8 research outputs found

    Quality of life and oral health: understand this relationship.

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    When we think of quality of life, we rarely associate this concept with oral health. However, valuing a preventive conduct with regard to this aspect can have consequences ranging from maintaining the individual's well-being to even improving their self-esteem and social relationships. Thinking about it, we separate some of the main factors that show the close relationship between quality of life and oral health. Check it out below and find out how fundamental mouth care can be!   Prevention of diseases Periodic visits to the dentist and proper oral hygiene on a daily basis are extremely important factors. In addition to aesthetic factors, it is worth mentioning that several diseases can manifest in the mouth or even be aggravated by poor oral health. One of these diseases is diabetes mellitus, which can bring great discomfort to patients who have gingivitis or periodontitis. According to studies, it may occur due to the difficulty that individuals with diabetes have in fighting bacterial infections. Good hygiene, as well as periodic visits to the dentist, can also prevent gingivitis and periodontitis, which cause great discomfort. Therefore, it is worth investing in this care that should be daily!   Improvement of social relationships Oral health can have extremely relevant consequences for an individual's social relationships.   A poorly cleaned mouth, with missing teeth or some type of aesthetic alteration can cause a bad external impression to an individual who does not have this type of concern. In this way, the lack of cleanliness and care for the health of the mouth can have impacts from social work relationships, even in love relationships, which are situations where the aesthetic aspect of the individual is relevant.   Improved self-esteem A well-groomed mouth can make all the difference in maintaining good self-esteem. It composes an important aesthetic function in the face, which means that its due integrity is of enormous importance, both in the individual's appearance and in his self-acceptance. The loss of teeth, for example, can have serious consequences for people's self-esteem, at any age. A smile is part of the expression of several positive emotions, and drastic changes such as the loss of teeth can significantly undermine the impetus to express them. Consequently, there will be a progressive loss in the self-esteem of the person with this type of problem. Another change caused by lack of care for oral health can be bad breath, which is a condition that can be caused by poor oral hygiene or even the lack of it. From bacterial decomposition in the mouth, extremely unpleasant odors are released, which can be a source of embarrassment for people who have this type of problem.   Oral health in childhood Even in the period of milk teeth, it is very important that there is special care for oral health in childhood. Frequent cleaning prevents the proliferation of bacteria that cause cavities, which can cause more serious problems after the birth of permanent teeth. It is also worth noting that, in some cases, orthodontic correction of teeth can be performed more quickly in childhood. This occurs because the skull has not yet fully grown and the consequent calcification of the bones, which allows for greater mechanical movement of the teeth in cases where there is a need for correction.   Oral health in old age Care for the health of the mouth can be extremely important in old age. At this stage, it is common for there to be a natural weakening of different parts of the body, which also includes the teeth. Thus, negligence towards oral health can have consequences for the self-esteem of the elderly. It is also common for the elderly to have diseases such as diabetes, which requires more intense care in the prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis. From proper attention to oral health, it is possible to considerably increase the quality of life of the elderly.    When we think of quality of life, we rarely associate this concept with oral health. However, valuing a preventive conduct with regard to this aspect can have consequences ranging from maintaining the individual's well-being to even improving their self-esteem and social relationships. Thinking about it, we separate some of the main factors that show the close relationship between quality of life and oral health. Check it out below and find out how fundamental mouth care can be!   Prevention of diseases Periodic visits to the dentist and proper oral hygiene on a daily basis are extremely important factors. In addition to aesthetic factors, it is worth mentioning that several diseases can manifest in the mouth or even be aggravated by poor oral health. One of these diseases is diabetes mellitus, which can bring great discomfort to patients who have gingivitis or periodontitis. According to studies, it may occur due to the difficulty that individuals with diabetes have in fighting bacterial infections. Good hygiene, as well as periodic visits to the dentist, can also prevent gingivitis and periodontitis, which cause great discomfort. Therefore, it is worth investing in this care that should be daily!   Improvement of social relationships Oral health can have extremely relevant consequences for an individual's social relationships.   A poorly cleaned mouth, with missing teeth or some type of aesthetic alteration can cause a bad external impression to an individual who does not have this type of concern. In this way, the lack of cleanliness and care for the health of the mouth can have impacts from social work relationships, even in love relationships, which are situations where the aesthetic aspect of the individual is relevant.   Improved self-esteem A well-groomed mouth can make all the difference in maintaining good self-esteem. It composes an important aesthetic function in the face, which means that its due integrity is of enormous importance, both in the individual's appearance and in his self-acceptance. The loss of teeth, for example, can have serious consequences for people's self-esteem, at any age. A smile is part of the expression of several positive emotions, and drastic changes such as the loss of teeth can significantly undermine the impetus to express them. Consequently, there will be a progressive loss in the self-esteem of the person with this type of problem. Another change caused by lack of care for oral health can be bad breath, which is a condition that can be caused by poor oral hygiene or even the lack of it. From bacterial decomposition in the mouth, extremely unpleasant odors are released, which can be a source of embarrassment for people who have this type of problem.   Oral health in childhood Even in the period of milk teeth, it is very important that there is special care for oral health in childhood. Frequent cleaning prevents the proliferation of bacteria that cause cavities, which can cause more serious problems after the birth of permanent teeth. It is also worth noting that, in some cases, orthodontic correction of teeth can be performed more quickly in childhood. This occurs because the skull has not yet fully grown and the consequent calcification of the bones, which allows for greater mechanical movement of the teeth in cases where there is a need for correction.   Oral health in old age Care for the health of the mouth can be extremely important in old age. At this stage, it is common for there to be a natural weakening of different parts of the body, which also includes the teeth. Thus, negligence towards oral health can have consequences for the self-esteem of the elderly. It is also common for the elderly to have diseases such as diabetes, which requires more intense care in the prevention of gingivitis and periodontitis. From proper attention to oral health, it is possible to considerably increase the quality of life of the elderly. &nbsp

    A renúncia de patente sobre vacinas COVID é certa e justa

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    Each country should have the right to make its own vaccines during a pandemic. This is the principle behind the campaign to temporarily waive intellectual property (IP) protection in coronavirus vaccines. The campaign was started by India and South Africa and is being supported by more than 100 countries, along with international organizations including the World Health Organization and the United Nations AIDS charity UNAIDS. The aim is to reduce barriers for countries that produce their own vaccines - especially for those with lower incomes.Cada país deve ter o direito de fazer suas próprias vacinas durante uma pandemia. Esse é o princípio que sustenta a campanha para renunciar temporariamente à proteção da propriedade intelectual (PI) nas vacinas contra o coronavírus. A campanha foi iniciada pela Índia e África do Sul e está sendo apoiada por mais de 100 países, juntamente com organizações internacionais, incluindo a Organização Mundial da Saúde e a instituição de caridade das Nações Unidas para a AIDS, UNAIDS. O objetivo é reduzir as barreiras para os países que produzem suas próprias vacinas - principalmente para as de renda mais baixa


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    Introduction: The number of people with no teeth in Brazil is growing, 11% of the population is totally toothless, corresponding to an amount of 16 million people and 33% of the population makes use of some type of dental prosthesis. The number of teeth in the oral cavity is small, causing social, physical, psychological and nutritional problems to directly affect edentulous quality of life. Objective: The objective of this article is to relate the time of use of total dentures with the quality of life of these users. Methodology: We interviewed 299 users of total mucosal supported prosthesis and 48 users of implantable total prosthesis using two questionnaires, the Oral Health Impact Profile-14Br (OHIP-14Br) and sociodemographic questionnaire. Results: Full denture wearers have a better quality of life in all variables compared to mucosupported denture wearers and mucosupported full denture wearers have a strong relationship between quality of life and duration of prosthesis useIntroduction: É crescente o número de pessoas sem nenhum dente no Brasil, 11% da população é desdentada total, o que corresponde a um montante de 16 milhões de pessoas e 33% da população faz uso de algum tipo de prótese dentária. O número de dentes presentes na cavidade bucal é pequeno, fazendo com que problemas sociais, físicos, psicológicos e nutricionais afetem diretamente a qualidade de vida dos edêntulos. Objetive: O objetivo deste artigo é relacionar o tempo de uso de próteses totais com a qualidade de vida destes usuários. Methodology: Foram entrevistados 299 usuários de prótese total mucossuportada e 48 usuários de prótese total implantossuportada por meio de dois questionários, o Oral Health Impact Profile-14Br (OHIP-14Br) e questionário sociodemográfico. Results: Usuarios de prótese total possuem melhor qualidade de vida em todas as variáveis comparadas com usuarios de prótese mucossuportada e usuários de prótese total mucossuportada apresentam grande relação entre qualidade de vida e tempo de uso das próteses

    The Covid-19 explosion in the state of Amapá: how is the most preserved region in the Brazilian Amazon currently fighting the SARS-COV 2 pandemic?

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    The state of Amapá is located in the extreme north of Brazil, within the Amazon rainforest and is crossed by the Equator. It has a hot and humid climate with rains that last 8 months a year and 4 months of unrelenting sun that melts rubber from car seals, fries eggs on the floor and even cooks a whole egg tub, in case you forget in a car exposed to the sun . It was believed that with this potent solar incidence, the Sars-COV 2 virus would not have so much impact in this region, a terrible mistake! Today Amapá has the highest incidence of Covid-19 in the whole of Brazil, with a maid of 600 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants and in the Amazon it is the 3rd in deaths and loses in this item only to the state of Amazonas and Pará.The state of Amapá is located in the extreme north of Brazil, within the Amazon rainforest and is crossed by the Equator. It has a hot and humid climate with rains that last 8 months a year and 4 months of unrelenting sun that melts rubber from car seals, fries eggs on the floor and even cooks a whole egg tub, in case you forget in a car exposed to the sun . It was believed that with this potent solar incidence, the Sars-COV 2 virus would not have so much impact in this region, a terrible mistake! Today Amapá has the highest incidence of Covid-19 in the whole of Brazil, with a maid of 600 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants and in the Amazon it is the 3rd in deaths and loses in this item only to the state of Amazonas and Pará

    Qualidade de vida e satisfação em usuários de prótese total mucossuportada e implantossuportada: uma revisão da literatura.

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    This article aims to carry out a review of the current medical literature on the relationship between quality of life and satisfaction in users of mucous-supported complete dentures and implant-supported complete dentures. Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science indexes were used as search engines for the selection of articles, using the keywords “Quality of life, Satisfaction, Mucus-supported complete denture, Implant-supported complete denture”. It is concluded that users of implant-supported complete dentures have better quality of life and satisfaction with their prostheses, when compared to users of mucous-supported complete dentures.Este artigo tem por objetivo realizar uma varredura da literatura médica vigente sobre a relação entre qualidade de vida e satisfação em usuários de prótese total mucossuportada e prótese total implantossuportada. Foram utilizados como motores de busca os indexadores Google Scholar, Scopus e Web of Science para seleção dos artigos, através dos unitermos “Qualidade de vida, Satisfação, Prótese total mucossuportada, Prótese total implantossuportada’’. Conclui-se que usuários de prótese total implantossuportada possuem melhor qualidade de vida e satisfação com suas próteses, quando comparados a usuários de prótese total mucossuportada. &nbsp


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    Because of the importance of aesthetics today, dental implants have become a good solution for rehabilitation in cases of tooth loss. With the advent of osseointegration, case unit edentulous, partially or totally now be resolved in a period of three to six months, dependent on the jaw or mandibular location. However, the need to promote faster results allowed the proposal for immediate application load on implants were considered. Thus, several studies have shown that a single surgical stage in implantology could be as acceptable and predictable as two, resulting in the possibility of placing a prosthesis on implants that have just been set. In this case, they receive masticatory load after surgical and prosthetic stages, which are conducted at the same moment, without a waiting period for osseointegration process. From this perspective, this paper aims to make a literature review on the performance of immediate loading on implants in the aesthetic area, highlighting its benefits and indications. From the qualitative literature review, based on a review of books, scientific articles published, and specialized magazines, it was concluded that the use of immediate loading is becoming a viable therapeutic option, atraumatic, safe, providing an immediate rehabilitation of function and aesthetics in addition to getting greater acceptance and satisfaction of the patient. However, proper planning is critical, careful execution and adoption of a technique with scientific basis, for the use of this technique is only justified when well indicated and with careful analysis, respecting all clinical determinants and not excluding the conventional technique.Devido à importância da estética nos dias atuais, os implantes dentários tornaram-se uma boa solução para reabilitação em casos de perdas dentárias. Com o advento da osseointegração, casos de edêntulos unitários, parciais ou totais passaram a ser resolvidos em um período de três a seis meses, dependentes da localização maxilar ou mandibular. Mas a necessidade de promover resultados mais rápidos permitiu que a proposta de aplicação imediata de carga sobre implantes fosse considerada. Assim, inúmeros estudos demonstraram que um único estágio cirúrgico em Implantodontia poderia ser tão aceitável e previsível quanto dois, surgindo a possibilidade da colocação de uma prótese sobre implantes que acabaram de ser fixados. Nesse caso, eles recebem carga mastigatória logo após os estágios cirúrgicos e protéticos, que são realizados em um mesmo momento, não havendo um período de espera para o processo de osseointegração. Nessa ótica, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre a realização de carga imediata sobre implantes em área estética, ressaltando seus benefícios e indicações. A partir da pesquisa bibliográfica qualitativa, baseada na revisão de livros, artigos científicos publicados, e revistas especializadas, concluiu-se que o emprego da carga imediata vem se tornando uma opção terapêutica viável, atraumática, segura, proporcionando uma reabilitação imediata da função e estética, além de obter maior aceitabilidade e satisfação por parte do paciente. Porém, é fundamental o planejamento adequado, execução cuidadosa e adoção de uma técnica com embasamento científico, pois o uso dessa técnica só se justifica quando bem indicada e com análise criteriosa, respeitando todos os determinantes clínicos e sem excluir a técnica convencional

    Correlação entre o nível de atividade física e a existência de comorbidades em policiais militares: Atividade física durante a pandemia do COVID-19 / Correlation between the level of physical activity and the existence of comorbities in military policies: Physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Introdução: O ano de 2020 foi a explosão da pandemia do COVID-19 no mundo, os Estados Brasileiros adotaram uma série de medidas de enfrentamento. As Polícias Militares (PMs) têm a missão de assegurar a ordem pública, mas sob quais condições?  Objetivo: Revisão sistêmica da literatura, afim de compreender o papel das práticas de Atividade Física (AF) na mitigação aos sintomas mais graves do COVID-19, no segmento policial militar levando em consideração o nível de AF dos mesmos. Método: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, de revisão da literatura. Resultados: O estudo evidenciou conforme os trabalhos selecionados que, o Nível de Atividade Física dos Policiais Militares, sofre influência de causas multifatoriais, apresentando percentuais expressivos de policiais que não possuem um nível satisfatório de Atividade Física. Conclui-se então que, as Polícias Militares não têm conseguido manter seu efetivo ativo fisicamente em sua totalidade. Conclusão: É indispensável que as Polícias revejam seus programas de atividade física, bem como manter seus militares da ativa em boas condições de saúde seja em tempos de normalidade ou em tempos de pandemia.

    Fatores de risco para doenças crônicas em adolescentes na Amazônia: um estudo com alunos do 9º ano do estado do Amapá / Risk factors for chronic diseases in adolescents in the Amazon: a study with 9th grade students in the state of Amapá

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    Introdução: O advento da modernidade além de proporcionar uma qualidade de vida melhor em comparação aos nossos antepassados, também criou um agravamento das péssimas condições de vida. Constituindo assim campo fértil para os fatores de risco das Doenças Crônicas não transmissíveis, principalmente entre os jovens contemporâneos.  Objetivo: Analisar os resultados apresentados pela PeNSE 2015, dos Fatores de Risco de alunos do nono ano do Estado do Amapá, em comparação com o Brasil. A comparação desses resultados, nos permitirá ter um vislumbre da realidade, acerca desses fatores para as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis neste segmento. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal retrospectivo, com base nos dados da PeNSE 2015. Resultados: O estudo evidenciou que os adolescentes possuem um elevado percentual de inatividade física, bem como hábitos alimentares que precisam ser evitados como a ingesta de frituras e refrigerantes. Os escolares entrevistados demonstram que o consumo tanto de álcool quanto do cigarro vem se igualando entre rapazes e moças tanto em âmbito Nacional quanto no Amapá, que ultrapassa os valores da média nacional. Concluísse então que, o Amapá ultrapassa os índices nacionais no tocante a alguns Fatores de Risco. Conclusão: Os escolares do sexo feminino estão pareados com os do sexo masculino na adoção dos Fatores de Risco como hábitos do cotidiano, o que requer políticas de intervenção por parte do estado e sociedade civil organizada.