151 research outputs found

    DBTBS: a database of transcriptional regulation in Bacillus subtilis containing upstream intergenic conservation information

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    DBTBS, first released in 1999, is a reference database on transcriptional regulation in Bacillus subtilis, summarizing the experimentally characterized transcription factors, their recognition sequences and the genes they regulate. Since the previous release, the original content was extended by the addition of the data contained in 569 new publications, the total of which now reaches 947. The number of B. subtilis promoters annotated in the database was more than doubled to 1475. In addition, 463 experimentally validated B. subtilis operons and their terminators have been included. Given the increase in the number of fully sequenced bacterial genomes, we decided to extend the usability of DBTBS in comparative regulatory genomics. We therefore created a new section on the conservation of the upstream regulatory sequences between homologous genes in 40 Gram-positive bacterial species, as well as on the presence of overrepresented hexameric motifs that may have regulatory functions. DBTBS can be accessed at: http://dbtbs.hgc.jp

    <i>HER2</i>-encoded mir-4728 forms a receptor-independent circuit with miR-21-5p through the non-canonical poly(A) polymerase PAPD5

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    We previously reported that the human HER2 gene encodes the intronic microRNA mir-4728, which is overexpressed together with its oncogenic host gene and may act independently of the HER2 receptor. More recently, we also reported that the oncogenic miR-21-5p is regulated by 3′ tailing and trimming by the non-canonical poly(A) polymerase PAPD5 and the ribonuclease PARN. Here we demonstrate a dual function for the HER2 locus in upregulation of miR-21-5p; while HER2 signalling activates transcription of mir-21, miR-4728-3p specifically stabilises miR-21-5p through inhibition of PAPD5. Our results establish a new and unexpected oncogenic role for the HER2 locus that is not currently being targeted by any anti-HER2 therapy

    The Transcriptional Network that Controls Growth Arrest and Macrophage Differentiation in the Human Myeloid Leukemia Cell Line THP-1

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    The response of the human acute myeloid leukemia cell line THP-1 to phorbol esters has been widely studied to test candidate leukemia therapies and as a model of cell cycle arrest and monocyte-macrophage differentiation. Here we have employed Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) to analyze a dense time course of transcriptional regulation in THP-1 cells treated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) over 96 h. PMA treatment greatly reduced the numbers of cells entering S phase and also blocked cells exiting G2/M. The PMA-treated cells became adherent and expression of mature macrophage-specific genes increased progressively over the duration of the time course. Within 1–2 h PMA induced known targets of tumor protein p53 (TP53), notably CDKN1A, followed by gradual down-regulation of cell-cycle associated genes. Also within the first 2 h, PMA induced immediate early genes including transcription factor genes encoding proteins implicated in macrophage differentiation (EGR2, JUN, MAFB) and down-regulated genes for transcription factors involved in immature myeloid cell proliferation (MYB, IRF8, GFI1). The dense time course revealed that the response to PMA was not linear and progressive. Rather, network-based clustering of the time course data highlighted a sequential cascade of transient up- and down-regulated expression of genes encoding feedback regulators, as well as transcription factors associated with macrophage differentiation and their inferred target genes. CAGE also identified known and candidate novel enhancers expressed in THP-1 cells and many novel inducible genes that currently lack functional annotation and/or had no previously known function in macrophages. The time course is available on the ZENBU platform allowing comparison to FANTOM4 and FANTOM5 data

    Prediction of Transcriptional Terminators in Bacillus subtilis and Related Species

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    In prokaryotes, genes belonging to the same operon are transcribed in a single mRNA molecule. Transcription starts as the RNA polymerase binds to the promoter and continues until it reaches a transcriptional terminator. Some terminators rely on the presence of the Rho protein, whereas others function independently of Rho. Such Rho-independent terminators consist of an inverted repeat followed by a stretch of thymine residues, allowing us to predict their presence directly from the DNA sequence. Unlike in Escherichia coli, the Rho protein is dispensable in Bacillus subtilis, suggesting a limited role for Rho-dependent termination in this organism and possibly in other Firmicutes. We analyzed 463 experimentally known terminating sequences in B. subtilis and found a decision rule to distinguish Rho-independent transcriptional terminators from non-terminating sequences. The decision rule allowed us to find the boundaries of operons in B. subtilis with a sensitivity and specificity of about 94%. Using the same decision rule, we found an average sensitivity of 94% for 57 bacteria belonging to the Firmicutes phylum, and a considerably lower sensitivity for other bacteria. Our analysis shows that Rho-independent termination is dominant for Firmicutes in general, and that the properties of the transcriptional terminators are conserved. Terminator prediction can be used to reliably predict the operon structure in these organisms, even in the absence of experimentally known operons. Genome-wide predictions of Rho-independent terminators for the 57 Firmicutes are available in the Supporting Information section

    Transcriptome analysis of controlled and therapy-resistant childhood asthma reveals distinct gene expression profiles

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    Background: Children with problematic severe asthma have poor disease control despite high doses of inhaled corticosteroids and additional therapy, leading to personal suffering, early deterioration of lung function, and significant consumption of health care resources. If no exacerbating factors, such as smoking or allergies, are found after extensive investigation, these children are given a diagnosis of therapy-resistant (or therapy-refractory) asthma (SA). Objective: We sought to deepen our understanding of childhood SA by analyzing gene expression and modeling the underlying regulatory transcription factor networks in peripheral blood leukocytes. Methods: Gene expression was analyzed by using Cap Analysis of Gene Expression in children with SA (n = 13), children with controlled persistent asthma (n = 15), and age-matched healthy control subjects (n = 9). Cap Analysis of Gene Expression sequencing detects the transcription start sites of known and novel mRNAs and noncoding RNAs. Results: Sample groups could be separated by hierarchical clustering on 1305 differentially expressed transcription start sites, including 816 known genes and several novel transcripts. Ten of 13 tested novel transcripts were validated by means of RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing. Expression of RAR-related orphan receptor A (RORA), which has been linked to asthma in genome-wide association studies, was significantly upregulated in patients with SA. Gene network modeling revealed decreased glucocorticoid receptor signaling and increased activity of the mitogen-activated protein kinase and Jun kinase cascades in patients with SA. Conclusion: Circulating leukocytes from children with controlled asthma and those with SA have distinct gene expression profiles, demonstrating the possible development of specific molecular biomarkers and supporting the need for novel therapeutic approaches.Peer reviewe

    On-the-fly selection of cell-specific enhancers, genes, miRNAs and proteins across the human body using SlideBase

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    Genomics consortia have produced large datasets profiling the expression of genes, micro-RNAs, enhancers and more across human tissues or cells. There is a need for intuitive tools to select subsets of such data that is the most relevant for specific studies. To this end, we present SlideBase, a web tool which offers a new way of selecting genes, promoters, enhancers and microRNAs that are preferentially expressed/used in a specified set of cells/tissues, based on the use of interactive sliders. With the help of sliders, SlideBase enables users to define custom expression thresholds for individual cell types/tissues, producing sets of genes, enhancers etc. which satisfy these constraints. Changes in slider settings result in simultaneous changes in the selected sets, updated in real time. SlideBase is linked to major databases from genomics consortia, including FANTOM, GTEx, The Human Protein Atlas and BioGPS. Database URL: http://slidebase.binf.ku.d