19 research outputs found

    Unidade e conflito. A questão da subjetividade nas leituras contemporâneas de Kant

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    Our research has addressed some theoretical questions exposed in the debate about the issue of subjectivity through a nonlinear inspection of Kant’s contemporary readings. Starting from the hypothesis that the treatment of the multiple aspects of this matter requires taking into account the tension between unity (of experience) and conflict (of involved faculties and instances), we focused this relationship in current readings of critical philosophy. Attending to the multiple objections to the notion of subject from modern rationalist tradition, we attempted to overcome the limitations and paradoxes of this concept through a revision of the conditions of possibility for the constitution of subjectivity and of the cultural relations where its experience inserts. This revision has allowed an estimation of the kantian philosophy’s contributions to the current discussion on the issue of subjectivity and their projections on the epistemological, ethical, political and educational fields.Nuestra investigación ha abordado las encrucijadas teóricas expuestas en el debate acerca de la cuestión de la subjetividad, mediante un recorrido no lineal de lecturas contemporáneas de Kant. A partir de la hipótesis de que el tratamiento de esta cuestión en sus múltiples aspectos requiere asumir la tensión entre unidad (de la experiencia) y conflicto (de facultades e instancias en juego), enfocamos esta relación en las relecturas de la filosofía crítica kantiana. Teniendo en cuenta los múltiples cuestionamientos a la idea de sujeto de la tradición racionalista moderna, intentamos superar los límites y paradojas de tal concepción reconsiderando las condiciones de posibilidad de las formas constitutivas de la subjetividad y de las articulaciones instituidas en que se inscribe su experiencia. Este recorrido permitió valorar el aporte de la filosofía kantiana a la discusión actual de la cuestión del sujeto y sus proyecciones en el campo epistemológico, ético, político y educativo. Nossa pesquisa aborda as encruzilhadas teóricas expostas no debate sobre a questão da subjetividade, através de um percurso não-linear de leituras contemporâneas de Kant. A partir da hipótese de que o tratamento desta questião em seus múltiplos aspectos exige assumir a tensão entre unidade (da experiência) e conflito (de faculdades e instâncias envolvidas), focalizamos esta relação nas releituras da filosofia crítica de Kant. Dado os múltiplos questionamentos à idéia de sujeito da tradição racionalista moderna, tentamos superar os limites e paradoxos de tal concepção reconsiderando as condições de possibilidade das formas constitutivas da subjetividade e das articulações instituídas em que se enquadra sua experiência. Este percurso permitiu discutir as contribuições da filosofia kantiana à discussão atual sobre a questão do sujeito e suas projeções no campo epistemológico, ético, político e educativo.

    Learning to make informed health choices : Protocol for a pilot study in schools in Barcelona

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    The Informed Health Choices (IHC) project has developed learning resources to teach primary school children (10 to 12-year-olds) to assess treatment claims and make informed health choices. The aim of our study is to explore both the students' and teachers' experience when using these resources in the context of Barcelona (Spain). During the 2019-2020 school year, we will conduct a pilot study with 4 th and 5 th-year primary school students (9 to 11-year-olds) from three schools in Barcelona. The intervention in the schools will include: 1) assessment of the IHC resources by the teachers before the lessons, 2) non-participatory observations during the lessons, 3) semi-structured interviews with the students after a lesson, 4) assessment of the lessons by the teachers after a lesson, 5) treatment claim assessment by the students at the end of the lessons, and 6) assessment of the IHC resources by the teachers at the end of the lessons. We will use ad hoc questionnaires and guides to register the data. We will perform a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data to explore understandability, desirability, suitability, usefulness, facilitators and barriers of the resources. The most relevant results will be discussed and some recommendations on how to use, how to adapt (if needed), and how to implement the IHC resources to this context will be agreed. The findings of the contextualization activities could inform the design of a cluster-randomised trial, to determine the effectiveness of the IHC resources in this context prior to scaling-up its use. The study protocol has obtained an approval exemption from the Ethics Committee of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona, Spain)

    Investigaciones en ciencias humanas y sociales : del ABC disciplinar a la reflexión metodológica

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    Diversidad de objetos, variedad de enfoques, prácticas disciplinares y multidisciplinares, y ejemplos de ejecución de proyectos de investigación y desarrollo son los rasgos distintivos de los siete capítulos que integran esta obra. En ellos se recoge el material desplegado en los Seminarios-Talleres de Metodología de la Investigación en Humanidades que se realizaron en el marco de las V Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo en setiembre de 2004: estudios sobre procesos sociales, cuestiones educativas, geográficas, históricas, lingüísticas y literarias. Algunos capítulos han mantenido el estilo y formato característicos del contexto de los seminarios-talleres, a veces con ligeras modificaciones; otros han sido enteramente reescritos para la convocatoria de esta publicación. Este libro refleja entonces abordajes disciplinares y pluridisciplinares diversos a problemáticas igualmente variadas. Por tratarse de propuestas orientadas a y/o basadas en seminarios-talleres, está claro que los autores involucrados no pueden abarcar todos los aspectos de los objetos de estudio respectivos. Sin embargo, la idea es al menos brindar algún punto de vista sobre el estadio de desarrollo de algunas de las investigaciones actualmente en ejecución en nuestra Facultad

    Regulatory Response to Carbon Starvation in Caulobacter crescentus

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    Bacteria adapt to shifts from rapid to slow growth, and have developed strategies for long-term survival during prolonged starvation and stress conditions. We report the regulatory response of C. crescentus to carbon starvation, based on combined high-throughput proteome and transcriptome analyses. Our results identify cell cycle changes in gene expression in response to carbon starvation that involve the prominent role of the FixK FNR/CAP family transcription factor and the CtrA cell cycle regulator. Notably, the SigT ECF sigma factor mediates the carbon starvation-induced degradation of CtrA, while activating a core set of general starvation-stress genes that respond to carbon starvation, osmotic stress, and exposure to heavy metals. Comparison of the response of swarmer cells and stalked cells to carbon starvation revealed four groups of genes that exhibit different expression profiles. Also, cell pole morphogenesis and initiation of chromosome replication normally occurring at the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition are uncoupled in carbon-starved cells

    Unidad y conflicto. La cuestión de la subjetividad en las lecturas contemporáneas de Kant

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    Nuestra investigación ha abordado las encrucijadas teóricas expuestas en el debate acerca de la cuestión de la subjetividad, mediante un recorrido no lineal de lecturas contemporáneas de Kant. A partir de la hipótesis de que el tratamiento de esta cuestión en sus múltiples aspectos requiere asumir la tensión entre unidad (de la experiencia) y conflicto (de facultades e instancias en juego), enfocamos esta relación en las relecturas de la filosofía crítica kantiana. Teniendo en cuenta los múltiples cuestionamientos a la idea de sujeto de la tradición racionalista moderna, intentamos superar los límites y paradojas de tal concepción reconsiderando las condiciones de posibilidad de las formas constitutivas de la subjetividad y de las articulaciones instituidas en que se inscribe su experiencia. Este recorrido permitió valorar el apo rte de la filosofía kantiana a la discusión actual de la cuestión del sujeto y sus proyecciones en el campo epistemológico, ético, político y educativo

    Unidad y conflicto. La cuestión de la subjetividad en las lecturas contemporáneas de Kant

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    Our research has addressed some theoretical questions exposed in the debate about the issue of subjectivity through a nonlinear inspection of Kant’s contemporary readings. Starting from the hypothesis that the treatment of the multiple aspects of this matter requires taking into account the tension between unity (of experience) and conflict (of involved faculties and instances), we focused this relationship in current readings of critical philosophy. Attending to the multiple objections to the notion of subject from modern rationalist tradition, we attempted to overcome the limitations and paradoxes of this concept through a revision of the conditions of possibility for the constitution of subjectivity and of the cultural relations where its experience inserts. This revision has allowed an estimation of the kantian philosophy’s contributions to the current discussion on the issue of subjectivity and their projections on the epistemological, ethical, political and educational fields.Nossa pesquisa aborda as encruzilhadas teóricas expostas no debate sobre a questão da subjetividade, através de um percurso não-linear de leituras contemporâneas de Kant. A partir da hipótese de que o tratamento desta questião em seus múltiplos aspectos exige assumir a tensão entre unidade (da experiência) e conflito (de faculdades e instâncias envolvidas), focalizamos esta relação nas releituras da filosofia crítica de Kant. Dado os múltiplos questionamentos à idéia de sujeito da tradição racionalista moderna, tentamos superar os limites e paradoxos de tal concepção reconsiderando as condições de possibilidade das formas constitutivas da subjetividade e das articulações instituídas em que se enquadra sua experiência. Este percurso permitiu discutir as contribuições da filosofia kantiana à discussão atual sobre a questão do sujeito e suas projeções no campo epistemológico, ético, político e educativo. Nuestra investigación ha abordado las encrucijadas teóricas expuestas en el debate acerca de la cuestión de la subjetividad, mediante un recorrido no lineal de lecturas contemporáneas de Kant. A partir de la hipótesis de que el tratamiento de esta cuestión en sus múltiples aspectos requiere asumir la tensión entre unidad (de la experiencia) y conflicto (de facultades e instancias en juego), enfocamos esta relación en las relecturas de la filosofía crítica kantiana. Teniendo en cuenta los múltiples cuestionamientos a la idea de sujeto de la tradición racionalista moderna, intentamos superar los límites y paradojas de tal concepción reconsiderando las condiciones de posibilidad de las formas constitutivas de la subjetividad y de las articulaciones instituidas en que se inscribe su experiencia. Este recorrido permitió valorar el aporte de la filosofía kantiana a la discusión actual de la cuestión del sujeto y sus proyecciones en el campo epistemológico, ético, político y educativo.

    Spectroscopy of high lying resonances in

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    We present the results of the 8Li(p,α)5He and 8Li(p,p)8Li reactions measured at the RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil) system. The experiment was realized in inverse kinematics using a thick [CH2]n polyethylene target and an incident 8Li beam, produced by RIBRAS. Using the thick target method, the complete excitation function could be measured between Ecm = 0.2 − 2.1 MeV, which includes the Gamow peak energy region. The excitation function of the 8Li(p,α)5He reaction, populating resonances between 16.888 and 19.0 MeV in 9Be, was obtained[1] and the resonances were fitted using R-matrix calculations. This study shed light on spins, parities, partial widths and isospin values of high lying resonances in 9Be. The measurement of the resonant elastic scattering 8Li(p,p)8Li populating resonances in the same energy region can constrain the resonance parameters. Preliminary results of the elastic scattering are also presented

    Spectroscopy of high lying resonances in 9Be produced with radioactive 8Li beams

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    We present the results of the 8Li(p,α)5He and 8Li(p,p)8Li reactions measured at the RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil) system. The experiment was realized in inverse kinematics using a thick [CH2]n polyethylene target and an incident 8Li beam, produced by RIBRAS. Using the thick target method, the complete excitation function could be measured between Ecm = 0.2 − 2.1 MeV, which includes the Gamow peak energy region. The excitation function of the 8Li(p,α)5He reaction, populating resonances between 16.888 and 19.0 MeV in 9Be, was obtained[1] and the resonances were fitted using R-matrix calculations. This study shed light on spins, parities, partial widths and isospin values of high lying resonances in 9Be. The measurement of the resonant elastic scattering 8Li(p,p)8Li populating resonances in the same energy region can constrain the resonance parameters. Preliminary results of the elastic scattering are also presented

    Spectroscopy of high lying resonances in 9

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    We present the results of the 8Li(p,α)5He and 8Li(p,p)8Li reactions measured at the RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil) system. The experiment was realized in inverse kinematics using a thick [CH2]n polyethylene target and an incident 8Li beam, produced by RIBRAS. Using the thick target method, the complete excitation function could be measured between Ecm = 0.2 − 2.1 MeV, which includes the Gamow peak energy region. The excitation function of the 8Li(p,α)5He reaction, populating resonances between 16.888 and 19.0 MeV in 9Be, was obtained[1] and the resonances were fitted using R-matrix calculations. This study shed light on spins, parities, partial widths and isospin values of high lying resonances in 9Be. The measurement of the resonant elastic scattering 8Li(p,p)8Li populating resonances in the same energy region can constrain the resonance parameters. Preliminary results of the elastic scattering are also presented