements from the front Au target. The excitation functions of the 197^{197}Au(γ\gamma,n)196^{196}Au and 197^{197}Au(γ\gamma,3n)194^{194}Au reactions were determined in the incident photon energy range of 13-31 MeV using quasi-monoenergetic photon beams provided at HIγ\gammaS. The cross sections of the combined ground state (2^{-}) and short-lived first isomeric state (m1, 5+^{+}), and of the second isomeric state (m2, 12^{-}) in the 196^{196}Au production are obtained separately by subtracting the γ\gamma rays from the internal conversion of the second isomeric state. The excitation function of the second isomeric state via the photon-induced reaction 197^{197}Au(γ\gamma,n)196m2^{196m2}Au was measured for the first time. By using the activation method rather than direct neutron counting, the exclusive cross sections for the (γ\gamma,n) and (γ\gamma,3n) reactions were determined. Comparing the yields from the front and back gold targets validates our ability to simulate the effect of photon scattering in the target stack and provides a method for assessing the systematic uncertainty of our technique

    A modified passive-dynamic ankle-foot orthosis:can it prevent amputation and arthrodesis in patients with ankle-foot trauma?

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    Introduction High-energy lower extremity trauma (HELET) may cause severe damage within the foot-ankle complex. Occasionally, arthrodesis or amputation are the only remaining options to increase activity levels. The modified passive dynamic ankle-foot orthosis (PDAFO) may prove to be a nonsurgical alternative. This study evaluated the effect of a modified PDAFO with a 6-week training program on pain and performance in patients after HELET. Materials and methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted on seventeen patients who considered an arthrodesis or an amputation after HELET. In an attempt to avoid surgery, the modified PDAFO with a 6-week training program was provided. Pain scores was measured with the Numeric Rating Scale and administered at the start of testing, immediately after the two performance tests and at the end of the day of testing. Performance was evaluated with the 6-min walk test (6MWT) and the Comprehensive high-level activity mobility predictor (CHAMP). Results A significant pain reduction was achieved after the treatment procedure. At the start of the test days (p = 0.002), after the 6MWT (p = 0.001), after the CHAMP (p < 0.001) and at the end of the day (p < 0.001). In addition, a significant improvement on performance was observed in the 6MWT (p < 0.001) and the CHAMP (p = 0.01). None of the patients considered a surgical intervention anymore. Conclusions Patients after HELET show a decrease in pain and an improvement in performance after a 6-week training program with modified PD-AFO. The results suggest that the modified PDAFO is an effective alternative for a surgical approach

    Effect of intraperitoneal chemotherapy concentration on morbidity and survival

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    Contains fulltext : 218098.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Selected patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases are treated with cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). The concentration of intraperitoneal chemotherapy reflects the administered dose and perfusate volume. The aim of this study was to calculate intraperitoneal chemotherapy concentration during HIPEC and see whether this was related to clinical outcomes. METHODS: An observational multicentre study included consecutive patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases who were treated with CRS-HIPEC between 2010 and 2018 at three Dutch centres. Data were retrieved from prospectively developed databases. Chemotherapy dose and total circulating volumes of carrier solution were used to calculate chemotherapy concentrations. Postoperative complications, disease-free and overall survival were correlated with intraoperative chemotherapy concentrations. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression, Cox regression and survival analyses were performed. RESULTS: Of 320 patients, 220 received intraperitoneal mitomycin C (MMC) and 100 received oxaliplatin. Median perfusate volume for HIPEC was 5.0 (range 0.7-10.0) litres. Median intraperitoneal chemotherapy concentration was 13.3 (range 7.0-76.0) mg/l for MMC and 156.0 (91.9-377.6) mg/l in patients treated with oxaliplatin. Grade III or higher complications occurred in 75 patients (23.4 per cent). Median overall survival was 36.9 (i.q.r. 19.5-62.9) months. Intraperitoneal chemotherapy concentrations were not associated with postoperative complications or survival. CONCLUSION: CRS-HIPEC was performed with a wide variation in intraperitoneal chemotherapy concentrations that were not associated with complications or survival

    Correction to: Outcomes of parathyroidectomy versus calcimimetics for secondary hyperparathyroidism and kidney transplantation:a propensity-matched analysis

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    The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake on the fifth and eleventh author names, from Schelto Kruijf to Schelto Kruijff and from Tessa van Ginhoven to Tessa M. van Ginhoven. The corrected author names are shown below. Schelto Kruijff and Tessa M. van Ginhoven

    Molecular fluorescence-guided surgery of peritoneal carcinomatosis of colorectal origin:A narrative review

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    Patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC) from colorectal origin may undergo cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) as a curative approach. One major prognostic factor that affects survival is completeness of cytoreduction. Molecular Fluorescence Guided Surgery (MFGS) is a novel intraoperative imaging technique that may improve tumor identification in the future, potentially preventing over- and under-treatment in these patients. This narrative review outlines a chronological overview of MFGS development in patients with PC of colorectal origin

    Timing of Parathyroidectomy Does Not Influence Renal Function After Kidney Transplantation

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    BACKGROUND: Parathyroidectomy (PTx) is the treatment of choice for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients with therapy-resistant hyperparathyroidism (HPT). The optimal timing of PTx for ESRD-related HPT-before or after kidney transplantation (KTx)-is subject of debate.METHODS: Patients with ESRD-related HPT who underwent both PTx and KTx between 1994 and 2015 were included in a multicenter retrospective study in four university hospitals. Two groups were formed according to treatment sequence: PTx before KTx (PTxKTx) and PTx after KTx (KTxPTx). Primary endpoint was renal function (eGFR, CKD-EPI) between both groups at several time points post-transplantation. Correlation between the timing of PTx and KTx and the course of eGFR was assessed using generalized estimating equations (GEE).RESULTS: The PTxKTx group consisted of 102 (55.1%) and the KTxPTx group of 83 (44.9%) patients. Recipient age, donor type, PTx type, and pre-KTx PTH levels were significantly different between groups. At 5 years after transplantation, eGFR was similar in the PTxKTx group (eGFR 44.5 ± 4.0 ml/min/1.73 m2) and KTxPTx group (40.0 ± 6.4 ml/min/1.73 m2, p = 0.43). The unadjusted GEE model showed that timing of PTx was not correlated with graft function over time (mean difference -1.0 ml/min/1.73 m2, 95% confidence interval -8.4 to 6.4, p = 0.79). Adjustment for potential confounders including recipient age and sex, various donor characteristics, PTx type, and PTH levels did not materially influence the results.CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter cohort study, timing of PTx before or after KTx does not independently impact graft function over time.</p

    Uptake and subcellular distribution of radiolabeled polymersomes for radiotherapy

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    Polymersomes have the potential to be applied in targeted alpha radionuclide therapy, while in addition preventing release of recoiling daughter isotopes. In this study, we investigated the cellular uptake, post uptake processing and intracellular localization of polymersomes. Methods: High-content microscopy was used to validate polymersome uptake kinetics. Confocal (live cell) microscopy was used to elucidate the uptake mechanism and DNA damage induction. Intracellular distribution of polymersomes in 3-D was determined using super-resolution microscopy. Results: We found that altering polymersome size and concentration affects the initial uptake and overall uptake capacity; uptake efficiency and eventual plateau levels varied between cell lines;

    Calcium Triggered Lα-H2 Phase Transition Monitored by Combined Rapid Mixing and Time-Resolved Synchrotron SAXS

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    BACKGROUND: Awad et al. reported on the Ca(2+)-induced transitions of dioleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (DOPG)/monoolein (MO) vesicles to bicontinuous cubic phases at equilibrium conditions. In the present study, the combination of rapid mixing and time-resolved synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was applied for the in-situ investigations of fast structural transitions of diluted DOPG/MO vesicles into well-ordered nanostructures by the addition of low concentrated Ca(2+) solutions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Under static conditions and the in absence of the divalent cations, the DOPG/MO system forms large vesicles composed of weakly correlated bilayers with a d-spacing of approximately 140 A (L(alpha)-phase). The utilization of a stopped-flow apparatus allowed mixing these DOPG/MO vesicles with a solution of Ca(2+) ions within 10 milliseconds (ms). In such a way the dynamics of negatively charged PG to divalent cation interactions, and the kinetics of the induced structural transitions were studied. Ca(2+) ions have a very strong impact on the lipidic nanostructures. Intriguingly, already at low salt concentrations (DOPG/Ca(2+)>2), Ca(2+) ions trigger the transformation from bilayers to monolayer nanotubes (inverted hexagonal phase, H(2)). Our results reveal that a binding ratio of 1 Ca(2+) per 8 DOPG is sufficient for the formation of the H(2) phase. At 50 degrees C a direct transition from the vesicles to the H(2) phase was observed, whereas at ambient temperature (20 degrees C) a short lived intermediate phase (possibly the cubic Pn3m phase) coexisting with the H(2) phase was detected. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The strong binding of the divalent cations to the negatively charged DOPG molecules enhances the negative spontaneous curvature of the monolayers and causes a rapid collapsing of the vesicles. The rapid loss of the bilayer stability and the reorganization of the lipid molecules within ms support the argument that the transition mechanism is based on a leaky fusion of the vesicles

    Mutation of a single residue, β-glutamate-20, alters protein–lipid interactions of light harvesting complex II

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    It is well established that assembly of the peripheral antenna complex, LH2, is required for proper photosynthetic membrane biogenesis in the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The underlying interactions are, as yet, not understood. Here we examined the relationship between the morphology of the photosynthetic membrane and the lipid–protein interactions at the LH2–lipid interface. The non-bilayer lipid, phosphatidylethanolamine, is shown to be highly enriched in the boundary lipid phase of LH2. Sequence alignments indicate a putative lipid binding site, which includes β-glutamate-20 and the adjacent carotenoid end group. Replacement of β-glutamate-20 with alanine results in significant reduction of phosphatidylethanolamine and concomitant raise in phosphatidylcholine in the boundary lipid phase of LH2 without altering the lipid composition of the bulk phase. The morphology of the LH2 housing membrane is, however, unaffected by the amino acid replacement. In contrast, simultaneous modification of glutamate-20 and exchange of the carotenoid sphaeroidenone with neurosporene results in significant enlargement of the vesicular membrane invaginations. These findings suggest that the LH2 complex, specifically β-glutamate-20 and the carotenoids' polar head group, contribute to the shaping of the photosynthetic membrane by specific interactions with surrounding lipid molecules