66 research outputs found

    Alimentacion y crecimiento de juveniles de corvina, Micropogon opercularis, en condiciones experimentales

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    The present paper deals with the results obtained on the basis of studies on the feeding and growth of juveniles of the croaker, Micropogon opercularis in experimental conditions. The following, more important results, were obtained: 1. - The values of the daily food requirement for the juveniles of 79-126 mm in total length and of 4.1-22 g in weight, at the beginning of the experiments, oscillated between 1,29 and 6,88%, with the average of 3,58 %. 2. -The efficiency of conversion of food is rather high and was calculated; for "normal" specimens as 19,45 % in average. 3. -Very big individual differences were observed in the growth of the juveniles. In the case of the total lengths, the rate of annual growth oscillated between 15,2 and 114,2% and. in the case of the weights, between 23,5 and 1114.5%. 4. -It was observed that in the scales of the juveniles under experiments the first annulus is not formed or is formed not always in a regular way

    Reviving the Roman Odeon of Aphrodisias: Dynamic Animation and Variety Control of Crowds in Virtual Heritage

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    In this paper we propose a new method for rendering crowds of virtual humans with dynamicallydeformed skeletons with levels of detail using two simple caching schemes for animations and geometry. Weshow how the virtual heritage project ERATO pushed for these innovations as we did not find any off-theshelfproducts for the purpose. We also show how to create a large variety in appearance using graphicsalgorithm techniques that run on graphics cards with a fixed function pipeline support like the one ofOpenGL 1.

    From microscopy data to in silico environments for in vivo-oriented simulations

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    In our previous study, we introduced a combination methodology of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), which is powerful to investigate the effect of intracellular environment to biochemical reaction processes. Now, we developed a reconstruction method of realistic simulation spaces based on our TEM images. Interactive raytracing visualization of this space allows the perception of the overall 3D structure, which is not directly accessible from 2D TEM images. Simulation results show that the diffusion in such generated structures strongly depends on image post-processing. Frayed structures corresponding to noisy images hinder the diffusion much stronger than smooth surfaces from denoised images. This means that the correct identification of noise or structure is significant to reconstruct appropriate reaction environment in silico in order to estimate realistic behaviors of reactants in vivo. Static structures lead to anomalous diffusion due to the partial confinement. In contrast, mobile crowding agents do not lead to anomalous diffusion at moderate crowding levels. By varying the mobility of these non-reactive obstacles (NRO), we estimated the relationship between NRO diffusion coefficient (Dnro) and the anomaly in the tracer diffusion (α). For Dnro=21.96 to 44.49 μ m2/s, the simulation results match the anomaly obtained from FCS measurements. This range of the diffusion coefficient from simulations is compatible with the range of the diffusion coefficient of structural proteins in the cytoplasm. In addition, we investigated the relationship between the radius of NRO and anomalous diffusion coefficient of tracers by the comparison between different simulations. The radius of NRO has to be 58 nm when the polymer moves with the same diffusion speed as a reactant, which is close to the radius of functional protein complexes in a cell.ISSN:1687-4145ISSN:1687-415

    Distribution and abundance of carangid larvae in the southeastern Brazilian Bight during 1975-1981

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    Distribution and abundance of the carangid larvae collected during ten survey cruises in the southeastern Brazilian Bight were analyzed. Trachurus lathami was the most abundant species in the surveyed area with 58.54 % of total carangids taken, followed by Chloroscombrus chrysurus with 15.22 % and Decapteruspunctatus with 12.17 %. Larvae of T lathami and D. punctatus were found all over the continental shelf while the distribution of C. chrysurus larvae was limited to the coastal region. Most of the species occurred all year-around but remarkably during spring and summer. This intensive spawning period of most carangid species seems to be related to the seasonal variation of the hydrographie structure of the southeastern coast of Brazil.No presente trabalho estudaram-se a distribuição e a abundância de larvas de peixes da família Carangidae da costa sudeste do Brasil, entre Cabo Frio (23ºS) e Cabo de Santa Marta Grande (29ºS). As amostras foram coletadas com rede Bongô (malhagens de 0,505 mm e 0,333mm) em arrastos oblíquos, durante dez cruzeiros oceanográficos com o N/Oc. "Prof.W.Besnard", do Instituto Oceanográfico da USP e com N/Oc. "Cruz dei Sur", da PDP-SUDEPE. Foram identificados cinco táxons ao nível de espécie (Trachurus lathami, Chloroscombrus chrysurus, Decapterus punctatus, Selene setapinnis e Selene vomer), além de quatro ao nível de gênero (Oligoplites, Caranx, Serioia e Trachinotus). A espécie mais abundante foi T lathami (58,44% do total de larvas da família Carangidae), seguida por C. chrysurus (15,22%) e D. punctatus (12,17%). T. lathami e D. punctatus apresentaram distribuição ampla por toda a região nerítica, enquanto que C. chrysurus restringiu-se apenas às regiões mais próximas da costa. As larvas de carangídeos foram encontradas durante todas as épocas do ano, mas na primavera e no verão observou-se a maior abundância, o que caracteriza maior intensidade de desova durante estas estações. Esse período de pico de desova relaciona-se, aparentemente, à variação da estrutura hidrográfica da região