7,223 research outputs found

    A chemical ionization mass spectrometer for continuous underway shipboard analysis of dimethylsulfide in near-surface seawater

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    A compact, low-cost atmospheric pressure, chemical ionization mass spectrometer ("mini-CIMS") has been developed for continuous underway shipboard measurements of dimethylsulfide (DMS) in seawater. The instrument was used to analyze DMS in air equilibrated with flowing seawater across a porous Teflon membrane equilibrator. The equilibrated gas stream was diluted with air containing an isotopically-labeled internal standard. DMS is ionized at atmospheric pressure via proton transfer from water vapor, then declustered, mass filtered via quadrupole mass spectrometry, and detected with an electron multiplier. The instrument described here is based on a low-cost residual gas analyzer (Stanford Research Systems), which has been modified for use as a chemical ionization mass spectrometer. The mini-CIMS has a gas phase detection limit of 220 ppt DMS for a 1 min averaging time, which is roughly equivalent to a seawater DMS concentration of 0.1 nM DMS at 20°C. The mini-CIMS has the sensitivity, selectivity, and time response required for underway measurements of surface ocean DMS over the full range of oceanographic conditions. The simple, robust design and relatively low cost of the instrument are intended to facilitate use in process studies and surveys, with potential for long-term deployment on research vessels, ships of opportunity, and large buoys

    Statistical Properties of Radio Emission from the Palomar Seyfert Galaxies

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    We have carried out an analysis of the radio and optical properties of a statistical sample of 45 Seyfert galaxies from the Palomar spectroscopic survey of nearby galaxies. We find that the space density of bright galaxies (-22 mag <= M_{B_T} <= -18 mag) showing Seyfert activity is (1.25 +/- 0.38) X 10^{-3} Mpc^{-3}, considerably higher than found in other Seyfert samples. Host galaxy types, radio spectra, and radio source sizes are uncorrelated with Seyfert type, as predicted by the unified schemes for active galaxies. Approximately half of the detected galaxies have flat or inverted radio spectra, more than expected based on previous samples. Surprisingly, Seyfert 1 galaxies are found to have somewhat stronger radio sources than Seyfert 2 galaxies at 6 and 20 cm, particularly among the galaxies with the weakest nuclear activity. We suggest that this difference can be accommodated in the unified schemes if a minimum level of Seyfert activity is required for a radio source to emerge from the vicinity of the active nucleus. Below this level, Seyfert radio sources might be suppressed by free-free absorption associated with the nuclear torus or a compact narrow-line region, thus accounting for both the weakness of the radio emission and the preponderance of flat spectra. Alternatively, the flat spectra and weak radio sources might indicate that the weak active nuclei are fed by advection-dominated accretion disks.Comment: 18 pages using emulateapj5, 13 embedded figures, accepted by Ap

    Dynamics and Selection of Giant Spirals in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

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    For Rayleigh-Benard convection of a fluid with Prandtl number \sigma \approx 1, we report experimental and theoretical results on a pattern selection mechanism for cell-filling, giant, rotating spirals. We show that the pattern selection in a certain limit can be explained quantitatively by a phase-diffusion mechanism. This mechanism for pattern selection is very different from that for spirals in excitable media

    SubmilliJansky Transients in Archival Radio Observations

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    [ABRIDGED] We report the results of a 944-epoch survey for transient sources with archival data from the Very Large Array spanning 22 years with a typical epoch separation of 7 days. Observations were obtained at 5 or 8.4 GHz for a single field of view with a full-width at half-maximum of 8.6' and 5.1', respectively, and achieved a typical point-source detection threshold at the beam center of ~300 microJy per epoch. Ten transient sources were detected with a significance threshold such that only one false positive would be expected. Of these transients, eight were detected in only a single epoch. Two transients were too faint to be detected in individual epochs but were detected in two-month averages. None of the ten transients was detected in longer-term averages or associated with persistent emission in the deep image produced from the combination of all epochs. The cumulative rate for the short timescale radio transients above 370 microJy at 5 and 8.4 GHz is 0.07 < R < 40 deg^-2 yr^-1, where the uncertainty is due to the unknown duration of the transients, 20 min < t_char < 7 days. A two-epoch survey for transients will detect 1.5 +/- 0.4 transient per square degrees above a flux density of 370 microJy. Two transients are associated with galaxies at z=0.040 and z=0.249. These may be similar to the peculiar Type Ib/c radio supernova SN 1998bw associated with GRB 980428. Six transients have no counterparts in the optical or infrared (R=27, Ks=18). The hosts and progenitors of these transients are unknown.Comment: Accepted for ApJ; full quality figures available at http://astro.berkeley.edu/~gbower/ps/rt.pd

    Do Jet-Driven Shocks ionize the Narrow Line Regions of Seyfert Galaxies?

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    We consider a model in which the narrow line regions (NLRs) of Seyfert galaxies are photoionized ``in situ'' by fast (300 -- 1,000 km/s), radiative shock waves driven into the interstellar medium of the galaxy by radio jets from the active nucleus. Such shocks are powerful sources of soft X-rays. We compute the expected ratio of the count rates in the ROSAT PSPC and Einstein IPC detectors to the [OIII] \lambda 5007 flux as a function of shock velocity, and compare these ratios with observations of type 2 Seyferts. If most of the observed soft X-ray emission from these galaxies originates in the NLR and the absorbing hydrogen column is similar to that inferred from the reddening of the NLR, a photoionizing shock model with shock velocity \simeq 400 -- 500 km/s is compatible with the observed ratios. High angular resolution observations with AXAF are needed to isolate the X-ray emission of the NLR and measure its absorbing column, thus providing a more conclusive test. We also calculate the expected coronal iron line emission from the shocks. For most Seyfert 2s, the [Fe X] \lambda 6374/H \beta$ ratio is a factor of 2 -- 14 lower than the predictions of 300 -- 500 km/s shock models, suggesting that less hot gas is present than required by these models.Comment: Astrophys J. Letters 1999 March 10 issue, Vol. 51

    Early stages of ramified growth in quasi-two-dimensional electrochemical deposition

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    I have measured the early stages of the growth of branched metal aggregates formed by electrochemical deposition in very thin layers. The growth rate of spatial Fourier modes is described qualitatively by the results of a linear stability analysis [D.P. Barkey, R.H. Muller, and C.W. Tobias, J. Electrochem. Soc. {\bf 136}, 2207 (1989)]. The maximum growth rate is proportional to (I/c)δ(I/c)^\delta where II is the current through the electrochemical cell, cc the electrolyte concentration, and δ=1.37±0.08\delta = 1.37 \pm 0.08. Differences between my results and the theoretical predictions suggest that electroconvection in the electrolyte has a large influence on the instability leading to ramified growth.Comment: REVTeX, four ps figure

    Cornering New Physics in b --> s Transitions

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    We derive constraints on Wilson coefficients of dimension-six effective operators probing the b --> s transition, using recent improved measurements of the rare decays Bs --> mu+mu-, B --> K mu+mu- and B --> K* mu+mu- and including all relevant observables in inclusive and exclusive decays. We consider operators present in the SM as well as their chirality-flipped counterparts and scalar operators. We find good agreement with the SM expectations. Compared to the situation before winter 2012, we find significantly more stringent constraints on the chirality-flipped coefficients due to complementary constraints from B --> K mu+mu- and B --> K* mu+mu- and due to the LHCb measurement of the angular observable S_3 in the latter decay. We also list the full set of observables sensitive to new physics in the low recoil region of B --> K* mu+mu-.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. v3: typos correcte

    CLASS B1152+199 and B1359+154: Two New Gravitational Lens Systems Discovered in the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey

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    The third phase of the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey (CLASS) has recently been completed, bringing the total number of sources imaged to over 15000 in the CLASS and JVAS combined survey. In the VLA observations carried out in March and April of 1998, two new candidate lensed systems were discovered: CLASS B1152+199 and B1359+154. B1152+199 is a 1.6 arcsecond double, with a background quasar at z=1.019 lensed by a foreground galaxy at z=0.439. The relatively flat radio spectra of the lensed images, combined with a previous ROSAT detection of the source, make B1152+199 a strong candidate for time delay studies at both radio and X-ray wavelengths. B1359+154 is a quadruply lensed quasar at z=3.235, with a maximum image separation of 1.7 arcseconds. As yet, the redshift of the lensing object in this system is undetermined. The steep spectral index of the source suggests that B1359+154 will not exhibit strong variability, and is therefore unlikely to be useful for determining the Hubble constant from measured time delays.Comment: accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Electroconvection in a Suspended Fluid Film: A Linear Stability Analysis

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    A suspended fluid film with two free surfaces convects when a sufficiently large voltage is applied across it. We present a linear stability analysis for this system. The forces driving convection are due to the interaction of the applied electric field with space charge which develops near the free surfaces. Our analysis is similar to that for the two-dimensional B\'enard problem, but with important differences due to coupling between the charge distribution and the field. We find the neutral stability boundary of a dimensionless control parameter R{\cal R} as a function of the dimensionless wave number κ{\kappa}. R{\cal R}, which is proportional to the square of the applied voltage, is analogous to the Rayleigh number. The critical values Rc{{\cal R}_c} and κc{\kappa_c} are found from the minimum of the stability boundary, and its curvature at the minimum gives the correlation length ξ0{\xi_0}. The characteristic time scale τ0{\tau_0}, which depends on a second dimensionless parameter P{\cal P}, analogous to the Prandtl number, is determined from the linear growth rate near onset. ξ0{\xi_0} and τ0{\tau_0} are coefficients in the Ginzburg-Landau amplitude equation which describes the flow pattern near onset in this system. We compare our results to recent experiments.Comment: 36 pages, 7 included eps figures, submitted to Phys Rev E. For more info, see http://mobydick.physics.utoronto.ca

    Discovery of Radio Outbursts in the Active Nucleus of M81

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    The low-luminosity active galactic nucleus of M81 has been monitored at centimeter wavelengths since early 1993 as a by-product of radio programs to study the radio emission from Supernova 1993J. The extensive data sets reveal that the nucleus experienced several radio outbursts during the monitoring period. At 2 and 3.6 cm, the main outburst occurred roughly in the beginning of 1993 September and lasted for approximately three months; at longer wavelengths, the maximum flux density decreases, and the onset of the burst is delayed. These characteristics qualitatively resemble the standard model for adiabatically expanding radio sources, although certain discrepancies between the observations and the theoretical predictions suggest that the model is too simplistic. In addition to the large-amplitude, prolonged variations, we also detected milder changes in the flux density at 3.6 cm and possibly at 6 cm on short (less than 1 day) timescales. We discuss a possible association between the radio activity and an optical flare observed during the period that the nucleus was monitored at radio wavelengths.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journal. Latex, 18 pages including embedded figures and table