41 research outputs found

    Perspectief mestscheiding op melkveebedrijven = Economic perspectives of manure separation on dairy farms

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    In this study it was investigated whether manure separation can be economically attractive to a dairy farm. Various separator systems were considered. It was also investigated whether there were sufficient removal possibilities for the solid fractio

    Gebruik van varkensmest in de fruitteelt

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    From literature and practical experiences an investigation has been done to the needs and possibilities to use pig manure in the fruit producing sector

    Explorative research on innovative nitrogen recovery

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    This report comprises the results of an explorative study on innovative nitrogen recovery from side streams of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the Netherlands. The main objective of the study was to identify promising new technologies for recovery of nitrogen which can be subsequently used as an artificial fertilizer. This shortcircuits the global nitrogen cycle and thereby reduces the environmental impact of the nitrogen cycle that has been distorted by human influence (eutrophication, greenhouse gases)

    Facilitators of and barriers to lifestyle support and eHealth solutions: interview study among health care professionals working in cardiac care

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    Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) pose a significant health threat and reduce both people's life expectancy and quality of life. Healthy living is a key component in the effective prevention and treatment of CVD. However, health care professionals (HCPs) experience difficulties in supporting lifestyle changes among their patients. eHealth can provide a solution to these barriers.Objective: This study aims to provide insights into the factors HCPs find important in the support of patients with CVD in the uptake of and adherence to a healthy lifestyle and the perceived facilitators of and barriers to using eHealth to provide lifestyle support to patients with CVD.Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with 16 Dutch HCPs specializing in lifestyle support in cardiac care.Results: We identified 13 themes, of which the first 12 concerned lifestyle support in general and were related to intervention, patient, or health care. Throughout these themes, the use of eHealth reoccurred as a potential facilitator of or solution to barriers to lifestyle support. Our final theme specifically concerned barriers to the adoption and usability of eHealth.Conclusions: HCPs do recognize the potential advantages of eHealth while experiencing barriers to using digital tools. Incorporating their needs and values in the development of lifestyle support programs, especially eHealth, could increase their use and lead to a more widespread adoption of eHealth into health care.Cardiolog

    Increasing biomass resource availability through supply chain analysis

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    Increased inclusion of biomass in energy strategies all over the world means that greater mobilisation of biomass resources will be required to meet demand. Strategies of many EU countries assume the future use of non-EU sourced biomass. An increasing number of studies call for the UK to consider alternative options, principally to better utilise indigenous resources. This research identifies the indigenous biomass resources that demonstrate the greatest promise for the UK bioenergy sector and evaluates the extent that different supply chain drivers influence resource availability. The analysis finds that the UK's resources with greatest primary bioenergy potential are household wastes (>115 TWh by 2050), energy crops (>100 TWh by 2050) and agricultural residues (>80 TWh by 2050). The availability of biomass waste resources was found to demonstrate great promise for the bioenergy sector, although are highly susceptible to influences, most notably by the focus of adopted waste management strategies. Biomass residue resources were found to be the resource category least susceptible to influence, with relatively high near-term availability that is forecast to increase – therefore representing a potentially robust resource for the bioenergy sector. The near-term availability of UK energy crops was found to be much less significant compared to other resource categories. Energy crops represent long-term potential for the bioenergy sector, although achieving higher limits of availability will be dependent on the successful management of key influencing drivers. The research highlights that the availability of indigenous resources is largely influenced by a few key drivers, this contradicting areas of consensus of current UK bioenergy policy

    Drinkwatersysteem en bezetting belangrijk bij slachteenden : nippels niet per definitie beter

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    Vanaf 1998 moet binnenhuisvesting van eenden algemeen gangbaar zijn. Hoe die huisvesting er precies uit moet zien is nu nog niet bekend. De afdeling praktijkonderzoek van "Het Spelderholt" zoekt naar een huisvestingssyteem dat goede technische resultaten combineert met optimaal welzijn en een minimale ammoniakuitstoot. Dit artikel geeft de resultaten van een proef met verschillenden drinkwatersystemen en bezettingen per vierkante mete

    Lage starttemperatuur, snelle temperatuurafbouw : eendenmester kan nog vaak besparen op energie

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    Eendenhouders die binnen mesten kunnen in veel gevallen op energie besparen, door te starten met een lagere staltemperatuur en een snellere afbouw van de temperatuur. Groei en voerconversie lijden hier niet onder en op de uitval heeft het een gunstig effec

    Lysine en methionine beproefd bij eenden : Onderzoek met tien verschillende afmestvoeders

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    Resultaten van onderzoek naar het effect op de technische resultaten, de bevedering, en het slachtrendemen

    Eenden groeien iets meer dan bij nippels : twee keer zoveel mest bij ronddrinkers

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    Ronddrinkers zijn naar verwachting een relatief eenvoudige en effectieve mogelijkheid om gelijktijdig drink- en badwater aan eenden te verstrekken. Er zijn geen speciale ronddrinkers voor eenden. Daarom heeft PP in een proef vier verschillende typen kalkoendrinkers gestest. Er zijn duidelijke verschille