1,189 research outputs found

    Bringing together linguistic and genetic evidence to test the Bantu expansion

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    The expansion of Bantu languages represents one of the most momentous events in the history of Africa. While it is well accepted that Bantu languages spread from their homeland (Cameroon/Nigeria) ~5,000 years ago (ya), there is no consensus about the timing and geographic routes underlying this expansion. Two main models of Bantu expansion have been suggested: The “early-split” model claims that the most recent ancestor of Eastern languages expanded north of the rain forest towards the Great Lakes region ~4,000 ya, while the “late-split” model proposes that Eastern languages diversified from Western languages south of the rain forest ~2,000 ya. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the language dispersal was coupled with the movement of people, raising the question of language shift versus demic diffusion. We use a novel approach taking into account both the spatial and temporal predictions of the two models and formally test these predictions with linguistic and genetic data. Our results show evidence for a demic diffusion in the genetic data, which is confirmed by the correlations between genetic and linguistic distances. While there is little support for the early-split model, the late-split model shows a relatively good fit to the data. Our analyses demonstrate that subsequent contact among languages/populations strongly affected the signal of the initial migration via isolation by distance

    Total thyroidectomy associated to chemotherapy in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid

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    Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the thyroid (PSCCT) is a rare malignant disease with rapid fatal prognosis. The onset is generally characterized by sudden bilateral latero-cervical lymphadenopathy. The Authors report patient of 58-year-old who referred for evaluation of rapidly aggravating bilateral latero-cervical lymphadenopathy. The US highlighted the presence of a hypoechoic nodular lesion characterized by peri and intra-nodular vascularization. Multilayer CT showed diffused involvement of mediastinal and bilateral latero-cervical lymph nodes, with no evidence of primary pulmonary neoplasia or elsewhere. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy. The peri-isthmic tissue was removed due to the presence of a small roundish formation, that was due to lymph node metastasis at histological examination. Histological diagnosis: PSCCT. The immunohistochemical panel of the thyroid lesion was indispensable for the differential diagnosis between PSCCT, medullary carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma, and thyroid metastasis of neoplasia with unknown primitiveness. The patient underwent chemotherapeutic treatment with Carboplatin and Paclitaxel with modest improvement of dysphagia symptoms and reduction of 10-15% of the target lesions. The clinical course was characterized by loco-regional progression of the disease with exitus in 10 months after diagnosis. Survival and quality of life after surgical therapy and chemotherapy were like that of patients undergoing only chemotherapy. Due to the extreme rarity of the neoplasia, 60 cases described in Literature, no exclusive guidelines are reported for PSCCT. More extensive case studies are needed to evaluate the effects of total thyroidectomy with intent R0/R1 on improving survival and quality of life of patients with PSCCT

    Mammographic breast density in infertile and parous women

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    BACKGROUND: Mammographic breast density is a useful marker for breast cancer risk, as breast density is considered one of the strongest breast cancer risk factors. The study objective was to evaluate and compare mammographic breast density in infertile and parous women, as infertility may be associated with high breast density and cancer occurrence. METHODS: This study evaluated mammographic breast density using two different systems, BIRADS and Boyd. A selected patient population of 151 women with primary infertility (case group) was compared to 154 parous women who had at least one previous pregnancy (control group). Both groups were premenopausal women aged ≥ 35. RESULTS: Evaluation of mammographic features showed that 66.9% of case group patients and 53.9% of control group patients were classified BIRADS-3/BIRADS-4; p < 0.05. Adjusted Odds ratio for the case group in the categories BIRADS-3/BIRADS-4 was 1.78 (95% CI: 1.10-2.89). Using the Boyd classification system, 53.6% of case group patients and 31.8% of control group patients were classified E/F; p < 0.05. Adjusted Odds ratio for case group patients in Boyd categories E/F was 2.05 (95 % CI: 1.07-3.93). CONCLUSIONS: Both systems yielded a higher percentage of increased breast density in the case group. Boyd and BIRADS classification systems indicate to what extend breast cancer lesions may be missed on mammography due to masking by dense tissue. Therefore, patients with a high BIRADS or Boyd score should undergo further investigation

    Thermoplasmonics with Gold Nanoparticles: A New Weapon in Modern Optics and Biomedicine

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    Thermoplasmonics deals with the generation and manipulation of nanoscale heating associated with noble metallic nanoparticles. To this end, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are unique nanomaterials with the intrinsic capability to generate a nanoscale confined light‐triggered thermal effect. This phenomenon is produced under the excitation of a suitable light of a wavelength that matches the localized surface plasmonic resonance frequency of AuNPs. Liquid crystals (LCs) and hydrogels are temperature‐sensitive materials that can detect the host AuNPs and their photo‐induced temperature variations. In this perspective, new insight into thermoplasmonics, by describing a series of methodologies for monitoring, detecting, and exploiting the photothermal properties of AuNPs, is offered. From conventional infrared thermography to highly sophisticated temperature‐sensitive materials such as LCs and hydrogels, a new scenario in thermoplasmonic‐based, next generation, photonic components is presented and discussed. Moreover, a new road in thermoplasmonic‐driven biomedical applications, by describing compelling and innovative health technologies such as on‐demand drug‐release and smart face masks with smart nano‐assisted destruction of pathogens, is proposed. The latter represents a new weapon in the fight against COVID‐19

    Thermoplasmonics with Gold Nanoparticles: A New Weapon in Modern Optics and Biomedicine

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    Thermoplasmonics deals with the generation and manipulation of nanoscale heating associated with noble metallic nanoparticles. To this end, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are unique nanomaterials with the intrinsic capability to generate a nanoscale confined light‐triggered thermal effect. This phenomenon is produced under the excitation of a suitable light of a wavelength that matches the localized surface plasmonic resonance frequency of AuNPs. Liquid crystals (LCs) and hydrogels are temperature‐sensitive materials that can detect the host AuNPs and their photo‐induced temperature variations. In this perspective, new insight into thermoplasmonics, by describing a series of methodologies for monitoring, detecting, and exploiting the photothermal properties of AuNPs, is offered. From conventional infrared thermography to highly sophisticated temperature‐sensitive materials such as LCs and hydrogels, a new scenario in thermoplasmonic‐based, next generation, photonic components is presented and discussed. Moreover, a new road in thermoplasmonic‐driven biomedical applications, by describing compelling and innovative health technologies such as on‐demand drug‐release and smart face masks with smart nano‐assisted destruction of pathogens, is proposed. The latter represents a new weapon in the fight against COVID‐19

    Acute pancreatitis secondary to non-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor: uncommon clinical presentation. Clinical case and review of literature

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    I tumori neuroendocrini del pancreas (PNET) sono rari, e rappresentano &lt;5% di tutte le neoplasie pancreatiche, suddivisi in PNET funzionanti con secrezione ormonale responsabile di sintomi specifici e PNET non funzionanti (nf-PNET) generalmente di diagnosi tardiva per la comparsa di metastasi o manifestazioni cliniche per effetti compressivi. L’approccio chirurgico è il trattamento di scelta per PNETs funzionanti, non-funzionanti di diametro superiore a 2 cm o sintomatici per disturbi da compressione. Osservazione personale. Donna di 76 anni ricoverata presso la UOC-Università-Chirurgia Ospedale “A. Fiorini” di Terracina per nausea e dolore ai quadranti addominali superiori con irradiazione dorso-lombare, insorti dopo un pasto serale. Dopo gli esami ematochimici e le indagini strumentali, è stata fatta la diagnosi di pancreatite acuta severa. Gli US convenzionali, CCT, CE-MRI ed EUS hanno mostrato una lesione di 2,8 cm di diametro nella giunzione testa-corpo del pancreas. L’esame citologico FNA non ha rilevato la presenza di cellule pancreatiche atipiche. La scintigrafia total body con Octreoscan® ha documentato un’area di ipercaptazione patologica situata in corrispondenza della neoformazione. La paziente è stata sottoposta a spleno-pancreasectomia corpo-coda. L’esame istologico ha dimostrato un nf-PNET di grado intermedio (G2) stenosante il vena lienale e stenosante il dotto di Wirsung, con pancreatite perilesionale. L’immunoistochimica ha mostrato un immunofenotipo positivo per CAM5.2, sinaptofisina (&gt; 95%) e cromogranina (60%), con espressione di somatostatina intratumorale negativa. CONCLUSIONE: Sebbene raramente un nf-PNETS può essere la causa di grave pancreatite acuta non biliare da compressione del sistema duttale pancreatico. Nei casi in cui la PET / CT68Ga non può essere eseguita, la scintigrafia total body con Octreoscan® rimane il metodo più utilizzato per la diagnosi dei PNET e l’identificazione delle eventuali lesioni extra-pancreatiche. La cromogranina e la sinaptofisina sono confermate come marcatori specifici del differenziamento neuroendocrino.BACKGROUND: Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) are uncommon, representing &lt;5% of all pancreatic neoplasms, divided into functioning PNETs with secreted hormone cause of specific symptoms, and non-functioning PNETs (nf- PNETs) characterized by delayed diagnosis with metastases and clinical manifestations of compressive effects. Surgical approach is recommended for functioning and nf-PNETs &gt;2 cm in diameter. CASE REPORT: A 76-year-old woman was admitted to the UOC-University-Surgery Hospital "A. Fiorini" in Terracina for nausea and pain in the upper abdominal quadrants with dorso-lumbar irradiation, arising after the evening meal. After the haematochemistry tests and the instrumental investigations, the diagnosis of acute, severe halitiasic pancreatitis was made. Conventional US, CCT, CE-MRI and EUS showed a 2.8cm diameter lesion in the head-body junction of the pancreas. FNA-cytological examination did not found the presence of atypical pancreatic cells. Total-body scintigraphy with Octreoscan® documented a pathological hypercaptation area located in correspondence with the neoformation. The patient underwent a body-tail spleno-pancreatectomy. The histological examination showed an intermediate grade (G2) nf-PNET infiltrating the lienal vein and stenosing the Wirsung duct, with perilesional pancreatitis. Immunohistochemistry showed CAM 5.2, Synaptophysin (&gt;95%) and Chromogranin (60%) positive immunophenotype, with negative intratumoral Somatostatin expression. CONCLUSION: Although rarely, nf-PNETS may be the cause of severe non-biliary acute pancreatitis from pancreatic ductal system compression. In cases where PET/CT68Ga cannot be performed, total-body scintigraphy with Octreoscan® remains the most widely used method for the diagnosis of PNETs and the identification of extra-pancreatic lesions. Chromogranin and Synaptophysin are confirmed as specific markers of neuroendocrine differentiation. KEY WORDS: Acute pancreatitis, Chromogranin, Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, Synaptophysin, Somatostatin

    Biparametric (bp) and multiparametric (mp) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) approach to prostate cancer disease: a narrative review of current debate on dynamic contrast enhancement

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    Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy in male population. Over the last few years, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has proved to be a robust clinical tool for identification and staging of clinically significant prostate cancer. Though suggestions by the European Society of Urogenital Radiology to use complete multiparametric (mp) T2-weighted/diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)/dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) acquisition for all prostate MRI examinations, the real advantage of functional DCE remains a matter of debate. Recent studies demonstrate that biparametric (bp) and mp approaches have similar accuracy, but controversial evidences remain, and the specific potential benefits of contrast medium administration are still poorly discussed in literature. The bp approach is in fact sufficient in most cases to adequately identify a negative test, or to accurately define the degree of aggressiveness of a lesion, especially if larger or with major characteristics of malignancy. This feature would give the DCE a secondary role, probably limited to a second evaluation of the lesion location, for detecting small cancer or in case of controversy. However, DCE has proved to increase the sensitivity of prostate MRI, though a less specificity. Therefore, an appropriate decision algorithm is needed to standardize the MRI approach. Aim of this review study was to provide a schematic description of bpMRI and mpMRI approaches in the study of prostatic anatomy, focusing on comparative validity and current DCE application. Additional theoretical considerations on prostate MRI are provided

    Polypoid lesions of the gallbladder in a consecutive series of 2631 patients. A single-center experience

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    INTRODUZIONE: La diagnosi ultrasonografica (US) delle lesioni polipoidi della colecisti (PLG) è difficile per la bassa sensibilità (SE) della metodica. Non sono stati ancora completamenti definiti i criteri di selezione dei pazienti con PLG da indirizzare al trattamento chirurgico o al follow-up. L’indagine istopatologica (EI) rappresenta il gold standard per la diagnosi di polipi non-neoplastici (colesterolotici, infiammatori, fibroepiteliali, adenomiomatosici), di polipi neoplastici (carcinomi, carcinoidi), di lesioni precancerose non polipoidi (displasia dibasso ed alto grado, metaplasia intestinale di tipo muciparo, metaplasia gastrica di tipo pilorico) e di irregolarità nodulari parietali della colecistite xanto-granulomatosa. Gli scopi dello studio sono stati quelli di valutare in un campione di pazienti sottoposti a colecistectomia, la prevalenza dei polipi non neoplastici e neoplastici e la sensibilità dell’US tradizionale trans-addominale rispetto all’EI nell’identificazione delle PLG. MATERIALI E METODI: Studio osservazionale retrospettivo, condotto su un campione di 2631 pazienti, sottoposti a colecistectomia laparoscopica e open, in elezione e in urgenza, identificati mediante il codice ICD-9-CM 51.2, nel periodo Aprile 2005 - Marzo 2018, presso l’ospedale universitario “A. Fiorini” di Terracina - Polo Pontino, “Sapienza” Università di Roma. Tutti i pazienti erano stati sottoposti a US. RISULTATI: Il campione esaminato era costituito da 1175(44.6%) M, età media 56 anni, range 25-95 anni, 1456(55.4%) F, età media 46anni, range 17-90 anni. La diagnosi US di PLG veniva posta in 38/2631(1.4%) pazienti. All’esame istologico i polipi erano identificati in 68/2631(2.6%) pazienti, associati a litiasi biliare in 28/2631 (1.1%) casi. Dal confronto US e EI la diagnosi ecografica risultava gravata da falsi positivi (FP) (8/38; 21%) e falsi negativi (FN) (38/2631; 1.45%), con SE 44% (95% c.i.:32.2-55.7). L’incidenza istologica di PLG neoplastiche è stata dello 0.38% (10/2631), 3M e 7F, età media 64 anni, (range 49-80 anni). In 3 casi le neoplasie erano state identificate all’US (3/10; 30 % VP); nei restanti 7 casi costituivano reperto istologico incidentale (7/10; 70 % FN), di cui 5 con diametro &gt;1cm nel contesto di un quadro clinico di colecistite acuta litiasica e 2 con diametro &lt;1cm in un quadro di litiasi non complicata. DISCUSSIONE: L’US tradizionale trans-addominale sottostimava l’incidenza delle PLG rispetto all’EI (p=0.021) e i FP per PLG isolate sono stati causa di errata indicazione al trattamento chirurgico. Il confronto fra diagnosi US ed EI conferma la bassa SE della metodica ecografica nell’identificazione delle PLG, sia in presenza che in assenza di litiasi biliare. Il sesso femminile si è dimostrato specifico fattore di rischio per PLG benigne e maligne e lesioni mucosali non polipoidi (p=0.041). Nel nostro studio, probabilmente, le cause della mancata identificazione US delle irregolarità parietali maligne erano l’oscuramento della lesione dall’esordio clinico della neoplasia in colecistite acuta litiasica (in 5 pazienti) e le dimensioni &lt;1cm in presenza di litiasi non complicata (in 2 pazienti). La dimensione della lesione parietale &lt;0.5cm non escludeva la loro natura neoplastica. Attualmente la prevenzione e la diagnosi di GBC è basata sul precoce riscontro e trattamento delle lesioni polipoidi potenzialmente evolutive nell’arco di circa 15 anni. CONCLUSIONI: Probabilmente la colecistectomia precoce in tutti i pz con PLG di diametro &lt;1cm, isolate o associate a calcoli, sintomatici e asintomatici, può contribuire alla riduzione dell’incidenza del GBC.BACKGROUND: Challenges in the diagnosis of polypoid gallbladder lesion (PLG) is due to the low sensibility (SE) of ultrasound scan (US), and the selection criteria of patients with PLG to be addressed to surgical treatment or followup are not yet fully defined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective observational study was conducted on 2631 patients, 1175(44.6%) M, mean age 56 years, 1456(55.4%) F, mean age 46 years, who underwent laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy. RESULTS: The US diagnosis for PLG was placed in 38/2631(1.4%) patients. On histological examination (HE) the polyps were identified in 68/2631(2.6%) patients and it was associated with biliary lithiasis in 28/2631 (1.1%) cases. From the US and HE comparison, the ultrasound diagnosis was burdened by false positives (8/38; 21%) and false negatives (38/2631;1.45%), with SE 44% (95% c.i.:32.2-55.7). The histological incidence of gall bladder cancer (GBC) was 0.38%(10/2631). DISCUSSION: US survey underestimated the incidence of PLG compared to the histological finding (p=0.021). Female gender has been shown to be a specific risk factor for benign and malignant PLG and non-polypoid mucosal lesions (p=0.041). The parietal lesion size &lt;0.5cm does not exclude the neoplastic nature. Currently the prevention and diagnosis of GBC is based on the early detection and treatment of potentially evolutionary polypoid lesions over a period of about 15 years. CONCLUSIONS: It is probably that early cholecystectomy in all the patients with PLG of diameter &lt;1cm, isolated or associated with lithiasis, symptomatic and asymptomatic, can contribute to the reduction of the incidence of GBC
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