1,946 research outputs found

    Boson-fermion mappings for odd systems from supercoherent states

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    We extend the formalism whereby boson mappings can be derived from generalized coherent states to boson-fermion mappings for systems with an odd number of fermions. This is accomplished by constructing supercoherent states in terms of both complex and Grassmann variables. In addition to a known mapping for the full so(2NN+1) algebra, we also uncover some other formal mappings, together with mappings relevant to collective subspaces.Comment: 40 pages, REVTE

    Superspace formulation of general massive gauge theories and geometric interpretation of mass-dependent BRST symmetries

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    A superspace formulation is proposed for the osp(1,2)-covariant Lagrangian quantization of general massive gauge theories. The superalgebra os0(1,2) is considered as subalgebra of sl(1,2); the latter may be considered as the algebra of generators of the conformal group in a superspace with two anticommuting coordinates. The mass-dependent (anti)BRST symmetries of proper solutions of the quantum master equations in the osp(1,2)-covariant formalism are realized in that superspace as invariance under translations combined with mass-dependent special conformal transformations. The Sp(2) symmetry - in particular the ghost number conservation - and the "new ghost number" conservation are realized as invariance under symplectic rotations and dilatations, respectively. The transformations of the gauge fields - and of the full set of necessarily required (anti)ghost and auxiliary fields - under the superalgebra sl(1,2) are determined both for irreducible and first-stage reducible theories with closed gauge algebra.Comment: 35 pages, AMSTEX, precision of reference

    Supermanifolds, symplectic geometry and curvature

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    We present a survey of some results and questions related to the notion of scalar curvature in the setting of symplectic supermanifolds.Comment: Dedicated to Jaime Mu\~noz-Masqu\'e on occasion of his 65th birthda

    G_2 invariant 7D Euclidean super Yang-Mills theory as a higher-dimensional analogue of the 3D super-BF theory

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    A formulation of the N_T=1, D=8 Euclidean super Yang-Mills theory with generalized self-duality and reduced Spin(7)-invariance is given which avoids the peculiar extra constraints of Nishino and Rajpoot, hep-th/0210132. Its reduction to 7 dimensions leads to the G_2-invariant N_T=2, D=7 super Yang-Mills theory which may be regarded as a higher-dimensional analogue of the N=2, D=3 super-BF theory. When reducing further that G_2-invariant theory to 3 dimensions one gets the N_T=2 super-BF theory coupled to a spinorial hypermultiplet.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    The quantum brachistochrone problem for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians

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    Recently Bender, Brody, Jones and Meister found that in the quantum brachistochrone problem the passage time needed for the evolution of certain initial states into specified final states can be made arbitrarily small, when the time-evolution operator is taken to be non-Hermitian but PT-symmetric. Here we demonstrate that such phenomena can also be obtained for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians for which PT-symmetry is completely broken, i.e. dissipative systems. We observe that the effect of a tunable passage time can be achieved by projecting between orthogonal eigenstates by means of a time-evolution operator associated with a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. It is not essential that this Hamiltonian is PT-symmetric

    State of the art: iterative CT reconstruction techniques

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    Owing to recent advances in computing power, iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms have become a clinically viable option in computed tomographic (CT) imaging. Substantial evidence is accumulating about the advantages of IR algorithms over established analytical methods, such as filtered back projection. IR improves image quality through cyclic image processing. Although all available solutions share the common mechanism of artifact reduction and/or potential for radiation dose savings, chiefly due to image noise suppression, the magnitude of these effects depends on the specific IR algorithm. In the first section of this contribution, the technical bases of IR are briefly reviewed and the currently available algorithms released by the major CT manufacturers are described. In the second part, the current status of their clinical implementation is surveyed. Regardless of the applied IR algorithm, the available evidence attests to the substantial potential of IR algorithms for overcoming traditional limitations in CT imaging

    PT-symmetric deformations of Calogero models

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    We demonstrate that Coxeter groups allow for complex PT-symmetric deformations across the boundaries of all Weyl chambers. We compute the explicit deformations for the A2 and G2-Coxeter group and apply these constructions to Calogero–Moser–Sutherland models invariant under the extended Coxeter groups. The eigenspectra for the deformed models are real and contain the spectra of the undeformed case as subsystems

    Bosonization in d=2 from finite chiral determinants with a Gauss decomposition

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    We show how to bosonize two-dimensional non-abelian models using finite chiral determinants calculated from a Gauss decomposition. The calculation is quite straightforward and hardly more involved than for the abelian case. In particular, the counterterm AAˉA\bar A, which is normally motivated from gauge invariance and then added by hand, appears naturally in this approach.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians of Lie algebraic type

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    We analyse a class of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, which can be expressed bilinearly in terms of generators of a sl(2,R)-Lie algebra or their isomorphic su(1,1)-counterparts. The Hamlitonians are prototypes for solvable models of Lie algebraic type. Demanding a real spectrum and the existence of a well defined metric, we systematically investigate the constraints these requirements impose on the coupling constants of the model and the parameters in the metric operator. We compute isospectral Hermitian counterparts for some of the original non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. Alternatively we employ a generalized Bogoliubov transformation, which allows to compute explicitly real energy eigenvalue spectra for these type of Hamiltonians, together with their eigenstates. We compare the two approaches.Comment: 27 page
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