37 research outputs found

    Amphibians and reptiles from a protected area in western Brazilian Amazonia (Reserva Extrativista do Baixo Juruá)

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    Sampling gaps across the logistically challenging and extremely biodiverse Amazonia largely hamper our understanding of broad-scale amphibian and reptile diversity patterns in this ecosystem. The Juruá River basin, a southwestern tributary of the Amazon River, is one of these undersampled areas, with only punctual information documented for these vertebrates that are spatially or temporally biased. This is especially the case for the lower-middle courses of the Juruá River, which also has comparatively less protected areas than its upper course. In order to fill some biodiversity knowledge gaps associated with amphibians and reptiles in this river basin, we combined results of our field expeditions carried out in 1992, 2005-2007, and 2018 to the Reserva Extrativista (Extractive Reserve) do Baixo Juruá, a Brazilian protected area in the right bank of the lower Juruá River. Amphibians and reptiles were sampled using four complementary methods: active surveys, pitfall traps, funnel traps, and trammel nets. We identified species or updated their taxonomic status with a reanalysis of the external morphology of the preserved material in the light of novel taxonomic literature (more than 1,500 specimens) and employment of DNA barcoding analyses for some newly collected specimens with contentious taxonomic status. Our combined sampling evidenced 149 species of amphibians and reptiles occurring in this protected area (72 amphibians, 68 squamates, six chelonians, and three crocodilians). Recorded species highlight the value of the lower Juruá River region as harboring quite diverse assemblages for these vertebrates, with species typical of the western and southwestern Amazonia sub-regions. Remarkable species records are presented, as well as accounts on species with lower taxonomic resolution. Furthermore, we discuss the biogeographic affinities of recorded assemblages based on the species geographic range and preferred habitats, and the value of this protected area to preserve the regional biological diversity

    Heliconias of the Baixo Juruá Extractive Reserve: economical potential for Amazonian traditional population

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    Extractive Reserves (Reservas Extrativistas-RESEX, in portuguese) are defined as territorial spaces destined for auto-sustainable exploration and conservation of renewable natural resources for the traditional population. Moreover, they are an alternative source of income for improving life conditions of the local families. Amongst the possibilities of income for the communities that make up the RESEX, which we discuss, is the use of Heliconia understorey herbs. The Heliconia genus is one of the colorful groups of tropical forest non-timber plants. However, as an income source, it is unknown to the RESEX communities. We registered 11 species of Heliconia in the Baixo Juruá Extractive Reserve with potential as ornamental plants: H. acuminata, H. densiflora, H. hirsuta, H. lasiorachis, H. stricta, H. chartacea, H. juruana, H. marginata, H. psittacorum, H. spathocircinata and H. tenebrosa. Currently in Brazil, the commercialization of ornamental plants is expanding, but the Amazonian region seems not to be following this trend, demonstrating perhaps lack of political initiative. Even though it causes some impact on fauna an flora, the practice of extractive economy inside the forest reserves in Amazonia helps keep the ecological functions of the forest intact, preventing future losses of regional biodiversity. Additionally, it guarantees the continuity of traditional populations in the natural areas, with direct effect on the local and regional economy.Reservas extrativistas (RESEX) são espaços territoriais destinados à exploração sustentável e conservação dos recursos naturais renováveis, por populações extrativistas. Além disso, tem como finalidade implantar alternativas de renda que contribuam para a melhoria das condições de vida das famílias locais. Dentre as variadas possibilidades de renda pelas comunidades que compõem as RESEX, destacamos neste trabalho o uso das helicônias. As espécies de Heliconia são um dos mais vistosos grupos de plantas herbáceas das florestas tropicais. Entretanto seu uso como fonte de renda é desconhecido pelas comunidades que compõem a RESEX. Registramos 11 espécies de Heliconia na RESEX do Baixo Juruá com uso potencial como plantas ornamentaisH. acuminata, H. densiflora, H. hirsuta, H. lasiorachis, H. stricta, H. chartacea, H. juruana, H. marginata, H. psittacorum, H. spathocircinata e H. tenebrosa. Atualmente o mercado de plantas ornamentais está em expansão no Brasil, mas a Amazônia parece não estar acompanhando este processo, demonstrando falta de iniciativa política. A economia na forma do extrativismo praticada dentro das reservas florestais na Amazônia, mesmo acarretando alguns impactos diretos sobre a fauna e a flora, ajuda a manter as funções ecológicas originais da floresta evitando perdas futuras de biodiversidade regional. Adicionalmente, garante a continuidade das populações tradicionais no campo, com efeito direto na economia local e regional

    First record of Amblyomma rotundatum Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae) parasitizing Paleosuchus palpebrosus Cuvier, 1807 (Reptilia:Crocodylidae), in the western border of Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    This is the first record of Amblyomma rotundatum parasitizing Paleosuchus palpebrosus. This record was made during a herpetofaunal study carried out in high elevation habitats that are under protection in the mountain range "Serra do Amolar", located in the western border of Brazilian Pantanal, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul

    Rediscovery of Osteocephalus vilarsi (Anura: Hylidae): An overlooked but widespread Amazonian spiny-backed treefrog

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    Osteocephalus vilarsi (Melin, 1941) is an Amazonian treefrog species known for over 75 years from its holotype only. Due to a lack of published data on its morphological diagnostic characters and their variations, as well as the absence of molecular, acoustic and ecological data supporting its identity, a highly dynamic taxonomic history has led this species to be confused and even synonymised with other Osteocephalus species from distinct species groups. The molecular phylogenetic relationships of O. vilarsi were investigated based on recently collected specimens from eight Northwestern Brazilian localities in the state of Amazonas, leading to its removal from the Osteocephalus taurinus species group and placement in the Osteocephalus planiceps species group. Furthermore, detailed data on morphology and colour variation are provided, as well as advertisement call and tadpole descriptions. Finally, the currently known geographic range of O. vilarsi is considerably extended, first data on the natural history of the species are provided, and the possible ecological preference of O. vilarsi for Amazonian white-sand forests is discussed. Copyright 2019 Ferrão et al

    Uncovering the diversity in the amazophrynella minuta complex: Integrative taxonomy reveals a new species of amazophrynella (anura, bufonidae) from southern peru

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    A new species of the genus Amazophrynella (Anura, Bufonidae) is described from the departments of Madre de Dios, Cusco and Junin in Peru. An integrative taxonomy approach is used. A morphological diagnosis, morphometrics comparisons, description of the advertisement call, and the phylogenetic relationships of the new species are provided. Amazophrynella javierbustamantei sp. n. differs from other species of Amazophrynella by: intermediate body-size (snout-vent length 14.9 mm in males, n = 26 and 19.6 mm in females, n = 20), tuberculate skin texture of body, greatest hand length of the Amazophrynella spp. (3.6 mm in males, n = 26 and 4.6 mm in females, n = 20), venter coloration yellowish, tiny rounded black points covering the venter, and thirteen molecular autapomorphies in the 16S RNA gene. Its distribution varies from 215 to 708 m a.s.l. This discovery highlights the importance of the remnant forest in preserving the biodiversity in Peru, and increase in seven the species formally described in the genus Amazophrynella. © R. Rojas et al

    Integrative overview of the herpetofauna from serra da mocidade, a granitic mountain range in northern Brazil

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    The Brazilian mountain ranges from the Guiana Shield highlands are largely unexplored, with an understudied herpetofauna. Here the amphibian and reptile species diversity of the remote Serra da Mocidade mountain range, located in extreme northern Brazil, is reported upon, and biogeographical affinities and taxonomic highlights are discussed. A 22-days expedition to this mountain range was undertaken during which specimens were sampled at four distinct altitudinal levels (600, 960, 1,060 and 1,365 m above sea level) using six complementary methods. Specimens were identified through an integrated approach that considered morphological, bioacoustical, and molecular analyses. Fifty-one species (23 amphibians and 28 reptiles) were found, a comparable richness to other mountain ranges in the region. The recorded assemblage showed a mixed compositional influence from assemblages typical of other mountain ranges and lowland forest habitats in the region. Most of the taxa occupying the Serra da Mocidade mountain range are typical of the Guiana Shield or widely distributed in the Amazon. Extensions of known distribution ranges and candidate undescribed taxa are also recorded. This is the first herpetofaunal expedition that accessed the higher altitudinal levels of this mountain range, contributing to the basic knowledge of these groups in remote areas. © Leandro J.C.L. Moraes et al