83 research outputs found

    Модернізація промисловості як передумова перспективного розвитку внутрішнього ринку України

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    Исследованы проблемы государственной промышленной политики по внедрению модернизационных процессов в развитии внутреннего рынка Украины. Представлены инструменты влияния на процесс модернизации промышленного комплекса. Предложено решение проблемных задач модернизации промышленного комплекса, направленного на обоснование развития внутреннего рынка Украины. Ключевые слова: внутренний рынок, инвестиции, инновации, кластеры, модернизация, промышленный комплекс, промышленная политика.Досліджено проблеми державної промислової політики щодо впровадження модернізаційних процесів у розвитку внутрішнього ринку України. Подано інструменти впливу на процес модернізації промислового комплексу. Запропоновано вирішення проблемних завдань модернізації промислового комплексу, спрямованого на обґрунтування розвитку внутрішнього ринку України. Ключові слова: внутрішній ринок, інвестиції, інновації, кластери, модернізація, промисловий комплекс, промислова політика.The establishment of the market economy and modern transformational processes give rise to new requirements to the development of the national economy. Modernization of changes in the social and economic development of the state have already matured. However, the crisis political processes and deep social stratification hindered the development of Ukraine and threw the country to the edge of the world progress. The future of Ukraine depends much on extensive development of the national economy and especially of its center – the internal market that is the most important factor of further economic growth of the state. The aim of the paper is to combine the achievements of the modern economic science with solution of problems of the industrial sector modernization aimed at substantiating the development of Ukraine’s internal market. The processes of the Ukrainian industrial complex modernization were studied. It is stressed that the lack of balanced industrial policy is the key restrictive factor for modernization of the national economy and its development according to the objectives set in Ukrainian society. The problems of the state industrial policy connected with modernization of the Ukrainian internal market development are analyzed. Factors of the industrial modernization influence on the development of the Ukrainian internal market are identified. The instruments influencing the process of the industrial complex modernization are shown. The idea of introducing clusters into the industrial sector in order to improve the organizational processes aimed at modernization of the industrial complex is promoted. The attention is paid to the importance of the investment activity and innovative technologies introduction into production of the industrial enterprises. The paper offers solutions of the problem concerning modernization of the industrial complex directed to substantiation of the Ukrainian internal market development. Keywords: internal market, investments, innovation, clusters, modernization, industrial complex, industrial policy

    Принцип незалежності суддів як гарантія протидії порушенням прав людини в Україні

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    В статье анализируются проблемы независимости суда, как гаранта зашиты прав человека в Украине. Независимость судей как признак правового государства, в котором любой человек имеет право на судебную защиту своих прав и свобод, защищается уголовным законом Украины взаимосвязанной группой норм, предусмотренных статьями 376-379 КК Украины.In the article there are analyzed the issues of the court's independence that grants human's rights protection in Ukraine. Judge's independence as a feature of a legal state, where any person has a right to court trial and protection of his right and freedoms, is being protected by the inter-related group of norms, previewed by the articles 367-379 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

    Правовий режим як критерій поділу права на галузі

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    Стаття присвячена проблемам поділу системи права на приватне та публічне. У статті аналізуються наявні наукові теорії розподілу права з використанням різних критеріїв, серед яких автор виокремлює правовий режим, як основа утворення галузей вітчизняного законодавства. Ключові слова: приватне право, публічне право, режим, правовий режим.Статья посвящена проблемам разделения системы права на частное и публичное. В статье анализируются имеющиеся научные теории распределения права с использованием разных критериев, среди которых автор выделяет правовой режим, как основа образования отраслей отечественного законодательства. Ключевые слова: частное право, публичное право, режим, правовой режим.The article is sacred to the problems of division of the system of right on private and public. In the article the present scientific theories of distribution are analysed rights with the use of different criteria, among which an author distinguishes the legal mode, as basis of formation of industries of domestic legislation. Key words: private right, public law, mode, legal mode

    Neuraminidase-dependent entry of influenza A virus is determined by hemagglutinin receptor-binding specificity

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    Influenza A viruses (IAVs) contain sialoglycan-binding hemagglutinin (HA) and sialoglycan-cleaving neuraminidase (NA) proteins, the concerted action of which is needed for escape from decoy receptors and for virion motility ultimately resulting in infection of epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. The importance of NA in egress of newly assembled virions has been well established, whereas its role in entry has yet to be fully elucidated. In this study, we systematically analyzed the role of NA in viral entry in relation to HA receptor-binding preference, the receptor repertoire displayed on cells and the presence of mucus decoy receptors. Utilizing recombinant viruses that differ only in their HA-NA composition, it was observed that the dependence on NA activity for IAV entry largely depends on HA and not NA, with entry of α2–6 sialoglycan-binding viruses being inhibited more by NA inhibitor (oseltamivir carboxylate; OsC) than α2–3 sialoglycan-preferring viruses. In agreement with this, inhibition of virus entry by OsC could be modified by altering the sialoglycan receptor repertoire of cells. Entry inhibition by OsC correlated with the ability of mucus to inhibit infection, with the combination of the two having the largest effect. Our results indicate that the dependency of IAV on NA activity and, thus, virion motility for entry are determined by the receptor-binding properties of HA in combination with the receptor repertoire present on cells. This dependency is larger when fewer preferred receptors are displayed, which coincides with increased inhibition by mucus decoy receptors

    Cyclooxygenase activity is important for efficient replication of mouse hepatitis virus at an early stage of infection

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    Cyclooxygenases (COXs) play a significant role in many different viral infections with respect to replication and pathogenesis. Here we investigated the role of COXs in the mouse hepatitis coronavirus (MHV) infection cycle. Blocking COX activity by different inhibitors or by RNA interference affected MHV infection in different cells. The COX inhibitors reduced MHV infection at a post-binding step, but early in the replication cycle. Both viral RNA and viral protein synthesis were affected with subsequent loss of progeny virus production. Thus, COX activity appears to be required for efficient MHV replication, providing a potential target for anti-coronaviral therapy

    Теплофизические модели слоисто-неоднородных горных массивов

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    Стисло розглянуто математичні моделі процесів переносу тепла в шаруватонеоднорідних гірничих масивах. Запропоновано загальний метод моделювання теплопереносу в шаруватих системах різної геометрії. Знайдено рівняння «склеювання», за допомогою якого розглянуто асимптотичні випадки.Mathematical models of heat transfer in layered inhomogeneous rock media are summarized. A general method of modeling the heat transfer in layered systems of a different geometry is proposed. A “matching” equation for different asymptotic cases has been found

    Трансформація ідеї державного суверенітету в системі міжнародних відносин XV – XVII ст.

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    Аналізується система міжнародних відносин XV–XVII ст., а також процес формування національних держав. Охарактеризовано принципи державного суверенітету і його законодавче закріплення у Вестфальському мирному договорі 1648 року. Шляхом зіставлення виділяються особливості та головні ознаки Вестфальської моделі державного суверенітету.The article analyzes the system of international relations XV–XVII and also process of forming of the national states. Principles of state sovereignty are characterized and him legislative fixing in Vestfallen of peace treaty in 1648. By comparison features and main signs of Vestfallen model of state sovereignty are selected

    First-in-human administration of a live-attenuated RSV vaccine lacking the G-protein assessing safety, tolerability, shedding and immunogenicity: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in early infancy and in elderly. A pediatric vaccine against RSV would not only prevent morbidity and mortality amongst infants and young children but could also reduce transmission to elderly. The RSVDG vaccine consists of a live-attenuated RSV that lacks the G attachment protein. RSVDG is severely impaired in binding to host cells and exhibits reduced infectivity in preclinical studies. Intranasal immunization of cotton rats with RSVDG vaccine protected against replication of wildtype RSV, without inducing enhanced disease.Methods: We performed a first-in-human trial with primary objective to evaluate safety and shedding of RSV Delta G (6.5 log(10) CCID50) after intranasal administration. Healthy adults aged between 18 and 50, with RSV neutralizing serum titers below 9.6 log(2), received a single dose of either vaccine or placebo (n = 48, ratio 3:1). In addition to safety and tolerability, nasal viral load, and systemic and humoral immune responses were assessed at selected time points until 4 weeks after immunization.Results: Intranasal administration of RSV Delta G was well tolerated with no findings of clinical concern. No infectious virus was detected in nasal wash samples. Similar to other live-attenuated RSV vaccines, neutralizing antibody response following inoculation was limited in seropositive adults.Conclusions: A single dose of 6.5 log(10) CCID50 of RSV Delta G was safe and well-tolerated in seropositive healthy adults. RSV Delta G was sufficiently attenuated but there were no signs of induction of antibodies. Safety and immunogenicity can now be explored in children and eventually in seronegative infants. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.Host-parasite interactio

    Protective Efficacy of Newcastle Disease Virus Expressing Soluble Trimeric Hemagglutinin against Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Influenza in Chickens and Mice

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    Background: Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) causes a highly contagious often fatal disease in poultry, resulting in significant economic losses in the poultry industry. HPAIV H5N1 also poses a major public health threat as it can be transmitted directly from infected poultry to humans. One effective way to combat avian influenza with pandemic potential is through the vaccination of poultry. Several live vaccines based on attenuated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) that express influenza hemagglutinin (HA) have been developed to protect chickens or mammalian species against HPAIV. However, the zoonotic potential of NDV raises safety concerns regarding the use of live NDV recombinants, as the incorporation of a heterologous attachment protein may result in the generation of NDV with altered tropism and/or pathogenicity. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study we generated recombinant NDVs expressing either full length, membrane-anchored HA of the H5 subtype (NDV-H5) or a soluble trimeric form thereof (NDV-sH5 3). A single intramuscular immunization with NDV-sH5 3 or NDV-H5 fully protected chickens against disease after a lethal challenge with H5N1 and reduced levels of virus shedding in tracheal and cloacal swabs. NDV-sH5 3 was less protective than NDV-H5 (50% vs 80% protection) when administered via the respiratory tract. The NDV-sH5 3 was ineffective in mice, regardless of whether administered oculonasally or intramuscularly. In this species, NDV-H5 induced protective immunity against HPAIV H5N1, but only after oculonasal administration, despite the poor H5-specific serum antibody response it elicited. Conclusions/Significance: Although NDV expressing membrane anchored H5 in general provided better protection than its counterpart expressing soluble H5, chickens could be fully protected against a lethal challenge with H5N1 by using the latter NDV vector. This study thus provides proof of concept for the use of recombinant vector vaccines expressing a soluble form of a heterologous viral membrane protein. Such vectors may be advantageous as they preclude the incorporation of heterologous membrane proteins into the viral vector particles

    Glycan-dependent immunogenicity of recombinant soluble trimeric hemagglutinin

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    Recombinant soluble trimeric influenza A virus (IAV) hemagglutinin (sHA3) has proven an effective vaccine antigen against IAV. Here, we investigate to what extent the glycosylation status of the sHA3 glycoprotein affects its immunogenicity. Different glycosylation forms of subtype H5 trimeric HA protein (sH53) were produced by expression in insect cells and different mammalian cells in the absence and presence of inhibitors of N-glycan-modifying enzymes or by enzymatic removal of the oligosaccharides. The following sH53 preparations were evaluated: (i) HA proteins carrying complex glycans produced in HEK293T cells; (ii) HA proteins carrying Man9GlcNAc2 moieties, expressed in HEK293T cells treated with kifunensine; (iii) HA proteins containing Man5GlcNAc2 moieties derived from HEK293S GnTI(-) cells; (iv) insect cell-produced HA proteins carrying paucimannosidic N-glycans; and (v) HEK293S GnTI(-) cell-produced HA proteins treated with endoglycosidase H, thus carrying side chains composed of only a single N-acetylglucosamine each. The different HA glycosylation states were confirmed by comparative electrophoretic analysis and by mass spectrometric analysis of released glycans. The immunogenicity of the HA preparations was studied in chickens and mice. The results demonstrate that HA proteins carrying terminal mannose moieties induce significantly lower hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers than HA proteins carrying complex glycans or single N-acetylglucosamine side chains. However, the glycosylation state of the HA proteins did not affect the breadth of the antibody response as measured by an HA1 antigen microarray. We conclude that the glycosylation state of recombinant antigens is a factor of significant importance when developing glycoprotein-based vaccines, such as recombinant HA proteins