1,057 research outputs found

    Деградация человеческого потенциала как фактор латентной составляющей деятельности высшей школы Украины

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    Рассмотрены проблемы тенизации и коррупционности функционирования украин-ской высшей школы на фоне вектора развития показателей потенциала населения страны.Розглянуті проблеми тінізації і коррупційності функціонування української вищої школи на тлі вектору розвитку показників потенціалу населення країни

    In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy to Study the Location and Distribution Effect of Pt on the Reduction of Co3O4–SiO2

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    The addition of Pt generally promotes the reduction of Co3O4 in supported catalysts, which further improves their activity and selectivity. However, due to the limited spatial resolution, how Pt and its location and distribution affect the reduction of Co3O4 remains unclear. Using ex situ and in situ ambient pressure scanning transmission electron microscopy, combined with temperature-programmed reduction, the reduction of silica-supported Co3O4 without Pt and with different location and distribution of Pt is studied. Shrinkage of Co3O4 nanoparticles is directly observed during their reduction, and Pt greatly lowers the reduction temperature. For the first time, the initial reduction of Co3O4 with and without Pt is studied at the nanoscale. The initial reduction of Co3O4 changes from surface to interface between Co3O4 and SiO2. Small Pt nanoparticles located at the interface between Co3O4 and SiO2 promote the reduction of Co3O4 by the detachment of Co3O4/CoO from SiO2. After reduction, the Pt and part of the Co form an alloy with Pt well dispersed. This study for the first time unravels the effects of Pt location and distribution on the reduction of Co3O4 nanoparticles, and helps to design cobalt-based catalysts with efficient use of Pt as a reduction promoter

    Carbon Nanofiber Growth Rates on NiCu Catalysts: Quantitative Coupling of Macroscopic and Nanoscale In Situ Studies

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    Since recently, gas-cell transmission electron microscopy allows for direct, nanoscale imaging of catalysts during reaction. However, often systems are too perturbed by the imaging conditions to be relevant for real-life catalyzed conversions. We followed carbon nanofiber growth from NiCu-catalyzed methane decomposition under working conditions (550 °C, 1 bar of 5% H2, 45% CH4, and 50% Ar), directly comparing the time-resolved overall carbon growth rates in a reactor (measured gravimetrically) and nanometer-scale carbon growth observations (by electron microscopy). Good quantitative agreement in time-dependent growth rates allowed for validation of the electron microscopy measurements and detailed insight into the contribution of individual catalyst nanoparticles in these inherently heterogeneous catalysts to the overall carbon growth. The smallest particles did not contribute significantly to carbon growth, while larger particles (8-16 nm) exhibited high carbon growth rates but deactivated quickly. Even larger particles grew carbon slowly without significant deactivation. This methodology paves the way to understanding macroscopic rates of catalyzed reactions based on nanoscale in situ observations

    Synthesis and Characterization of Supported Mixed MoW Carbide Catalysts

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    For mixed MoW carbide catalysts, the relationship between synthesis conditions, evolution of (mixed) phases, extent of mixing, and catalytic performance of supported Mo/W carbides remains unclear. In this study, we prepared a series of carbon nanofiber-supported mixed Mo/W-carbide catalysts with varying Mo and W compositions using either temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) or carbothermal reduction (CR). Regardless of the synthesis method, all bimetallic catalysts (Mo:W bulk ratios of 1:3, 1:1, and 3:1) were mixed at the nanoscale, although the Mo/W ratio in individual nanoparticles varied from the expected bulk values. Moreover, the crystal structures of the produced phases and nanoparticle sizes differed depending on the synthesis method. When using the TPR method, a cubic carbide (MeC1-x) phase with 3-4 nm nanoparticles was obtained, while a hexagonal phase (Me2C) with 4-5 nm nanoparticles was found when using the CR method. The TPR-synthesized carbides exhibited higher activity for the hydrodeoxygenation of fatty acids, tentatively attributed to a combination of crystal structure and particle size

    Magnetic Properties of a Quantum Ferrimagnet: NiCu(pba)(D_2O)_3 . 2D_2O

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    We report the results of magnetic measurements on a powder sample of NiCu(pba)(D_2O)_3 \cdot 2D_2O(pba=1,3propylenebis(oxamato))whichisoneoftheprototypicalexamplesofan (pba=1,3-propylenebis(oxamato)) which is one of the prototypical examples of an S=1/2and1ferrimagneticchain.Susceptibility(=1/2 and 1 ferrimagnetic chain. Susceptibility(\chi)showsamonotonousincreasewithdecreasingtemperature(T)andreachesamaximumatabout7K.Intheplotof) shows a monotonous increase with decreasing temperature (T) and reaches a maximum at about 7 K. In the plot of \chi Tversus versus T,theexperimentaldataexhibitabroadminimumandarefittothe, the experimental data exhibit a broad minimum and are fit to the \chi TcurvecalculatedfortheferrimagneticHeisenbergchaincomposedofS=1/2and1.Fromthisfit,wehaveevaluatedthenearestneighborexchangeconstant curve calculated for the ferrimagnetic Heisenberg chain composed of S=1/2 and 1. From this fit, we have evaluated the nearest-neighbor exchange constant J/k_B=121 K,thegvaluesofNi, the g-values of Ni^{2+}andCu and Cu^{2+},, g_{Ni}=2.22and=2.22 and g_{Cu}=2.09,respectively.Appliedexternalfielddependenceof=2.09, respectively. Applied external field dependence of \chi T$ at low temperatures is reproduced fairly well by the calculation for the same ferrimagnetic model.Comment: 7pages, 4 postscript figures, usues REVTEX. appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn vol 67 No.7 (1998

    Magnetic properties of the spin-1 chain compound NiCl3_3C6_6H5_5CH2_2CH2_2NH3_3

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    We report experimental results of the static magnetization, ESR and NMR spectroscopic measurements of the Ni-hybrid compound NiCl3_3C6_6H5_5CH2_2CH2_2NH3_3. In this material NiCl3_3 octahedra are structurally arranged in chains along the crystallographic aa-axis. According to the static susceptibility and ESR data Ni2+^{2+} spins S=1S = 1 are isotropic and are coupled antiferromagnetically (AFM) along the chain with the exchange constant J=25.5J = 25.5 K. These are important prerequisites for the realization of the so-called Haldane spin-1 chain with the spin-singlet ground state and a quantum spin gap. However, experimental results evidence AFM order at TN10T_{\rm N} \approx 10 K presumably due to small interchain couplings. Interestingly, frequency-, magnetic field-, and temperature-dependent ESR measurements, as well as the NMR data, reveal signatures which could presumably indicate an inhomogeneous ground state of co-existent mesoscopically spatially separated AFM ordered and spin-singlet state regions similar to the situation observed before in some spin-diluted Haldane magnets

    Electronic density of states derived from thermodynamic critical field curves for underdoped La-Sr-Cu-O

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    Thermodynamic critical field curves have been measured for La2xSrxCuO4+δLa_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4+\delta} over the full range of carrier concentrations where superconductivity occurs in order to determine changes in the normal state density of states with carrier concentration. There is a substantial window in the HTH-T plane where the measurements are possible because the samples are both thermodynamically reversible and the temperature is low enough that vortex fluctuations are not important. In this window, the data fit Hao-Clem rather well, so this model is used to determine HcH_c and κc\kappa_c for each temperature and carrier concentration. Using N(0) and the ratio of the energy gap to transition temperature, Δ(0)/kBTc\Delta (0)/k_BT_c, as fitting parameters, the HcvsTH_c vs T curves give Δ(0)/kBTc2.0\Delta (0)/k_BT_c \sim 2.0 over the whole range of xx. Values of N(0) remain rather constant in the optimum-doped and overdoped regime, but drops quickly toward zero in the underdoped regime.