53 research outputs found

    Effect of starch substitution with crude glycerol on growing rabbit and lactating doe performance

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    The aim of this work was to study the effect of dietary inclusion of 2.5 or 5.0% of glycerol in substitution for starch on performance of lactating does and fattening rabbits. Over four consecutive reproductive cycles, a total of 81 New Zealand ´ Californian rabbit does and 813 young rabbits weaned at 25 (fattening trial 1) or 35 (fattening trial 2) days of age were allocated at random to the experimental treatments. Inclusion of glycerol in the diet up to 5% did not influence total feed consumption of does and suckling rabbits, body weight and bioelectrical impedance of does at parturition or at day 21 of lactation and litter weight at weaning, or reproductive efficiency. Substitution of starch with glycerol did not affect feed intake, weight gain or mortality during fattening. The results of the current study indicate that crude glycerol from the biofuel industry can be used at levels up to 5% in rabbit diets without any detrimental or beneficial effect on performanc

    Transverse Invariant Higher Spin Fields

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    It is shown that a symmetric massless bosonic higher-spin field can be described by a traceless tensor field with reduced (transverse) gauge invariance. The Hamiltonian analysis of the transverse gauge invariant higher-spin models is used to control a number of degrees of freedom.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. The general proof and the example of a spin-3 adde

    Dietary level of fibre and age at weaning affect the proliferation of Clostridium perfrigens in the caecum, the incidence of Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy and the performance of fattening rabbits

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    An experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary fibre content and weaning age on Clostridium perfringens proliferation in the caecum and fattening mortality in growing rabbits farmed in a facility having Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy. The experiment consisted in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two weaning ages (28 days vs. 42 days) and two levels of dietary neutral detergent fibre assayed with a heat stable amylase and expressed exclusive of residual ash (aNDFom; 330 g/kg vs. 425 g/kg). Controls were made during two consecutive experimental periods that differed in hygienic environmental conditions by modifying the intensity of cleaning and disinfection in the farm previous to the trial. An interaction (P<0.001) was detected among the independent variables studied on Cl. perfringens enumeration in the caecal contents, as minimal values for this trait were obtained in non-medicated animals reared in a clean environment, and especially when they were weaned at a later age and fed the diet with the lower fibre content. The treatments studied also led to a variation in fattening mortality (from 4.7% to 34.0%), which was highly and positively correlated (P<0.001) to the average Cl. perfringens caecal counts in each combination of treatments. The results of the current study indicate that high counts of Cl. perfringens in the caecum can be used as an indicator of Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy, and suggest that strategies designed to control its proliferation in the caecum might help to limit fattening mortality in rabbit fed diets not-medicated with antibiotics

    Caracterización mediante simulación de sistemas fotovoltaicos para riegos agricolas y análisis de su rentabilidad económica

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMEN: Este trabajo presenta un modelo desarrollado con la herramienta Simulink de Matlab de un sistema fotovoltaico de bombeo para riego agrícola. El modelo se ha aplicado en la simulación de los sistemas de riego de una finca típica de 20 ha en varios lugares. A partir de los resultados de la simulación se ha realizado el análisis económico de los sistemas fotovoltaicos necesarios. Se puede concluir que el modelo desarrollado caracteriza con éxito el funcionamiento de los sistemas fotovoltaicos. Los resultados del análisis económico muestran que la energía fotovoltaica permite una reducción de costes de la energía eléctrica utilizada por los agricultores.ABSTRACT: A photovoltaic pumping system for irrigation in agriculture has been modelled using Matlab’s Simulink. The model has been applied to simulate the irrigation systems of a typical 20 ha farm in various locations. From the results of the simulation, the economic analysis of the required photovoltaic systems has been carried out. It can be concluded that the developed model successfully characterizes the operation of the photovoltaic systems. The results of the economic analysis show that photovoltaic energy lets a cost reduction of the electric power used by farmers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación comparativa de 19 modelos de estimación de irradiancia difusa sobre planos inclinados dependiendo del tipo de cielo estándar ISO/CIE

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMEN: En este trabajo se han evaluado 19 modelos de estimación de irradiancia difusa sobre el plano inclinado, que incluyen tanto modelos isotrópicos o pseudoisotrópicos como modelos anisotrópicos. Dicha evaluación se ha llevado a cabo a partir una serie de 5396 observaciones de irradiancia global, difusa y directa realizadas entre julio y diciembre de 2018 en la estación radiométrica de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA). El estado del cielo correspondiente a cada observación se ha caracterizado de acuerdo con el CIE Standard General Sky propuesto en la norma ISO 15469:2004(E)/CIE S 011/E:2003. Para esta clasificación se han utilizado las medidas de distribución angular de luminancia y radiancia proporcionadas por un escáner de cielo ubicado en la propia estación de la UPNA. De tal manera que, para cada combinación de orientación e inclinación del plano, se ha evaluado la bondad de los distintos modelos de acuerdo con los 15 tipos de cielo estándar propuestos por la norma ISO/CIE. Los resultados revelan que el modelo de Perez et al. 2 presenta los mejores resultados globales, así como en 5 de los 15 tipos de cielo ISO/CIE.ABSTRACT: A total of 19 models for estimating diffuse irradiance on the inclined plane have been evaluated in this work, which include both isotropic or pseudoisotropic models and anisotropic models. This evaluation has been carried out from a series of 5,396 measurements of global, diffuse and direct irradiance carried out between July and December 2018 at the radiometric station of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA). The sky conditions corresponding to each observation has been characterized according to the CIE Standard General Sky proposed in the standard ISO 15469:2004(E)/CIE S 011/E:2003. For this classification, the angular distribution of luminance and radiance measurements provided by a sky scanner located at the UPNA station have been used. In such a way that, for each combination of plane’s orientation and inclination, the goodness of the different models has been evaluated in accordance with the 15 standard sky types proposed by the ISO/CIE standard. The results reveal that the Perez et al. 2 model shows the best overall results and for 5 of the 15 ISO/CIE standard sky types.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Holographic approach to a minimal Higgsless model

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    In this work, following an holographic approach, we carry out a low energy effective study of a minimal Higgsless model based on SU(2) bulk symmetry broken by boundary conditions, both in flat and warped metric. The holographic procedure turns out to be an useful computation technique to achieve an effective four dimensional formulation of the model taking into account the corrections coming from the extra dimensional sector. This technique is used to compute both oblique and direct contributions to the electroweak parameters in presence of fermions delocalized along the fifth dimension.Comment: Latex file, 23 page

    Development of simplified sampling methods for behavioural data in rabbit does

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to compare the results of different simplified sampling methods for behavioural data compared to reference records of 24-h in order to assess rabbit doe behaviours at different physiological stages (gestation and lactation) in animals housed in 2 types of cages (conventional and alternative). In total, we analysed 576 h of continuous video of 12 rabbit does at the end of lactation and the same females after weaning. The behavioural observations were studied using 3 independent categories of classification (location in the cage, posture and functional behaviours). Continuous behavioural recordings of 24 h were considered as the reference method to validate another 4 data collection sampling methods by aggregated video recordings of different frequency and duration [regular short and long methods with 2.4 and 8 h of observation respectively, and irregular (more frequent during the active period) short and long methods with 6 and 8 h of observation, respectively]. The current results showed that, independently of the housing system, the best method to reduce the total observation time required to assess rabbit does’ behaviour depends on the trait studied and physiological stage of the does. In gestating does, irregular methods were not suitable to estimate behaviours of long duration such as lying, sitting, resting and grooming. However, in both physiological stages, regular methods were accurate for location behaviours, postures and functional behaviours of long duration. Instead, for the study of infrequent behaviours performed mainly during dark period, where coefficients of variation were high, the irregular long method led to the lowest mean estimation errors.Alfonso-Carrillo, C.; Martín, E.; Blas, CD.; Ibáñez, M.; García-Ruiz, A.; García-Rebollar, P. (2017). Development of simplified sampling methods for behavioural data in rabbit does. World Rabbit Science. 25(1):87-94. doi:10.4995/wrs.2017.3627SWORD879425

    Holography, Pade Approximants and Deconstruction

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    We investigate the relation between holographic calculations in 5D and the Migdal approach to correlation functions in large N theories. The latter employs Pade approximation to extrapolate short distance correlation functions to large distances. We make the Migdal/5D relation more precise by quantifying the correspondence between Pade approximation and the background and boundary conditions in 5D. We also establish a connection between the Migdal approach and the models of deconstructed dimensions.Comment: 28 page

    Variation among origins in nutrient composition and protein quality of soybean meals

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    Investigación sobre las variaciones en la composición y en la calidad de las proteinas de la alimentación animal basada en la soja en función de los orígene

    Effects of parity order and reproductive management on the efficiency of rabbit productive systems.

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    The aim of this work was to study the effect of parity order and reproductive management systems on rabbit production performance. A total of 73 rabbit does (I group) were submitted to a 35-day intensive rhythm [artificial insemination (AI) on day 4 post-partum (pp) and weaning at 25 days of lactation], and 108 rabbit does (SI group) were submitted to a 42-day semi-intensive rhythm (AI on day 11 pp and weaning at 35 days of lactation) during 9 months. Primiparous does had the lowest live body weight at parturition (P < 0.0001) and at 21 days of lactation (P < 0.0001). They also had lower milk production (P < 0.0001) than does with later parities. I group animals needed a higher number of AI than SI group to become pregnant (1.70 ± 0.03 vs. 1.39 ± 0.03; P < 0.0001: especially after the third). Prolificacy was not affected by the management system. Parturition interval (PI) was longer than expected in both groups [56.0 ± 1.4 and 50.9 ± 1.38 days in I and SI groups, respectively (P < 0.05)]. Mean productivity, estimated as number of weaned rabbits per female and year, was 12 kits higher in rabbit does of the SI group (P < 0.05). From the third parturition onward, an increase in live body weight of kits at different ages was observed. At 21 (P < 0.05) and 25 days of age (P < 0.01), kits from the I group rabbit does weighed more than those from the SI group; however, the latter showed a higher weight at 35 (P < 0.05) and 60 days of age (P < 0.05). Rabbit does with two or three parturitions had higher litter size at 21 and 25 days of age (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.001, respectively). Kit mortality between 21 and 25 days of age and between 35 and 60 days of age was not affected by treatments but was higher in the I group between 25 and 35 days (18.2 vs. 5.03% in the I and SI groups, respectively; P < 0.0001) and as age of does increased (P < 0.05). In light of these results, we could conclude that long term doe reproductive performance is negatively affected and litter viability decreased when using intensive compared to a semi-intensive reproductive management