1,245 research outputs found

    The researcher’s erotic subjectivities : epistemological and ethical challenges

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    Aquest article pretén aprofundir en la qüestió de la rellevància potencial i la importància d’incloure reflexions sobre el desig i la sexualitat de la persona que investiga en els resultats de la seva recerca. Analitzem críticament l’excepcionalització de les interaccions sexual(itzade) s en la recerca: quines són les raons per les quals el contacte sexual(itzat) entre la persona que investiga i les persones participants es considera no ètic o problemàtic, i quines són les conseqüències del fet d’evitar la intimitat —o l’(auto)censura en relació amb el debat— en el treball de camp? Aquest debat ens porta a defensar una aproximació ètica alternativa a la prescrita pels protocols ètics institucionals. L’aproximació ètica que plantegem es basa en la premissa que la producció de coneixement mai no es dona fora dels nostres cossos i que la relació de recerca no és fonamentalment diferent de cap altre tipus de relació. El que proposem és una ètica relacional de la recerca que creï espais per al debat obert i en diàleg amb altres persones sobre les conseqüències (potencials) de les nostres accions com a investigadors/es/éssers humans en unes relacions d’asimetria de poder canviants.This paper aims to deepen the conversation about the potential relevance and importance of including reflection on the desire and sexuality of the researcher in research outputs. We critically scrutinise the exceptionalisation of sexual(ised) interactions in research: why is sexual(ised) contact between researchers and participants considered unethical or problematic, and what are the consequences of the avoidance of—and/or the (self-)censorship with regard to discussin —intimacy in the field? This discussion leads us to argue for an alternative ethical approach than that prescribed by institutional ethical protocols. The ethical approach that we envision is based on the premise that knowledge production never occurs apart from our bodies and that a research relationship is not fundamentally different from any other human relationship. What we propose is a relational research ethics that creates space for discussing openly and in dialogue with others the (potential) consequences of our actions as researchers/human beings within relationships of shifting power asymmetry

    Architectuur en beschaving

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    recensie van: Wijburg, G. (2014) Architectuur en beschaving: Het smaakoffensief van de Moderne Beweging. Amsterdam: Stichting de Driehoek

    Snail in the frame of malignant tumor recurrence

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    Snail plays an important role in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition during development and in tumor progression. Induction of Snail expression coincides with drastic morphological changes in cultured epithelial cells. Recently, a new role for Snail in tumor recurrence has been inferred from a reversible HER-2/neu-induced breast cancer mouse model. Comparative transcriptome analysis of human primary breast cancers suggests that elevated Snail expression is correlated with decreased relapse-free survival. Further characterization of Snail as master regulator in this process might enhance our understanding of the molecular and cellular changes during and after breast tumor recurrence

    Important Market Characteristics in International Establishments

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    This study aims to identify important market characteristics that affect international market establishments in the IT consulting industry. A qualitative case study has been conducted at an IT consulting firm, where Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas has been used as a tool to identify and compare market characteristics to existing theory regarding internationalisation in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Service sector. The results showed that many of the derived market characteristics from the case company were rather consistent with theory. These were mainly attributable to the theoretical factors client interaction and knowledge acquisition as well as economic, cultural and political factors.This study aims to identify important market characteristics that affect international market establishments in the IT consulting industry. A qualitative case study has been conducted at an IT consulting firm, where Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas has been used as a tool to identify and compare market characteristics to existing theory regarding internationalisation in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Service sector. The results showed that many of the derived market characteristics from the case company were rather consistent with theory. These were mainly attributable to the theoretical factors client interaction and knowledge acquisition as well as economic, cultural and political factors

    Development and characterization of a new human hepatic cell line

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    The increasing demand and hampered use of primary human hepatocytes for research purposes have urged scientists to search for alternative cell sources, such as immortalized hepatic cell lines. The aim of this study was to develop a human hepatic cell line using the combined overexpression of TERT and the cell cycle regulators cyclin D1 and mutant isoform CDK4R24C. Following transduction of adult human primary hepatocytes with the selected immortalization genes, cell growth was triggered and a cell line was established. When cultured under appropriate conditions, the cell line expressed several hepatocytic markers and liver-enriched transcription factors at the transcriptional and/or translational level, secreted liver-specific proteins and showed glycogen deposition. These results suggest that the immortalization strategy applied to primary human hepatocytes could generate a novel hepatic cell line that seems to retain some key hepatic characteristics

    Important Market Characteristics in International Establishments

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    This study aims to identify important market characteristics that affect international market establishments in the IT consulting industry. A qualitative case study has been conducted at an IT consulting firm, where Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas has been used as a tool to identify and compare market characteristics to existing theory regarding internationalisation in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Service sector. The results showed that many of the derived market characteristics from the case company were rather consistent with theory. These were mainly attributable to the theoretical factors client interaction and knowledge acquisition as well as economic, cultural and political factors.This study aims to identify important market characteristics that affect international market establishments in the IT consulting industry. A qualitative case study has been conducted at an IT consulting firm, where Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas has been used as a tool to identify and compare market characteristics to existing theory regarding internationalisation in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Service sector. The results showed that many of the derived market characteristics from the case company were rather consistent with theory. These were mainly attributable to the theoretical factors client interaction and knowledge acquisition as well as economic, cultural and political factors

    Development and characterization of a new human hepatic cell line

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    The increasing demand and hampered use of primary human hepatocytes for research purposes have urged scientists to search for alternative cell sources, such as immortalized hepatic cell lines. The aim of this study was to develop a human hepatic cell line using the combined overexpression of TERT and the cell cycle regulators cyclin D1 and mutant isoform CDK4R24C. Following transduction of adult human primary hepatocytes with the selected immortalization genes, cell growth was triggered and a cell line was established. When cultured under appropriate conditions, the cell line expressed several hepatocytic markers and liver-enriched transcription factors at the transcriptional and/or translational level, secreted liver-specific proteins and showed glycogen deposition. These results suggest that the immortalization strategy applied to primary human hepatocytes could generate a novel hepatic cell line that seems to retain some key hepatic characteristics

    Clinical procedure for colon carcinoma tissue sampling directly affects the cancer marker-capacity of VEGF family members

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    Background: mRNA levels of members of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor family (VEGF-A, -B, -C, -D, Placental Growth Factor/PlGF) have been investigated as tissue-based markers of colon cancer. These studies, which used specimens obtained by surgical resection or colonoscopic biopsy, yielded contradictory results. We studied the effect of the sampling method on the marker accuracy of VEGF family members. Methods: Comparative RT-qPCR analysis was performed on healthy colon and colon carcinoma samples obtained by biopsy (n = 38) or resection (n = 39) to measure mRNA expression levels of individual VEGF family members. mRNA levels of genes encoding the eicosanoid enzymes cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and of genes encoding the hypoxia markers glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1) and carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) were included as markers for cellular stress and hypoxia. Results: Expression levels of COX2, 5-LOX, GLUT-1 and CAIX revealed the occurrence in healthy colon resection samples of hypoxic cellular stress and a concurrent increment of basal expression levels of VEGF family members. This increment abolished differential expression of VEGF-B and VEGF-C in matched carcinoma resection samples and created a surgery-induced underexpression of VEGF-D. VEGF-A and PlGF showed strong overexpression in carcinoma samples regardless of the sampling method. Conclusions: Sampling-induced hypoxia in resection samples but not in biopsy samples affects the marker-reliability of VEGF family members. Therefore, biopsy samples provide a more accurate report on VEGF family mRNA levels. Furthermore, this limited expression analysis proposes VEGF-A and PlGF as reliable, sampling procedure insensitive mRNA-markers for molecular diagnosis of colon cancer
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