1,442 research outputs found

    Psychoanalytic vs neoclassical economics model of the mind

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    Neoclassical Economics assumes that economic agents are independent and optimizing. The achievements of Psychoanalysis concerning the development of mind and human interactions, on the contrary, indicate that considering an individual as independent and optimizing is incorrect, as everyone, since birth, is mentally interconnected with other agents. In this research we firstly deal with and criticize the Neoclassical economics concepts of Independence and Optimization; then, on the basis of the psychoanalytic model of the mind, we draw a new definition of Competition

    Sleep Consolidates Motor Learning of Complex Movement Sequences in Mice

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    Introduction: Sleep-dependent consolidation of motor learning has been extensively studied in humans, but it remains unclear why some, but not all, learned skills benefit from sleep. Aims and methods: Here, we compared 2 different motor tasks, both requiring the mice to run on an accelerating device. In the rotarod task, mice learn to maintain balance while running on a small rod, while in the complex wheel task, mice run on an accelerating wheel with an irregular rung pattern. Results: In the rotarod task, performance improved to the same extent after sleep or after sleep deprivation (SD). Overall, using 7 different experimental protocols (41 sleep deprived mice, 26 sleeping controls), we found large interindividual differences in the learning and consolidation of the rotarod task, but sleep before/after training did not account for this variability. By contrast, using the complex wheel, we found that sleep after training, relative to SD, led to better performance from the beginning of the retest session, and longer sleep was correlated with greater subsequent performance. As in humans, the effects of sleep showed large interindividual variability and varied between fast and slow learners, with sleep favoring the preservation of learned skills in fast learners and leading to a net offline gain in the performance in slow learners. Using Fos expression as a proxy for neuronal activation, we also found that complex wheel training engaged motor cortex and hippocampus more than the rotarod training. Conclusions: Sleep specifically consolidates a motor skill that requires complex movement sequences and strongly engages both motor cortex and hippocampus

    The Non-linear Trajectory of Change in Play Profiles of Three Children in Psychodynamic Play Therapy

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    Aim: Even though there is substantial evidence that play based therapies produce significant change, the specific play processes in treatment remain unexamined. For that purpose, processes of change in long-term psychodynamic play therapy are assessed through a repeated systematic assessment of three children's "play profiles," which reflect patterns of organization among play variables that contribute to play activity in therapy, indicative of the children's coping strategies, and an expression of their internal world. The main aims of the study are to investigate the kinds of play profiles expressed in treatment, and to test whether there is emergence of new and more adaptive play profiles using dynamic systems theory as a methodological framework. Methods and Procedures: Each session from the long-term psychodynamic treatment (mean number of sessions = 55) of three 6-year-old good outcome cases presenting with Separation Anxiety were recorded, transcribed and coded using items from the Children's Play Therapy Instrument (CPTI), created to assess the play activity of children in psychotherapy, generating discrete and measurable units of play activity arranged along a continuum of four play profiles: "Adaptive," "Inhibited," "Impulsive," and "Disorganized." The play profiles were clustered through K-means Algorithm, generating seven discrete states characterizing the course of treatment and the transitions between these states were analyzed by Markov Transition Matrix, Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) and odds ratios comparing the first and second halves of psychotherapy. Results: The Markov Transitions between the states scaled almost perfectly and also showed the ergodicity of the system, meaning that the child can reach any state or shift to another one in play. The RQA and odds ratios showed two trends of change, first concerning the decrease in the use of "less adaptive" strategies, second regarding the reduction of play interruptions. Conclusion: The results support that these children express different psychic states in play, which can be captured through the lens of play profiles, and begin to modify less dysfunctional profiles over the course of treatment. The methodology employed showed the productivity of treating psychodynamic play therapy as a complex system, taking advantage of non-linear methods to study psychotherapeutic play activity

    A Phase Transition of the Unconscious: Automated Text Analysis of Dreams in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

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    Aim: Psychotherapy could be interpreted as a self-organizing process which reveals discontinuous pattern transitions (so-called phase transitions). Whereas this was shown in the conscious process of awake patients by different measures and at different time scales, dreams came very seldom into the focus of investigation. The present work tests the hypothesis that, by dreaming, the patient gets progressively more access to affective-laden (i.e., emotionally charged) unconscious dimensions. Furthermore, the study investigates if, over the course of psychotherapy, a discontinuous phase transition occurs in the patient’s capacity to get in contact with those unconscious dimensions. Methods and Procedures: A series of 95 dream narratives reported during a psychoanalytic psychotherapy of a female patient (published as the “dreams of Amalie X”) was used for analysis. An automated text analysis procedure based on multiple correspondence analysis was applied to the textual corpus of the dreams, highlighting a 10-factor structure. The factors, interpreted as affective-laden unconscious meaning dimensions, were adopted to define a 10-dimensional phase space, in which the ability of a dream to be associated with one or more local factors representing complex affective-laden meanings is measured by the Euclidean distance (ED) from the origin of this hyperspace. The obtained ED time series has been fitted by an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and by non linear methods like dynamic complexity, recurrence plot, and time frequency distribution. Change point analysis was applied to these non linear methods. Results: The results show an increased frequency and intensity of dreams to get access to affective-laden meanings. Non linear methods identified a phase transition-like jump of the ED dynamics onto a higher complexity level of the dreaming process, suggesting a non linear process in the patient’s capacity to get in contact with unconscious dimensions. Conclusion: The study corroborates the hypothesis that, by dreaming, the patient gets progressively more access to affective-laden meaning intended as unconscious dimensions. The trajectory of this process has been reproduced by an ARIMA model, and beyond this, non linear methods of time series analysis allowed the identification of a phase transition in the unconscious process of the psychoanalytic therapy under investigation

    Vitamin D, a Regulator of Androgen Levels, Is Not Correlated to PSA Serum Levels in a Cohort of the Middle Italy Region Participating to a Prostate Cancer Screening Campaign

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    : Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common non-cutaneous malignancy in men worldwide, and it represents the fifth leading cause of death. It has long been recognized that dietary habits can impact prostate health and improve the benefits of traditional medical care. The activity of novel agents on prostate health is routinely assessed by measuring changes in serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. Recent studies hypothesized that vitamin D supplementation reduces circulating androgen levels and PSA secretion, inhibits cell growth of the hormone-sensitive PCa cell lines, counteracts neoangiogenesis and improves apoptosis. However, the results are conflicting and inconsistent. Furthermore, the use of vitamin D in PCa treatments has not achieved consistently positive results to date. In order to assess the existence of a correlation between the PSA and 25(OH)vitamin D levels as widely hypothesized in the literature, we analyzed the serum PSA and 25(OH)vitamin D concentration on a cohort of one hundred patients joining a PCa screening campaign. Additionally, we performed medical and pharmacological anamnesis and analyzed lifestyle, as sport practice and eating habits, by administering a questionnaire on family history. Although several studies suggested a protective role of vitamin D in PCa onset prevention and progression, our preliminary results revealed a clear absence of correlation between the serum vitamin D and PSA concentration levels, suggesting that vitamin D has no impact on PCa risk. Further investigations enrolling a huge number of patients are needed with particular attention to vitamin D supplementation, calcium intake, solar radiation that influences vitamin D metabolism and other potential indicators of health to confirm the absence of correlation observed in our study

    3T MRI-radiomic approach to predict for lymph node status in breast cancer patients

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    Simple SummaryBreast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. The axillary lymph node status is one of the main prognostic factors. Currently, the methods to define the lymph node status are invasive and not without sequelae (from biopsy to lymphadenectomy). Radiomics is a new tool, and highly varied, but with high potential that has already shown excellent results in numerous fields of application. In our study, we have developed a classifier validated on a relatively large number of patients, which is able to predict lymph node status using a combination of patients clinical features, primary breast cancer histological features and radiomics features based on 3 Tesla post contrast-MR images. This approach can accurately select breast cancer patients who may avoid unnecessary biopsy and lymphadenectomy in a non-invasive way.Background: axillary lymph node (LN) status is one of the main breast cancer prognostic factors and it is currently defined by invasive procedures. The aim of this study is to predict LN metastasis combining MRI radiomics features with primary breast tumor histological features and patients' clinical data. Methods: 99 lesions on pre-treatment contrasted 3T-MRI (DCE). All patients had a histologically proven invasive breast cancer and defined LN status. Patients' clinical data and tumor histological analysis were previously collected. For each tumor lesion, a semi-automatic segmentation was performed, using the second phase of DCE-MRI. Each segmentation was optimized using a convex-hull algorithm. In addition to the 14 semantics features and a feature ROI volume/convex-hull volume, 242 other quantitative features were extracted. A wrapper selection method selected the 15 most prognostic features (14 quantitative, 1 semantic), used to train the final learning model. The classifier used was the Random Forest. Results: the AUC-classifier was 0.856 (label = positive or negative). The contribution of each feature group was lower performance than the full signature. Conclusions: the combination of patient clinical, histological and radiomics features of primary breast cancer can accurately predict LN status in a non-invasive way

    CNN-Based Approaches with Different Tumor Bounding Options for Lymph Node Status Prediction in Breast DCE-MRI

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    Background: The axillary lymph node status (ALNS) is one of the most important prognostic factors in breast cancer (BC) patients, and it is currently evaluated by invasive procedures. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI), highlights the physiological and morphological characteristics of primary tumor tissue. Deep learning approaches (DL), such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are able to autonomously learn the set of features directly from images for a specific task. Materials and Methods: A total of 155 malignant BC lesions evaluated via DCE-MRI were included in the study. For each patient’s clinical data, the tumor histological and MRI characteristics and axillary lymph node status (ALNS) were assessed. LNS was considered to be the final label and dichotomized (LN+ (27 patients) vs. LN− (128 patients)). Based on the concept that peritumoral tissue contains valuable information about tumor aggressiveness, in this work, we analyze the contributions of six different tumor bounding options to predict the LNS using a CNN. These bounding boxes include a single fixed-size box (SFB), a single variable-size box (SVB), a single isotropic-size box (SIB), a single lesion variable-size box (SLVB), a single lesion isotropic-size box (SLIB), and a two-dimensional slice (2DS) option. According to the characteristics of the volumes considered as inputs, three different CNNs were investigated: the SFB-NET (for the SFB), the VB-NET (for the SVB, SIB, SLVB, and SLIB), and the 2DS-NET (for the 2DS). All the experiments were run in 10-fold cross-validation. The performance of each CNN was evaluated in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, the area under the ROC curve (AUC), and Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K). Results: The best accuracy and AUC are obtained by the 2DS-NET (78.63% and 77.86%, respectively). The 2DS-NET also showed the highest specificity, whilst the highest sensibility was attained by the VB-NET based on the SVB and SIB as bounding options. Conclusion: We have demonstrated that a selective inclusion of the DCE-MRI’s peritumoral tissue increases accuracy in the lymph node status prediction in BC patients using CNNs as a DL approach

    Stability and Flexibility in Psychotherapy Process Predict Outcome

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    Ten good outcome and ten poor outcome psychotherapy cases were compared to investigate whether or not the temporal stability and flexibility of their process variables can predict their outcomes. Each participant was monitored daily using the Therapy Process Questionnaire (TPQ), which has 43 items and seven sub-scales, and responses over time were analyzed in terms of correlation robustness and correlation variability across the TPQ sub-scales. “Correlation robustness” and “correlation variability” are two basic characteristics of any correlation matrix: the first is calculated as the sum of the absolute values of Pearson correlation coefficients, the second as the standard deviation of Pearson correlation coefficients. The results demonstrated that the patients within the poor outcome group had lower values on both variables, suggesting lower stability and flexibility. Furthermore, a higher number of cycles of increase and decrease in correlation robustness and variability of the TPQ sub-scales was observed within good outcome psychotherapies, suggesting that, these cycles can be considered as process-markers of good-outcomes. These results provide support for the validity of these quantitative process-parameters, correlation robustness and variability, in predicting psychotherapeutic outcomes. Moreover, the results lend support to the common clinical experience of alternating periods of flexibility and integration being beneficial to good psychotherapeutic processes

    Artificial intelligence in bone metastases: an MRI and CT imaging review

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    Background: The purpose of this review is to study the role of radiomics as a supporting tool in predicting bone disease status, differentiating benign from malignant bone lesions, and characterizing malignant bone lesions. (2) Methods: Two reviewers conducted the literature search independently. Thirteen articles on radiomics as a decision support tool for bone lesions were selected. The quality of the methodology was evaluated according to the radiomics quality score (RQS). (3) Results: All studies were published between 2018 and 2021 and were retrospective in design. Eleven (85%) studies were MRI-based, and two (15%) were CT-based. The sample size was <200 patients for all studies. There is significant heterogeneity in the literature, as evidenced by the relatively low RQS value (average score = 22.6%). There is not a homogeneous protocol used for MRI sequences among the different studies, although the highest predictive ability was always obtained in T2W-FS. Six articles (46%) reported on the potential application of the model in a clinical setting with a decision curve analysis (DCA). (4) Conclusions: Despite the variability in the radiomics method application, the similarity of results and conclusions observed is encouraging. Substantial limits were found; prospective and multicentric studies are needed to affirm the role of radiomics as a supporting tool

    The impact of tumor edema on T2-weighted 3T-MRI invasive breast cancer histological characterization: a pilot radiomics study

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    Background: to evaluate the contribution of edema associated with histological features to the prediction of breast cancer (BC) prognosis using T2-weighted MRI radiomics. Methods: 160 patients who underwent staging 3T-MRI from January 2015 to January 2019, with 164 histologically proven invasive BC lesions, were retrospectively reviewed. Patient data (age, menopausal status, family history, hormone therapy), tumor MRI-features (location, margins, enhancement) and histological features (histological type, grading, ER, PgR, HER2, Ki-67 index) were collected. Of the 160 MRI exams, 120 were considered eligible, corresponding to 127 lesions. T2-MRI were used to identify edema, which was classified in four groups: peritumoral, pre-pectoral, subcutaneous, or diffuse. A semi-automatic segmentation of the edema was performed for each lesion, using 3D Slicer open-source software. Main radiomics features were extracted and selected using a wrapper selection method. A Random Forest type classifier was trained to measure the performance of predicting histological factors using semantic features (patient data and MRI features) alone and semantic features associated with edema radiomics features. Results: edema was absent in 37 lesions and present in 127 (62 peritumoral, 26 pre-pectoral, 16 subcutaneous, 23 diffuse). The AUC-classifier obtained by associating edema radiomics with semantic features was always higher compared to the AUC-classifier obtained from semantic features alone, for all five histological classes prediction (0.645 vs. 0.520 for histological type, 0.789 vs. 0.590 for grading, 0.487 vs. 0.466 for ER, 0.659 vs. 0.546 for PgR, and 0.62 vs. 0.573 for Ki67). Conclusions: radiomic features extracted from tumor edema contribute significantly to predicting tumor histology, increasing the accuracy obtained from the combination of patient clinical characteristics and breast imaging data