9,909 research outputs found

    Chord Label Personalization through Deep Learning of Integrated Harmonic Interval-based Representations

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    The increasing accuracy of automatic chord estimation systems, the availability of vast amounts of heterogeneous reference annotations, and insights from annotator subjectivity research make chord label personalization increasingly important. Nevertheless, automatic chord estimation systems are historically exclusively trained and evaluated on a single reference annotation. We introduce a first approach to automatic chord label personalization by modeling subjectivity through deep learning of a harmonic interval-based chord label representation. After integrating these representations from multiple annotators, we can accurately personalize chord labels for individual annotators from a single model and the annotators' chord label vocabulary. Furthermore, we show that chord personalization using multiple reference annotations outperforms using a single reference annotation.Comment: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Deep Learning and Music, Anchorage, US, May, 2017 (arXiv:1706.08675v1 [cs.NE]

    The uniting of Europe and the foundation of EU studies: revisiting the neofunctionalism of Ernst B. Haas

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    This article suggests that the neofunctionalist theoretical legacy left by Ernst B. Haas is somewhat richer and more prescient than many contemporary discussants allow. The article develops an argument for routine and detailed re-reading of the corpus of neofunctionalist work (and that of Haas in particular), not only to disabuse contemporary students and scholars of the normally static and stylized reading that discussion of the theory provokes, but also to suggest that the conceptual repertoire of neofunctionalism is able to speak directly to current EU studies and comparative regionalism. Neofunctionalism is situated in its social scientific context before the theory's supposed erroneous reliance on the concept of 'spillover' is discussed critically. A case is then made for viewing Haas's neofunctionalism as a dynamic theory that not only corresponded to established social scientific norms, but did so in ways that were consistent with disciplinary openness and pluralism

    Interplay of size and Landau quantizations in the de Haas-van Alphen oscillations of metallic nanowires

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    We examine the interplay between size quantization and Landau quantization in the De Haas-Van Alphen oscillations of clean, metallic nanowires in a longitudinal magnetic field for `hard' boundary conditions, i.e. those of an infinite round well, as opposed to the `soft' parabolically confined boundary conditions previously treated in Alexandrov and Kabanov (Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 076601 (2005) (AK)). We find that there exist {\em two} fundamental frequencies as opposed to the one found in bulk systems and the three frequencies found by AK with soft boundary counditions. In addition, we find that the additional `magic resonances' of AK may be also observed in the infinite well case, though they are now damped. We also compare the numerically generated energy spectrum of the infinite well potential with that of our analytic approximation, and compare calculations of the oscillatory portions of the thermodynamic quantities for both models.Comment: Title changed, paper streamlined on suggestion of referrees, typos corrected, numerical error in figs 2 and 3 corrected and final result simplified -- two not three frequencies (as in the previous version) are observed. Abstract altered accordingly. Submitted to Physical Review

    Phase diagram of hot magnetized two-flavor color superconducting quark matter

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    A two-flavor color superconducting (2SC) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model is introduced at finite temperature T, chemical potential mu and in the presence of a constant magnetic field eB. The effect of (T,mu,eB) on the formation of chiral and color symmetry breaking condensates is studied. The complete phase portrait of the model in T-mu, mu-eB, and T-eB phase spaces for various fixed eB, T, and mu is explored. A threshold magnetic field eB_t~ 0.5 GeV^2 is found above which the dynamics of the system is solely dominated by the lowest Landau level (LLL) and the effects of T and mu are partly compensated by eB.Comment: V1: 29 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables. V2: Discussions improved. Version accepted for publication in PR

    A peptide mimic of the chemotaxis inhibitory protein of Staphylococcus aureus: towards the development of novel anti-inflammatory compounds

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    Complement factor C5a is one of the most powerful pro-inflammatory agents involved in recruitment of leukocytes, activation of phagocytes and other inflammatory responses. C5a triggers inflammatory responses by binding to its G-protein-coupled C5a-receptor (C5aR). Excessive or erroneous activation of the C5aR has been implicated in numerous inflammatory diseases. The C5aR is therefore a key target in the development of specific anti-inflammatory compounds. A very potent natural inhibitor of the C5aR is the 121-residue chemotaxis inhibitory protein of Staphylococcus aureus (CHIPS). Although CHIPS effectively blocks C5aR activation by binding tightly to its extra-cellular N terminus, it is not suitable as a potential anti-inflammatory drug due to its immunogenic properties. As a first step in the development of an improved CHIPS mimic, we designed and synthesized a substantially shorter 50-residue adapted peptide, designated CHOPS. This peptide included all residues important for receptor binding as based on the recent structure of CHIPS in complex with the C5aR N terminus. Using isothermal titration calorimetry we demonstrate that CHOPS has micromolar affinity for a model peptide comprising residues 7–28 of the C5aR N terminus including two O-sulfated tyrosine residues at positions 11 and 14. CD and NMR spectroscopy showed that CHOPS is unstructured free in solution. Upon addition of the doubly sulfated model peptide, however, the NMR and CD spectra reveal the formation of structural elements in CHOPS reminiscent of native CHIPS

    Staging clavicular development on MRI : pitfalls and suggestions for age estimation

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    Background MRI of the clavicle's sternal end has been studied for age estimation. Several pitfalls have been noted, but how they affect age estimation performance remains unclear. Purpose/Hypothesis To further study these pitfalls and to make suggestions for a proper use of clavicle MRI for forensic age estimation. Our hypotheses were that age estimation would benefit from 1) discarding stages 1 and 4/5; 2) including advanced substages 3aa, 3ab, and 3ac; 3) taking both clavicles into account; and 4) excluding morphological variants. Study Type Prospective cross-sectional. Population Healthy Caucasian volunteers between 11 and 30 years old (524; 277 females, 247 males). Field Strength/Sequence 3T, T-1-weighted gradient echo volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (VIBE) MR-sequence. Assessment Four observers applied the most elaborate staging technique for long bone development that has been described in the current literature (including stages, substages, and advanced substages). One of the observers repeated a random selection of the assessments in 110 participants after a 2-week interval. Furthermore, all observers documented morphological variants. Statistical Tests Weighted kappa quantified reproducibility of staging. Bayes' rule was applied for age estimation with a continuation ratio model for the distribution of the stages. According to the hypotheses, different models were tested. Mean absolute error (MAE) differences between models were compared, as were MAEs between cases with and without morphological variants. Results Weighted kappa equaled 0.82 for intraobserver and ranged between 0.60 and 0.64 for interobserver agreement. Stages 1 and 4/5 were allocated interchangeably in 4.3% (54/1258). Age increased steadily in advanced substages of stage 3, but improvement in age estimation was not significant (right P = 0.596; left P = 0.313). The model that included both clavicles and discarded stages 1 and 4/5 yielded an MAE of 1.97 years, a root mean squared error of 2.60 years, and 69% correctly classified minors. Morphological variants rendered significantly higher MAEs (right 3.84 years, P = 0.015; left 2.93 years, P = 0.022). Data Conclusion Our results confirmed hypotheses 3) and 4), while hypotheses 1) and 2) remain to be investigated in larger studies. Technical Efficacy: Stage 2 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2019

    Spectroscopic Manifestations and Implications for Catalysis of Quasi-d<sup>10</sup> Configurations in Formal Gold(III) Complexes.

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    Several gold +I and +III complexes are investigated computationally and spectroscopically, focusing on the d-configuration and physical oxidation state of the metal center. Density functional theory calculations reveal the non-negligible electron-sharing covalent character of the metal-to-ligand σ-bonding framework. The bonding of gold(III) is shown to be isoelectronic to the formal CuIII complex [Cu(CF3)4]1- , in which the metal center tries to populate its formally unoccupied 3dx2-y2 orbital via σ-bonding, leading to a reduced d10 CuI description. However, Au L3-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveals excitation into the d-orbital of the AuIII species is still possible, showing that a genuine d10 configuration is not achieved. We also find an increased electron-sharing nature of the σ-bonds in the AuI species, relative to their AgI and CuI analogues, due to the low-lying 6s orbital. We propose that gold +I and +III complexes form similar bonds with substrates, owing primarily to participation of the 5dx2-y2 or 6s orbital, respectively, in bonding, indicating why AuI and AuIII complexes often have similar reactivity

    Malignant Transformation of an HNF1a-Inactivated Hepatocellular Adenoma to Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Hepatocellular adenomas (HCA) are rare benign tumors of the liver, occurring predominantly in females using oral contraceptives. Our case describes a 66-year-old woman presenting with a palpable mass in her upper abdomen. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a large exophytic mass protruding from the caudal border of liver segments IV and V, without visible metastases. Laparoscopic resection of the tumor and gallbladder was performed. Histopathological examination showed a hepatocellular carcinoma with areas of HNF1a-HCA (H-HCA). This case shows that malignant transformation is possible in H-HCA. We present our preoperative decision-making process, as well as the role of imaging techniques in this rare case

    Valency of rare earths in RIn3 and RSn3: Ab initio analysis of electric-field gradients

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    In RIn3 and RSn3 the rare earth (R) is trivalent, except for Eu and Yb, which are divalent. This was experimentally determined in 1977 by perturbed angular correlation measurements of the electric-field gradient on a 111Cd impurity. At that time, the data were interpreted using a point charge model, which is now known to be unphysical and unreliable. This makes the valency determination potentially questionable. We revisit these data, and analyze them using ab initio calculations of the electric-field gradient. From these calculations, the physical mechanism that is responsible for the influence of the valency on the electric-field gradient is derived. A generally applicable scheme to interpret electric-field gradients is used, which in a transparent way correlates the size of the field gradient with chemical properties of the system.Comment: 10 page

    Гарантоздатність як фундаментальний узагальнюючий та інтегруючий підхід

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    Представлені головні принципи та умови становлення і етапи розвитку фундаментальної теорії і практики узагальнюючих та інтегруючих концепцій гарантоздатності, починаючи з першої об’єднаної конференції двох наукових шкіл Дж. фон Неймана і Н. Вінера. Приведені основні положення розвитку теоретичних засад і результатів прикладних досліджень інтеграційних процесів безвідмовності (надійності), відмовостійкості та гарантоздатності інформаційно-управляючих комп’ютерних систем (ІУКС).Представлены главные принципы, условия становления и этапы развития фундаментальной теории и практики обобщающих и интегрирующих концепций гарантоспособности, начиная с первой объединённой конференции двух научных школ Дж. фон Неймана и Н. Винера. Приведены основные положения развития теоретических основ и результатов прикладных исследований интеграционных процессов безотказности (надёжности), отказоустойчивости и гарантоспособности информационно-управляющих компьютерных систем (ИУКС).The main principles and conditions of formation and stages of development of the fundamental theory and practice of the generalizing and integrating concepts of dependability were presented after the leadthrough the first joint conference of two scientific schools of J. von Neumann and N. Wiener. The basic aspects of development of theoretical principles and results of applied researches of integration processes of reliability (fail-safety)